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So CLG 3-0'd TSM for finals yesterday, looking really strong.  Kinda hoping they don't end up pulling an "All Stars 2013" and get Doublelift ahead only to not have him build a single defensive item and get 1-shot when they move on.


Anyway, has anyone had the chance to test out new items, like Sterak's or uh, that one thing that builds out of Hydra?

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So CLG 3-0'd TSM for finals yesterday, looking really strong.  Kinda hoping they don't end up pulling an "All Stars 2013" and get Doublelift ahead only to not have him build a single defensive item and get 1-shot when they move on.


Anyway, has anyone had the chance to test out new items, like Sterak's or uh, that one thing that builds out of Hydra?


both items are pretty good. I could see darius with a titanic hydra, then full tank being a thing in competitive now

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I talked to Klav about Titanic. It's a much better alternative to Ravenous for tanks and bruisers, now giving them all access to insane waveclear for split pushing and giving them a nice chunk of hp to go with that passive. Another thing to note is this is the only item to give an auto attack reset, meaning instant 3 stacks on Vi, who I've recently started to build as a straight tank now. I haven't used Sterak a lot, but I know it gas pretty good sheen synergy since Sheen scales off base ad.

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  • 4 weeks later...


yeh tsm best team work gonna rek the asian scrublords gg


But seriously though, I'll be amazed is TSM gets above 4th in their group. They haven't been looking too good.


Also, IDK if I've said this on here before or not, but CLG's gonna get out of their group and Fnatic isn't and Reddit's gonna flip its sheet. You heard it here first.

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Loving the high-quality analysis.


Seriously though, CLG did not look as good as I expected. They DID win, but it was only off a massive throw...something something worrying trend.


Today's game was a huge improvement.  But I'd like to comment on the bolded point.


Dash and Monte Christo are such enjoyable caster's to listen to.  Dash is (as Reddit so rightly put) forcing the commentators to give more depth and insight in their responses other than "X is going to win".  And it's wonderful.

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Today's game was a huge improvement.  But I'd like to comment on the bolded point.


Dash and Monte Christo are such enjoyable caster's to listen to.  Dash is (as Reddit so rightly put) forcing the commentators to give more depth and insight in their responses other than "X is going to win".  And it's wonderful.

I was referring to the quality analysis going on in this thread, but I guess it actually makes sense taken seriously, too.


And, uh...how 'bout that Xpeke Shockwave?

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  • 3 weeks later...

So...I assume you guys have seen the preseason changes? This sheet's crazy.




tl;dr All ADCs are different, fucktons of item changes, RIP green wards and mana pots, we have baby-Baron, probably other stuff.


On a related note, I just got PBE access, so if you guys want me to test anything with the new stuff, tell me.


Also, getting up at 6 AM to watch SKT go 3-0. Worth?

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