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Yasuo is essentially an auto-win, I understand his permaban status. From what I noticed, those champs are basically free elo if yougit BASIC knowledge of them and don't screw up really hard:

Jax - he's impossible to shut down, always hits hard and scales into a late game monster
Yasuo - got you Stattik Shiv? You're probably winning.
Kayle - this Ruunan's build oh my god
Lucian - still the best
Lee Sin - always at the top, one of the few champs who can win the game themselves

so if they're not banned, go for it. There are also a few hidden gems that are rarely, if ever, banned:

Ziggs - this waveclear, this burst, them teamfights
Syndra - did I just 100-0 you
Corki - keeps up with Lucian's trades
Draven - hard mechanically, but unstoppable if played well
Jarvan IV - good clear time, good ganks, tanky, damage

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Yasuo is essentially an auto-win, I understand his permaban status. From what I noticed, those champs are basically free elo if yougit BASIC knowledge of them and don't screw up really hard:

Jax - he's impossible to shut down, always hits hard and scales into a late game monster [b]Lol permabanned. Shut down early, otherwise hope your team is carrying[/b]
Yasuo - got you Stattik Shiv? You're probably winning. [b]Not as hard as people like to say, really. Sort of in Jax's boat where if he falls behind at all early, it takes him a while and several items to be good again.[/b]
Kayle - this Ruunan's build oh my god [b]Ult is op, but kinda predictable at times. Try to bait out the ult before going in, since she usually will want to block a huge burst of damage right away. Easier said than done, though.[/b]
Lucian - still the best [b]Nerfed due to recent item changes. Still great, but less. Hyper carries are more viable, like Twitch, Vayne, Kog, etc. Like all ADCs, lock down with CC and melt.[/b]
Lee Sin - always at the top, one of the few champs who can win the game themselves [b]Dodge Q, you're usually fine. Always assume he has flash for the kick.[/b]

so if they're not banned, go for it. There are also a few hidden gems that are rarely, if ever, banned:

Ziggs - this waveclear, this burst, them teamfights [b]Once his Satchel is down, he can't do anything if being chased. Also dodge everything, gg[/b]
Syndra - did I just 100-0 you [b]Dodge stun and win, and she also has trouble disengaging and manipulating her damage when all hell breaks lose.[/b]
Corki - keeps up with Lucian's trades [b]Just kind of an ADC? Not as bursty as one would like, easy to win trades early against him.[/b]
Draven - hard mechanically, but unstoppable if played well [b]CC and dead. Don't let him cash in them stacks. Try and avoid early trades, since his axes are insane[/b]
Jarvan IV - good clear time, good ganks, tanky, damage [b]Knock up combo is hard to hit, prone to those "I'm J4, and I'm helping" moments. If he goes damage, he's insanely squish, making him an easy target assuming you get the jump. If tanky, just don't focus him.[/b]

Just what I think about when I see those champs.

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There is a reason why Jax is permabanned. Even if you shut him down early, once he hits 6, he gets a huge tankiness/damage boost. His kit on its own deals tons of damage, and if you add items to that, you got trouble. He can also assassinate people while stunning their protectors.

Yasuo's kit is very solid, he has poke, damage, mobility and protection. You'd have to make him go like 0/10 in 5 minutes to REALLY shut him down. Shiv gives him better poke and farm capabilities, making it much easier for him to get into the game. And his ultimate has great utility.

It's not even only the ult, it's her huge teamfight damage. She hits the entire team, while shredding their Armor/MR with Ruunan's. Plus her slow, movement speed boost, heal, ultimate...lots of damage, lots of utility.

Let's stop playing ADCs since they melt to CC, like uh, all squishies. Hypercarries are good, but Lucian still has utility and safety with his dash that takes care of most soft CC you can put on him. What is Kog gonna do vs Leona or Thresh? And Twitch got hit REALLY hard with his passive and Q nerfs.

Why was pre-rework Nida toxic? Sure, all you had to do is "dodge Q". But once she landed it, you were fucked hard with a cactus. Same for Lee, except Lee can also ward hop to close the gap to you and throw a point-blank Q.

I'll write on the rest in a bit.

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As I said, dodge everything is not a viable counter strategy, as much as it sounds. His Minefield gives very good peeling capabilities as well, due to a big AoE refreshing slow.

Uh, Syndra disengages with one E, that's not a problem. And her scattered balls move VERY fast and have a deceptive hitbox. Avoiding the stun is harder than it seems. She's also good because she had BOTH teamfight damage and utility, and single-target burst.

You'd be surprised. His Gatling Gun and rockets give him a lot of power in trades. He's not bursty indeed, but his sustained damage is enormous, and mixed to boot, since his rockets deal magic damage.

You wanna deny Draven kills for all game? Good luck. If he gets just one, the snowball starts and it's VERY hard to recover. Sure, you can peel him off for days, but if he's good, he'll avoid death himself, aka keep stacking Adoration. And yeah, his dueling is unmatchable.

After passive buffs, Lizard Elder is the only thing he needs to deal damage. Maybe midgame Black Cleaver too, but that's optional. But true, we all had those "helping" moments.

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There is a reason why Jax is permabanned. Even if you shut him down early, once he hits 6, he gets a huge tankiness/damage boost. His kit on its own deals tons of damage, and if you add items to that, you got trouble. He can also assassinate people while stunning their protectors. [b]Pretty much[/b]

Yasuo's kit is very solid, he has poke, damage, mobility and protection. You'd have to make him go like 0/10 in 5 minutes to REALLY shut him down. Shiv gives him better poke and farm capabilities, making it much easier for him to get into the game. And his ultimate has great utility. [b]It's solid, yes, but if you won lane and you're there to keep him in check, should be easy.[/b]

It's not even only the ult, it's her huge teamfight damage. She hits the entire team, while shredding their Armor/MR with Ruunan's. Plus her slow, movement speed boost, heal, ultimate...lots of damage, lots of utility. [b]Ult's getting nerfed in 4.11 lol. But, yeah, once ult is down try to burst her fast.[/b]

Let's stop playing ADCs since they melt to CC, like uh, all squishies. Hypercarries are good, but Lucian still has utility and safety with his dash that takes care of most soft CC you can put on him. What is Kog gonna do vs Leona or Thresh? And Twitch got hit REALLY hard with his passive and Q nerfs. [b]I'm not trashtalking Lucian. He's still one of my favorite ADCs. He's just not as God as you like to think. If ahead, yeah, he's a monster with all that stuff he's got, but going even or he's behind, and he's pretty easy to handle.[/b]

Why was pre-rework Nida toxic? Sure, all you had to do is "dodge Q". But once she landed it, you were f***ed hard with a cactus. Same for Lee, except Lee can also ward hop to close the gap to you and throw a point-blank Q. [b]Her's was toxic for the damage it dealt AND the width + range. If play right, Lee's does great damage as well, but it relies on the rest of his ability, and he has to go in for it as well. Plus, Pre-rework Nida spears were less about being toxic, and more about being... uninteractive. Throw spears all day, gg.[/b]


As I said, dodge everything is not a viable counter strategy, as much as it sounds. His Minefield gives very good peeling capabilities as well, due to a big AoE refreshing slow. [b] But his stuff is especially easy to dodge. It's all pretty easy to predict and see the animations for. Any mid laner needs to know how to dodge that stuff.

Uh, Syndra disengages with one E, that's not a problem. And her scattered balls move VERY fast and have a deceptive hitbox. Avoiding the stun is harder than it seems. She's also good because she had BOTH teamfight damage and utility, and single-target burst.

You'd be surprised. His Gatling Gun and rockets give him a lot of power in trades. He's not bursty indeed, but his sustained damage is enormous, and mixed to boot, since his rockets deal magic damage. [Again, it comes down to being light on your feet and predicting things. Dodge rockets. But his gatling is painfully underestimated, like Rumble Q.[/b]

You wanna deny Draven kills for all game? Good luck. If he gets just one, the snowball starts and it's VERY hard to recover. Sure, you can peel him off for days, but if he's good, he'll avoid death himself, aka keep stacking Adoration. And yeah, his dueling is unmatchable. [b]Sure, even one kill will give him a bunch. Don't let him get a kill. Yeah, yeah, a lot of factors so that doesn't mean anything. But he doesn't have proper escapes and never builds tanky, so like any ADC, CC whABAM.[/b]

After passive buffs, Lizard Elder is the only thing he needs to deal damage. Maybe midgame Black Cleaver too, but that's optional. But true, we all had those "helping" moments. [b] Still makes him hard to manage as a champion, esp. after the knockup nerf happened.[/b]


Look, I ain't shit talking any champion here. I'm just saying that everyone has counter plays or their own faults, even if it sounds like a bullshit solution to them. No one champion is a God, and there are many, many other factors to consider outside the champions themselves. So don't mind me if I play devil's advocate.

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Dude.  It's literally the definition of how good they are.  A champion that wins more is better.  If a champion has a win rate above 50% it means they help the team they are on win.  If it's lower than 50% they hinder the team.  


Seriously explain your logic.

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That's the worst logic I've heard.  That 100% means she is bad and you shouldn't play her if you want to win games.  The vast majority of players are in bronze and silver and can't play a high skillcap champ worth shit.  They should play Amumu, Kayle, Heimerdinger, Fiora, who will all on average win them more games than lose.  

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How could I have been so foolish. It was right before me all along! I must thank you Welche!


Malzahar is at the top of the win rates list on Lolking. As such, he is clearly the most superior champion in this entire video game, let alone among Mid laners!

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Of course! It all makes sense now!



...Now that the lines between being serious and sarcastic and blurred, are you being serious? Or is this another Welche thing that will most likely continue whether you are serious or not?

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I feel obligated to side with Mako here. Last I checked Caitlyn was under a 50% win rate, yet playing her you can still win. Its the same for a lot of champs. Win rate does help determine a champs strength, but individual skill does too. Elise used to have a super high win rate, yet someone who has perfected Urgot could beat out a first time Elise. Welche, you are kind of sounding like the people your calling out there. 

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