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Paladins of Emeralda [OoC/Started/Now Only Accepting at least 2 Paladins!]

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*Expression of interest*


[spoiler=Garnet Syndicate App]4X9z9.jpg

*Starts randomly singing under his voice* "Burn! Burn! Burn! I wanna' watch you Burn! Burn! Burn! I wanna' watch you Buuuurrrrnnn..."
Name: Has named himself Xaphan, the name he had before this is unknown.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
[spoiler=Appearance]Steel_32.jpgThe head with this picture isn't his, see the avatar for that. The sword is 1m long and is normally sheathed, the sheath is clasped onto the left side of the belt and is silver with some red marks periodicity along it's side like a pattern. Xaphan doesn't have claw-like hands, and there are no chains on/hanging from his armour, however there are burn marks all over the metal and cloths (the largest marks occurring around the arms, or around where the sheath could touch). [/spoiler]
Personality: Xaphan likes being near fire, and other sources of heat, and will often gravitate towards such things, even people (whether or not they mind). He is rarely idle, and if not doing anything else, he can be seen either working near a forge or down at the barracks training his swordsmanship. He has no interest in magic beyond his own and those magics like it, he also hasn't received (nor does he seek) training for his magic, having naturally found his powers after his old life on his own. He usually has no direction in what he does, but when motived, he becomes headstrong, putting himself into danger if necessary to complete his objective.
Biography: Xaphan was rescued at a young age from a burning village by an ageing swordsman, as such this man taught his adopted son the way of the sword. Xaphan loved training, working up a sweat in his early years, usually spending longer than the other boys of the village. He was never able to fully grasp how to cook, but watched over his father making dinner with the pot each night. At festival times he danced hard and fierce, always nearby to the bonfire, his face a pure image of ecstasy.

At the cusp of manhood, Xaphan woke to the sound of a bull horn being sounded; the village was under attack by rebels. Grabbing his sword, he rushed out of the house into the ensuing chaos and charged at the nearest Rebel. His swings were both hard and fast, but while he was winning the fight against this rebel, other rebels had noticed and were closing in. With a finishing blow to the first rebel, Xaphan twirled around to face the second... and caught the man's sword thrust straight in the stomach.

Unbelief etched across Xaphan's face as the Rebel pulled the sword out of his body and he slumped to the ground. His last sight was of his father about to leave the house, the sadness and horror haunting his father's face bringing a final tear to his eye.

Latter that day, after the rebels had set alight to the village and the sun was reaching it's apex, Xaphan's body lay while the fire from the nearby crumbling house started consuming his body within it's flames.

Xaphan slowly opened his eyes, and coughed hard, as the charred smell of what was his village entered his nose. Xaphan rose to his feet, the fire still covering him, as he struggled to comprehend what had happened earlier, and while what little left of the village burned brightly. Remembering where the sword had pierced him, Xaphan puts his hands over the shrinking hole in his stomach. As Xaphan investigates his regeneration, a middle aged man walks out into pathway Xaphan is standing in, not noticing that he is still alight, Xaphan calls out to the unknown man. The man literally jumps a few feet, screaming "DEMON!", wildly throwing his spear. Not waiting to see if the spear even lands near Xaphan, he piss-bolts the way he had just come, franticly yelling "YE FIRE DEMON!".


After walking hard from what used to be his village, Xaphan arrives at the nearest city; Malthar. Entering the city, he views the towering white stone buildings with a sense of familiar awe. Xaphan had only been to see the city one time before and in the light of daybreak the view upon entering was dazzlingly beautiful. Despite what had just happened, or maybe because of what had happened, the view as he entered this time was inspiring, beyond what seemed now a mere beauty. Xaphan was so awe-struck, that he failed to notice as a patrolling guard noticed him and lowered his lance, he failed to notice the sudden change from was a bustling city out-skirts, to a group of people staring at him,  he was lucky to notice the change from new-found silence to the lone sound of running footsteps. As he looked down to satisfy the strange feeling in the back of his mind, he saw the guard's face... the face of the man who had screamed 'Demon' at the sight of him. Realising he had not collected his sword before setting out for the city, he turned and starting running from the city. As "Demon!" rang out, from the guard, he realised he would never be able to return here again.


Xaphan pants as he rests his hands against his knees, it was lucky the guard had stopped chasing him, he was about ready to collapse. Looking around, he stumbles to where his home used to be, finding his sword and it's scabbard, Xaphan wonders what he should do. While staring out at the charred and ruined remains, one burning desire comes into his head.


Xaphan start's looking (or rather feeling) for clues as to where the Rebels had come from and where they went, placing his right hand into the dirt and thinking to himself, "I need a source of light, a torch would let me see a lot better then the shine of the moon.". And with this thought, a small ball of fire burst into existence near his right hand. Xaphan jump backwards, the ball winking out of existence. Looking at his right hand, Xaphan thinks of the ball of fire that had been at his hand, to which the ball burst back into existence to.

"That's it! It all makes sense: the resurrection from flames, the desire to be near fire, and the attraction for working... I'm a Fire Demon... or at least, I am partly so..."

Following the many faded tracks left by the rebel's horses, a gleam passes through his eyes... Xaphan starts singing under his voice "Burn! Burn! Burn! I wanna' watch you Burn! Burn! Burn! I wanna' watch you Buuuurrrrnnn..."

To Be Continued...


Weapons: Carries what appears to be a normal One-handed Sword... the main difference is that it likes to catch fire and is hard to be extinguished unless sheathed within it's own sheath (other sheaths will heat up and eventually melt unless kept cool)
Fire (m)
*The creation and control of small-to-large streams of plasma, the level of control is dependant on the amount being controlled*
*A temporary spell that covers the caster's body in flames, changes colours based on remaining time. (Blue => Orange => Red). Takes a long time to recharge, and due to Xaphan's strange abilities, it also seems to heal him.*
*Creates a ball(s) of fire in the palm of his hand(s), or around his hand(s). Mainly used for fighting, but can be used to set fire to something.*
Heat (s)
*Is able to move heat from one area (or object) to another. Cannot be used to take and/or give heat from/to a person directly.*
Fusion (s)
*Able to meld things together to create new substances, and/or imbue an object with qualities unable to be otherwise given to something (Qualities given must be from other spells the caster knows/has). An object needs to be past it's melting point for the spell to have any effect and the melding effect is best used on molten objects. Mainly used when forging, it has little use in combat unless someone's armour starts melting...*
Other(Anything else you wish to put down for your character, by all means.): Xaphan's body regenerates when fire attempts to consume it and is otherwise not physically affected by an increased heat level.
If enough fire/heat is around Xaphan's body, he can even revive himself from death. However this normally takes a long time to happen, with only a few days each year, or extreme heat (such as lava), being the only exceptions.
Song from which the quote comes from... may shed extra light on Xapham's character[/spoiler]
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:mellow: Hm... Would Zi'aon happen to be immortal? Because he couldn't have been a Paladin unless he was one from about 2 generations ago.

not completely Immortal, only from age and disease, but can die from all other methods, due mixture of his blood magic and his contract with the spirit in Doblaz [if that is fine]. Best way to put it, he basically cursed to forever hunt for blood[if that makes sense].

I'll add what I put above to the app, if that is fine.
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I looked at the app again Elly, and now I'd like to suggest something. Could Excalus be in Emeralda, so it would make sense for search parties from said governor would be all over the place, and confuse Velvet for Cashmere.

Sure, I based the name off the Excalite Merciful mentioned in his app, so you might want to ask him. Sorry for the long response time YCM is being stupid and slow -.-

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"Because I can!"


Name: Amethal


Age: 25

Gender: Male




[spoiler=360-Degree View]




[spoiler=Personality]Amethal is, on many accounts, a megalomaniac. He desires power, and will do anything to get it, and get it faster. His pride got the better of him when he was a warrior for good, and his failed attempt at a coup landed him on the business end of the paladins' swords, so he made the most of it. He is inventive, and designed and fabricated his gauntlets himself. He is also headstrong, not afraid of a fight and not afraid to get up close and personal, not just in battle but in confrontation as well. He is extremely confident and is very exaggerated with his emotions, mainly anger or humor. His sense of victory is very strong, fueled by every opponent he defeats until he thinks he's invincible, which would occasionally be his downfall, taking on opponents he can't handle.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography]Amethal was orphaned as a child, which most would call the origin of his darkness. He once went by the name his parents gave him, now long forgotten, but when he was old enough to appreciate the value of a name, he dismissed his parents' honor and fashioned his own name in the image of the First, Amethyte. This was another step towards darkness that was never addressed. Raised by an adoptive father who worked as a royal professor, Amethal was taught, nonstop, the power of good and good's rightful place in the world. Amethal was taught to be good in every sense of the word, until the morals were seared into his brain. It tweaked him to see how stifling being good was when nobody else saw it. As he grew, he also discovered a knack for inventing, mainly as a problem-solving skill he applied in everyday life. He would come to fine tune that talent for building unique weapons. When he was of age, he was inducted into what is now the old royal guard, well-versed in the two most virtuous magics - will and might.


For many years Amethal served unquestionably as one of the royal guard's most valued individuals, until one day he realized that he didn't want to live the rest of his life under someone else's thumb. He didn't even have that much relative authority. And as these thoughts added onto each other in his head, he soon grew power-hungry, and started enforcing his desired authority with an iron fist. This didn't go over so well with the top dogs, so he was repeatedly hazed for his insolence. This only made it worse. He was taught the power of will, so it was in his DNA that nothing could keep him down. He began plotting a one-man coup d'etat, which he executed upon immediately perfecting his plan. On the night he intended, he systematically knocked out the guard, one by one, until those guarding the king's chamber were left standing. He did this with stealth and cunning, the height of his skill back in the day, and it wasn't until he downed about 80% of the guard that the alarm was raised. He planned on facing the king's gaurds all at once only, not them plus 30 other guardsmen. He was overtaken, arrested (he would've been killed if not for being one of them), and banished for treason.


In his year of solitary exile, Amethal grew disdainful of the kingdom, and despised all of its "good" inhabitants. He wanted to be their leader, and they tossed him out for his ambitions, and he hated them all for it. He soon discovered the freedom of being evil, and it was at that moment his darkness fully emerged. He became adamant in his decisions, and set off to look for ways to achieve power. He would find a way in the Garnet Syndicate. They accepted him in like a relative and gave him the tools he needed to maximize his magical power. Here he built his gauntlets, which he mastered channeling his magic with. He started to move up the ranks almost immediately. Slowly at first, but his quest for power pushed him to put others down to get ahead, and started rising up the ranks faster. This went on until he became one of the commanders, and although he wasn't a favorite among the lower ranks, he was admired for his perseverance by his equally-ranked cohorts and the few superiors that remained above him.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Weapon]Amethal utilizes an alternative weapon in the form of heavy gauntlets. They are steel beasts designed for maneuverable clubbing and bashing. They are made of thick metal plates and fit well enough around the hand so they don't restrict finger movement.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Magic]Amethal's magic focuses on drawing power from both his overbearing confidence and the kinetic forces around him to physically strike his opponents with supernatural strength, unafraid to dive headfirst into battle. What he lacks in variety of spells he makes up for in its variety of applications.

Main Element: Will - the ability to channel pure willpower into forceful attacks and supernatural strength. The level of power depends on the amount of will in the caster. The physical manifestation of this magic glows neon green.


[spoiler=Will Spells]Smite: the strongest spell in the willpower arsenal, it is cast by gathering all of one's willpower into a charged attack for 5 seconds and immediately unleashing it upon a single opponent with a concentrated shockwave as the spell discharge. This attack can kill a paladin if executed correctly, and would even be overkill to an unarmored or unarmed soldier, blowing them almost to pieces. This spell drains the caster of most of his will and so causes him to do very little afterward, due to a lack of motivation or "the will to go on."


Raise: the caster can channel his will into a heavy object or an object from a distance to lift it off the ground against the forces of gravity and throw it. The limit to how much the caster can raise depends on the distance from the target. If one were personally lifting the object by hand, he could raise an object up to 20x his weight, but at a distance of 100 ft, he could only raise an object equal to his weight.


Gain: this spell allows the caster to forcefully take the will of another to increase or replenish his own, causing the victim to become slow and unmotivated. This is a useful spell after casting Smite. The caster has to be in direct contact, and the spell is only effective on those with a weak will or at least a will weaker than his in his current state.[/spoiler]


Sub-Element: Might - the ability to channel raw energy into forceful attacks and supernatural strength. The level of power depends on the kinetic energy in or around the user. The physical manifestation of this magic glows neon teal.


[spoiler=Might Spells]Rage: the strongest spell in the might arsenal, it draws in all the kinetic forces around the caster within a 10 ft radius and unleashes them all in a brutal 5-fold shockwave that can launch opponents away from him and even cause hemorrhaging. This attack leaves the caster with very little force behind his attacks immediately following the blast.


Thrash: the caster recycles kinetic energy into a single- or double-fisted flurry of hard repeating punches. This is most effective on stationary opponents, so the caster will often grab the opponent with one hand and strike with the other.


Launch: a two-fold spell, this either casts a force on an opponent through direct contact that propels the opponent in the direction of the attack, or it blasts kinetic energy like a rocket to propel the caster in the opposite direction of the blast.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler=Other]Amethal utilizes a few martial arts in his fighting, mainly Judo. He redistributes the weight of his opponent in line with gravity by shifting the position of his opponent's body around him and using those forces against them to neutralize them with lots of force and little effort. He increases the damage done with his moves by enforcing them with his magic. He is also patient when initially heading into battle, taking care to preserve energy for the thick of the fight.[/spoiler]


Battle Theme: Light 'em Up[/spoiler]

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Okay, it's up. FINALLY! Anyway, for those who have yet to finish their characters, you will have plenty of time to finish while the beginning is going on. Until then, let the Pre-Saga BEGIN! :D




A little warning, though. Merciful, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, reveal your character's name yet. I have my reasons (Preferably, we're trying to build up to that). And for those who aren't ready, just try to finish your apps and we'll just say you're silent until you feel like speaking.

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Gah! Forgot about this RP and this site. (yeah, i'm back)


My app will be in shortly (for review) and the finished version will be in after that.

Before, I start the app, I will need to know which positions in the GS are available.

Also, love the start-up to the IC, and can't wait to help with it. 

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[spoiler=App] [attachment=39542:images.jpg]

"Paladins? Why do they even bother?"



Name: Viariun "V" Dreathren

Age: 21

Gender: Female


V's Battle Armor[/spoiler]


V is a dark and mysterious woman, with a past much darker than one could imagine. This dark past has however improved her strengths and physical limits, making her seem, if anything inhuman. She has had a fascination with magic ever since her childhood, and has delved far deeper into it than many other humans would dare. Her studies eventually lead her to gain mystical a connection with the darkest of magics and abilities, through a crystal called The Demon's Heart, which formed into her staff once she activated it's powers. The crystal has slightly warped her mind and body, causing her to gain abilities that were unthinkable, even for great mages of dark or light powers. She approached the Garnet Syndicate to get the chance eradicate the Paladins and the nobles of Emeralda, though her trust in a few members of Syndicate is truly unclear.


  Viariun was born into the Dreathren family, which was a poor and droll family. V was quickly trained in the ways of the thief so she could help her family survive, and even at her young age, she resented most of Emeralda's nobility, because of their wealth and greed. She had seen many grim things early in her life and quickly discovered that killing was an easy way to steal, which she learned after she witnessed her parents murders, which were carried out by nobles. When they noticed her, they began to chase her and while she was running she bumped into a mysterious man dressed fully in black, who killed the nobles with great bolts of black lightning and told her; "Death of one gives life to another" and disappeared, leaving only a scroll behind. 

    Picking up that scroll lead her into the study of magic, and training in combat, which she used to assassinate many nobles across the lands. After gaining wealth from the nobles she so heartlessly killed, she secluded herself to delve into magic, including the scroll the man gave her. Her studies took her across the lands and the seas, in search of artifacts and knowledge, the most impactful of the adventures was her hunt for The Demon's Heart, which brought her into contact with demons, and then brought her into Hell itself. Her journey through Hell, or rather of small section of Hell, was grueling and lasted for days, but was successful, and she obtained The Demon's Heart, which was dubbed such, as it was quite literally a demon's heart. Upon retrieving the Heart, she was sent back to Emeralda, where she studied and trained for years to gain strength and activate the Heart. Once she activated it, she decided to use her new-found powers to wreak havoc on the Kingdom of Emeralda, which she believes can be achieved through helping, and the help of, The Garnet Syndicate.


V wields a staff which was formed from the heart of a demon, and has the crystallized heart embedded inside it. It is big and sturdy enough to be used as a club. She has dubbed the staff Demon's Vengeance.


Demonic (Main)

Black Lighting - Summons a spear of black lightning in caster's hand to be thrown at a creature. Explodes into black sparks, which deal small damage, upon impact. The bolt can even pierce the armor of an angelic knight.

Hellfire - Shoots demonic blackened flame orb from the caster's hand or wand/staff. Leaves traces of lava on impact.

Demon's Heart's Wrath - A spell created by V's and the Hearts powers; Etches a rune into the ground which has a radius of 6 meters, when stepped in by the caster's enemy (up to 2 at once, if at the same time. if multiple foes are on the rune upon casting, all are sent.), sends them and caster to a section of Hell, in which V's strength is increased. All affected creatures remain in V's Realm for 10 minutes. (too O.P.?)

Conjuring (Sub)

Revenge of Hellius - Summons the demon, Hellius, which V defeated for the Heart, to fight with the caster and their allies, for 5 minutes. His strength is far weaker than it used to be, as he no longer possesses his heart.


V controls a small region of Hell (V's realm), which she gained from Hellius. She can call upon her army of Demonic Knights, The Hundred Hellions, when she wishes to invade a land, or attack an opposing army.



There's my app, please tell me what you think, took like 2 hours, but I feel it was well worth it.


Also, read the intro stuff again. Kazuto, you really think Seth is a great idea, huh. Just what do you have planned? 


Anyway, again, tell me what you think, and i'll be around.

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