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Kingdom Hearts: The 13th Requiem [PG-13/Not Accepting]

Phantom Roxas

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Dawn continued to walk through the valley within Radiant Gardens. His calls for any type of life had gone unheard leaving him to wonder where he had wound up at. Dawn scratched his chin and folded his arms, he thought for a moment and sighed heavily.

[color=#000080]"I have no idea where I am!"[/color] Dawn stated in anger as he rubbed his hair back and began to think rationally again. [color=#000080]"Okay, now what was I doing before I got sucked in, these wounds, their not all from the crash."[/color] Dawn drew his attention to the large slash across his chest. [color=#000080]"Me....no Ze...no...what was his name...?"[/color] Dawn took out his Yin blade and observed it.[color=#000080] "That's right, I...I heard vocies, and they led me to....darkness....I need to find a town or some form of life to find out where I am."[/color] Dawn put his blade back in its sheath and began running through the valley.

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[font=georgia, serif]"Nothing like that, though where we would get the water for a moat that big is entirely beyond me. Basically, he's sensed unusual magical activity in another world normally devoid of magic. He wants a few Wraiths patrolling the world as they're stealthier than the Dusks, so we can get a grasp on the situation. He's been somewhat hoping that this could be the signs of a new Keyblade, but, I personally think a traveler is just having fun. Either way, he needs the Wraiths there pronto to check it out. I'd send my Deadbeats personally, but, they've been a little to busy as well searching for potential new members."[/font]

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Xelo laid peacefully on his bed, though his partners and he used the heartless to drown many worlds in darkness. The screams of the men, women, and children running in fear filled Xelo’s head with doubt causing him to question his actions constantly asking himself if it was the right thing to do, but as time passed he became cold and immune to the screams realizing that this was all necessary if his colleagues could follow through with it so could he. As time passed he found himself becoming more of an introvert wanting to always be alone and keeping to himself a lot more, even so the other nobodies would amuse him from time to time even if he didn't show it.

Becoming bored Xelo decided step outside his room he looked down the halls seeing no one. “Maybe I can enjoy my walk in peace.” He spoke aloud to himself as he sauntered the halls of the castle. As he roamed the halls Xelo began thinking of the keyblade. Months passed and there was still no sign of a chosen wielder, as least he thought. Being deemed Number IV Xelo knew Kreix wouldn't go to him first with important information, though he could care less about the numbers what matter to him was achieving their main goal.

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Dawn had continued to walk down the valley, truth be told even Dawn didn't realise the size of it. He quickly stopped and took a moment to reflect on the distance he had travelled. Well over 10km, Dawn was quite fit and was able to last long distances at fast speeds. Dawn finally got to a point of the valley that became alot more narrower, the walls of the valley rose alot higher to, with no real reason to not walk down the narrower path Dawn continued forward. After a few minutes of travelling the path began ascending high, Dawn sighed and dashed forward making up the steep hill in short time. Upon arriving at the top he noticed that the path led into a massive open area with a short man standing freightened by a small wooden stand, next to him were motorcycles with prices displayed on the sides.

The man was relativelty short only 4 foot tall, alot like a dwarf. The man upon seeing Dawn jumped and scurried behind the stand.

[color=#000080]"Hello?"[/color] Dawn questioned, without warning the man reappeared with a large shotgun pointed at Dawn.

[color=#b22222] "Be you friend or foe?!"[/color] The man called out, it seemed he wasn't quite used to pointing guns at people as his arms continuously shook. Dawn folded his arms and chuckled.

[color=#000080]"Whoa Whoa Whoa, slow do-"[/color] The strange man, by accident it seemed, shot at Dawn. Dawn gripped his blade and planted it in front of himself causing the bullets to ricochet into the surroundings. Instinctively Dawn whilst gripping his Yang Blade dashed forward and sliced up cutting the shotgun in half. The man panicked for the moment and fell to his ass. Dawn then pointed his blade at the seated dwarf-like man and resheathed his blade into the back slot.

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Nerhyx was wondering the castle and couldn't find Kriex anywhere. Pity. The most logical thought is that Kriex is not inside the castle he's somewhere else, but where is that somewhere else. If it was some place Nerhyx was not to know about then all is well, but if it was some place accessible and another Nobody knew about it then Nerhyx took it upon himself to learn more. "Well if master did tell another Nobody it would have to be Number II." He made his way down the halls and over to Haxz's quarters and began to knock on the door. After no answer Nerhyx had to think about where could Haxz be at this moment in time. "...Oh its still morning he's probably annoying Number III." This daily ritual of taunting Omcraxs was nothing new. Sure the Nobodies weren't a close knit group of people. Actually Nerhyx realized that he doesn't talk to any of them unless either spoken too first or he needed something which was just rare. Nevertheless during his morning walks around the castle he would often here multiple voices coming from Omcraxs room. Seeing as that had nothing to do with him he just left it alone.

Nerhyx used a Corridor to move himself in front of the door to Omacrxs and began knocking it was obvious that there were bodies occupying that room it would just be nice if they opened the door so he could ask a quick question.

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[quote name='Cutie Morning Gem' timestamp='1357935991' post='6118327']
Far away in the vestiges of space was a humble world known as Channel Neighborhood. In this humble world lived a humbler house belonging to a man who sold terrible, terrible snacks. In this house was a Suga Momma and a roaring tele.

This was not a fancy flat screen tv but it was Suga Momma's tv and that meant it was important, after all how else was Suga Momma gonna see some wrasslin? But disaster struck. There was a crash as the black jaunty form of a solider heartless broke into the house. Sugar Momma sneered, her sister must have been up to no good again. But then the solider was followed as some weirdo in a white jumpsuit sortof floated zigzagged into the room as well. "Hold it boy, what are you doing in a that kinda suit if you ain't jogging. Kid just get out of my house and walk like the rest of us." Undettered but the sage advice, the Dusk pounced on the heartless, sending it crashing into... the tv.

It was like the world

Oh no, no no no. You do not just break Suga Momma's tv? How was she supposed to know if El Toro defeated Strong Mad? Was she supposed to just look into the future? Someone needed to be tought a lesson. Suga Momma loomed over the two monsters, and in that instance they felt the truest and purest form of fear ever experienced. The two clutched one another in the wreckage of the tv, hoping for comfort in what was sure to be their last moments in existence. Suga Momma lifted her can and brought it down straight between the eyes of the Solider, making him disappear into a cloud of darkness as his heart flew away. If the dusk had a bladder it was certain it was relieving it right now. Suga Momma grabbed the nobody by the scruff of its next and lifted him to eye level, not difficult since they were roughly the same height. "Boy you tell me who sent you and soldier here, someone is going to have to pay... for Suga Momma's new tv, I am to old to wait for my idiot son to buy a new one."

The dusk's voice is raspy. "I work... for Organization XIII, fear the name for they are beyond this world and thus your reach. They will destroy you and you can't even confront them." Suga Momma smiled. "Good, I love to travel." Suga momma turned behind her. "OSCAR! Someone destroyed the tv so I am going to stop a evil organization, don't bother making dinner for me!" Before Oscar could respond Suga Momma picked up her faithful dog puff and had her rest on her shoulder, walking outside. Twirling her staff, Suga momma whacked the air and with a tearing sound a hole in reality was formed, Suga Momma walked through the hole, dedicated to finding the fools who could mess with the proud family.

Somewhat forgotten but still litterally in Suga Momma's clutches, the dusk whimpered to itself.

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"Um, well..."

Viola pursed her lips, as if unsure if she should ask him, although she'd already delayed it for two months already. She took a moment to glance behind her back - it would probably take several more minutes until any of the other apprentices arrived, so there should be enough time. Glancing at the ring on her finger, it held unfathomable power, so surely something so amazing and powerful was capable of the feat.

She had to know, she just had to. If there was a chance to revive the dead... But if she asked, how would he react? There was no telling, but still, it was worth a shot. Today was the day she turned sixteen, though she doubted any of the others would notice that, nor did she plan on mentioning it. It's been long enough already.

"I was just wondering," Viola began, trying to look as innocent as possible. "I understand it's probably dark stuff, but...is it possible - at all - to um, revive someone who died...? Just curious."

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The day had been dull as far as lessons went, and Shuren was getting more and more excited for training. He'd been cramming more at night so as to devote more time to his studies with his new master and the others. This was now less about his drive for power, and more about his newly found relationship with the other apprentices.

To his delight, he'd found that he got along very well with Trevor and Ryan, as they shared a few common interests as well as similar personalities. He'd found that he and Trevor even shared the same goal, more or less. Viola was.... odd. There wasn't anything about that Shuren could complain about, she was simply awkward around him. He couldn't help feeling he was somewhat to blame for her social activity around him, since he did tend to subtly flirt with her from time to time. For this reason alone, Shuren thought his relationship with Viola was, in her words, interesting. James had trouble speaking with them at first, but he'd gotten better about it lately, so Shuren was able to get along well enough with James too. The only person who Shuren felt he hadn't connected to was Balthazar, not that Shuren could blame him really. If he was in Balthazar shoes, he probably wouldn't trust him either.

Even with his happiness about his new friends though, he still didn't let himself forget about his goal. He needed to get stronger in order to prevent any more disappearances. What was worse, they were growing in the past few months since the apprentices had started training. This merely confirmed Shuren's belief that there was far more to the incident than the police or anyone could deal with. Anyone but the apprentices.

It was for this reason, that Shuren decided to cut his last two periods in favor of attempting to fit in a bit of extra training once every two weeks. He'd informed Trevor and Ryan of this as well, since they were the only two attending the same public school as he was, another reason that he felt the three of them got along well. In hind sight, he probably should have told Viola before them, since she had gotten lost more than a few times, and had followed Shuren there from a distance even more. He wondered why she'd not simply asked him if she could walk with him their, rather than attempt to follow a thief who'd grew up doing what she was trying to do. It wasn't that it annoyed him that she didn't ask, it just seemed silly. Or maybe it did annoy him, he was sure, but he preferred to walk with her rather than be stalked by her.

He was rounding the corner to his house with the intent of picking up his katana, which he'd only had because his dad owned one befoe he left, as well as all his other gear that he'd brought, when he heard what was normally a common sound in his section of Manhattan. The sound of someone in pain, and another person bringing pain. The sound of a mugging. This one was different though. Firstly, because it was happening right in front of his apartment building, and second, because the one getting mugged was a twelve year old boy. Shuren new that position the boy was in well, since he'd been in that similar position multiple times before.

"I know you're not doing this in front of my place, right boys?" The two men turned to Shuren, revealing the small twelve year old in distress. Shuren knew the men who had gathered and the boy. He could also tell that the boy had been caught stealing from the men and was being, as the two men tried to say, 'disciplined'. "I'm pretty sure there're laws against that kinda discipline." Shuren retorted. He found it ironic that he'd said that, seeing as he himself was no stranger to breaking the rules. Still, the men didn't find this as comical as he had, since they'd changed their target from the small child to Shuren.

The first man threw a haymaker, which Shuren managed to block with his left hand, leaving the mans gut wide open for an attack. Shuren took advantage of this by giving the man his own attack, in the form of a punch to the gut that made him lurch forward. This set up Shuren's next attack perfectly. He grabbed the mans shirt, using it to brace him as he bought his knee up into the mans nose. That was broken, but he'd get back up it a sec. The second man was more wild and easy to bring down, since he lunged at Shuren with no real attack plan in mind at all. This made it too easy for Shuren to flip the man over his back and into the dumpster he'd positioned himself in front of, swiping the mans wallet as he did. By now, the first man had gotten up. The man WAS going to attack him, but Shuren shut him down with a lightning powered punch in his chamber, that launched the man back against the wall.

He'd wondered how he did that for a short moment, then realized he'd hit the man with the hand his ring had been on. Some of his magic must've leaked out when he had, because he'd not yet been able to use magic without the ring. In any case, now wasn't the time to think of that. He searched the wallet, tossed a few cards out, then handed it to the kid. "Consider it compensation. In the future though, don't get caught." He wanted to say 'don't steal' but thought it was too hypocritical for him of all people to say that. The boy smiled and nodded, then ran off, leaving Shuren to retrieve his gear.

Once his gear was all gathered, and his katana was safely concealed in the case he'd gotten for it, he glanced down at his ring, to inspect for damage. Sure enough, the wings, the band, and even the gem were all unharmed. Shuren had been extremely careful with his ring, but he was also extremely curious to know the durability of the ring. So far it seemed unbreakable, but Shuren hadn't exactly planned on taking a hammer to the thing.

As he left his house, he suddenly remembered something he shouldn't have forgotten, and caused him to feel bad that e had forgotten. Viola's birthday was today. He'd only known because Viola had mentioned it once before while they were training. He'd only known her for two months, but still felt he should get her a gift of some kind, and fortunately, he'dhad just enough time to get one, since he'd only burned 45 minutes getting to his apartment and dealing with the thugs. He wished he could say he hadn't used magic for this, but when he found out he could speed himself and the others movement up, he couldn't help but abuse this. However,to everyone's, even his own, surprise, this would be the first time he would use magic to steal. He focused hard, then cast the spell.
As soon as he'd spoken the words he felt his body become immensely light. A feeling he'd grown used to over the past two months, along with a small boost in his adrenaline. With his spell complete, he wasted no time in dashing for the closest shopping center to find an unsuspecting mark.

It was no sooner than he arrived that he'd found them too. A snobby looking, snobby acting woman, who obviously had money to spare, sporting an impressive looking diamond necklace. Yes, she'd make for a perfect mark, and not just because she was arrogant enough to wear such expensive jewelry in a city like New York in the manner she was wearing it now. Shuren walked up to her, pretended to trip, grabbed the necklace off her neck being careful not to simply yank it off, and swipe it unnoticeabley, and then apologized. "Get away you vermin." the lady said in retort to his fake apology. Shuren couldn't help but laugh as he casually strolled away. She really called him vermin? In this day, age, and country? At the very least it erased any guilt he had about stealing the necklace.

When he'd finally arrived at Balthazar shop, he was a little surprised to see Viola had beaten him there. He was about to congratulate her on her making it to the shop without following him or someone else, but then thought it might embarrass her more than he'd like to. He still felt slight stings when Balthazar and the others brought up his failed entrance when they'd first met. That, and he noticed that the Viola seemed to be in an important conversation with Balthazar, and Balthazar had been looking into the same strange device that he'd seen him use only when leaving. "Uhhh, sorry. I'm not interrupting am I?" he asked. "If I am, I can just wait outside till you finish."

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Omcraxs let out a quick chuckle at the idea. He motioned a few times with his wrists and waited, folding back his arms. Nothing seemed to change in the room, except for a fair shift in the general atmosphere of the room. Like there were a few more breaths in there.

After a while, Number III said a few words to Haxz. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"That's really nice of the Superior to say and all, but I must say I have to disagree with his description of my Wraiths. They are not merely [i]stealthier[/i] than Dusks. For you see, my Elites, the Wraiths..."[/color][/font]

Omcraxs raised his hand and snapped his fingers. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"are [i]invisible. [/i]"[/color][/font]

[u][url="http://i48.tinypic.com/21nldmg.jpg"]Several figures somehow suddenly were perfectly visible in the room, floating.[/url][/u] But they were always clearly there, what are you talking about?

One of the Wraiths appeared behind the intruder at the door labeled [b]III[/b]. Very timely too, as he knocked on the door. The Wraith tapped the other Nobody in the back before moving past him and opening the door for him. Omcraxs looked at the door sideways to see the recently arrived Nerhyx. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"Oh, hello. Any reason for coming to bother me after I come back from a mission? Because, now that this ass here is with me and the Wraiths are around, you must have noticed I'm sort of busy. In fact, just give me a minute to send them off."[/color][/font] He turned to one Wraith among the rest, one whose sleeves were particularly tattered. The Nobody commanded said Wraith to come closer to him, and whispered to it while looking at Hxz mischeivously. The Wraith nodded, and opened its mouth. No sound came from it, but the others seemed to get something; for they all nodded. One by one they opened corridors and left.

One of them however, whipped Haxz's nether region with its sleeve before disappearing.


The Wraiths came out of the Corridor around the game shop. They instantly realized they were still visible, and hastily returned to their cloaked state. Hopefully they had not been detected.

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[center][i][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQdwwW0FMGs]Kingdom Hearts OST - Destiny Islands[/url][/i][/center]

Class had just let out and everyone in the building was piling out, all except for Trevor. With pencil in hand, he quickly but correctly, finished the last item on his homework list. As he finished the paper, he quickly stood up and shoved the papers into his bag and headed off. [color=#daa520][i]Alright, just little over twenty minutes before I get to Balthazar and the others, hopefully I can get there without problems this time. [/i][/color]he thought, as he ducked into an alley for a shortcut...though it wasn't a smart idea.

"Hey kid! The heck are you doing on our turf! Guess we're gonna have to teach you a lesson!!" Trevor saw the origin of the voice came from a hooded man who stood in front of him with a small gang. This was just what Trevor needed...that is to say, not much. However it did pose a time to test out his agility to its fullest. He remembered hearing from Balthazar that his speed was amazing, so what better time to test that?

[center][i][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqHNQwn4vek]Kingdom Hearts 2 OST - Rowdy Rumble[/url][/i][/center]

One by one they rushed toward Trevor, who just stood where he was. When the leader arrived near him, he quickly ducked and moved to his left, doing the same with the other two. He got behind them and started to run, but then noticed a fourth member of this gang running toward him. Without hesitation, Trevor ran toward the wall and jump, having his one leg push of the wall, thus making propelling behind the fourth member. [color=#daa520]"Sorry, maybe later!!" [/color]he yelled back, still heading towards Balthazar's game shop.

[center]=A couple minutes later=[/center]

Trevor walked through the door, out of breath. [color=#daa520]"I-I'm here!" [/color]he panted, trying to catch his breath. [color=#daa520]"Had a run in with a group in an alley...again."[/color]

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Adrenaline. That's what was pumping at least twice as much was blood in Ryan's as he began running at an abnormal speed towards Balthazar's shop. Being one of the few people on his bus after school had ended, including Trevor and Shuren, once he got off the bus, he ran to his home and entered without hesitation. He passed his foster parents without giving them a glance. "Hey, Ryan, how was school?" said his foster mother, who was the kindest woman in the world if you gave her a chance. "[color=#b22222]Sorry, no time, in a rush, gotta see my friends![/color]" he said in a fast tone, slightly stuttering as a result. "Alright, have fun." his foster mother said to herself, giving a slight smile knowing that Ryan is happy by having new friends that he's has been give permission to hang out with. Ryan proceeded upstairs with a swift pace, where his foster father was. "Hey, sport, you enjoy your day?" said his foster father, who was always enthusiastic about Ryan's interests and always does what he can to push him forward. "[color=#b22222]No time Rich, gotta see my friends today, no time for small talk.[/color]" Ryan was really in a rush, and his foster father Richard knew what that meant, sort of.

A few seconds later, Ryan runs downstairs without his backpack and school supplies and runs down the stairs, not caring if he stumbles and hurts himself. "Have fun, sweetie." Then Ryan stopped in his tracks the moment he was about to go out the door. "[color=#b22222]Anna, I said not to call me that, but thanks.[/color]" he said to his foster mother Anna, who chuckled at the realization that she forgot Ryan was an adult. Ryan then proceeded out the door, and his adrenaline started pumping harder than ever before. He was running nonstop, pushing past crowds of people shouting, "[color=#b22222]Excuse me, pardon me, in a rush here people![/color]" He just kept running because he knew that where Balthazar's shop was, was a lot farther than he originally expected the day he first left the shop and went home. But what was making him run without stopping, was that something important was to be talked about among everybody, and he didn't want to miss it. Granted, he knew Balthazar was patient and would wait for everybody to get there, but if he's late, who knows how long Balthazar will wait for him?

He was just a few minutes away. He can make it. He can make it! And then suddenly, a blockade ended up knocking him back. Well, he was totally wrong, in both cases. He couldn't make it, and what stopped him was no blockade. It was the school bully, Joe Brawd. He stood at an anchoring two metres, a face of anger and determination glaring straight at Ryan. Ryan recollected himself and moaned. "[color=#b22222]Not today Brawd, I'm in a rush and I don't need you being in my way![/color]" He said to Brawd. Joe, wasn't fazed, however. "What, you about to go see your new buddies?" he asked. "You ain't goin' anywhere until I get my payment!" Ryan then gave Brawd a glare. "[color=#b22222]Don't go down this road. You know what'll happen.[/color]" He then chuckled, no fear in his tone. "Not this time. I've prepared myself for this. Now, you're gonna get an ass whoopin' of your life." Ryan sighed. "[color=#b22222]You asked for it.[/color]" Joe then proceeded to land a punch on Ryan, but he dodged it with the swift turn of his neck. He then quickly retaliated by grabbing his arm with the hand that has his ring on it and quickly thinks up the most minor version of the spell. [i][color=#b22222]Fire.[/color][/i] A quick, but doable, flame appeared but dispersed immediately. But it was fast enough to burn his hand profusely without leaving any scar.

"Why you little...!?" he yelled as he went towards Ryan. Reacting quickly, he did a jumping spin kick and hit him directly in the face. As a result, Brawd fell over to his side, dazed and unable to retaliate. "[color=#b22222]Face it, Brawd, you got nothing on me.[/color]" He then proceeded towards the shop once again at full speed. He was only a few minutes away. He then looked at his watch. 2:56 PM. Okay, he can make it. And just barely, he made it to Balthazar's shop, completely exhausted and dry-heaving his heart out. "[color=#b22222]Hey guys...I...made it. Oh...by the way...happy birthday...Viola...[/color]" Ryan was most likely the only one who remember Viola's birthday, but that's because he was the first, and probably only, person to ask. He then collapsed on the floor, his muscles completely weakened by the consistent running. He was still conscious. He just couldn't move that much. "[color=#b22222]Can I get a little support please?[/color]" he said, still exhausted, gesturing to Trevor and/or Shuren. "[color=#b22222]By the way, since we're all here...did you have something important to talk about to us Balthazar?[/color]"

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Of all the things Viola could ask about, resurrecting the dead was the one he would least expect, but also the one he was most afraid of telling his apprentices about. He had an answer, but he didn't want to tempt anyone with the knowledge that it existed, especially the Prime Merlinean. "I'm sorry, Viola, but there isn't. One someone has died, they cannot be brought back, even with our powers." Just as Balthazar finished answering Viola's question, Shuren stepped inside the door, followed by Trevor and Ryan, who were both out of breath.

"Did you two use magic on your way here?" Balthazar asked. "You should save your energy, because there is something important I must tell you all, but first, where's James?" Balthazar sensed the Corridors of Darkness opening, and rushed outside. He looked around the alley, but could see anyone. "They're here… But where?"


In the middle of Radiant Garden's market, a heart manifested itself, with the darkness surrounding it to give form to a something resembling Soldier Heartless. However, its armor looked worn, and its suit was now pitch black. Looking around, it saw a blonde youth having drawn its blade against a short fat man. Not that the difference meant much to this Sergeant Heartless. And so it hopped its way towards the younger man, then pounced at him.

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A few moments later, Shuren and the others were joined by Trevor, who said something about having a small run in with a group of people, same as Shuren. He could tell from how Trevor was panting though, that he'd taken the non-violent route and used his speed and agility to escape. This was impressive, and the option Shuren would normally have chosen if there hadn't been another person involved. "So you ran into thugs too, huh?"

Then Ryan came in, also out of breathe. He didn't say it, but Shuren guessed he'd also run into some form of trouble. Whether it was thugs like he and Trevor he wasn't sure,but his clothes were scuffed and dirty, signifying that he'd struck the cement at some point. Of course it was possible that he'd just tripped on his way over. Still, Shuren couldn't help but laugh as he gave Ryan the support he'd requested. "Tell ya what. Since the three of us can't seem to stay at trouble, why don't we start heading over as a group?"

Ryan had also raised up the fact that it was Viola's birthday to Shuren again. This caused him to start coming up with a creative method of delivering the necklace, which he'd found out was glass and not diamonds on his way over. His current favorite was to attempt to slip the necklace into her pocket without her knowing, and see how long it took for her to discover it was there. Mostly because he thought it'd be a nice change of pace to slip something into someones pocket rather than out of it as he usually did. He also started wondering if this was even something she'd like. If anything, he could make something later and tell her that was an 'I'm sorry I forgot your birthday was today gift' and give her the real gift another day.

He felt a small twinge of guilt when Balthazar asked if Trevor and Ryan had used magic, since he knew for a fact, he'd used it multiple times that day. He didn't want to, but admitting his own mistake was the right thing to do. "Well, I'm not sure about Ryan and Trevor..." he began, blushing a little as he did, "but I've been using Haste left and right to speed up travel, and earlier today, I accidentally used Thunder when I hit a mugger with my ring..." He knew he'd be in trouble for the last part, or at the very least, he thought he should be. "But don't worry! Not a scratch on the ring. Surprisingly..."

As he spoke though, he noticed Balthazar getting somewhat anxious and shifty. He helped Ryan over to a seat, and set him down to catch his breathe and recharge his energy. Then he noticed something strange that Balthazar had also just pointed out. James was missing. How could he be missing though? Since the training began, he'd been the first person to arrive every day, with the exception of when he and Viola would arrive together. Shuren's body started to tense up too. He felt as if something that shouldn't be was close by. Balthazar confirmed his suspicions soon after.

"Maybe one of us should go look for James." he said after a while. He knew that James wasn't a pushover, and was far more talented with magic than any of them, aside for Viola who was special, but physically, James was less capable than Shuren, Trevor, and Ryan, and if there was some unknown enemy nearby, it was safer if non of them were alone. He glanced over at Trevor, Ryan, and Viola, then at his own ring. The two boys were still panting, and he didn't want Viola to go out either. He'd had no clue why, but he felt it was better if she was safe. Besides, if he went, he could use another Haste spell to find James quickly, and help him escape quickly too if need be. "I can go if you want. I'll probably be the fastest one anyways." he said with a wink as he held up his ring, hoping to keep his friends spirits high, and panic low.

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[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1358209479' post='6121099']
Of all the things Viola could ask about, resurrecting the dead was the one he would least expect, but also the one he was most afraid of telling his apprentices about. He had an answer, but he didn't want to tempt anyone with the knowledge that it existed, especially the Prime Merlinean. "I'm sorry, Viola, but there isn't. One someone has died, they cannot be brought back, even with our powers." Just as Balthazar finished answering Viola's question, Shuren stepped inside the door, followed by Trevor and Ryan, who were both out of breath.

"Did you two use magic on your way here?" Balthazar asked. "You should save your energy, because there is something important I must tell you all, but first, where's James?" Balthazar sensed the Corridors of Darkness opening, and rushed outside. He looked around the alley, but could see anyone. "They're here… But where?"

[color=#daa520]"Magic? No sir, I haven't used any since the last time we met up!" [/color]Trevor said with a smile, now having his breath again. [color=#daa520]"Its called I was running and you were right after all, Balthazar...I really do have some speed to me." [/color]He walked away from the entrance, but then noticed Balthazar rush passed them and getting outside. Trevor was becoming a bit freaked out by this, but then saw him walk back in as if nothing was wrong. [color=#daa520]"Um Balthazar...you OK? It kinda looked like you saw a ghost or something." [/color]he said, digging his hands into his pockets. A ghost, eh it could happen...after all those disappearances were caused by SOMETHING so a ghost might be the answer. Then again, Trevor was probably just thinking crazy again.

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Dawn knelt down and offered an arm forward to help the dwarve man up, hesitant at first the man didn't acknolwedge the support but took a chance and took the offer. The man brushed away the dust from his pants and brown apron and sighed, he looked up at Dawn apolagised.

[color=#b22222]"I'm sorry young stranger, but you see these markets are attacked frequently by strangers so we're cautious towards everyone."[/color] Dawn hadn't even taken a moment to notice the rest of the markets, fruit stands, jellwery shops and antique stands were to name a few of the stalls.

[color=#000080]"Attacked? Where is this pla-" [/color]Dawn was cut off by a sudden pick up in the wind, noticeably a heart formed near by that gave birth to an improved version of the Heartless soldier. Darkness shrouded the creature, its creation caused the civilians to hide behind their stands and flee the markets. Without hesitation the Heartless boss pounced at Dawn. The short man gave a yelp and jumped into the air.

[color=#000080]"Don't worry!"[/color] Dawn stated in confidence as he drew out his "Yin" Blade. Unexpectedly however the blade didn't glow the dark light it normally did when a heartless attacked. The heartless gave no concern to the situation and planted its armored head into Dawn's Yin blade. The impact forced Dawn through the air slamming into a wall of the rock valley.

Dawn was quick to get to his feet still maintaining a firm grip on his Yin blade, he looked up to observe the whereabouts of the heartless, but to no aveil it had completly vanished. Dawn, while on one knee, looked left to right with no success of finding its where abouts. A quick glance at the short man however allowed Dawn to see the man was pointing frantically above Dawn. Trusting the man Dawn rolled to his right as the Heartless Soldier planted one of its feet into the ground where Dawn was kneeling causing a small crater to form.

In an instant the Heartless used its other foot to kick Dawn's gut sending him skidding along the ground about 10m back. Dawn again had little time to react as the Heartless again appeared above him with both knees crouched against its chest. Dawn jumped back a few metres landing on his feet and watching as the Heartless' legs were planted in the ground where Dawn was causing the ground to form a large crater.

[color=#000080]"This things strong...it's always on the attack..."[/color] Dawn thought to himself as he took out his Yang blade, now holding his two blades. [color=#000080]"Well then so will I!"

"Alright let's go!"[/color] Dawn stated with a smirk as the Heartless forced his planted feet out of the rocky ground. The small man watched in fear as he begun to take steps back and leave the markets.

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Nerhyx was a tad surprised by the appearance of Omacrxs' Wraiths not because they got the jump on him but because they appeared to be different from what he thought they would look like. Their arms looked like that could be their primary weapon but how is that similar to Omacrxs' weapon of choice. Then again Nerhyx didn't really know that much about the third so he probably could use his sword in a similar fashion. It didn't matter though he was here for a reason and it was time to see that brought to fruition.

I just have a question that is all. It seems that Master Kreix is not currently in the castle. I was thinking that since you two are the number 2 and 3 that you would have some semblance of an idea as to where he may be. So do either of you by chance know where he is? Once you have answered I will gladly be on my way. Nerhyx said as politely as he could even though there wasn't any real emotion in his voice more like he was apathetic to the whole exercise of conversing with these two Nobodies.

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Omcraxs shrugged and dismissed what little Wraiths there were left. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]Gah, this guy is always such a pain in the ass... so stuck-up and thinking he's a BUTLER or something. I wonder if I could get him killed somehow. By "accident", myes. I reckon all I'd need would be a rug, heh. But... we don't really have those around here. Ah whatever, maybe if I answer him he'll go the fu[/i][/color][i]c[/i][color=#000000][i]k away.[/i][/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"Oh, ehm, yes; I think I know where he is. The last reports Haxz here received from him told us about a world which we supposedly had no previous knowledge on. However my subtle Wraith network has known of its existence for a while, if not its contents. We strongly believe Kreix is now in that world. If you care to follow one of my Elites through a corridor..."[/color][/font] The Nobody swept his arm slowly and gestured to a Wraith. It in turn nodded, turned around, and opened a corridor. It then looked at Nerhyx over its shoulder, expecting an answer.

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However, because Haxz legs were crossed at the time, the Wraith's attacked had no effect on Haxz' nether regions. The attack however, was noted. Then Nerhyx entered, trying to find yet another way to kiss up to Kreix, as usual and- [font=georgia, serif][i]"Omcraxs, you idiot!"[/i][/font]

Summoning a card, it blocked the space between the Wraith and the other, before reducing in size and vanishing; the Wraith was gone. [font=georgia, serif]"Nerhyx, Kreix is off on an important mission and requires absolute stealth and silence. Hence why none of us are to get into contact with him, except through the Dusks.. But they are for dire cicumstances only. Follow your original orders to find a Keyblade wielder and do not deviate from that order. You may go now."[/font]

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[font=comic sans ms,cursive][i][color=#000000]Charming. Way to ruin the fun, you ass.[/color][/i][/font]

Omcraxs shot a quick, sideways glance at Haxz. AGAIN he was trapping the goddamn Wraiths in his cards. The corridor remained gaping, for a few more seconds, before disappearing; unused. Omcraxs sighed and shrugged, walking behind Nerhyx. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"Well, guess we're not going after him anytime soon, are we?[/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]...NOW, please; can we all get out of my dwelling place? I am getting a [i]tad[/i] uncomfortable about how cramped this place suddenly is. You guys;"[/color][/font] the number III gestured towards the two Wraiths left in the room, and they both became invisible. He nodded once, as if an order was delivered to the unseen Nobodies. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"can stay low for a while. I no longer require your immediate assistance. However, notify me at once if any of the scouting team members return. Alive or otherwise."[/color][/font]

He then placed his hands behind his back, and very subtly pointed one finger in each of his hands to Haxz and Nerhyx respectively. As it was obvious that the last two Wraiths he sent to creep behind them had been both killed over the past week.

Omcraxs walked through the threshold leading out into the empty hall. Which was dark and in ruins, hmph.

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"...Thank you for the information." With that Nerhyx turned out the door and walked away.

Moments later at his own quarters he barely rolled his eyes. Once again he attempted to converse with the others and it went nowhere. Thank the Gods that he was pretty much ordered to work with them and not actually attempt to befriend them. Nerhyx could only surmise that they had are pretty powerful and that is why master was keeping them around. "I swear they have the etiquette of cavemen." He muttered as his he ventured down the castle path. He then realized that the Nobodies as a group didn't differ from their predecessors. Hopefully they won't make the same mistakes either. Nerhyx started to worry about this issue the more he was along with his thoughts. The previous group did not have any cohesion or any real team efforts which lead to their defeat at the hands of one keyblade wielder. This group here was striving to get more than one wielder and there was less of them. So things did not look well. On the bright side the previous group didn't have Kreix as a leader and sometimes that makes all the difference.

When Nerhyx arrived at his quarters he opened the door to be greeted by the Gentlemen. Like proper etiquette would dictate they helped him remove his cloak, hung it up, and had a snack prepared for him...with tea. He sat down in his little area and simply contemplated on what actions he should take further.

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Dawn dashed forward at the soldier Heartless, both blades dangled behind his accelerated body and the top of his torn coat tore from the bottom half revealing his torso and arms. Upon approaching the human sized Heartless, Dawn slashed his blades in an uppercut fashion, this went to little aveil however as the Heartless crossed its arms and blocked the attack however the sheer impact of the blades meeting the Heartless' arms caused the Heartless to become unbalanced and its arms forced into the air. The twin blades also met a similar fate as they became implanted into the ground.

Dawn used this opportunity to capitalize, he placed his palm on the two handle ends, launched himself forward and delivered both boots to the centre of the Heartless' gut. The impact caused the dark soldier to be flung back however it did manage to brace itself and remain on its feet.

Dawn stopped for a moment and observed the reaction of the Heartless, it's legs began glowing black and its body looked as if it was prepared to leap at Dawn. Suddenly the Heartless pushed off the ground with one foot causing large amounts of rubble to be flung backwards. Its once dark flat feet were now razor sharp and headed for Dawn in a vertically rotating fashion like a vertical circular saw of black darkness.

Dawn reacted quickly he once again placed his palms on the ends of the blades but this time pushed himself straight up, with the added force Dawn managed to retrieve his implanted blades. Once the Heartless pinwheel sat below Dawn, the blonde haired warrior stopped spinning and impaled the spinning Heartless with both blades. The result was a close to humansized Heartless laying in a large crater with two blades implanted through its gut and into the ground. The shirtless and wounded Dawn panted and spat out some blood as a dark heart slowly floated from the corpse. The Heart began to lsoe its dark colour and become a regular red heart as it then vanished in the sky along with the dark corpse impaled by Dawn's blades.

Dawn placed his blades back in their sheathes and took a look around, everyone was gone and the market was empty. He took a second to view the stand where the short dwarven man was, it was empty and he was gone.

[color=#000080]"I was sure the Dark aura of my Yin blade would have made that Dark Creature dissapear..."[/color] Dawn had never learnt the proper name of the Heartless. Dawn took a second to observe the motorcycles at the stand where the dwarven man was. They were long hover bikes ranging from black to red to blue to white.[color=#000080] "One would be useful?"[/color] Dawn stated to himself as he took a step forward, suddenly the black hover bike hovered off the ground on its own and began moving slowly forward. Dawn watched in awe as he slowly approached the bike, he reached out his hand to touch the vehicle when suddenly his hand was slapped my the dwarf man who had jumped out from behind the bike.

[color=#b22222] "I see ye aren't so bad fella. How about you take this at half price my treat." [/color]Dawn emptied his pockets and grinned widely. The short man didn't want to do it but felt it right to give the bike to Dawn. [color=#b22222]"I don't do this often ye hear?! To be fair this bike cost me less then the others, it runs on only half the speed of others and breaks down constantly!"[/color]

Dawn laughed and jumped ont he hover bike. [color=#000080]"It's good enough![/color]

[color=#b22222]"Ye see there's still a distance to this valley. These markets are often watched over ye hear? but lately we've been on our own."[/color]

From the battle with a figure he can't remember to retreating through space and being sucked into a worm hole to battling a large more powerful Dark Creature, the confused Dawn could now finally ask questions.

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The Dusk wrestled in Suga Momma's grasp left with no other choice, it teleported away. He had to tell someone about this, and who better than the Superior?

The Dusk appeared before Kreix. The only Nobodies Kreix gave permission to monitor his movements were Dusks and his Paladins. With people as intelligent as the other five, it was best to trust both his personal guard and the lowly grunts who weren't smart enough to overthrow him. The Dusk massaged its neck with one arm and knelt with its other arm on the floor. Kreix turned to the Dusk, unamused. "And what, pray tell, has brought you here? This had best be important if you are interrupting me now of all times."
"F-forgive me… my liege," the Dusk whimpered in its hissing voice. "It's just that…"
"Speak up. It's a wonder that you're even a Dusk."
"There is an aged woman who has the ability to travel between worlds."
"Really? And how exactly did you come to learn of this?"
"I fought a Soldier Heartless, and we destroyed her… television, master."
Kreix slammed his hand against his glasses. "And then?"
"She destroyed the Heartless with but her cane, my lord. I warned her of the might you and the others possess, but she did not heed my word. She is coming for you."
"You mean to tell me that you and a Heartless got into a brawl, destroyed an old hag's TV, and now said hag wants me to either reimburse her and receive a beating… which, I should stress, is because you got into a fight."
"Yes…" The Dusk couldn't think of more synonyms to address the Superior. "Boss?"

Kreix kicked the Dusk in the face, knocking him on his back. "I did not give you the time of day to learn about some withering nuisance. Do you see what I am working on?" Kreix gestured to the computer, and the Dusk gleamed it over.
"Is this a new world we have yet to venture to?"
"Far more than that, Dusk."
"Actually, I like being called 'Jumpsuit'. Assuming that isn't too much to ask, great Superior."
"You will accompany me and two of my Paladins to explore this new realm. It appears to be beyond time and space. Do you have any idea what this means to us?"
"It will… bring us closer to Kingdom Hearts?"
"That's a good Dusk."
"I said-"
"I'll acknowledge what you said if you survive this task. Come now, we must find this place."

Kreix opened a Corridor of Darkness and stepped inside, where two Paladins awaited him.
"Hah, so one of the Dusks wants to prove himself, eh?" one of the Paladins said.
"Master Kreix," the other began. "Forgive me, but are you certain this Dusk would be of use to us?"
The Dusk sulked. Kreix rolled his eyes and addressed the second Paladin. "He has informed me of a potential threat to our plans. He is merely accompanying us so he can identify said threat for elimination. Now then, let us be on our way."


Balthazar sent a gust of wind through the air, and when they hit something, Balthazar manipulated it so that it surrounded whoever was inside. "I know you're all invisible, so just drop the act already." Keeping one hand open so that the wind would maintain its prison, Balthazar used his free hand to summon a ball of fire. "I'm not afraid to use this."

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Raining. Why was it always raining? Twas as if the world was but a stage; even nature itself conspiring to paint a scene awash in symbolism.

Ramza Lugria and his company of soldiers walked the dreary roads of the Ivalician countryside, the splendor of verdant hills and flowing streams marred by the abundance of soggy mud that lay in their path.

[i]Could it be true? Could it really be...him? [/i]

Of course it couldn't. He perished in that accursed fort with his sister. Ramza had seen the crushing darkness fall in around them. Nobody could survive such an onslaught. But still, he had to be sure, certain the pangs of anticipation and worry were naught but fleeting tricks on the mind of a fallen knight- no, he had to keep reminding himself. Ramza Lugria was no knight. That life too had faded into oblivion: yet another casualty of that ill-fated day.

Ramza had not lost everything however. The majority of his squadron had experienced a similar loss of faith in the nobility, and had gladly followed him in his newfound crusade to expunge the darkness from this world. Ealdwine, Drew, and Juliana were all capable fighters, having trained extensively in frontline combat. Juliana possessed a particular proficiency with the lance, and Drew had even mastered a few of the monk's martial arts. Their chemist, Neale, had been growing steadily more proficient in black magicks (though the tendency of archers to confuse the distinctive look of the Black Mage with that of certain breeds of heartless had inspired him to retain his chemist's attire, which carried a considerably weaker aura of "Shoot me!"). Speaking of archers, Tiphina had also chosen to accompany them, rounding out their long range capabilities. More recently, they had taken on Ladd, still but a squire, in the trade city of Dorter. They would take whatever they could get, and Ladd seemed more than a little enthused to escape the infamous dorter slums.

Two knights, a dragoon, a chemist/mage, an archer, and a squire. Not nearly enough to mount any serious offensive against the forces of darkness, but it was a start. Truth be told, they lacked the resources to accommodate a much larger party. At some point Ramza would need to acquire a more permanent base of operations, but the nearest empty fort was Ziekden, and it remained infested with heartless to this day.

As Ramza ran figures through his mind, envisioning the army that might one day bring peace to Ivalice, a dark door suddenly materialized in the middle of the road and a couple of literal figures were violently ejected from it. Knights it would appear. But these were not merely any knights. These two ladies were of the-

A second portal rapidly opened, as a considerably more composed (and well-armed) knight dashed through. Ramza barely raised his blade in time to block the charge.

"What have you done with Lady Ovelia?!" demanded a woman clad in the unmistakable blue regalia of the holy knights.

"Stay yourself! I am not your enemy!" Ramza replied, struggling to fend off his assailant. "We know naught of any princess!"

"You have the audacity to play the ignorant in the middle of your own kidnapping attempt-", the knight cut off mid-sentence. It would appear she had only just now noticed the shift in her surroundings. Ceasing her assault, she carefully examined Ramza.

"My apologies sire. It would appear you are not the scoundrel that lay in my sights when I began that attack."

"I am no knight, though I would not paint myself the scoundrel either. What is it that troubles you? You mentioned a Lady Ovelia: the princess?"

"Indeed I did. I am lady Agrias Oaks, of the Lionsguard. Lavian, Alica, and I," Agrias gestured to the two knights that were just picking themselves up from the ground, "were to be her guard. We were to escort her to the security of the capital, away from this war. Yet, when we arrived, we found the monastery of Orbonne under assault by creatures of darkness under the command of mysterious golden-clad knight. I planned to disrupt the heartless by neutralizing him, but at the last second he summoned some sort of dark vortex in my path. The next thing I knew, I was locking swords with you."

[i]Surely that wasn't..?[/i]

"Lady Agrias, it would appear fortune smiles upon you", began Ramza, "we were in fact making for Orbonne ourselves. If you will allow it, we will accompany you there, and assist in the rescue of your princess."

[i]..and to get MY answers.[/i]

"A most fortuitous alignment of goals." responded Agrias, "Very well Sir..."

"Ramza". Agrias' eyes flared with recognition. "Ramza Lugria. And I am afraid that I am no knight". Just as quickly, those embers died down.

"Well then, let us waste no time.", added Agrias.

"Lavian, Alicia, with us!".

Ramza followed, lost in thought.

[i]Could it be you....[/i]


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So...it wasn't possible, huh.

Viola hung her head low when Shuren suddenly barged in, jolting her a bit but not enough to have anybody notice. She quickly scrambled mentally inside her mind to recollect herself, at which point a thought occurred to her; [i]Balthazar Blake is lying.[/i] Well, she didn't have to believe it if she didn't want to, but come on. This was magic, the stuff that made everything possible, and there was bound to be some method, but she understood why he wouldn't tell her - if he really was hiding the knowledge, that is.

Shortly afterwards, Trevor and Ryan appeared - the latter of which had surprisingly remembered her birthday. "Why thank you, Ryan~" She said playfully, though her tone was a little edgy.

Then their master just so happened to point out that James was missing, and she looked at the time. It was three o'clock already...but that was strange. He should've been here by now, but he wasn't. Did that tome of his finally backfire onto his face? What had happened? So when Shuren suggested that one of them should go look for him, Viola was about to volunteer rightaway, but he cut her off by suggesting himself.

And then, right afterwards, Balthazar took out some sort of...creature...with a gust of wind. It had gone completely unseen up until then. What was it...? It gave her a bad feeling.

"I'll come with you." Viola told Shuren, trying to smile normally in a 'everything will be alright'-way, but not to much avail. "I don't know about you, but he's my friend, and besides, if things like [i]that[/i] are around...I may be both your and James's best chance of survival. Just sayin'."


How long had it been?

It shouldn't have been more than two months, which had been enough time for him to establish his place in the land of Ivalice. It felt like years, ever since the Heartless appeared and the nobles enslaved them to their own wills. Their corruption and thrist for power had eventually cost him Tietra's life. Despite trying his very best, fighting through all those hordes of darkness, he had still failed to save her. Somehow escaping, he found his own heart blackened. The Heartless could sense the darkness in him, and they obeyed.

This country needed him, he realized. Out of all those who wielded power over these creatures, only he could use this advantage for the good of everyone. The darkness raged on in his head, trying to twist and corrupt him, but it never deterred him from his task.

To accomplish this very task, one of the few things left remaining...was to invade the monastery of Orbonne, and kidnap Princess Ovelia.

Curling his fist upward, Shadows and Neoshadows materialized out from darkness and into the downpour of rain. The thought occurred to him, that he was gaining better and better control over these creatures with each passing day. Eventually, he would be able to conquer the world with them alone. He could just destroy...but no. What were these foul thoughts that latched their way into his mind? He had to concentrate.

A sea of darkness surrounded the monastery as he approached it, when three female holy knights - Agrias, Alica, Lacian - appeared. He didn't have any time to waste with them, so he focused upon them. He had done this trick several times before, but hadn't yet mastered it...there. A dark portal materialized and manage to consume two of them, but Agrias of the Lionsguard managed to evade it as she charged directly at him, having identified him as the source of the Heartless. Once more, he summoned a dark portal, and it consumed her shortly before she could land her attack on him. They should be transported not too far away, safe from the Heartless and not a hindrance to him.

Darkness took its toll on him, but he shook it off and approached the princess. Without hesitation, he knocked her unconscious before she could react...he had planned on giving her a chance to come quietly, but the darkness must have forced him to commit such a rash action.

"Forgive me." Delita told her, though she wasn't awake to hear his words. "'Tis your birth and faith that wrong you, not I."

Standing in the middle of the monastery, he picked her body up into his arms, and carried her outside.

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Haxz snorted in annoyance and left in a Corridor, but not before flipping off the Wraith behind him.


The Library had become a bit of a rest zone for the Gamblers and Deadbeats, when they weren't gambling or trying to destroy each other over losses. They're always happy when haxz appears though, and this time, they cheered as Haxz entered. They cavorted around him, slowing him down a bit. [font=georgia, serif]"GET OUT OF MY WAY!"[/font]

His cry echoed through the empty halls, provoking them to back off a little. Continuing onwards through the piled books, Haxz came across his exact replica feverishly reading through journals. [font=georgia, serif]"Okay Boothe, any luck on finding out what makes a Keyblade?"[/font]

The replica looked up at his master, and shook his head. [font=georgia, serif][b]"None my liege. Despite the vast knowledge the Organization had, their intel on the Keyblade was minimal at best. Aside from knowing how a Keyblade chooses it's wielder and the power they have to purify Hearts; there are no known records of how to make one appear."[/b][/font]

Haxz rubbed his temples in annoyance, disheveling a few bits of hair. [font=georgia, serif]"Okay, since there isn't any data, do the Organization have data on how the Keyblade first met the wielders Sora and Riku?"[/font]

[font=georgia, serif][b]"According to logs from 'Ansem, The Seeker of Darkness', when Sora first obtained the Keyblade; it was supposed to go to Riku, who had been chosen some time prior. However, when Riku gave into Darkness, it chose Sora as it was the next available Light. From what the logs say, a world's Keyhole must be entered by the Heartless and the world to end before the Keyblade decides the need is necessary."[/b][/font]

[font=georgia, serif]"Yes, but we've sunk countless worlds into the drink already. There must be something more here to cause a Keyblade to appear. Perhaps something..."[/font] Haxz gestured to his chest[font=georgia, serif] "of Heart is necessary. The strength of Heart... Boothe, keep the men occupied here. I need to make a trip to the Radiant Garden."[/font]

Boothe saluted to him, and seemed perfectly happy to leave the table he had been glued too for several weeks. [font=georgia, serif][i]"I can't tell the others, not until my suspicions are clear. I will let them run around like rats for a while, it will give them something to do."[/i][/font]

Suddenly, his head tilted up again. The hairs on the back of his neck were sticking upright. Turning around slowly, he glared at empty space, until, he hurled a card there. It sailed, before striking something and shrinking. It returned to his hand to reveal another Wraith. [i][font=georgia, serif]"I really do hate these things. But this muct mean that Marcos must be getting suspicious... *sigh* No point returning to my room."[/font][/i]

A Corridor engulfed him, sending him off the Castle of Radiant Garden.


A Kreix's Corridor vanished, Haxz' appeared. He stepped out of it, and immediately went for the computer. It was still freshly used, and, unlocked as well. [font=georgia, serif]"Perfect."[/font]

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