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No I'm serious.  Statistics aren't a f***ing lie.  They aren't designed to f***ing trick you.  They are f***ing simple.  Malzahar wins games more than LeBlanc.  Simple as.  Malzahar will, on average, be more conducive to victory than LeBlanc.  Statistics are f***ing simple.  


EDIT: If statistics aren't good enough for you, I'm out.

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I'm not being sarcastic dude.  I'm 100% serious.  LeBlanc only wins 42% of the games she is in.  If you see a team mate pick LB you should start crying because they have now lowered the chance that you win your ranked game.  High skill cap champions are in general bad because most players are bad.  Amumu and other low skill cap champions are good because anyone can play them decently.  I'm not saying you shouldn't ban them because when a good LB player comes along they will kick your nuts in.  I'm saying that you shouldn't be excited about a team mate picking LB.  More often than not, they will be shitty and you will lose that game.

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In the case that you're serious, win rates mean nothing compared to PICK rates. If something like LeBlanc is picked way, WAY more than someone like Malz, of course her win/lose is going to be below 50%. I can guarantee you that if Malz had a pick rate anywhere near LeBlanc, his would be way lower.


Based on these stats I'm seeing, Malz is picked around 2% on average, while LeBlanc is never below 12%, sometimes spiking to 20%, even.

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That doesn't have any impact on my argument that you should be happier to see a Malz on your team than an LB.

If you're using the logic of "If he's playing Malz, since he's one of the only ones, he's most likely very practiced and proficient," then yeah, that's fine. But from a pure statistical standpoint...

Dodging his q is not a counter strategy at all lol...that's a universal strategy for literally every skill shot champion. 

Yeah, yeah, but you'd be surprised how many people need reminders. A lot are also easier to dodge than some think.

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If you're using the logic of "If he's playing Malz, since he's one of the only ones, he's most likely very practiced and proficient," then yeah, that's fine. But from a pure statistical standpoint...

Yeah, yeah, but you'd be surprised how many people need reminders. A lot are also easier to dodge than some think.


Malz actually has a very high win rate in solo queue. He's always been around 51-56% win rate.

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Uh, but guys. Welche is right here. Solo queue is mostly made of dumbasses. Characters that requires little mechanical skill are better in lower elos, because all they require is decisions. That's why Amumu, Blitz, etc. are so strong in Bronze/Silver. They're so easy that anyone can play them, and they're effective as hell there. So yes, win rate DOES mean quite a lot in this case, and if something is above 50%, means there is a bigger chance of its player playing well than a champ whose win rate is below 50%. Of course it depends on player, but if I see someone pick a 47% win rate champ vs our team's 52% win rate one, then I will assume our player has a bigger chance of winning. It can be completly different indeed. But the initial impression is based on numbers - which side with our teammate in here.

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So, the moral of the story is:


-Play whatever you're good at so you can carry your s*** team

-Hope your s*** teammates play easy champs so they can do less s*** than they'd do otherwise

-Accept the fact that everyone is s*** until you get to Plat/Diamond/Maybe Gold

-Win the game because everyone is s***


That's probably an exaggeration of this discussion, but that does pretty much summarize the LoL community. Seriously, have you guys seen LoL forums? The level of butthurt is incredible.

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Malz actually has a very high win rate in solo queue. He's always been around 51-56% win rate.

I never said he had a low win rate. It's just that the number of times he's picked and the number of people that can effectively use Malz are directly opposite of each other, meaning as the number of times he's picked goes down, the percentage of people that can play him well goes up, most likely spiking his win rate at times.

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But it's kinda true. If you're good at a champ, just play him. You know them inside out, you know their strengths, weaknesses etc. and even if the champ is UP, you can still make use of it.


That's true as well. If I see someone pick Amumu jungle, they can fuck up way less than let's say Lee Sin, since all they have to do is to land the bandage and press R in teamfights.


This is somehow wrong, since assuming everyone is bad works, but you have to assume that they can carry themselves if you help them and get them fed. (Jungler, support)

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But it's kinda true. If you're good at a champ, just play him. You know them inside out, you know their strengths, weaknesses etc. and even if the champ is UP, you can still make use of it.


Exactly. Though, when I think about it, this argument came from Welche claiming that Malz, due to his winrate, was better than champs like, say, LB, when you know that's not technically true. If two mechanically skilled players (of the same level) laned against each other, I'd wager a fair sum in the favor of LeBlanc. Sure, she lost her Vigil of Silence, but her tricky moves, quick map travel, and burst ability means that she's the better champion. This is especially so in the big picture where she can pressure other lanes just with her being the midlaner, whereas Malz can't really move fast at all (unless he's packin' teleport).


I will give it to Malz though in the 1v1. Assuming both champions are max level with full items, I think Malz with one ult could probably wipe the floor with LeBlanc.

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Ugh, dude. Welche meant that UNKNOWN SKILL Malzahar versus UNKNOWN SKILL LeBlanc matchup is favored for Malzahar, due to his higher winrate, so there is a smaller chance of him sucking! He didn't mean Malzahar is a better champion overally, only that he's a better champion for soloqueue...




Quill Coat (700g): Hunter's Machete (325g) + Cloth Armor (300g) + 75g

20 Armor

UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +40 Health Regen/5 and +30 Mana Regen/5 upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 150).

UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).


Spirit of the Ancient Golem (2000g): Quill Coat (700g) + Kindle Gem (850g) + 450g

+25% Bonus Health

+200 Health ( down from 350 HP ) 

+10% Cooldown Reduction

+20 Armor

UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +60 Health Regen/5 and +45 Mana Regen/5 upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 195).

UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Store 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Kill a large or epic monster to cash in up to 40 stacks.

UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).



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Ugh, dude. Welche meant that UNKNOWN SKILL Malzahar versus UNKNOWN SKILL LeBlanc matchup is favored for Malzahar, due to his higher winrate, so there is a smaller chance of him sucking! He didn't mean Malzahar is a better champion overally, only that he's a better champion for soloqueue...

I understand all of that now, and mostly before. Phrasing was weird in a lot of spots. All in all, it was a confusing conversation.


...You know what? Ok. I'm not bullshitting myself. I lost the argument. Go ahead and hang me at the gallows or whatever happens when someone loses an internet argument. I don't really get into those ever.



Quill Coat (700g): Hunter's Machete (325g) + Cloth Armor (300g) + 75g

20 Armor

UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +40 Health Regen/5 and +30 Mana Regen/5 upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 150).

UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).


Spirit of the Ancient Golem (2000g): Quill Coat (700g) + Kindle Gem (850g) + 450g

+25% Bonus Health

+200 Health ( down from 350 HP ) 

+10% Cooldown Reduction

+20 Armor

UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +60 Health Regen/5 and +45 Mana Regen/5 upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 195).

UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Store 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Kill a large or epic monster to cash in up to 40 stacks.

UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).





Well, first thing I notice is that I'm glad they removed Tenacity, and extra glad they added armor. When I jungle, 90% of the time I end up grabbing Spirit Golem, but then I usually want to buy Merc Treads since my next item beyond that is almost always an armor item. Now I can do that without wasting gold on the extra Tenacity.


The Barb passive is... huh. As a Skarner jungler, I don't know whether I would love it or hate it. How long does it last? Would it give back more health/mana than the old Butcher? Kinda want to test and see.


What's with the random ward? I guess I can't really complain, but it seems... out of place, almost? I'unno, just doesn't sit well. But I guess that means I can save money on wards?


...But when I think about it, what did Golem do to deserve a change? I didn't feel that it was unbalanced in any one direction.

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