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It doesn't even have to be in midlane. If you're 'support' Annie and your lane gets ahead, you can pretty much 1 hit their ADC with your flash engage.


The team thing sounds fun but I'm guessing most of you play on NA so that cancels me out pretty much (EUW).

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I'm still Silver II T_T.


Almost got to Silver I last night, but failed the last promo match 'cause people didn't let my friend and I be botlane. On a related note, why is Morg so good? In my first 3 ranked games with her, I wrecked all 3, and ended up with a KDA of about 5/3/17. I did bad next game and it went down to 3/4/13, but still!

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 but failed the last promo match 'cause people didn't let my friend and I be botlane.

...When you say this, do you mean "We had to do different roles, and didn't do well," or do you mean "We picked ADC and Support regardless of what the rest of the team wanted."


Because if it's the latter, I have a bone to pick with you.


On a side note, when in ranked, NEVER lack having a BASIC knowledge of how other roles play. I don't care if you're a Support main and you can't Jungle, you need to know how to do it just in case you DO end up support. This kills me, when people wander into ranked but lack the ability to fill in the open spaces the other players left. Even IF you DON'T end up playing one of those roles, knowing how they typically work can help you when fighting AGAINST said roles. For example, you're a Support, and you're pretty pushed in. If your mid lane falls to theirs, and their mid is suddenly mia, it might be a fair assumption that he's headed bot, so even if the river is warded it might be a good idea to back off. I mean, I might as well be practically a support main, but I can at least play the other lanes fairly well.


(Not accusing you of not knowing, but just in case >.>)


As for the morg bit, with her huge cc (3 seconds is bonkers on her q) and ability to protect and peel, she brings a LOT of pressure to the bot lane. Even if you're not really GOOD with her, if the enemy laner's are worth their salt, they'll feel the pressure of one good Morg Q demolishing their ADC in seconds. Such pressure can sometimes cause a misplay or two, and end up getting them both killed once the pressure becomes an actual threat. I know for certain, as I've collapsed under morg pressure many, many times.

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What I meant was "We were the last two to pick, and people before us took ADC and support".


I can play every position at least semi-decently. The issue was that I was last pick, and got stuck with top. The only top laner I'm good enough at to play in ranked is Malphite, but they had a Renek top, so I had a bad time early game. Probably the biggest reason we lost was my fault, because I waited too long to go in for fights late game, and let Nidalee get off too many spears on our carries. It also didn't help that the person who took support raged at us and refused to build a Sightstone or ward anything until 30 minutes in.


...So yeah, lesson learned, I need to have a 2nd champion I can play top. And also be more willing to initiate fights.



On the subject of Morg, yeah, her snare is ridonculous. Plus Black Shield is awesome. Letting your Hecarim run right through Karthus' wall is fun =D

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I don't see why a lot of people have been playing Malph top/support lately. Sure, he can work, but is woefully outclassed by EVERYONE, and is usually a key instrument to our downfall.


A top laner that is good, safe, useful lategame, and easy to get would be Garen. Practice with him for a bit, learn when to R, know the good builds, and you can even carry late with him.

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I love Malph. Get late game with Iceborns 'n stuff, you ult in on their adc or mid and crush them into oblivion while your team cleans up.


...I also love his taunt =D.


I have played Garen a bit, and he does seem fun. I really should play him more (if only to spam his dance).

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I don't see why a lot of people have been playing Malph top/support lately. Sure, he can work, but is woefully outclassed by EVERYONE, and is usually a key instrument to our downfall.
A top laner that is good, safe, useful lategame, and easy to get would be Garen. Practice with him for a bit, learn when to R, know the good builds, and you can even carry late with him.

Malphite's actually a really good top lane against anyone who jumps him, especially since his buff. Pantheon, Riven, Tryndamere are a few he destroys in lane and he gets countered by really underplayed tops like Cho Gath, Vlad and Rumble. He has a constant source of damage and can block any poke against him. And when someone comes in to gank for you, you can ult them and knock them up so you can do damage to them and then slow them with your Q and have massive stick potential so that they don't get away.
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I've had many good times when silly people think they can dive a rock =D

Actually it's kinda funny when a Malphite tries to dive you by himself. I was playing Nasus, he ulted me and then I ulted, q'd him once and he died by tower. Pretty fun stuff.
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Malphite's actually a really good top lane against anyone who jumps him, especially since his buff. Pantheon, Riven, Tryndamere are a few he destroys in lane and he gets countered by really underplayed tops like Cho Gath, Vlad and Rumble. He has a constant source of damage and can block any poke against him. And when someone comes in to gank for you, you can ult them and knock them up so you can do damage to them and then slow them with your Q and have massive stick potential so that they don't get away.

That's true, but this is a meta where the most often tops are the likes of Renekton, Shyvana, and Jax. Also, I'm a pretty baller Rumble player, if I may mention.

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That's true, but this is a meta where the most often tops are the likes of Renekton, Shyvana, and Jax. Also, I'm a pretty baller Rumble player, if I may mention.

Malphite against Jax is actually pretty even. Renek and Shyv aren't too bad either. All Malph needs to do is play safe really and farm with his q.
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Malphite against Jax is actually pretty even. Renek and Shyv aren't too bad either. All Malph needs to do is play safe really and farm with his q.

This is normally fine, but if you play too safe you fall behind. And eventually, if the jungler is called top, an underfarmed Malph is an easy dive. This is especially bad against champions that scale super hard into the late game, like Jax and Shyv.

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Well, that's the funny thing about Jax vs Malphite. In theory, yeah, you don't have to play it too safe, but with that mindset it becomes way easier to screw everything up and suddenly put him into the lead. It's like... reverse reverse reverse psychology psychology. Or something.


Long story short, though, ANY champ is a good champion for top as long as you're smart. Sure some champs are better than others, but your own skill with the champ you're playing is what matters. See: Skarner top.

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So yesterday, I was playing a game as Garen. My team was a bit behind, and I wasn't doing very well 'cause I got rekt by Shyvana in lane. It was pretty late in the game, and their entire team was MIA, so I went to check Baron, and found them doing it. I pinged it and my team started coming, but none of them were close enough to get there before Baron went down. After it got low, I went in to try and steal it, and Eve smited early. I still wasn't quite in auto range though, so I figured I was pretty much dead because there was no way Baron was living long enough for me to get in range to hit it.


...It then proceeded to die. To my Sunfire Cape. The rest of my team came in, killed them all, and won shortly after. Dat 43 damage is too op.

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