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Yu-Gi-Oh: Signers of the Stars [Started/Accepting Here/OOC/Co-Hosted by evilfusion]

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Ehh, it's been a while since I tried an actual Yugioh RP...
Why not?
Can I reserve the last Signer?
Thanks. :D

Username: [color=turquoise]Zextra[/color]

RP Name: Kirin

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Bio: Kirin grew up normally, with loving parents. However, his family was dirt-poor, and eventually Kirin left to make a living to support his family. One day while he was walking on the road, he saw a "duel", which triggered a glowing mark on his arm to appear. However, he had no understanding of the game. Therefore, he decided to learn the truth of his mark. Then, he learned of the "Tournament of the Stars", which, though he wasn't interested in participating, felt like he needed to enter. He quickly built a deck of Stardusts and prepared to enter with it. However, one night he was shown a vision of a strange place with crystals and quartz protruding in every inch. It didn't mean anything to him, but when he awoke, he saw that he had two decks. He hopes to find out the secrets to his mark through dueling, which is what caused it to appear.

Personality: Kirin is quiet and mysterious. He prefers not to be social,

Appearance: Kirin is average height for his age, standing at around 5"7. He has messy, brown hair, though he always keeps it covered with a grey hoodie. He usually wears jeans and tennis shoes, covered by a cloak when he feels the need.

Faction: Signer

Mark: Hind Claw

Deck Type: Plant; Cosmic Gems

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[quote name='GrandRaine' timestamp='1288069366' post='4738365']
Huh, people don't know the value of working late these days. I hope to see you accept in the morning. :lol:

I could possibly be misunderstanding you, but you got accepted.

Hm, you know, even though I'm co-host, I wasn't told whether I have the power to accept apps. My only thoughts on your app, Zextra, is I think one of the other Signers uses Blackwings, and it hardly seems practical to have two Signers using Blackwings, even with different strategies/styles.

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Well, I typically refrain from using custom decks myself. So far, the most custom decks I used in RPs are my Machine Emperor decks, which have a number of anime-exclusive cards. And neither version has had a proper duel yet.

I'm just the type to use a bunch of different decks in RPs. Off the top of my head, I've used characters with the following decks:

-Infernity (2 variants)
-Frogs (2 variants)
-Elemental Hero
-Machine Emperor (Skiel/Wisel)
-"Stardust Evolution"

I've also considered Scrap, Fortune Lady, Flamvell, Gravekeeper, Spirit, etc.

But that might just be me.
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Username: Ser Warjacksworth
RP Name: Big Red Wan
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Bio: The best Duel Monster's player that the United Korean Republic has ever produced, this guy is aiming to put his country at the forefront of the world stage. A descendant of Jesse Anderson, after he moved to Korea during the mass migration of 2050. Trained to fly mecha. Like the M1 Zaku. For example.
Personality: Normal. Asian. Kid. Has blue hair. Has his own mecha, based off Char's. You know Char, that guy from Gundam. It's still pretty sweet. ;)
Appearance: [img]http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/xxcrazypunkrockersoraxx/default/anime-boy--large-msg-119479397947.jpg[/img]
Faction: Neutral
Deck Type: Crystal Beasts: Crystal Beast s+ Ancient City Rainbow Ruins + Spectrum Searcher + Rainbow Prisman= SHENANIGANS!


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[quote name='Ser Warjacksworth' timestamp='1288079450' post='4738458']
Username: Ser Warjacksworth
RP Name: Big Red Wan
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Bio: The best Duel Monster's player that the United Korean Republic has ever produced, this guy is aiming to put his country at the forefront of the world stage. A descendant of Jesse Anderson, after he moved to Korea during the mass migration of 2050. Trained to fly mecha. Like the M1 Zaku. For example.
Personality: Normal. Asian. Kid. Has blue hair. Has his own mecha, based off Char's. You know Char, that guy from Gundam. It's still pretty sweet. ;)
Faction: Neutral
Deck Type: Crystal Beasts: Crystal Beast s+ Ancient City Rainbow Ruins + Spectrum Searcher + Rainbow Prisman= SHENANIGANS!


I have to ask. Did you put any effort into your app(s) at all? Because this app is almost identical to your first app, just less outright offensive, but no more well-thought out or developed. At least half of it is your first app reiterated and I saw nothing good in that app version either. Your character has no real personality ("Normal. Asian. Kid." is not a personality, having blue hair and a mecha is also not a personality), no meaningful biography, has no character flaws, has no weaknesses to speak of. You could currently replace your character concept with a cardboard cut out (with a mecha, which in itself is so irrelevent as to be stupid) that says "I'm the best Asian duelist" and have no change. Actually, that's not entirely true. Your character isn't even said to be arrogant, humble, or in fact given any personality traits at all.

So, I am going to deny this. I'd suggest actually putting at least SOME effort into your app and include details and traits that actually have a purpose to a character.

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He can get around on a mecha as transport. It's a potential plot thing.

Username: Ser Warjacksworth
RP Name: Big Red Wan
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Bio: A decent Duel Monsters player from the United Korean Republic, Big Red Wan (nickname) is aiming to put his country at the forefront of the world stage. Served exceptionally in the UKR Army in the years before his rise to fame, but that means absolutely nothing. Left for his National Championships immediately after his discharge. Performed well. Was given a copy of the Crystal Beast deck used by Jesse Anderson with some tech when he became a member of the UKR National Duel Monsters Team.
Personality: An uptight guy. Jingoistic, mildly racist. Plays for the pride of his country and himself. Relies entirely on himself and the state, despises those who rely on their friends and families. Doesn't like music. Has blue hair, but his teamates call him Big Red Wan because of his service in the 1st Infantry Division of the UKR. Excellent manners, skilled with cutlery. Has difficulty forming bonds with people. Sometimes has epileptic seizures. Has a crippling addiction to gambling. Respects his opponents even if he despises them.
Appearance: [img]http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/xxcrazypunkrockersoraxx/default/anime-boy--large-msg-119479397947.jpg[/img]
Deck Type: Crystal Beasts: Crystal Beast s+ Ancient City Rainbow Ruins + Spectrum Searcher + Rainbow Prisman= SHENANIGANS!

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Some areas have him too perfect (legendary military experience? #1 player in his country? Descendant of a canon character? Skilled with cutlery?), other aspects seem too irrelevent (I hate the mecha thing, but I'll leave that call to SSD since he knows what he wants out of the RP setting), and his character flaws seem to be comprised of hating everything. He's an incredibly patriotic racist who hates the concept of friends, hates the game he mastered to such great credentials, hates music, and yet it's said he has excellent manners.

To me, there's a fine line between a character with good status and skill, to a near-Mary Sue with a hatred complex. The seizures thing sounds stereotyped, considering the jokes and stories regarding Japanese anime/cartoons possibly causing seizures.

Thus far, I've noted he's essentially a dueling and military prodigy, despite hating the game of Duel Monsters, which he only plays to do his service to his country that his military experience, which is legendary, apparently couldn't satisfy the immense expectations he has saddled himself with. I don't understand how military experience spawned his nickname, he is a descendant of Jesse (god, who isn't these days?) and uses Crystal Beasts. His family mysteriously disappeared while he was doing military service, but his deck was left behind, so he promptly went to go win the National Championship. He also learned to fly a mecha, which no matter how many times it's said, still sounds incredibly stupid and irrelevent, but again, SSD might be okay with that. If it were me making the RP, I'd say "no" because that's not what I'd want to see.

Despite all these incredible aspects of him, he's neutrally allied, which means if you tangle with a plot-significant character, you're going to get wiped out. That's how most Yugioh stories work. No non-main character can defeat the main villains or protagonists. Sometimes there'll be twists in that regard, but very rarely, and the people who do make the twists aren't already hyped up as amazing duelists. They're usually more ordinary.

Since it's possible I'm just nitpicking in areas, I want SSD's opinion too.
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tl; dr


The name is a reference to the Big Red One, which ties into the Char thing again. Except Wan sounds asian. :mellow:


There's normally a guy who's supposedly awesome but just gets pwned all the time in Yu-Gi-Oh: Hunter Pace, Weevil, Chazz in the beginning............

The seizures thing is liek, supposed to represent his alienation. Maybe. Extra flaws can be added if necessary. :mellow:

idk, maybe later on he could get Capacc Apu, so a possible reserve?

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I think it would be better if he died on the battlefield and became a dark signer and is bound to the game through that, so even though he hates the game he has to play it.
The seizures thing could be from him rejecting the Earthbound Immortal, and he doesn't see his family because he feels discrased after dieing on the battle field and comeing back, random weaknesses are bad.
Crystal beasts he got by killing the original owner so he can have them without being desended from Jesse, its done to much.
Get rid of the nickname or change it, no mecha, it seems pointless.
Hope this helps.
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I'd want to have a go with him as your average bloke first, then I could do the Dark Signer storyline after he gets lolbeaten a few times. :mellow:

I still want the air of mystery, so he knows that his family is gone and they are gone. And no to the he's dead jim thing. :mellow:

Idk, I'd like to keep his tour of duty largely without action. Maybe on the not being descended from Jesse thing. :mellow:

NO IT MEANS STUFF. And I like Char. <_<

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