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Ask Thar Anything


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Answer any/all of the following:

If you could be anywhere, including fictional worlds and universes of your imagining, where would you be?
Do you have any dreams or goals for the future? If you do, what are they?
Would you consider yourself to be happy? Why or why not?
What is the singular most important thing to you in the world? Why is it so important to you?
What sort of person do you perceive yourself to be?
What are your greatest faults?
What are your greatest strengths?
What is your greatest fear?
What are your greatest regrets?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?
If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?
If you could have one reasonably balanced supernatural ability, what would it be?
Is there anything that you would sacrifice yourself for?
Do you believe in the goodness that lies in people’s hearts?
Who is the one person you are most grateful of?
Do you feel uncomfortable answering these questions?

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Answer any/all of the following:

If you could be anywhere, including fictional worlds and universes of your imagining, where would you be?

Japan. Doesn't matter where, I just wanna go to Japan.

Do you have any dreams or goals for the future? If you do, what are they?

I have a dream of being a game designer, but right now my goal is to get a better job than the one I have now and move out of my parents' house.

Would you consider yourself to be happy? Why or why not?

Yes, I'm rather happy, mainly because I've reached the stage where I don't have to depend on anyone to think well of myself. When I had friends in high school, I'd pretty much only exist to be with them. But now, I have only myself to please, and that feeling of independence is just awesome.


What is the singular most important thing to you in the world? Why is it so important to you?

My family. Yes, it's cheesy, but it's true. They're all I have, really, and I never appreciated it as much as a kid as I do now. They're always there for me and they don't judge me. Distant relatives are also a treasure to have, and visiting them only a few times a year is a treat.

What sort of person do you perceive yourself to be?

A quirky, artsy, sociopathic loner with a dark attitude but a peaceful approach to society.

What are your greatest faults?

Leadership, primarily. I couldn't lead anyone even if we were the last humans alive.


What are your greatest strengths?

Hard to say. I'm good at math, and I'm also pretty good at drawing, but other than that, I really don't know.


What is your greatest fear?

Any sudden loud noise, so if I see lightning flash or if there's a balloon or two within ten feet of me, I clench up.

What are your greatest regrets?

I regret losing my temper to one of my high school friends, who I could've held a long-distance friendship with if I hadn't. But hey, sh*t happens.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?

I'd give myself the ability to focus on the right things and not get distracted.


If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?

Erase the idea of racism, sexism/feminism, and homophobia from the world and bring true equality to humanity.

If you could have one reasonably balanced supernatural ability, what would it be?

The ability to write things down on paper with my mind as well as record my dreams.

Is there anything that you would sacrifice yourself for?

Practically anything, yet practically nothing. I'm too much of a coward anyway.

Do you believe in the goodness that lies in people’s hearts?

I try not to believe in anything, as the world is unpredictable that way. However, if I witness goodness from someone, it's nice to see that there is still goodness.

Who is the one person you are most grateful of?

My mother. She brought me into this world, and despite how many times I wanted to leave it, she was there to remind me that it's not that bad.

Do you feel uncomfortable answering these questions?

I've admitted to watching horse porn, so no, not at all.

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What do you think of me? 

You're cool in my book, but you're not very significant to be considered awesome. Hate to be blunt, but I'm a man of development.


What do you think of YCM in general?

'Not only is it the only social website that I can be truly open and accepted on, but it's the only place where I can consider people here to be my friends. Having no irl friends since I moved here, this is one of the only places that I can consider home.

While you ponder the question above: How would you group YCM members based on what you've seen from them?


I'm known for shipping members, so it comes naturally. Though, I've been pretty lazy lately, so I just group people based on where they're active. Showcase is the place where the most juice is at, imo.

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Are there people in particular on YCM that you look up to?


I look up to different people for different reasons. For starters, I look up to you for my silly side. I look up to Desu for my cynical side. I look up to Black for my sensitive side. I look up to Dae for my naughty side.

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What do you think of me?

You're higher amongst the mediocre cool kids in my book, for reasons I can't explain. It's a cross between my liking for Cao Cao from Dynasty Warriors and my liking for beef, and other things.


Also, have you written things besides the pairing stuff?

Oh yes. I've written a number of one-offs that I planned to be on-going but failed miserably. I can't list them, but if you feel like doing some research, feel free.

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