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[Finished]PenduluM@ster Contest [Accepting 5 Entries ONLY!]

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[spoiler=Card Requirement]
Pendulums. Literally nobody understands how it works. If you do understand, then you're lying, because nobody understands them. So, in an effort to make us all even more confused, here's a challenge where you mix up a card type and turn it into a Pendulum. I mean, there are Traps that treat themselves as monsters, monsters that treat themselves as spells, so why not monsters that can treat themselves as Pendulums?

Here's an example: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/314545-xyz-pendulum-mmm-delicious-toyo-single/

Basically, a monster of any kind, but can be placed on the Pendulum Zone as a Pendulum Monster with a Pendulum Effect and a Pendulum Scale. Pendulum. Hehe, it rhymes with hoodlum. *snickers*

Sounds simple enough, right? Well, there's more rules in the spoiler below, so have fun with that.

1. You'll only submit ONE card. I have no time nor patience to judge a bunch of cards.
2. Your Semi-Pendulum can be of ANY monster type, Xyz, Synchro, Effect, Ritual, Fusion, Planeswalker, Vanguard, the lot. No Spell/Trap cards though, that comes later.
3. Written cards are allowed.
4. No support cards. It's a lot harder to judge them.
5. Cards are to be submitted one week after you've been entered to the contest.
6. CARD PICTURES MUST BE UPLOADED THROUGH TINYPIC. Imgur is blocked in my country.
7. No additional judges pls.
8. Entry fee is 25 points. You get a lot back though, so don't worry.
9. Only five entrants allowed. First come first serve, thank you.
10. No deadline, though if it seems like five entrants won't be entering, your points will be refunded plus some more.
[spoiler=My judging criteria are as follows:]
-OCG X/1: This is really just a matter of 'garbage' or 'understandable' OCG. I don't care about this sort of stuff at all.
-Effect X/5: This has five sub-criterias. Usefulness, creativity, how much it fits the contest requirements, effectiveness and balance.
-Card itself: X/2: ATK, DEF, Type, Attribute will be judged here.
-Name: X/2: I'm a fan of outlandish, OCG-esque names. Bland names like "Warrior Queen of X" is a minus 10 out of 2, so this is your chance to regain some points.

1st Place: Half of pot OR 250 points. Take your pick.
2nd Place: 1/3 of pot OR 150 points. See above.
3rd Place: 1/5 of pot OR 75 points. You get the point.
4th Place: A pat on the back.
5th Place: A hug.
Everybody's cards get subjected to a snarky review from me, in which I'll try desperately to be funny like I was a year ago.

1. Aqua Hina
2. Ain (Renko Usami)
3. Matthamut (Bahamut VICTORY)
4. Renegade

Pot: 139 points


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