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2013 Collector Tins Wave 1

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Maybe they'll troll customers by having the OPPOSITE chibi Dragon as a promo. So the Tidal tin will have baby Blaster and vice versa.


And it also reminds me of when Number 10 and Galaxy-Eyes were tin promos before PHSW even came out in the TCG. This seems to be following the same idea. Which is awesome, because Blaster and Tidal are my favorite Dragon Rulers. Blaster for no real reason, and Tidal because it's got so much going for it. Except it helps Mermails.

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You get a rep for Tony.


First off, this is unconfirmed last I checked, and there's a reason neither Kokonoe nor myself had posted it yet.


Secondly, babies are rumored to be in the tins.

The second line makes me think this may be fake.


Though I guess, supporting only Mermails and Fire Fists wouldn't be impossible for Konami...

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The babies wouldn't be in it, since the tin Supers are always reprints of cards that are at least a year old and were hard to get in their original run. (Because they were either Secrets or promos)


Plus, the babies are already confirmed to be OCG imports in LTGY.

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It's actually really interesting to look at the page of the store where the images are said to have taken place. The guy who won the last locals Alex, used to use Frognarchs and got super angry when my stepfather sided Chain Disappearance and curbstomped him with Gravekeepers. The guy gets a bit twitchy when he's in a really tight spot or feels like he lost unfairly, which I only saw in that instance.

That store is actually, like, fifteen minutes away from me, so I can probably see if I really wanted to, but I'm interested in how it'll turn out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So BLS and Catastor are in the tins?

Yeah, by the looks of things, though I don't really mind a bout Catastor because it defo needed a reprint. (Although I have a HA01 Secret and I don't mind much since I can use tht as tradebait.)


I'll be buying at least all of the tins (as I have done so every year since 2007), but the only tin I'd buy multiples of is the Tempest tin... such a shame it won't be out till next format.

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Yeah, by the looks of things, though I don't really mind a bout Catastor because it defo needed a reprint. (Although I have a HA01 Secret and I don't mind much since I can use tht as tradebait.)


I'll be buying at least all of the tins (as I have done so every year since 2007), but the only tin I'd buy multiples of is the Tempest tin... such a shame it won't be out till next format.

You'll have to use the non-holo ones. I know that feel.

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