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[Serious] Armz' actual AMA


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Lets be honest. Nobody on YCM ever actually KNEW eachother.... Until the Spam section came around.
So, you know, it left some details about everyone in their own threads, and as such, minute conversations proved to be one of YCM's best ideas, even if it DID come off as rather silly at first.

So with that out of the way, feel free to ask me stuff, whether it be opinionated or just outright wanting to know more about me. And seeing as how this is me making a "serious" topic, I'm going to do this without myself making references and/or using images, because why not?
Also I'm prone to rambling on about stuff. No idea why, but I just am.

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Where did your name come from?


Do you have any plans for when you graduate?


What degree do you plan to get in college and what kind of career to you plan to get with it?


Did you read Remo x Right Hand yet? (you haven't haven't been commenting on the thread, so I'm just wondering.)

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As YCM's primetime funnyguy, not much about you is really known. What was your childhood like? Are there any really cool events that you remember above all others?

Would you think I was childish if I said cartoons?
But seeing as how that was likely expected, let me elaborate a bit.
While growing up, I had a 'thing' for various toons on TV. ESPECIALLY the Saturday block(Kids WB, mostly), which, I had never really missed; I even set alarms just to see it all... Heh. I think it was maybe when I was either 13 or 14 did I eventually drop that, mostly because I could just view everything on the internet; Plus, by then the Saturday Block wasn't as magical as it used to be. Likely because by then, the current shows of the time were either weird or just re-runs of older stuff. Part of me still misses getting up early to blob in front of the TV, though. So I guess in that sense, cartoons and otherwise silly things like that were important to me; Go figure that it would rub off on me in it's own way; But it's funny, because such shows weren't as prominent of a thing to my siblings. So I guess what made it cool was the fact it was such a 'me' thing. Or something like that.
Although, if were talking about actual event events, then maybe the Power Rangers movie. Like, I had literally seen that thing, in theaters, AT LEAST 3-8 times. Just something about that was so magical. Not sure if I could put my finger on it, as to why it was.

Have people ever gotten angry with you?

Hard to say. I typically think it goes that way in my head, despite the fact I've never actually seen it play out as such. Or at least, online.
IRL? Meh. Maybe like 1 or 2 arguments but it's nothing serious.

Do you understand why everyone loves you?

How do I go about answering this one, without sounding selfish?

Do you do it purposefully?

Because I'm bent on making references to things, I guess part of me does do it on purpose. Mostly because I feel that imagery and otherwise things like that can express ones thoughts much more effectively then words simply can. Yea, it's weird to think like that, but hey, I'm just weird in general.

Do you ever have a problem with people thinking of you like this?

Nope. In fact, I would want more people to actually get to know me. Because, much like I hinted at in the OP, YCM is gradually becoming more.... Whats a good word for this, since there is a few.... Let's go with "friendly" place, or at least, more so then it was, on account of people actually getting to know eachother.

Where did your name come from?

My username?
This one is going to sound cheesy....
Basically from the start, say, DeviantArt; YES I USED TO GO THERE; I had an Armadillo-esque profile and what-not, based off the Megaman X boss Armored Armadillo. So seeing as how I basically went from DA to YCM, I just carried over the same sort of name. I honestly have no idea why I included a Z at the end of my username. I guess, at the time I made it, I thought someone else already had the name 'Armadillo'(I didn't learn this until, I think, 2010?). The Z never bothered me, despite the fact it's rather ghetto, and comes off as having a name like xXxH0TCHIK78xXx, where you just add numbers, Xs, Zs, etc, to add "flare" to your username. I don't know. It's something like that. Having stuff attached to your name doesn't bother people anymore.

Do you have any plans for when you graduate?

I already graduated once, but then I found another place and decided to take classes over there; I REALLY NEED TO WORK ON THOSE MORE FFFFFFFFF; IMSUCHALAZYASS

What degree do you plan to get in college and what kind of career to you plan to get with it?

Despite the fact I'm an art major, I really don't know where I'm going to end up. This is likely due to the fact a lot of things interest me, so I just end up being a hobbyist here and there.

Did you read Remo x Right Hand yet? (you haven't haven't been commenting on the thread, so I'm just wondering.)

The ship thread? yea, it's been a while since I posted there and/or read anything from it.
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I'm always serious
Have you ever been to any tournaments (even a really big locals counts) and if so, what was your experience? Alternatively, have you ever been to any big conventions or anything like that?

I went to a tournament, like, once, ages ago(Labyrinth of Nightmare, or whichever pack had Revival Jam in it, was the current pack at the time, so around that). Winner of said tournament was the hosts daughter, if only because they let her cheat the whole time. I don't blame her, since her father owned a card shop, so it was also a bit of advertising, despite being a little cheap. I lost my first round, since my opponent was some tryhard. Siblings won their first rounds, lost right after; All 3 of us played Random.dek. Go figure.

As for conventions; I went to Baltimore's Comic Con last year; Probably one of the happiest days of my life. Just everything about it was so perfect. The cosplay contest at the end was amazing. Mostly because this one guy had a full Avatar costume, and even had big shoes and everything to give himself the proper height of those blue-dudes(I forget what they were called). This other guy had a Space Marine costume; Looked amazing.
There was MLP merchandise EVERYWHERE; Oh how I wanted some of that.
Funny, though, because there were no actual MLP fans there, aside from like 2 small girls, who were cosplaying as Applejack and Twilight(Little girls? Watching MLP? That's crazy!)

Do you ever worry that part of the reason you're so well liked is because people don't know you well enough?

Or maybe I just like to be whatever I feel like being, and just let whatever happen, happen. I'm not even sure myself, why I like being enigmatic. Maybe I just like the whole idea of hiding in plain sight; It's funny because I basically grew up on Transformers- *ahem* I don't mind if people get to know me, so I'm all for trying to "explain" myself.

And yes, I'm asking because I'm jealous.

Why would you be, though? I've, more or less, been myself. Or at least, been the me who I want to be.

Any advice for critiquing cards in the TCG section?

As long as your comment isn't along the lines of simply saying: "lel cool card 10/10", then anything is fine. It's just the whole matter of making comments in the first place, really.
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Why would you be, though? I've, more or less, been myself. Or at least, been the me who I want to be.

cuz ur really well liked and i never feel like that

Also nice quoting not-me. That was strangely satisfying.
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It's funny, prior to having you as a Skype contact, I saw you not like the "funny guy" but more like "clever cool". Kinda with even the expressions of your Spike avatars. Nowadays? I still think you are a pretty cool friend, only now I don't have to imagine you like I'm talking to Spike.




Have you ever cosplayed before? If so, what character(s) was it? If not, what would you want to cosplay as if you were given the right chance? 

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Have you ever cosplayed before? If so, what character(s) was it? If not, what would you want to cosplay as if you were given the right chance?

I would love to cosplay, if only because it seems really humorous to go around as [X character] and, more or less, act like them and/or your take on the character.
What character? Hmmmmmm..... Hard to say. TF2's Pyro, Optimus Prime, Beast Wars Terantulas(w/e), etc- ALTHOUGH... cosplaying as someone from X-Men would always be really fun, despite being rather generic.
On the other hand, though, if I could actually manage to make it, cosplaying as GaoGaiGar's Mic Sounders would be the coolest thing ever.
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Do you feel perhaps that inside you or your conscious there is a drive or a want to make others smile or laugh, and from that, even happy?

I mean typically I try and make people laugh and/or lighten the mood of things, despite the fact it's not always the appropriate time. Like, it's not necessarily a bad thing, per say, since people are entitled to their own emotions/reactions/etc, so I'm aware of the fact it comes off as me being somewhat of an attention whore, despite the fact I honestly am not one. Although, I do enjoy seeing people laugh/smile/whatever at my antics, so it's not like any harm is ever done.
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