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If you don't have a bigger version, then mind showing me the source image? I can use the render you provided, but as I mentioned earlier, it will be pixelated when resized for the booster.


As for the font, there are a few that work; don't recall what I use at present, but likely Oberon or something. (Should be free)

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Thank you Sakura-Chan~


You know I'm male, right? (But no problem)


Thanks for this and I know it is pixelated but thanks


I've found a better one but not rendered (because my laptop is under my friends control now)

This is it:http://orig01.deviantart.net/f7f1/f/2015/183/4/b/omega_star_dragon_by_dino_master-d8y3js7.png


I wouldn't have minded doing the render, especially since I'm on break now and have quite a bit of time to do GFX. 


But at least you like it. 

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I've decided I want a tag from you now.


Size: 1
Color(s): Not sure really, I suck with colors.
Background: Colored, maybe with flower petals.
Render(s): http://i.imgur.com/Yw4sSBq.png
Not Animated.


The main reason I want this from you is because the character is from the new Fire Emblem game aaand their name is Sakura. :)

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