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Zelda Hyrule Warriors


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Very interesting, wonder what it'll do.


EDIT: Wow, so Volga's insane. His YYYYX combo can reduce a keep's bar by 75%-100% all at once, as well as do things like destroy all of the Imprisoned's toes at the same time. It's the one where he flies up in the air as a dragon and does the big ground slam eruption attack (like the attack he does as an enemy just without the big fireball beforehand), so it's kinda slow but once you're up in the air (and even a bit before that) you can't be interrupted.


The rest of his moveset is really great, too. Might be my new favorite character, sorry Fi.

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Very interesting, wonder what it'll do.


EDIT: Wow, so Volga's insane. His YYYYX combo can reduce a keep's bar by 75%-100% all at once, as well as do things like destroy all of the Imprisoned's toes at the same time. It's the one where he flies up in the air as a dragon and does the big ground slam eruption attack (like the attack he does as an enemy just without the big fireball beforehand), so it's kinda slow but once you're up in the air (and even a bit before that) you can't be interrupted.


The rest of his moveset is really great, too. Might be my new favorite character, sorry Fi.


The only thing that stinks is his Special. It's just a forward thrust. Everything else makes him the new Lu Buu. Sorry Ganondork.

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His YYYYX might as well be his Special, and he can use it all he wants, so I'm fine with it. His YYYX combo is no joke, either. I also love how his Strong Attack can break guards.


Finished up Cia's DLC scenarios earlier today. It was neat finding out Volga was actually against fighting and just wanted to be alone, pre-brainwashing. Which is cool, and I'd always wondered why he would forgo Cia's power-up during that one Valley of Seers mission if he was on the same side as her.


Though Wizzro's a son of a b****, how many times did he betray you? I mean, geez.

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Let us talk about what two characters from Majora's Mask will be playable.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Majora's Mask and Kafei are going to be playable when the MM DLC comes out.  Why?


Majora's Mask is obvious, since it is the main antagonist of the game.  Kafei is a bit less... straightforward.  First of all, one has to eliminate all the characters who are physical expies of characters from Ocarina of Time.  That means no Romani.  Next, as important as the Deku Princess was to the events of Majora's Mask, she nor other Deku Scrubs cannot be in the game because their moveset would pretty much be a clone of Lana's Spear moveset.  Kafei, on the other hand, is a very unique character.  He was directly affected by the Skull Kid (cursed to be a young boy), his Side Quest series is not only the biggest in Majora's Mask, but it also demonstrates him as an action oriented character, and he has a potential moveset involving his Wedding Mask that would be a light-attributed mage moveset when compared to Majora's Mask's dark-attributed moveset.


So, yeah, Kafei is going to be a playable character.

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Never played MM, so I dunno.


I just want Groose, but right now all the DLC slated to come out isn't for SS. :(


Linebeck would also be nice. The fact that they were able to make Agitha playable makes me think they could give anyone a proper moveset.

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I'm hoping for Romani, Midna's human form, Din, Naryu, Anju, Arill, Yuga, Hilda, Blind, and Vati. Of course we'll need new maps for each characters weapon and costume. BTW, for the Master Quest map, I'm stuck at certain parts. for example, F9. There are hidden enemies in a bush. I tried using the candle and ended up wasting it. What Item do I need for stuff like that?


For his victory pose, Blind will roar and transform into his maiden form and look evil.


Romani can have her victory pose being abducted by them.

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I deem Volga the best Hyrule Warrior. Multiple guard breaks, infinite combo/boss killer C2, powerful projectile C3, powerful near 360 degree C4, instant keep killer massive AoE invincible C5, best Focus finisher. As versatile as Link with some of the highest damage in the game.

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I deem Volga the best Hyrule Warrior. Multiple guard breaks, infinite combo/boss killer C2, powerful projectile C3, powerful near 360 degree C4, instant keep killer massive AoE invincible C5, best Focus finisher. As versatile as Link with some of the highest damage in the game.


Yeah, I agree with this as well.  Cia and Shiek aren't bad runner-ups either.  Cia has a massively powerful C4, her C1 has alot of stun and range, and her Dark Link Cs still do quite a good amount of damage.  Shiek is Shiek, or the Bolero of Fire is the single most damaging standard in the game, Serenade of Water gives her a shield that soaks up 4 hearts worth of damage, Song of Storms is a great way to trap foes and rob them of their attack options and Prelude of Light charges up her amazing Focus Attack.

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Oh, her C6 charges her Special, what do you know. Was wondering what it did.


I love as Volga how, aside from big bosses of course, you never have to wait for weak point gauges. Just wombo combo till they're defeated.


You mean C6 Song Set.  It still is godly, especially in Co-Op since you can charge your partner's Special Meter as well (provided that they are in range).

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Just be careful. Keep your distance for Don't get hit rules. I probably should elaborate. You know those missions where they say "All attacks are devastating"? Imagine that, but for almost any mission as a rule. Meaning your warrior will only survive for two hits. I did this for Volga. Got an A rank by luck, but will try again for his full heart container.

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[url=http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/11/22/hyrule-warriors-dlc-puts-link-in-the-postmans-short-shorts]This is the greatest DLC ever.[/url]


EDIT: Also, a normal update will be released the same day as the DLC that will raise character level caps, raise the max amount of materials you can have, add new potions, new medals, and support for amiibo figures.

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It was hard for me to hit 100 enemies with 1 Special attack (Wizzro) and kill 500 enemies while in Spirit mode (Ruto), still, raising the level caps could be advantageous. Now we can kill stronger enemies in one hit if we could. Wonder if our strength can go to 4 digits. Hmmm, those new potions, there was red, purple, blue, green and yellow, what else is there? I am looking forward to playing as Midna too. I thought she would be a Zelda clone, but nope, the Mirror tells us otherwise. Still gotta wonder, will Romani and Skull Kid be the DLC for the Majora's Mask pack?

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bump: Okay. Got the Twilight Princess Pack. Holy cow.



You can play as Twili Midna and she can throw in a bridge, a hand, wolf Links and a GIANT FREAKING CANNON!

Twilight Map in Adventure Mode does not have as many challenges and is actually fair.

Dominion Rod is Darkness

999 Materials can now be held.

2 of three challenges are fair



No explanation of How Midna got her true form back.

3rd rule is one Master Quest rule.

new Skulltulas

New Achievements, two of which require you to get A ranks on every square of the Master Quest and Twilight maps.

Level cap raised to 150. (Was hoping for 999).

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new Skulltulas

New Achievements, two of which require you to get A ranks on every square of the Master Quest and Twilight maps.

Level cap raised to 150. (Was hoping for 999).


How are these cons? (Why would they do 999 levels, this isn't Disgaea.)


Also, the Spinner is cool, though I can't judge it properly since I only have the 80 power level 1 version so far.

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How are these cons? (Why would they do 999 levels, this isn't Disgaea.)


Also, the Spinner is cool, though I can't judge it properly since I only have the 80 power level 1 version so far.

1. You know how to collect Skulltulas in Adventure Mode? Second Skulltulas require you to complete a mission objective and beat 1,200 enemies and take less than 4 hearts of damage. Even if you recover 1,2, or 3 hearts it'll still count towards the damage. Master Quest made this hard.

2. It is difficult to achieve Gold Rank because you have to kill 1,200 enemies in 15 minutes with little damage. Master Quest rules made this tough especially with those defend the keep missions. Why couldn't the programmers have the keeps with half the vitality instead of a sliver?

3. At level 999 we can kill enemies like Lizalfos, Dinoflos, Shield Moblin etc in one hit and chip away at tougher boss enemies.

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