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As far as ending games goes, you have to remember that in most cases you are playing with 4 random players (unless you play premade in which case you will be looked down upon for being a 'boosted dynamic pleb') and quite often the people you are playing with lack fundamental game knowledge (e.g. when to get objectives and how to end). As Dunkey said in his leaving video, most games have 2-3 good players and a load of f***ing idiots. I read a stat on the summoner school subreddit (obviously its just an estimate) that says you only really have an impact in 40% of games, the other 60% are either automatic losses or automatic wins with you having little control due to your team getting stomped or the other way around.



Which is why I asked what the primary skills involved with being good at League are. I'm aware they're different. In SC2 you have several primary concepts that make you a better player. Mostly Macro, which is how efficiently and quickly you build expansions, buildings and bases, and Micro, which is how well you control individual or groups of units in your army. The difference I see in League is that mechanics matters very little on heroes, even Azir is not really any more complex than any basic level of army control in SC2. In SC2 there are things that will outright break a player because they aren't playing fast enough. Things like Cloaked Banshees, Dark Templar and early Pool rushes. League doesn't have that, very rarely in League is a game over early on because someone made a large mistake.


 In StarCraft as well, mechanics are super relevant. There are units that are outright awful without correct micro, but are incredible if you are skilled enough. Hellions, Adepts, Zerglings, etc. Life is known for his insane Zergling Micro. When you watch pro SC2, you can see a clear difference between them and even the average GM player because these players have years of experience. By no means do they play perfectly. StarCraft has a bunch of decision making too, and unlike in League, making a bad decision can outright lose you the game.


It's true that in lower elo mechanics mean very little because most players genuinely suck. However, as you climb, if you don't have solid mechanics you will find it extremely hard to win lane which may sometimes result in you losing the game. One of the most important factors is CSing, which works slightly differently on every champion due to different auto animations and auto speeds and to achieve near perfect CS you need to practice a s*** ton. On top of that you need to learn match-ups, e.g. when you can trade/poke/all-in your enemy laner based on what champion they are playing, how far ahead or behind you they are, what summoner spells and abilities they have up. You also need to learn how to control waves, when to freeze, reset or push based on what your team is doing. Map awareness and knowing where to ward is also crucial and not doing stupid s*** like pushing your lane when the enemy jungler has 4 kills. A lot of things are common sense you would be surprised at how many people that have played this game for 3+ years still completely fail at basics. 


Champions have specific mechanics too and you need to know how best to use them. Many champions are fundamentally easy to play but champs like Yasuo/Riven/Vayne/Lee require extensive practice in order for you to be able to dominate a game with them.


It's true that League has generally gotten less snowbally but there certainly were times when games were decided in the early game. A lot of the time they still are, if a team plays the early game with making barely any mistakes and securing every objective they can it can be very hard for the other team to come back, even if they are playing a late game comp. A single early mistake costing a whole game is unlikely but in a late game situation getting caught can easily lead to the game being lost. 

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 I read a stat on the summoner school subreddit (obviously its just an estimate) that says you only really have an impact in 40% of games, the other 60% are either automatic losses or automatic wins with you having little control due to your team getting stomped or the other way around.


 This is honestly why I don't like the game, when I lose in a game like StarCraft or WarCraft 3, I know that it's my fault.

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Now that we have a champion that swears this much, can Graves get his cigar back?

I'm going to be amazed if China doesn't get something censored.

It sounds hilarious that having is cigar is bad but having voice lines about stomping on corpses and murdering people is okay.


That being said, I love Kled. His ult's shaping up to be pretty damn nice.

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So, I did a fantasy LCS league this split. I'm tied with the 1st place guy record wise, but I'm in 2nd because he has more total points than me, so I didn't win the league.


Normally, that would be fine...if it weren't for the fact that I lost one of my matches by 0.81 points. If I'd gotten LITERALLY one more point, I would have won that game and gotten first from my win/loss record. 81% of a single point between me and victory, fml ;_;

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I got the free Augment Cache you can get by buying the 3 IP box thingies, and I got Arcade MF and Riot Blitz from it. Not sure if I'm gonna craft either of them, but it's cool.

Damn, nice pulls.

I got Riot Blitz too, funnily enough. Perfect for me, as I am loving supports like him.

I just want one flashy hextech pull and my life is complete :P

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I'm excited for when the Disruption Cache comes next week. I don't really play any of the champs that have Project skins, but I can't complain about a free one. I'm kinda hoping for Lucian, he's a lot of fun.

It's somewhat scammy, though. The cores combine into a SHARD. So you still have to have essence for the skin, if I read correctly.

It's also scammy because it comes with two augment fragments and they will go to waste for me ;-;


But, the blueprint is free, so I can't complain. I already have Lucian and Zed cuz I'm a casul who's spent 200$ish in League already (for on sale stuff, and to be honest, this game takes ages to get IP). I'm hoping for Yi or Yasuo, but I don't own Yasuo yet. 


Heh, Blitz puns...

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I broke and got 2 augment bundles, and my haul was:


Blackfrost Anivia (sweet, I wanted that. I also this shard twice, which was odd)

Prehistoric Cho (Reroll)

Loch Ness Cho (Reroll)

Bear Cavalry Sejuani (Also got this shard twice)

Winter Wonder Lulu

Silent Night Sona (Reroll)

Underworld Wukong

Eternum Nocturne

Mad Scientist Singed


The total cost of these skins amounted to over 11800 RP, so I essentially got all these skins for less than half price.

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I broke and got 2 augment bundles, and my haul was:


Blackfrost Anivia (sweet, I wanted that. I also this shard twice, which was odd)

Prehistoric Cho (Reroll)

Loch Ness Cho (Reroll)

Bear Cavalry Sejuani (Also got this shard twice)

Winter Wonder Lulu

Silent Night Sona (Reroll)

Underworld Wukong

Eternum Nocturne

Mad Scientist Singed


The total cost of these skins amounted to over 11800 RP, so I essentially got all these skins for less than half price.

Rerolled a Silent Night Sona ;_____________;

Crying regardless of if you rerolled INTO it or OUT of it lol

Jealous as f***.

Nice, nice.


My end haul from one bundle was

3 gems

3 fragments 

Exiled Morgana

Riot Blitzcrank



Workshop Shaco

Imperial Lux

Sitting on Eternum Reksai til I get the champ (it's a perma shard)

Red Riding Annie

I cashed in on Challenger Nidalee and Battlecast Prime Chogath using my essence and now-owning-ness of Nidalee

TPA Orianna

Black Scourge Singed

Academy Ekko (y u no project)

And River Spirit Nami.


I passed up things like Enchanted Galio, Sultan Gangplank, Knockout Lee Sin, Heart Seeker Varus, Nightmare Trynd, two Tristana skins, Explorer Ezreal Permanent, Haunted Zyra, Pentakill Olaf....

Mostly due to not owning the champs or not liking the skins (in the case of Tristana).


All and all, I like what I got. I think the game is telling me to play Shaco, lol. I also got his Mad Hatter skin recently.

I would list which ones were rerolls, but I forget.


Thinking about it, and reading Broke's post, I only spent like 3500RP on the chests and got a ton of sheet from them. Can't complain at all. Almost makes me want to spend more, but I really need to budget with this game, haha.

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I always try to objectively look at my payout versus the cost of the bundles, to see if I got my money's worth. When I got DJ Sona and Pulsefire Ezreal through Hextech, the total amount of stuff gotten pretty much meant I got them for half price or better. Sadly, I only got Spirit Guard Udyr for about 40% off instead.


Also, I don't really care for Silent Night Sona, since I already have Pentakill, DJ, and Guqin Sona as well. All I need is Arcade Sona and I'll have the full set.


I didn't list champ shards cause I got them all, so, champ shards exist just to reroll into new champs (like Kled) or for essence/shards for masteries 6 and 7.

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I always try to objectively look at my payout versus the cost of the bundles, to see if I got my money's worth. When I got DJ Sona and Pulsefire Ezreal through Hextech, the total amount of stuff gotten pretty much meant I got them for half price or better. Sadly, I only got Spirit Guard Udyr for about 40% off instead.


Also, I don't really care for Silent Night Sona, since I already have Pentakill, DJ, and Guqin Sona as well. All I need is Arcade Sona and I'll have the full set.


I didn't list champ shards cause I got them all, so, champ shards exist just to reroll into new champs (like Kled) or for essence/shards for masteries 6 and 7.

Ah, I still don't own but like half of the champs. I'm always thrilled to get someone I really wanted, like this time.

In fact, Champion rerolls have been amazing for me. Nami, Thresh, Sej, Cait, Jayce, Nidalee...I wanted all of them at the time xP

I try to compare to their prices, of course, but the thing is that I've already sunk $200 into the game, haha. I still wanna budget to where I'm not always in a "come back for more" mood. But these chests are so damn tempting. I will be someone's slave for another bundle, hell even just enough RP for a chest xD


Double loot chests have me foaming at the mouth, yo.

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Yeah, even if they are 100 RP more. I have no real need for the system anymore though, since I've got all the ultimate skins now, and it just isn't worth the risk to keep gambling for less value. I allowed myself the Augmented stuff just for the double rewards, but that was the end of it. I got trolled hard by only obtaining 2 Augmented shards (on top of the three from the IP boxes). I look forward to the Disruption box, as I think it comes with another Augmented shard, so I can make one last box. Sadly, my last run totaled all of my orange essence. Legendary and epic skins ain't cheap.


Still, as of now, I possess enough champion shards to reroll for the next 11 or so new champs.

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