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Return of the Orichalcos (Finishing/PG-13/IC)

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Alexander blushed as Lance introduced himself. [color=#006633]"Umm, yeah. I-It's nice to meet you L-Lance."[/color] It then registered to him that Lance stated that he couldn't offer them a place to stay. [color=#006633] "O-Oh. I-It's okay, m-my dorm w-won't be too uncomfortable...I have a s-space heater."[/color]

Alexander tapped Atsuko on the hand. [color=#006633]"Hey, should we get going? We don't want Archetype to send anyone after us..."[/color] he whispered urgently. Alexander was scared of what might happen if an Orichalcos duelist caught up to them. It wasn't that he didn't possess the dueling ability...He was scared at the fact that he might cause someone to lose their soul. [color=#006633] "I don't want to have to duel any of them..."[/color]

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Atsuko nodded at her two companions. [color=#FF0000]"Yeah. Let's go."[/color] They eventually reached the abandoned dorm, a dilapidated place with a demolition notice for a couple days' time on the outside, and scaled the fence around the property to go inside. There, they started a fire in a fireplace using the planks of wood that had boarded up the chimney and bundled up in some sheets before drifting off to sleep. Atsuko looked out of a window at the green mote of light among the stars and hoped her mother was at least alright...

A few million miles from Earth, a massive crystalline sphere glowed a bright green, a debris field around its cracked surface consisting of shards of itself. Within the sphere was a dark core where the Great Leviathan slept restlessly, stirring every now and then as its eons-long slumber came to an end. Every toss and turn of the great wyrm shook the comet and hurtled even more shards towards the blue orb in the distance. Behind the comet were several powerful jets of charged ions, provided by the Great Leviathan's recent guest. It had taken some...persuading...but Itsu had corrected the braking burn she had initially started and was now greatly speeding up what the humans dubbed "Faust". Apparently, the woman had many delicious nougats of invaluable information within her, including proper astrogation. Using a portion of Itsu's own energy, the ion plumes would guide the millions of tons of Orichalcum the comet was made out of into Earth's orbit, just like the comet was supposed to on its normal course, but then, the Great Leviathan would enact his own plan to finally feed off of the planet. Earth was so ripe and succulent for the taking that it could almost be considered fermented. The Great Leviathan would savor this harvest for many eons to come...

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]October 13, 2032[/font]
[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Detroit, Michigan[/font]
[font=courier new,courier,monospace]9:27 AM Local[/font]

"Sir, we'll be ready to move out by 1000 hours." A black-clad soldier told Castle over a video conference. Castle was in a city management office in the Renaissance Center the mayor was letting him use to manage the "emergency situation" in Detroit. Though the mayor was an old friend of the late Miss Fudo, giving her the permission to turn Belle Isle into Duel Arcadia Island, his hands were tied now that his close friend and campaign contributor was an alleged alien, and was forced to comply with Castle's demands. Castle nodded at the soldier and dismissed him before contacting Zero. [color=#0000ff]"I'm sending an APC to pick you up."[/color]

Ringmistress appeared next to Protheus. [color=#FF1493]"Sir, we have a situation."[/color]

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[color=#ff0000]"... damn, last night sure was boring...,"[/color] Carla muttered to herself with a yawn as she awoke that morning. She made her way through her apartment, getting herself prepared for the day ahead: get the tea ready while she took a shower, apply make-up, get dressed, have a quick breakfast, blah, blah, blah. The weather having taught her a lesson last night, she decided on wearing something more practical for the fall season; her usual red blouse was now worn the way it was meant to be, with most of its buttons fastened save for a few near the top to expose her cleavage, while a purple waistcoat was worn over that. In addition, she traded in her pareo for a pair of flared denim jeans. As she she checked herself over in the mirror, Carla thought back to last night...

[i][color=#ff0000]"So what if we lose them?"[/color][/i] she had told Jared as they watched the little girl go off with her two "saviors". [i][color=#ff0000]"The big brat (Alexander) wouldn't have had the guts to stay with us, anyway, and that little girl? Forget it! She can get lost for all I care."[/color][/i] Still, even when she had said that, Carla could help but to feel a nagging sensation in the back of her head, a part of her that was secretly glad that the girl got away... well, at least she wouldn't have that on her conscious, she convinced herself.

After she was satisfied with her outfit, Carla made a quick check of her e-mail on her digital tablet. Scrolling down, one note caught her eye: [color=#ff0000]""Special Event At Central Park This Afternoon"?"[/color] Carla read to herself. It was a (supposedly chain-mailed) invitation to a Live event today....


Gabriel suddenly awoke to the sound of a knocking at his door. Groggily, he looked up at the digital clock on the end table, where it read "9:28" in red fluorescent numbers. Stretching out on the futon with a big yawn, Gabriel got up onto his feet, adjusted his mask as it may have shifted a bit in his sleep, and proceeded to shuffle his feet toward the door, calling out, [color=#b22222]"[i]¡Bueno, bueno![/i] I'm up!"[/color]

It was Russell who was on the other side of the door. [color=#000080]"'Morning, Gabe,"[/color] said the Irish-Latino as he handed Gabriel a doggy-bag from Dunkin' Donuts. [color=#000080]"I see you've, uh... slept in,"[/color] he added, seeing that Gabriel was still in the same clothes he wore last night.

Gabriel blurted out a slight growl as he smacked Russell's forehead with his open palm. [color=#b22222]"Making jokes at my expense, ya smartass, how dare you,"[/color] he said in a tired growl, but with a slight, playful smirk.

Russell chuckled a bit as he rubbed his forehead. [color=#000080]"Yeah, well... just thought I'd pick you up some breakfast,"[/color] he said. [color=#000080]"Did you sleep well, at least?"[/color]

[color=#b22222]"Define "well","[/color] Gabriel said in a tone that suggested otherwise. [color=#b22222]"It was... a weird dream... no... more like a bunch of pictures just thrown together, flashing by all at once."[/color]

Russell raised his normal eyebrow this time. [color=#000080]"Huh...,"[/color] was all he said at first. [color=#000080]"... wanna talk about it?"[/color]

[color=#b22222]"Not right now,"[/color] Gabriel muttered, placing the doggy-bag down on the dining table. [color=#b22222]"Once I've gotten myself ready, then maybe."[/color]

[color=#000080]"Suit yourself, broski,"[/color] Russell replied with a shrug before leaving. Once Russell had left, Gabriel headed for the bathroom to take a shower (read: stand under a stream of lukewarm water for a few minutes before jumping out).

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Palir stood up from the computer he had been working on and walked over to his apartment window to open the blinds. [i][color=#006400]This late in the morning already... I'll need to get to business soon.[/color][/i] He glanced over to his wall clock to confirm the time as being around 09:30, then walked around his apartment tidying things slightly. He'd spent the night trying to research the cult of the "Orichalcos", as he'd learned their name was, but hadn't quite gotten past the name and a few blurry photographs of duels where a supposedly forbidden field-spell had been played. He finished organizing and grabbed his deck, wallet and keys, then left his apartment to do some hands-on investigation. He suspected even more now about the cult's connection to the comet, and was determined to discover both it's and the cult's nature and intentions.

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It was finally morning. As his alarm rang to the tune of the classic Feeling Good Lucas arouse to meeting the morning sun. Within the hour Lucas was ready and suited up to go. Of course there must be time for a morning drink first. He then turned on his computer to answer old e-mails, to look at new e-mails, and to see if there was any word about this Orichalcos hunting expedition that was going on. Once nothing new or better yet no one told him of anything new he set out on his day. He was in his car listening to the radio though the song Feeling Good was stuck in his head. "[color=#ff8c00]Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean don't ya know..."[/color] he had decided to stop by the DWF box office to go buy tickets to see a show. There probably wouldn't be many more opportunities for wholesome entertainment three days from now. That and it might be a good chance to collect a strong soul or two.

As he pulled up to the giant dome like building he simply walked up to the ticket counter still singing [color=#ff8c00]"...and I'm feeling gooooooodddd."[/color]

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Daniel yawned, walking out of his room in the penthouse he and his dad stayed in. [color=#0000CD]"Morning Dad"[/color] He called across to James, who was sitting down and reading the morning paper. [color=#006400]"About time you woke up. Shouldn't you be waking up earlier than this, with the time you go to bed."[/color] Daniel wandered across, into the kitchen and started making some toast for breakfast. [color=#0000CD]"I don't know why, but I always seem to wake up late, regardless of how early I go to bed."[/color] Finishing breakfast, Daniel noticed the add in the paper for the Special Event in Central Park.[color=#0000CD] "I might go out for a while, I don't have anything much to do today anyway. University doesn't go in back for a couple of weeks yet."[/color] Daniel walked out the door, making sure to grab his disk and deck on the way, before slowly making his way towards the central park, whistling the opening theme to 'Happy Days' as he did.

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Idris heaved a heavy yawn as she sat up in bed, giving her arms a long stretch before letting them fall back down onto the mattress. She took a moment to rub the sleep out of her eyes and stare around the room in confusion, taking a moment to remember the events of last night. She heaved another yawn as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and took a glance at the clock on the bedside table, the time displayed as 9:27. She then glanced over her shoulder and caught her reflection in a mirror on the doors of the wardrobe, staring for a moment at the intricate black pattern running al down her back and along her arms. She pulled her gaze away and finally got to her feet, picking up the turtleneck jumper lying on the floor before pulling it over her head. The shirt covered most of her markings aside from the ones on her face and hands; she’d considered sometimes wearing a pair of gloves but had never really liked them. After she’d finished getting dressed she stepped out of her room and glanced up and down the hall, still feeling somewhat sleepy after the late night.

[b]“Hey…Anywhere I can get some breakfast around here?”[/b] She called.

She pulled her head back inside the room, her gaze falling on her phone lying on the table. She picked it up and sorted through a very short list of contacts before finally finding her grandfather. She hadn’t spoken to him since she’d left the previous morning and knowing him he’d throw a fit if she didn’t at least give him a call.

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[color=gray]"I thought so."[/color] Protheus replied to the Ringmaster, not surprised in the least, having been expecting such a thing. He crossed his arms and looked over to her. A situation, in such a time. It was only to be expected. In ten thousand years of life, Protheus Maximus has discovered that when you go to the right place, the answer will go to you. Strange logic, but in all this time it has remained consistent. For little reason, he felt the sword on him in its sheath. The sword that can touch the edge of time, and have the 'effect' appear before the 'cause'. [color=gray]"Explain."[/color]

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[color=#FF1493]"I've been monitoring the radio chatter of a known Orichalcos member, a military commander called 'General Castle', and he plans on assaulting this facility within 30 minutes. I have contingencies for that, but these require input from someone with a certain level of authorization, and you're the only one here with that authorization level, save for the Itsu clone. I need your input on what we are to do."[/color]

Atsuko yawned and stretched, emerging from the blanket to look around the room at her traveling companions. She got up and brushed off her clothes to look out on the business of the city. She then went over to stir her friends. [color=#FF0000]"Hey. Wake up."[/color]

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Cynthia tired and hungry she'd had been up all day wandering the streets of Detriot and hadn't eaten a single thing. She now found herself near the park where that weird green light that had happened yesterday. She reached into her back pocket to pull out "The Seal of Orichalcos" out. She had a feeling that this had caused it whatever it was. She felt the dark aura coming of this thing and it made her a little sick. She returned the card to her back pocket and continued down sidewalk to the nearest place that served food.

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Kori walked down the street in a stagger, tired gait. He has been up all night since Archetype's plan was announced to everyone in the group. It was truly insane at the route this was going. Why would she want to add another moon to the planet? And with a comet no doubt? that would change the Earth's gravity and kill everything on the planet. Why are people still following the 'leader' anyway? Are they really that blinded by her words so easily? He sighed as he looked at the Seal of Orichalcos. The bane of everything was burning a hole in his hand. Its lust for souls seemed endless.

His train on thought halted when he heard a roar around him. He looked up and a twisted being with an over-sized brain and an white colored exoskeleton. He smirked when he remember the being: Thought Ruler Archfiend. Two kids were having a duel and the taller of the two seemed to be winning since he was controlling it. The duel eventually ended with the tall kid winning and he ran up to Kori much to his dismay. the kid noticed the Duel Disk on his arm and looked at the teen.

"Would you mind dueling me, mister." he asked in a squeaky, but confident voice.

The Orichalcos was begging for Kori to use it the duel, but Kori kept refusing its lust for souls. The smile on Kori's face grew bigger as he activated his Duel Disk in the kids response.

"You're on."

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Protheus frowned a bit. [color=gray]"I am NOT entrusting the safety of everyone here to that [i]thing."[/i][/color] Then he couldn't help but smile a little, as he formulated a paln. [color=gray]"This could be quite troublesome, especially since they would all possess that Seal of Orichalcos thing. Thus, a direct assault against them would be unthinkable....does this tower have a defense system built into it? Activate it. Slow them down as much as possible. The problem is we do not yet know their purpose. Whatever it is, we'll have to stop them. Round everyone currently in this tower up, wake them all if they're still asleep."[/color]

He frowned again, having to make a decision. Should they stay and fight off the invaders, protecting the tower? Or should they escape elsewhere, bringing along the statue?

Then he remembered. His purpose here is to train Pandora. Therefore, she has a higher priority than this entire planet, regardless of the result. In that case...

[color=gray]"Is there an escape route, or an emergency route? We cannot stay here. While we can more than likely hold them off for quite a long time, it is pointless if we are overcome in the end. They will know our location and surround us, and then we'll be left with no other escape route."[/color] In truth, Protheus himself has the ability to simply transport them away, but no. Pandora must know the tension. He does not want to interfere with potential experience. That's why he didn't mention it. [color=gray]"One more thing; if you have any secondary defense programmings of your own, I grant you authorization to use them on the condition that they do not cause greater damage radius than a mere room."[/color]

Still, even though he was limiting his own abilities, he definitely wasn't about to limit his dueling skills. If the time comes, he wouldn't hesitate to drag his opponent into a pocket dimension and destroy them there.

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Ringmistress smirked as she sent out the word. [color=#FF1493]"You know my owner. She prepared for anything."[/color] She disappeared to go rouse the others.

Meanwhile, across the Duel Arcadia, various systems and subsystems stirred to life. Itsu had long since prepared for the eventuality of her new home being attacked, not willing to give up the secrets her tower held, even in the state she was in now. The Ener-D reactor below the tower, pumping away to provide not only power for the force field around the tower, but also the greater metropolitan area of Detroit-Windsor, along with the dimensional doors providing easy access from Itsu's penthouse to various parts of the multiverse that she considered safe and the various gizmos and gadgets she had in her collection that could be misused if they fell into the wrong hands, were part of this.

Ringmistress appeared at the location of those within the penthouse and told them. [color=#FF1493]"Meeting in the dining room in 10 minutes."[/color]

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[color=#000000]Meanwhile, Yuri was dueling one of the Duel Bots, hoping to get some practice in. Unfortunately, this specific one seemed to have a glitch and, unaware that Yuri clearly stated that she activated X-Saber Souza's prevention of trap destruction effect...[/color]

[font=courier new,courier,monospace][color=#008080]"Activating Sakuretsu Armor,"[/color][/font][color=#000000] the Duel Bot stated, [/color][font=courier new,courier,monospace][color=#008080]"Destroying X-Saber Souza,"[/color][/font]

[color=#4B0082]"W-wait, you can't..."[/color][color=#000000] Yuri was about to protest, but it was done, [/color][color=#4b0082]"...damned INFERNAL MACHINES!!"[/color]

[color=#000000]With that, Yuri punched the Duel Bot, destroying it instantly. She was just about to win that duel, just before the Duel Bot could manage to gather that last Spirit Message card. If only it weren't for the glitch. However, she was not about to blame herself for the destruction of the Duel Bot. And she was [i]certainly[/i] not going to accept defeat just because of that glitch.[/color]

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Kurai woke up the moment the Ringmistress entered his room and after hearing her instructions he got up and changed into a seemingly identical outfit to what he had been wearing the day before as he looked out the window [color=#4b0082]"So we are having a meeting huh well it makes sense I guess I'm going to have to face Protheus gain, hopefully he won't decide to attack me again." [/color]As he said that he headed for the meeting room and as he entered it he realized he hadn't dueled anyone since coming to this dimension and if there was time he wanted to try dueling his mother Pandora.

Albtrum noticed that Atsuko had awoken and was getting ready to leave with the others if things go right he realized he'd have a chance at a duel where Atsuko didn't seem that strong he Knew Alexander could be a strong duelist when it became necessary so a two on one duel could be in the picture which would be quite interesting.

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Ringmistress poked Yuri on the shoulder to get her attention and repeated the announcement. "Meeting in the dining room in 8 minutes."

Natsu and Pandora had both received the announcement, Natsu assembling her deck while Pandora had slept on the couch, and went to the dining room. Pandora, however, went into the kitchen and started searching through the cabinets.
"What are you doing?" The clone asked the girl, puzzled.
"I'm trying to find some pancake mix."
"What is pancake mix?"
Pandora giggles. "You make pancakes out of them."
"What are pancakes?"
The younger woman motions for Natsu to join her and starts giving her simple commands to help her make pancakes. By the time everyone has assembled, both Natsu and Pandora have bits of flour and pancake batter on them, but the dining room table is set for the guests, and there is a massive stack of pancakes with butter and maple syrup to the side.
"Go ahead and dig in!" Pandora greeted them. "We can't find out what turned my mother into a statue on an empty stomach!"

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Idris jumped slightly when the Ringmistress popped up next to her, announcing a meeting in the next ten minutes.

[b]"This had better be for breakfast,"[/b] Idris grumbled, she was never in a good mood in the mornings, least of all after having been dragged round all night.

She checked the alarm clock on the bedside table, wondering if she had enough time for a shower before this apparent meeting. She shrugged and deiceded to head there anyway, she didn't give a damn if she stunk right now all she cared about was getting some food. She found herself cheering up slightly when she caught the smell of pancakes coming from the dining room.

[b]"Awesome,"[/b] she muttered [b]"Definitely beats Grandfather's cooking."[/b]


Syria had stayed outside to watch the sun rise, she got no emotional experience from it but she was keen to observe the effects a yellow sun had on the sky as it rose, staining the clouds an array of different colours before finally rising in its entirity. She didn't understand exactly why the humans called it 'sunrise', the sun wasn't rising, it was merely the planet turning towards it, it merely looked like it was rising from their perspective. She'd been pondering this for a while as she wandered through the streets when she passed a small group of humans talking to one another excitedly. Her keen ears managed to pick up parts of their conversation and she paused, hearing something about an event of some kind happening in the park sometime in the afternoon. She remained where she was to try and catch more information but the humans had begun to move away, their voices growing ever fainter. Slightly dissapointed Syria turned her gaze upwards towards the sky, noting that it was still mid-morning and a long time before the event in the park was due to happen. She was a patient creature however and began walking towards the park, ignoring any odd stares she got from passersby.

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Protheus Maxmimus had a slightly annoyed look when Pandora returned...having miraculously prepared pancakes in a short amount of time. In any case, everybody was here. Him, Pandora, that person-whatshername...er...Yuri, and Kurai. The mythril statue of Itsu Solace had been propped to a wall. He observed them all, his look getting more and more and more annoyed by the minute. The Ringmistress could probably always be counted on to being there, being a mere virtual image and nothing more.

[b][color=gray]"Excuse me."[/color][/b] He butted into their happy time. [b][color=gray]"We have less than twenty minutes before this tower is invaded by enemy forces, and you're eating pancakes?"[/color][/b] He spoke in a calm tone, but there was heavy malice and annoyance buried in them. [color=gray]"....Hmph. Finish your breakfast quickly."[/color] He added, since they were after all mortals. It wasn't like in his laboratory where time was uncertain, and these weren't the people he usually associated himself with. Hmph.

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Kurai was surprised by the pancakes its not that he'd never had pancakes but this was the first time he was having his mothers pancakes and he was somewhat surprised at how casually she mentioned her mothers condition but then he figured that she had probably been though so much that this wasn't a big deal. [color=#4B0082]"Well while I was searching for Itsu I got this strange energy reading that was actually interfering with my search so I'm pretty sure it has something to do with how her soul was taken." [/color]With that being said Kurai used his D-Link to show all the energy readings he had of when Itsu was dueling and when her soul was taken.

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Viktor nodded at Arche and then turned around, walking back into his work station. There, he pulled out a chair (supposedly, it looked like junk) and placed it in front of his workbench. He then seated himself behind it, in the chair he had been seated in when Arche landed on his roof.

"You here in business?" Viktor asked and looked at the person in front of him. "You don't look like business to me." He then threw a glance at the Seal, which was still glowing. "Anyway, I trust you know some things about this card that I do not, and before we start to talk 'business' I would like an answer to the question: What kind of card is this?"

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Lucas was back in his car on the road and he was apparently heading for the park. The DWF event was free and going on for all to see. Of course this meant that had to show up and exert some effort ad collect some souls.The problem was that this being such a big free event everyone involved in this affair would attempt to show there. Those who wanted to collect souls and those who wanted to prevent the collecting of souls. Lucas wasn't really worried though. The Orichalcos Cult had some pretty hyper active members who would love a chance to throw down when necessary. Not only that but the duelist who were also hosting the event should be pretty strong. Yay for effort and actually caring Lucas thought while he drove taking sips of some cognac...it soothes the stomach. For once he was a little nervous about what would happen in the future but no one was going to get in his way of seeing the legendary lost city of Atlantis and getting all of his questions answered.

[color=#ff8c00]"Birds in the sky...you know how feel, Breeeeeze drifting on by you know how I feel, its a new dawn its a new day and I'm feeling goood!"[/color]

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[color=#000000][b]Yuri Kanzen[/b][/color]

[color=#4B0082]"I'm not hungry..."[/color][color=#000000] after saying this, Yuri pushed away her plate of pancakes. She just [i]never[/i] had the appetite for anything not named meat, milk, eggs and vegetables that've been home-grown from the ground. And even then, she wouldn't eat them if anything more was done to them than being cooked and tossed on a plate. But pancakes? That was [i]definitely[/i] not on her mind.[/color]

[color=#000000]What [i]was[/i] on Yuri's mind though was why everyone was here. As far as she was concerned, they were all supposed to be out there finding these guys that were threatening this tower and destroying them, not just... running away.[/color]

[color=#4b0082]"Why the hell are we [i]here[/i], anyway?"[/color] [color=#000000]she asked out of the blue.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Yami Maire[/b][/color]

[color=#800080][i]"Death slithers around every corner and over every obstacle, watching man like a hawk watches its prey, and searches for man's [b]weakest[/b] vulnerability,"[/i][/color][color=#000000] a transformed Yami Maire chanted, as she was about to summon her most reliable of ace cards in a duel against an Orichalcus drone, [/color][color=#800080][i]"Tribute Summon! Go, Earthbound Immortal Cuauhcoatl! FINISH THIS!!"[/i][/color]

[color=#000000]A gargantuan, shadow-black rattlesnake burst from the ground behind Yami Maire. The demonic creature gleared at its opposition, and hissed in an intimidating and defiant manner. Its Nazca Lines glowed a blood red.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Reptile-type/DARK/Level 10/2700 ATK/2600 DEF[/b][/color]

[color=#800080]"Now, wipe out the rest of that fool's Life Points with Spectral Storm!"[/color][color=#000000] Yami Maire commanded. Cuauhcoatl blasted multiple wisps of pure spiritual energy at the drone. They soared in all directions and danced around the drone, before thrusting through his body one at a time, taking a whole chunk of his life force with every blow they made, until he collapsed into nothingness. However, his soul had not been drained by the card. Instead, Cuauhcoatl had managed to snag the soul as it was pulled in both directions, by skewering the soul with its fangs as it sucked it away from the Seal of Orichalcus.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]Orichalcus Drone's LP: 2700 --> 0[/b][/color]

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After Gabriel had finished showering and getting dressed, he proceeded toward the hotel's main lobby, where Russell was conversing with CJ Brat and Tom Seda.

[color=#000080]"... and then this dog kid, a Yorkshire Terrier by the looks of it, says something about how I'm, like, one of many, and how alternate universes seem to join at certain points,"[/color] was what Gabriel heard Russell saying as he approached the three of them. [color=#000080]"'Course, I was thinking that the kid was a bit crazy, but then again--"[/color]

[color=#b22222]"You were the one who dreamed him up, so then you began to think that you were crazy,"[/color] Gabriel interjected with a smirk as he was fluffing the lion's mane on his mask.

"Oh look, if it isn't "Sleeping Beauty" himself," CJ said with a laugh.

"Hey, go easy on him, CJ," Seda replied. "You know what they say about "waking the sleeping lion"...." Seda then turned around to see Gabriel making as if to pounce on him, only to "change his mind" at the last second and fiddle around with the Dunkin' Donuts bag Russell had handed him.

[color=#b22222]"Oh, a bagel!"[/color] Gabriel chimed out cheerily as he pulled out the contents of the bag, causing the others to burst out laughing.


Soon after CJ and Seda had left for the park, Gabriel and Russell made their way through the garage, heading for where Russell had parked his truck. [color=#000080]"So, what about you?"[/color] Russell asked as they walked. [color=#000080]"What was your dream about last night?"[/color]

[color=#b22222]"Strange, like I said,"[/color] Gabriel uttered, stopping a moment to lean against a pillar. [color=#b22222]"Mostly just random images, flashing by one right after the other. I was barely able to register any of them completely."[/color] He heaved a huge sigh, closing his eyes as he tried to remember what he saw. [color=#b22222]"A... sunken city... the orphanage... last night's event... Syria... there were some strange dragons, a trio of them... then there was that glowing green symbol...."[/color]

[color=#000080]"You mean the one that appeared only when those cultist freaks show up?"[/color] Russell asked, his face wrinkling slightly in a scowl. Gabriel nodded in reply.

[color=#b22222]"I don't know what it could all mean, though...."[/color]

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Walking down the road Cynthia noticed a bright colored poster under a Denny's. As good a place to eat she thought, but she was more intrested in the poster and the crowd it was bringing. She shoved through crowd and finally made to the front. The poster was a DWF event. According to the poster the event was free to everyone and being held at the park and she would be there. Cynthia ripped the poster off the wall and proceeded to walk inside.
"Hey what did you do that for?" asked one of the boys in the crowd.
"Because... I... wanted to... GOT IT!" she growled vehemeantly. With that she proceeded inside to get breakfast.

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[b]"Can't fight off a crazy mob of cultists on an empty stomach,"[/b] Idris commented with her mouth full of pancake, she was only half listening to the conversation anyway.

She was at least right about one thing, they definitely where a lot better than her grandad's cooking.

[b]"Besides,"[/b] she said after actually managing to swallow the absurdly large mouthful [b]"This place has its own defences, right? So unless they have Mecha-Godzilla and King Kong on their side I think we're fine for the moment."[/b] She found herself eyeing Yuri's plate after she'd confessed her lack of hunger.


The park was full of humans, many of them either basking in the sun or wandering around the fields. She hadn't found this apparent event that was supposed to be happening, even though it was not scheduled till the afternoon Syria was finding herself growing steadily impatient. Strange, she had no idea she could even be impatient.

She finally sat down underneath a tree after a few minutes of walking, she considered shutting herself off until the afternoon so she didn't have to wait any longer but at the same time did not want to miss anything that might happen in the meantime. So she remained where she sat with her legs crossed, arms folded neatly in her lap and her gaze fixed on the distant trees ahead of her. She sat so still a bird actually flew by and landed on her knee, sat there for a moment or two and then flew off again.

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