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"When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you can Special Summon 1 EARTH monster with an ATK of 1500 or less in face-up Attack Position from your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck."

The card is so awesome, its DEF is even unique. No other monster has 1450 DEF. But, that's beside the point. He's one of the original recruiters, and arguable the best. He has many, many targets, but how useful is he in Meta and as a whole, and what are his best targets?
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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1300582629' post='5083870']
In my old, old Rat deck I used Engineer. But it's kind of a dead draw otherwise in said deck.
Only run it in like 1 or 2s.
More or less, you [i]tech[/i] it.
As it does make for nice Spell/Trap removal that cant be Bottomless'd, bypasses Prison/Mirror Force, and can potentially remove them from the field for your other monsters to attack.
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True enough. That's making me want to try and fit it into my Lily deck, buuuuut... I really have no idea about that thing. Barely anyone makes suggestions, and most of them I can't do because I don't have the cards.

On topic: I have fun using this to bring out Grand Mole or Nazi Tank Commander in a clinch situation. He is surprisingly versatile.

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This card is so annoying, I dueled a friend that runs like two to three Giant Rats in a Rock Defense Deck that he was and still is running and this son of a b**** kept bringing out Grand Moles and Golems that would return my best monsters back to my hand and render me useless to open attack! I hate Giant Rat with a passion when it is used against me but I love it when I utilize him against people that I play with! Annoying but a very beneficial card.
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[quote name='Darkplant' timestamp='1300612484' post='5084619']
You lost. To a Rock Defense Deck.
[/quote] You know what smartass, you're making me start to hate you and yes I did lose to a Rock Deck, so what! It's only a f***ing game! Get a life! If you put down people just because of their skills on playing just a for fun card game then you are the one with serious and deep rooted problems! I see you fail troll reply on all my posts here on TCG and quit being such a douche!
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[quote name='Darkplant' timestamp='1300688355' post='5086931']
This is TCG.
[/quote][size=5][b]WOW[/size][/b], so you neg me for telling the truth to you huh? How sad. And I thought you are a cool person, you know what, I'm gonna be the bigger man and don't revenge neg you because I know that you are an ass and probably one of the most insufferable types of person in real life, man I'd hate to be the ones that are acquainted with you, chump...
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