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Return of the Orichalcos (Finishing/PG-13/IC)

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Archetype Earth couldn't help but chuckle a little at this human's question. [color=green]"Oh, this card? Why that is the Seal of Orichalcos, a powerful card unlike any other."[/color] She told him. [color=green]"I do not know whether yours is in English or in another language, but in case you don't know, its effect increases all your monsters' ATKs by 500, allows you to use your backrow as monster zones, and it itself cannot be destroyed under [i]any[/i] circumstance. When it's activated, it is amplifies and brings out the [b]'true you'[/b] into the duel. It's rather remarkable, but out of curiosity, have you ever actually used it before?"[/color]

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Natsu calmly helped herself to some of the pancakes and started answering some of the questions asked by the other people at the table. "Well, Protheus and Pandora are here in response to some sort of distress call. I came along because I now exist, and I believe it has something to do with my original being petrified. I want to find out what I am, and so I did some research while everyone else was asleep. This world is threatened by a comet made from a material called 'Orichalcum'. And some sort of cult has formed around it. Judging from reports from 30 years ago, this cult is not to be trifled with. They are possibly the ones that did this to my other. I only have one question." She turned to Ringmistress. "Why haven't you briefed us on any of this?"

The AI simply replied with a frown on her face. "You didn't ask."

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Protheus sighed. [color=gray]"Well...back in mine and Itsu's dimension, which I've done the liberty of designating as 'R.O.T', I crossed paths with a man called Dartz once, leader of an ancient organization called Doma. Since the 'Orichalcum' was mentioned, I can only summon it is referring to the Seal of Orichalcos, a card with the ability to steal the soul of the loser whenever they, well, lose. I'm not quite familiar with it, but at the time I could easily tell that Dartz's power exceeded mine by a mile."[/color]

He winced a bit as he recalled the memory. Even with his power over Red-Eyes and his immortality, at the time it wasn't enough to match against the eight-thousand-year-old Dartz, a man defeatable only when three powerful duelists joined forces in the possession of the Legendary Dragons.

[color=gray]"Later on I found that Prince Ate-"[/color] A cough. [color=gray]"Yugi Mutou combined forces with two others to defeat him. Of course, if I were to meet Dartz in my current state, it would be a different story...but right now we are in presence of this comet. This mentioned 'cult' probably centers around the Seal of Orichalcos, so that would mean there has to be a leader similar to Dartz. And with this comet so close, I wouldn't be surprised if this 'leader' was capable of petrifying Solace."[/color]

After his musing, he turned back to the Ringmistress.

[color=gray]"Now then, I predict we have about another ten minutes. This should be enough time. Ringmistress, tell us about the status of the 'comet' and on the cult. If there is any extra information you know, now is the time to brief this little team of ours."[/color]

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Ringmistress cleared her virtual throat and started, disappearing to show a holographic projection of the comet, a rough fractured sphere of glowing green crystal with smaller portions of itself floating around it. [color=#FF1493]"Eight months ago, the comet designated Faust, so called after the astronomer Eric Faust, who found the object, appeared. Itsu attempted to inspect the object, but was repelled by some sort of force field created by the comet."[/color] The hologram then became a floating screen showing a slideshow of a line of orange energy approaching the comet in deep space, the images most likely taken from an orbital telescope. The line collided with something just outside the comet in a green flash, and was repulsed. The orange line tried again and again, each time getting repelled. [color=#FF1493]"She did some research of her own, using her contacts in the government to acquire the information, and found out that it was made from Orichalcum, a substance recovered in small quantities after an incident 30 years ago and covered up by Industrial Illusions, KaibaCorp, and many of the world's governments."[/color] This time, a diagram of a set of ruins resembling a multi-tiered castle formed, along with a map of the Atlantic showing the location off the ruins. [color=#FF1493]"A month ago, once fragments started landing, a religious sect emerged believing the Orichalcos comet is their god and that its passing will bring about a transformation of mankind and usher them into a brighter future. They have been largely ignored by the global community, but have managed to infiltrate key aspects of the American government, and are, by sheer coincidence, based here in Detroit."[/color] Now the image shown was a spinning symbol, a six-pointed star with two of the points being much larger than the other 4 points inside of a ring of archaic symbols.
[color=#FF1493]"Worried about the growing threat of the Orichalcos, Itsu ordered key members of her staff, as well as most of her family, off-world, save for her youngest daughter Atsuko."[/color] Data on the youngest Fudo appeared, showing a 7-year-old girl that was clearly her mother's daughter, though she had more resemblance to Natsu than what Itsu currently looked like. [color=#FF1493]"Yesterday, Itsu received a ransom note indicating that Atsuko had been kidnapped, and to meet at a park in downtown Detroit to talk. The note was clear evidence of a breach of security that could have only been executed by a defector, though his or her identity is currently unknown. I theorize that Itsu was personally defeated by this woman."[/color] The data on Atsuko was replaced by data on a woman with blue hair and green eyes. [color=#FF1493]"Only known as 'Archetype Earth', this woman is the leader of the Orichalcos cult. Unlike her predecessor Dartz, Archetype Earth makes the intentions of the cult rather open, but her members have helped with several local environmental efforts. However, she has used her own connections to establish a free cable program that contains subliminal hypnotic undertones."[/color] The data turned into a dueling field, one corner showing Itsu's picture, the other Arche's. [color=#FF1493]"I managed to record the movements of the duel, and Arche's ace card appears to be a card called 'Divine Serpent', which has an astonishing infinite ATK. The probability of Itsu winning, based on my extensive knowledge of her deck but my limited knowledge of Archetype's, seems to be incredibly small."[/color] The duel plays out, and repeats itself again. [color=#FF1493]"This morning, I received radio chatter from military forces within Detroit that an attack on Duel Arcadia Island is eminent. We have a few minutes before they are to arrive, but thanks to authorization from Protheus, I have engaged Stage I defensive protocols and am ready to initiate Stages II and III."[/color] She reappears in place of the duel and asks. [color=#FF1493]"Any questions?"[/color]

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[color=gray]"That's fake."[/color] Protheus stated immediately, looking at the image of what appeared to be Archetype Earth, the woman with blue hair and green eyes. In a way, she resembled Dartz. But with his eyes he could obviously tell that [color=gray]"I mean, it's real, but that's not what she truly looks like. If you'll examine the duel, you will see that somehow this 'Archetype' person has a different appearance than that of the displayed image. I mean...look. [b]Tail. Scales.[/b] She's reptilian. And if you were to examine the human image long enough, you may notice that there are tiny color defects...evidence that she's merely using a device to mask her true appearance."[/color]

But the fact that she's an 'Archetype' appeared to worry him a little.

The thing is, every planet with life has to have an Archetype, a champion. Without one, the planet's soul will wither away. Life originates from the planet's soul. So as life increases, the planet's soul is taken away quickly. They need a champion so their soul can sustain itself, or else otherwise 'soul production' will stop and all life dies. It's some sort of given rule. Of course, the champion can quit this title and give it to someone else, usually unknowingly, but even if she was to be somehow defeated, there would have to be someone else to take her place as champion or else the world will die.

Protheus Maximus refrained from saying this. The fact that the world itself is alive is not one everyone appreciates.

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Idris watched the Ringmistress AI's slideshow of the events that had been happened, eventually showing the duel between Itsu and this Archetype-Earth person that she'd happened across earlier. Her mouth still full of pancakes she neglected to speak up, she already knew most of the backstory Ringmistress had told her anyway thanks to her grandfather's research. Speaking of which.

She swallowed her mouthful and stood up from the table.

[b]"I need to go and give my grandfather a call,"[/b] she explained [b]"It's not unusual for me to stay out all night but he'll be wondering where I am. I think he'd probably want to know what happened last night as well."[/b]

With that she left the room, standing just outside the door and taking her phone out to call her grandfather. The phone rang for a few moments with Idris growing increasingly impatient until the answering machine cut in. Idris found herself rolling her eyes.

[b]"Granddad, pick up the phone,"[/b] she said [b]"It's me...I've got stuff I need to tell you...Hello...You dragged me out here in the first place, the least you can do is answer my calls...Eugh, fine call me back when you're done showering or counting how many hairs you still got left on your head, got it!"[/b]

She closed the call and shoved the device back into her pocket angrily before heaving a frustrated sigh.

[b]"The sooner this is over with the better,"[/b] she muttered to herself.

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Noticing one of their audience, it occurred to him that there were about two people present whose identity he had no clue of. Perhaps they were all familiar with each other already, but it may be necessary to step in just in case... once all the questions were asked, he did just that.

[color=gray]"I believe we haven't been formally introduced to each other yet."[/color] He announced. [color=gray]"Since we may as well be a team now, allow me to be the first to introduce myself. I am [b]Protheus Maximus, born in Ancient Egypt 3000 BC. I am the absolute archnemesis of Itsu Solace, immortal, herald of darkness, mother of Pandora, and destroyer of worlds."[/b][/color] He didn't seem to mind announcing any of this. [color=gray]"Now, as for the rest of you, please introduce yourselves."[/color]

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After Protheus introduced himself Kurai figured that he would be the next one to do so seeing as the faster they did this the sooner they could be on their way to saving Itsu. [color="#4b0082"]"I'm Kurai Kagami sixteen years old, my paternal grandfather was a mad man named Paradox who tried to destroy all of existence, my farther was an engineered life form using Paradox's and some other people's DNA and he uses a bunch of names and is continuously trying to find himself, my Paternal grandfather is apparently Protheus which is ya, my maternal grandmother is Itsu who we are trying to save and my mom who I met for the first time yesterday is Pandora who is in this room. I guess I should explain that like my dad I was created synthetically and unlike the other members of my family I don't seem to have super powers but i do have a crazy Iphone like device I call a D-Link so ya." [/color]Kurai was a little winded from his speach but he figured he got everything he needed across.

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Viktor threw a quick glance at the card, and now that he knew its effect the text seemed to be written in Russian instead of the language it had been written in earlier, but he didn't really care about that. He knew that there was magic and mystical forces out there. He knew about Shadow Games, the Crimson Dragon, the Earthbound Immortals and a lot of other occult thing surrounding this card game, so he believed the girl. She would probably be able to help him reach his goal, even unknowingly. Then, if she didn't accept the gift of machanized evoilution he would just have to get rid of her. Simple as that.

"I have not." He said and looked at her again.

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Protheus avoided mentioning to Kurai that his paternal grandfather 'Paradox' and Pandora were in fact [i]one and the same[/i]... right now, what this team didn't need was a timey-wimey history lesson while an invasion will occur any minute now. Then he turned to the rest of the group. They'll have to introduce themselves as well.


[color=green]"Ah, I thought so. Our goal as a whole is to turn the comet 'Faust' into a moon. From there, we can proceed to harvest its resources. Orichalcum, a resource so powerful that it can guarantee the advancement of the human race."[/color] Archetype Earth replied with a slight chuckle. Then she extended out her hand, as if for a handshake. [color=green]"Well, would you like to join us? I have seen what you're capable of within this place. We will need an intelligent mind like yours, in Detroit."[/color]

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A few moments later, Russell and Gabriel arrived at the park, where the rest of the DWF crew were setting up for the event; the wresting ring had already been set up, and, as Gabriel and Russell approached, the maintenance crew was testing out the fireworks and pyrotechnics.

[color=#000080]"Looking great, guys!"[/color] Russell complimented as he saw a number of colored smoke clouds burst in the noon sky.

"Hey, there you two are," said a voice behind them; Shannon McKowen had just come up to them, followed closely by a security guard. Before either Russell or Gabriel could inquire about the guard, Shannon replied, "We're taking extra precautions to making sure those cultists don't cause too much mayhem and chaos during the event, so we've hired a security force to keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior."

[color=#b22222]"I feel safer already,"[/color] Gabriel said with a straight face and deadpan tone.

"Oh, by the way," Shannon added, "T Real and Martino Versella were going to be in the opening 10-Man Battle Royale, but... wow, this is embarrassing... apparently, T Real and Martino came down with a bit of food poisoning--"

[color=#b22222]"They had those breakfast burritos from [/color][color=#000000][b][i][[Name of Random Restaurant Gets Censored]][/i][/b][/color][color=#B22222], right?"[/color] Gabriel asked.

"Um... yeah, I think so."

[color=#b22222]"That'd do it,"[/color] Gabriel sighed, with Russell nodding in aggreement.

[color=#000080]"... so, I'm going to take a quick guess as to where this conversation's going and assume that you're going to ask us if we would like to participate in their place?"[/color] Russell asked, much to Shannon's surprise.

"Wow, great guess," she replied, her tone almost congratulatory.

[color=#b22222]"Sure, we'll do it,"[/color] Gabriel responded. [color=#b22222]"It'll at least give us something to do before our Duel."[/color]

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[left][color=#000000]Supposing she'd might as well get on with [i]her[/i] introduction, Yuri was the next to speak.[/color][/left]

[left][color=#4B0082]"Well... my name is Yuri Kanzen, and, um..."[/color][color=#000000] she hesitated slightly, before sighing, supposing that what she heard was less believable than what she was [i]going[/i] to say, specifically by Idris of all people, [/color][color=#4b0082]"...I'm of Aztec [/color][color="#4b0082"]oration."[/color][/left]

[left][color=#000000]Of course, she was meant to say 'origin', but once again she screwed up the pronunciation, as you do. Still, she paused for a brief moment, allowing time for her statement to sink in, before commencing with her introduction.[/color][/left]

[left][color=#4B0082]"Itsu was supposed to take me back to my home world; away from these steel structures and these lands of rock, and [i]certainly[/i] away from all these machines,"[/color][color=#000000] Yuri continued, [/color][color=#4b0082]"But now... that just seems like a premise that can't be instilled..."[/color][/left]

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Natsu looked at the others. "I am called Natsu by Pandora. I guess it is a suitable name. I was created by Protheus as a duplicate of Itsu Fudo, but it is apparent I was never meant to be alive. Now, for some reason, I am. And I fully intend to find out why, and what my purpose in the multiverse is."

Pandora continued the introduction. "I am Pandora Maximus, the daughter of Protheus and Itsu. Neither is going to tell me exactly what the circumstances of my creation are, but I have my own theories. I've been rather secluded during my life, so I tagged along with my father to see my mother, or what's left of her, and hopefully help out."

The holographic woman then finished up. "I'm Ringmistress, the administrative AI of Duel Arcadia Island and Duel Arcadia Tower. I control all operations on this island, and, with someone backing me up for authorization, I can extend my power to the rest of Duel Arcadia, LLC, and pretty much anything Itsu wants me to run. And Castle is on the move, along with...oh, f**k! How did he get ACS?!?"

Castle smiled in his jeep as five military trucks followed him. Inside of the first three trucks were Kilo, Oscar, and Sierra Teams of the Delta Force's new pet project: the Armored Combat Suits, while the fourth truck contained logistical support for the teams, and the fifth had an interesting surprise inside. The three teams had armored exo-skeletal suits that were outfitted with the best military technology the lowest bidder could provide. The suits had built-in synthetic muscle actuators that greatly enhanced the user’s strength, speed, and reflexes, and advanced alloys and composite materials were used for the plating for maximum protection. Each suit of exo-skeletal armor had to be custom-made for each user’s physique, increasing the already astronomic cost-per-unit even further, but their effectiveness against pretty much anything was astounding. The military wanted to introduce the concept by forming an Armored Combat Suit company from veteran Force Recon Marines, and the Delta Force application was merely a test bed for the suits.
And now Castle had pulled a lot of strings to build this little cadre to secure the Duel Arcadia Tower. After all, who knew what traps Itsu had set for anyone who dared to invade her home?

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After Idris the last one had introduced herself, Protheus continued.

[color=gray]"ACs...? No idea what those are, but I suppose we'd better start. Everyone in this room! You have involved yourself in a perilous quest, one that may not ensure the survival of every one of you! There is no turning back! And no, you cannot quit. This tower is currently being invaded by Orichalcos cult members. The defenses will hold them off, of course, but I doubt it's going to be for long. Our goal is to secure Solace's statue thing, since I'm guessing that's what they're after. Now, are you ready?"[/color]

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[size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Meanwhile five miles away Arta Rex was walking towards the Duel Arcadia company headquarters. He knew something was going on but he could not be sure what. But he knew that his cards were speaking to him, telling him to go there. On his way he bumped into a man clad in a black cloak.[/font][/size]

[color=#008000]"My apologies. I did not see you there." [/color][size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arta began to walk away but the man in the cloak stopped him.[/font] [/size]

[color=#b22222][size=3]"I need...I NEED...YOUR SOUL!"[/size][/color] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The man's shout was hollow and disjointed, as though it was not even his voice speaking. As he spoke a duel disk appeared from under his cloak. But this was not like any duel disk Arta had ever seen. It was black an looked as though it could have been used as a sword in-case of emergencies.[/font][/size]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#008000][size=3]"Look friend, I didn't mean any trouble about it but..." [/size][/color][/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Arta paused when he saw the inscriptions on the man's duel disk. A look of shock crossed Arta's face when he realized what he was facing. [/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]The man in the black cloak drew six cards[/size] [font=courier new,courier,monospace][size=3][color=#b22222]"I activate the Seal of Orichalcos!" [/color][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]When he played the card the symbols around his duel disk started to glow a green color. The same green color of the comet passing by the earth. The symbols expanded and began to encircle both Arta and the man in the black robe. [/size][/font][/size][/font][/font]

[size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arta looked around in despair knowing that he was now trapped in a game much darker than any shadow games ever before. [/font][/size][font=courier new,courier,monospace][color=#b22222][size=3]"Next, I summon Mystic Tomato in attack mode. I set two cards and end my turn." [/size][/color][/font]

[size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Robed man[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Life points: 4000[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Hand: 2[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]S/T: 2[/font]
Mystic Tomato: 1900/1100

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arta looked at his assailant and sighed [/font][color=#008000][size=3]"I guess I have no choice."[/size][/color] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arta activated his duel disk and drew his six cards. [/font][/size][font=comic sans ms, cursive][color=#008000][size=3]"First I will activate my spell card, Memories of Ozymandias! For each time a monster is banished I place one counter on this card. I can then send this card to the graveyard to draw one card from my deck for each counter on this card. Next I will activate the spell card Tyrant's Ego! I special summon one monster from my deck to my side of the field. I choose my Tyrant's foot soldier in attack mode!" [/size][/color][/font]

[size=4]A Greek Hoplite appeared on the field. [/size]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=3]"[color=#008000]My foot soldier has a little effect. Since Hoplites never fought alone he gets to summon up to 2 more from my deck." [/color][/size][/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]As Arta said this two more Tyrant's foot soldiers appeared on the field in attack mode.[/size][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=3][color=#008000]​"Next I summon my Diplomat of the Tyrant to the field in attack mode! His effect makes it that any monster with 1400 attack or less cannot declare an attack. Next I set two cards on the field and end my turn." [/color][/size][/font][size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]At the end of his turn the first Tyrant's Foot Soldier vanished from the field and was removed from play.

Arta Rex
Lp: 4000
Hand: 1
S/T: 3
Tyrant's Foot Soldier x2: 1500/1500
Diplomat of the Tyrant: 1500/200[/font][/size]

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Inside a small coffee shop named "Cafe Luna" a small dueling coffee shop that cater to the late night duelist. Solomon was sitting at a small table with a cup of black tea mulling over the facts he was presented at his induction to the "Cult". Even though it was the only way he could save his mother it still required him to take the soul of a duelist an idea he was very much fond of.He wasn't sure if the time came he could remove someones soul. As to answer the question the bell rang and the door swung open an obviously drunk man came stumbling in to the store as to purchase some coffee for the obvious hang over he was going to feel the next morning. Solomon quickly noticed the guy had both a deck and a duel disk on him and this might be his only chance to see if he could do it, if he could take a soul!

[color=#800080]"Well I guess this is do or die" [/color]Solomon quickly whispered to himself before following the man out the store down the back ally. There he saw the Drunk through up chunks it was quite a gross scene to see before you were going to steal a guy's soul but their is no time to think just do. Before Solomon could even activate "[color=#00ff00][size=4][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The Seal of Orichalcos" [/font][/size][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]to seal the fate of his first victim Solomon quickly noticed what this man actually looked like. Under the lamps in the back ally he saw the face of a man who had committed double homicide just 3 days ago and somehow had alluded the police. He had recognized the face from the news and just like that Solomon knew what he had to do the mulling was over he would steal the soul of this wretched man and bring Judgment to Evil.[/font]

[color=#800080]"[/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#800080]The Seal of Orichalcos activate.... Judgment shall befall those who stray away from the lights guidance for that and that alone you are my enemy. Your crimes will be paid for with your very soul"[/color][/font][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Solomon spoke with an angry calm that caught the attention of the Drunk who had just finished throwing up everything he had manged to eat.[/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"HUH? KiD wHat ArE YoU TaLKinG BoUT? leAve BeFORe YOU GeT HUwt" The Drunk shouted back pointing to his duel disk showing the kid that he wasn't afraid to beat his ass.[/font]

[color=#800080]"I am glad your my first victim now activate your duel disk or forfeit your soul"[/color]​ Solomon angrily spoke back.

"iF yOu waANt to FFIGHT SO BaD ThAN FiNe................................ DUEL!!!!!!!!!

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[size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The Robed man spoke again in his phantasmal disjointed voice [color=#b22222][size=3]"My Turn! I activate the trap card Jar of Greed, allowing me to draw another card from my deck. Next I activate the spell card Pot of Greed. I draw two more cards from my deck. Now I sacrifice my Mystic Tomato to summon Caius the Shadow Monarch!" [/size][/color][/font][/size]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]A huge being dressed in black armor, and wearing a black cloak, appeared on the field in front of the Robed man.[/font]

[color=#b22222][size=3]"Caius' special effect allows me to banish one monster on the field. If it is a dark type you take 1000 points of damage! I choose your Diplomat of the Tyrant!" [/size][/color]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]A large black ball appeared in the hands of Caius just before it was launched at the monster. Arta lost 1000 life points due to Caius' effect, loosing the points wasn't the problem, it was feeling it that caused Arta to flinch. He had always heard that games like this caused real pain but never before had he felt it. [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#b22222][size=3]"Now then, I attack with Caius the Shadow Monarch!"[/size][/color] Caius launched, what appeared to be a bolt of black lighting, from his fingers and hit one of Arta's Tyrant's Foot Soldiers square in the chest.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arta smirked at his opponent's attack [color=#008000]"I activate my trap card, Defense Draw! Instead of taking the damage I draw a card."[/color] The Robed man let out an angry growl before he continued.[/font]

[color=#b22222][size=3]"I end my turn."[/size][/color]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Robed Man[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Lp: 4000[/font]
Hand: 4
S/T: 1
Caius the Shadow Monarch 2900/1000

Lp: 3000
Hand: 2
S/T: 2
Tyrant's Foot Soldier 1500/1500

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#008000][size=3]"Very well then, my go!"[/size][/color] Arta drew his card hoping that it would help him. [color=#008000][size=3]"Now then I send my spell card Memories of Ozymandias to the graveyard to draw two more cards! Next I play monster reborn to bring back one of my Tyrants Foot Soldiers! Then I will play the spell card Double Summon! With this I can summon one other monster this turn. Now I activate my face down, Mystical Space Typhoon, and destroy your face down!" [/size][/color][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]As the face down was destroyed it revealed itself to be a Mirror Force. Arta let out a soft sigh at this, knowing full well what problems that could have caused him.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#008000][size=3]"Now I sacrifice one of my Tyrants Foot Soldiers, to summon Tyrant Queen to the field!"[/size][/color] The Tyrants Foot Soldier disappeared and in its place was a beautiful woman of high standing. [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Tyrant Queen: 1100/800[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#008000][size=3]"Next I summon Tyrant's Royal Guard! As long as he remains on the field you cannot attack any other Tyrant monsters that I control. Now then I send my Tyrant's Foot Soldier and my Tyrant Queen to the graveyard to summon out my synchro monster Paladin of the Tyrant King!"[/size][/color][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Tyrant's Royal Guard: 1900/1500 [/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Paladin of the Tyrant King: 3000/2000 [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The two monsters were replaced by a soldier in pure white, full body, armor with a large round shield and wielding a very large sword[/font].

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arta smiled [color=#008000][size=3]"My Paladin has a nifty effect, I can select up to five cards removed from play and add them to my deck. Then I shuffle and draw three cards."[/size][/color] When Arta drew his three cards he started to laugh. [color=#008000][size=3]"This is just perfect. Now I activate, Lightning Vortex! By sending my Dark Hole to the graveyard I can now destroy all of your face up monsters!"[/size][/color] As he spoke a large yellow vortex appeared with lighting tendrils. The tendrils wrapped themselves around Caius and dragged him into the vortex. [/font]

[color=#008000][size=3]"Now it is time to end this duel! I attack with my Paladin of the Tyrant King and my Tyrant's Royal Guard!"[/size][/color]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The two monsters lunged at the Robed man and struck a finishing blow. As the Robed screamed the Seal of Orichalcos contracted around him and began to shine an ominous green light around the man. When the light faded the man was standing there with a blank look on his eye and continued to mumble something about a leviathan. [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#008000][size=3]"I am sorry friend that it had to come to this."[/size][/color] Arta walked away and continued his journey to Duel Arcadia headquarters. [/font]

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Lucas had made his way to the park and people were gathered around quite nicely children were walking around silly mask on and shouting random action verbs in Spanish and doing hilarious imitation wrestling moves. Of course Lucas himself had made a couple of pit stops on his way here and set up his own picnic. Complete with Parasol and chair for the shade. He made his way upwards to the top of a hill over looking the stage as it was being completed. He noticed a couple of gentlemen talking to a lady out in the distance and his Orichalcos card resonated slightly which was odd because that was the first time that ever happened. Luca pulled out the card in order to inspect it and it simply glowed green. He pointed the card towards some random children and the glowing stopped. Back to the two gentlemen and it glowed again. It seems like these two gentlemen may be some virtuous souls that needed some siphoning. Of course this would only serve as a way to get into Arche's favor so he can prove himself worthy of one of those ancient atlantean artifacts.

But Lucas did ponder the thought of how strong those two men must be. Being quite the novice at the card game was he able to take on someone of actual skill. All of his other victims were cocky idiots who just made simple play mistakes like paying their lifepoints down to 2000 so Lucas really didn't have to play hard to do anything. Of course this led to re-editing the deck, followed by some public drinking, and finally he was ready for the pre-show and the main event to begin.

[color=#ff8c00]"Well I think someone once said its time for the flames of youth to explode."[/color] He said with a slight chuckle.

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When Idris re-entered the room after her failed call it seemed everyone had started to introduce themselves like some kind of alchaholics meeting, if said meeting was made up of inter-dimensional immortals, clones and time travelers, all of a sudden Idris' own life seemed outrageously boring by comparison. No sooner had she entered than the Ringmistress AI began to speak up, finishing her speech by announcing that some guy called Castle was moving in on the tower.

[i]Terrific,[/i] she muttered.

[b]"The hell can they even do with that metal statue thing? I mean aside from flog it on the internet for a crap-ton of cash?"[/b] She asked, still slightly irritable from sleepiness.


Syria could see humans beginning to gather within the park, she noted a lot of them wearing masks and talking to a lot of other people wearing masks. She followed this information to its logical conclusion; these people must also be 'wrestlers' and this event that had been spoken of was a demonstration of some sort by them. As she looked more carefully she spotted the two humans she'd encountered the previous night talking to a woman she didn't know, she could here what was being said from where she was and considered getting closer. Before she could stand up she felt a slight pulse of energy nearby, a familiar energy that she knew all too well since arriving on this planet. Turning her head slightly she found the source, an old man sitting on a chair in the shade of a colourful dome-shaped object on a pole, holding a glowing card in his hand. Without the need to investigate further Syria could identify the card as the Seal of Orichalcos, she after all possessed the same card and was quite familiar with its properties. She looked between the old man and the two humans, a frown crossing her face and her head tilting to one side.

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"The Armored Combat Suits, ACS for short, are a Delta Force test bed project with the possibility of expanding into a legitimate combat unit branching off from the Marines." Ringmistress explained, showing a hologram of a heavily-armored soldier that looked like the cosmic offspring of several futuristic shooter video game characters. "General Castle managed to call in a few favors to acquire three 10-man teams of these soldiers. Effectively, each one of them is a living tank. Supporting them are a dozen 'Roland' quadrotor combat drones. He might have regular military forces on standby. Initializing Phase I defenses."

As the soldiers approached the bridge going across to the Duel Arcadia, warning lights popped up on either end, and a holographic banner appeared that displayed the bridge was closed. The bridge then formed several seams along its length, splitting it into sections. The end sections retracted into the shores on either end, the pylons supporting the bridge sinking into the water, while the other sections each lowered into the Detroit River they had stood over. By the time Castle reached the bridge, over 2000 feet of water separated him from his target.

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He'd been walking around some of the areas of Detroit that hadn't seemed to have been affected much by the 'revolution'; even when a city becomes a shining beacon of hope and advancement, poverty and strive will still exist somewhere. He'd questioned people on whether or not they were involved with the cult or the 'Orichalcos', but nearly every response he had been given was negative, with the few that weren't being accounts of how people had disappeared from the slums with a green flash. Sighing, Palir pulled out his PDA, both to check on the traffic systems and to look at the news feed for the day. [i][color=#006400]'Systems normal', that's good... about the news, most of it is about the green lights last night, but... an event in the park? Seems like it'll be popular, and I might be able to run into a lead. Best plan I've got for now...[/color][/i] After thinking about it, Palir turned and started walking towards the park where the DWF event would be held.

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As Gabriel and Russell headed for the "Porta-Locker" to get their ring gear on, Carla finally arrived at the park, having walked five blocks from her apartment. As she strolled through, her eyes wondered, taking brief glances at the various people who had come to watch the event: children in novelty luchador masks running around with action figures, families having their picnic, couples walking past while holding hands... a small, almost unnoticeable frown crossed Carla's lips mainly at that last one, [i]not that she was jealous of the other couples, or because seeing them reminded her of the ime she had spent with her ex... no, not at all![/i][/sarcasm]

Eventually, Carla's mindless walking around brought her crossing paths with a rather distinguished-looking older gentleman, whom she recognized as one of her "teammates". [color=#ff0000]"Oh, hey there, "sugar daddy"~~,"[/color] Carla said in a teasing tone, partly aware that Lucas would find the pet name somewhat distasteful. [color=#ff0000]"Mind having someone to watch the show with?"[/color] Without waiting for an answer, Carla sat right down next to Lucas.

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Lucas sat and pondered what was actually happening as the young vixen made her way next to his side. Its not that he hated her its that she was just the same as all other youngsters they seem to lack patience and tact. Oh look she even through the annoying nickname to complete here foolishness. Lucas dreaded the fact that this was one of his "teammates" of course his face didn't really show any of his disdain he simply continued to proceed as if nothing different had happened. He simply looked at Carla as she made her way next to him. Proper though because she had to sit on the floor while he was in his chair fortunately a true gentleman always comes prepared and he had a spare (they were on sale it had to happen).

"[color=#ff8c00]Have a seat why don't you? Curious I would have thought you would be out trying to find somekind of mate to "hook-up" with or whateever it is you kids do nowadays."[/color] He paused for an answer but soon realized that he didn't care what it was its just that here was another Oricalchos member. Maybe she was out for souls too or what if she came with some others. Well it would be nice to act in the spirit of teammwork for once especially with these youngsters. Lucas still looked at his around at the now gone gentlemen and was seeing that the event was about to begin. Without looking at Carla and having a hunters glare at the ring and other bystanders he simply spoke to Carla "S o what do you intend to do here anyway? "

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Viktor thought for a moment. It would seem that this woman was very powerful, and probably the leader of this cult-thing that she was inviting him into. If he was able to manipulate her into helping him with his goals, he would have this army of drones at his disposal. It was a good deal, especially considering these resources, Faust and the orichalcum, would be a great asset to his research in biomechanics. He threw a last glance at the card before deciding, after which he rose from his chair and grabbed her hand.

"I am yours, Archetype Earth."

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Triumph was there in Archetype Earth's eyes. She hadn't actually been expecting this to be so easy, but no matter. Then she stood up and turned back to the 'gate'. [color=green]"Now then..."[/color] She began, and took out some sort of remote control device, before pressing it. [color=green]"I could take you myself, but I fear your body may suffer that way. Instead, a private plane will be arriving for you in about fifteen minutes, which will take you to Detroit. It's a rather special plane that won't appear on government radars, and it's automatic as well. Empty. Of course, if you wished, you could set it to manual but that is your choice."[/color]

Then she walked out, before her feet slowly began to hover up into the air.

[color=green]"You will aid me with your knowledge, and I will aid you with my power and resources."[/color] She continued, with a smile full of gratitude and expectations. [color=green]"I will be expecting you shortly."[/color]

And with that, the woman disappeared into the sky.


Protheus crossed his arms. [color=gray]"Well, my guess is that they'll penetrate it soon. I wouldn't know, though. The important thing is - do you have an escape route yet? Or do I have to pave a path through those pathetic weaklings?"[/color] He asked the Ringmistress.

Pathetic weaklings. That was a term he hadn't used in a long time

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