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YGO RP: The LDS LIFE [Started/ Accepting/OOC/PG-13]

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Username: Ara Asura
Name: Koto Komagata (こまがた こと)
Age: 16
Gender: Male


[spoiler=Personality]Koto is usually laid back and likes staying out of trouble. Outside of dueling he enjoys reading, staring into the sky and going on walks. In school he only duels people who have an equal standing to himself unless they insult either Fusion summoning or someone's skill. He can't stand people who insult others just because they are better than them, for this he has taken a dislike towards some of the students in LDS, mainly the representatives. He generally is quiet outside of dueling and will observe other peoples duels before taking part in his own. When observing he will point out mistakes either of the duelists make and will use that to his advantage. Despite his usually cold exterior Koto is actually friendly and will to anything to try and help his friends, without thinking of himself.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Biography]Koto had enrolled at LDS for a few years but due to family problems had to move away from Miami City. Upon moving back he re-enrolled with a new deck focusing on Fusion Summoning compared to his old Steelswarm deck. Having moved back to Miami City he has heard rumors of a new form of summoning but has dismissed it as just a rumor with no proof. After arriving in Miami City Koto's first order of buisness was to familiarize himself with the city again. His first stop was a card shop where he finished off his deck before heading to LDS to enroll.


Upon hearing of the Miami Championship he started thinking of what to do about it. The main reason he decided to enter was to see proof of the rumors of the so called Pendulum Summoning and rumors of a duelist who has been attacking LDS students and teachers.[/spoiler]
Year: 2nd
Sec. Youth
Course Path: Fusion
Archetype/Deck: Hyper-Unit
Deck Description: Fusion Summoning from the hand, field or grave then fusing fusions for better fusions.
Custom Cards: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/323852-hyper-unit-archetype-1717/

[spoiler=Written Customs]Advanced Unit - Janus (Level 12/ Light/ Machine/ Fusion effect)

Effect 2 or more LIGHT Machine-Type monsters
This card gains effects based on the number of Machine-type monsters used
2+ Once per turn, you can draw 1 card; then discard 1 card.
3+ Once per turn, you can destroy 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.
4+ You can banish upto 3 LIGHT monsters in your graveyard; then destroy a equal number of cards on the field
5+ Once per turn, you can increase your life points by 1000 and inflict 1000 daamge to your opponent
ATK-1800 DEF-3900


Advanced Unit - Yuhe (Level 8/ LIGHT/Machine/Fusion Effect)
3 "Hyper-Unit" monsters
Oncer per turn, destroy 1 card on the field, then that cards controler draws 1 card.
ATK-2700 DEF-2100


Adavanced Unit - Terion (Level 6/LIGHT/Machine/Fusion Effect)
2 "Hyper-Unit" monsters
Once per turn, you can send 1 "Hyper-Unit" from your hand to the graveyard: Draw 1 card.
ATK- 2300 DEF-1200


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[spoiler=Sasha Alkaev]


Username: Giga

Name: Sasha Alkaev

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Personality: Sasha is an individual who is most used to operating on her own. As such, she often has issues when interacting with others. She angers easily, and is not beyond exploding with rage at the smallest of provocation. Of course, this emotional essence goes in both directions, and when she is in a good mood, it is apparent, as she practically bubbles. This combination of high and low often scare off others, and more than once has she been referred to as bipolar, though she does not technically have the condition. When dueling, her emotions often take hold of her, and she ruthlessly goes at the opponent, not uncommonly making reckless moves for the sake of her own personal "war" that she finds in the game. This habit, combined with her native Russian Nationality, has earned her the nickname of "Czar," and, though it bothers her to be referred to with such an unfeminine designation, she certainly does not mind the fear that it garners,

Year: 3rd

Sec. Pro

Course Path: If accepted as Deva, then both Xyz and Synchro. If not, then just Xyz.

Archetype/Deck: Mecha Phantom Beast
Deck Description: Remember Robert Redford's character's plot in the second Captain America movie? Literally that.
Custom Cards: None ATK, though I may come up with some at some point.



Pretty happy with how I summed up the deck's goal.

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Hm. I see two male characters and one female character.
I'm going symmetry mode.

Username: Draconus297
Name: Busujima Yuruko [ぶすじま ゆるこ]
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Rather small even for her age, at 4'10", and an 85 lbs. lightweight. Very pale, due to spending most of her time in artificial light, if the room is illuminated at all. Hypnotic violet eyes. Black hair that, were it to be let down, would reach her knees, but she keeps it up in a pair of tight twin braids that reach just past her shoulders for practicality's sake. Wears a pair of rather blocky glasses, but don't be fooled- her eyesight isn't really all that bad (they are mostly really there so that she can surf the Internet via mental uplink, and they keep track of her opponent's cards for her). Has a tendency towards dark clothing that covers her up as much as possible.
Personality: Yuruko is highly suspicious of most people in general, and is slow to make friends- something not helped by her utter lack of social skills. While she is highly self-deprecating and has very little faith in herself in most endeavors, no one should dare insult her Dueling skills, as it's the one thing even she admits she is good at. Due to all of this, she comes off as snarky and icy in her demeanor, to the point where even the few people she warms up to have a tendency to be suspicious of her.
Biography: Yuruko was originally a very wide-eyed, idealistic kid- up until about her tenth birthday. It was that day that, on a trip to an amusement park, that she lost both her parents in a freak Rollercoaster crash. As if the normal grieving would not have been enough, Yuruko's uncle decided that the entire thing was the little girl's fault, and constantly reminded her of this. It didn't take very long, under the combined pressures of mourning her parents, her uncle grinding her self-worth to dust, and the normal teasing she got from her classmates for her bookishness, for her to completely stop believing she had any use to anyone.
However, interestingly enough, she didn't completely buckle. She threw herself into the two things she thought she had promise in- computer design and Dueling- and threw herself headlong into them. Within a matter of two years, she managed to design her own mental-interface glasses and hold several awards for Dueling in amateur tournaments. She even combined her two passions by almost exclusively using the GameChild cards, who were designed with AI that more complex Duel Disks (and her glasses) could access.
By saving up a large chunk of her winnings, taking on an advertising sponsor on her personal website, and wheedling the remainder out of her reluctant uncle, Yuruko finally worked up tuition to LDS, and applied. She then crossed her fingers and waited- this was her one shot to be a great Duelist, and she wasn't going to let it slip away . . .
Year: 1st
Sec. Junior (I think)
Course Path: I'm not sure yet. The GameChild cards only really have one Xyz, and he's not the primary focus of the Deck. Maybe if I could get help making more . . .
Archetype/Deck: GameChild
Deck Description: Flood the field with EXP Counters to activate the GameChild cards' effects, which bash up everything the opponent puts in the way.
Custom Cards: GameChild Cards

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Username: TheFinalFan
Name: Sora Acala
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sora is quite old-fashioned, using an outdated Duel Disk that was given upgrades to utilize the Solid Vision system everyone else has. She seems to still be getting used to the concept of Xyz and Pendulum cards, yet understands not only Synchros, but Fusions and Rituals as well. Despite her awkward tendencies and the fact that she seems to not know a lot of things, Sora has plenty of heart and spirit, and is always willing to give her all. She is also quite energetic, and is always itching for a duel, even though she can easily get out of her league and depth. When dueling, she is quite keen and tenacious, always striving to achieve more than she can. but duels honorably, and abhors dirty tricks and cheating. This is evidenced by her deck, which takes relatively weak monsters, and tunes them into an assortment of powerful Synchros, such as Junk Warrior, Velocity Warrior, Launch Warrior, and Sora's ace monster, the incredibly powerful Stardust Warrior.
[spoiler=Dueling Info]
Year: 1st
Sec. Pro
Course Path: Synchro
Archetype/Deck: Synchron/Warrior
Deck Description: She uses Synchron cards and Warrior Synchro Monsters.
Custom Cards: http://ycm.wikia.com/wiki/Neo_Yusei_(Structure_Deck) "Accel Synchron" in the Neo Yusei Deck, as well as Accel Warrior, are "Velocity Synchron" and "Velocity Warrior".
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Hey, I know this is really early to be thinking about something like this, but considering how swarmy the GameChildren can get, I was wondering if we could do double duels with a bit of frequency, and Yuruko's partners would use her cards to support themselves (especially Pixie, for Synchro users- a Level 2 Tuner that is really easy to bring out, which can keep coming back to the field if White Mage is out).

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Username: JamesMuddy

Name: Takara Oshiro

Age: 16

Gender: Female

[spoiler=Appearance:] tGoXbiY.jpgfwWH2vb.jpg[/spoiler]

Personality: She is a somewhat stubborn character who can easily get annoyed when people aren't listening. She tries to make as many friends as possible by being friendly, but even her friends get embarrassed when she is shouting. She can get easily stressed out when things don't go her way. She is very disorganized and often turns up to class late. When she is attracted to a boy, she will become a stalker and will try to hunt the person down and constantly duel them.

Year: 3rd

Sec. Youth

Course Path: Xyz!

Archetype/Deck: I will use my Flame Brother Archetype, but since it isn't finished yet, I will also include some random high ATK effect and vanilla monsters. It will also have a fair amount of Spells/ Traps (Including Rank-Up Magic, but I think I will get it later on).
Deck Description: The Flame Brothers attempt to swarm the field and Xyz Summon their powerful Xyz monsters, then use Rank-Up Magic to upgrade them.

Custom Cards: Flame Brothers http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/324540-flame-brother-archetype/ (Flame Bro #1 is sorta broken, but I can't fix it at school)


[spoiler=Takara's Flame Brother Deck:]

x2 Flame Bro #1

x2 Flame Bro #2

x2 Flame Sister

x2 Flame Pet Dragon #1

x2 Flame Pet Dragon #2

x2 Flame Bro Mage

Flame Tiger

Blazing Inpachi

Charcoal Inpachi

x2 Flame Ruler

Raging Flame Sprite

Blue Flame Swordsman

Flame Bro Dragon King

Flame Bro Dragon Overlord

x2 Rank-Up Magic Flame Bro Ritual

x2 Flame Bro Rush

x2 Flame Bro Revival

Flame Bro Mech Suit

Oath of the Flame Bros

Revenge of the Flame Bros

Reinforcement of the Army

The Warrior Returning Alive

Lightning Blade

x2 Infernal Flame

Mirror Force

Bottomless Trap Hole

Desperate Tag

Copy Knight

Gagaga Shield



[spoiler=Extra Deck:]

Flame Bro of Destruction

Cxyz Flame Bro of Absolute Destruction

Flame Bro's Pyro Queen

Cxyz Flame Bro's Burning Goddess

Flame Bro Double Dragon



Bolded cards are custom.

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Hm. I see two male characters and one female character.

I'm going symmetry mode.


Username: Draconus297
Name: Busujima Yuruko (Can someone get kanji for that, so I can copy-paste it here? I love that.) 
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Rather small even for her age, at 4'10", and an 85 lbs. lightweight. Very pale, due to spending most of her time in artificial light, if the room is illuminated at all. Hypnotic violet eyes. Black hair that, were it to be let down, would reach her knees, but she keeps it up in a pair of tight twin braids that reach just past her shoulders for practicality's sake. Wears a pair of rather blocky glasses, but don't be fooled- her eyesight isn't really all that bad (they are mostly really there so that she can surf the Internet via mental uplink, and they keep track of her opponent's cards for her). Has a tendency towards dark clothing that covers her up as much as possible.
Personality: Yuruko is highly suspicious of most people in general, and is slow to make friends- something not helped by her utter lack of social skills. While she is highly self-deprecating and has very little faith in herself in most endeavors, no one should dare insult her Dueling skills, as it's the one thing even she admits she is good at. Due to all of this, she comes off as snarky and icy in her demeanor, to the point where even the few people she warms up to have a tendency to be suspicious of her.
Biography: ----I will probably do this later---- 
Year: 1st
Sec. Junior (I think)
Course Path: I'm not sure yet. The GameChild cards only really have one Xyz, and he's not the primary focus of the Deck. Maybe if I could get help making more . . .
Archetype/Deck: GameChild
Deck Description: Flood the field with EXP Counters to activate the GameChild cards' effects, which bash up everything the opponent puts in the way.
Custom Cards: GameChild Cards



That's a lot of cards there. Granted like six of them are viable and okay but I guess over saturation is fine. If the only thing you have is one Xyz then you can choose the Xyz course...as a noob. Also your section is more likely based on your age not what year you are in the school. They will be broken down basically by the Maiami Championship standards. Junior/Junior Youth/ Youth Pro 

Username: TheFinalFan

Name: Sora Acala

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: [spoiler=Sora]

Personality: Sora is quite old-fashioned, using an outdated Duel Disk that was given upgrades to utilize the Solid Vision system everyone else has. She seems to still be getting used to the concept of Xyz and Pendulum cards, yet understands not only Synchros, but Fusions and Rituals as well. Despite her awkward tendencies and the fact that she seems to not know a lot of things, Sora has plenty of heart and spirit, and is always willing to give her all. She is also quite energetic, and is always itching for a duel, even though she can easily get out of her league and depth. When dueling, she is quite keen and tenacious, always striving to achieve more than she can. but duels honorably, and abhors dirty tricks and cheating. This is evidenced by her deck, which takes relatively weak monsters, and tunes them into an assortment of powerful Synchros, such as Junk Warrior, Velocity Warrior, Launch Warrior, and Sora's ace monster, the incredibly powerful Stardust Warrior.

Year: 1st

Sec. Pro

Course Path: Synchro

Archetype/Deck: Synchron/Warrior
Deck Description: She uses Synchron cards and Warrior Synchro Monsters.
Custom Cards: http://ycm.wikia.com/wiki/Neo_Yusei_(Structure_Deck) "Accel Synchron" in the Neo Yusei Deck, as well as Accel Warrior, are "Velocity Synchron" and "Velocity Warrior".



[spoiler=My App]Username: UnendingEmpire

Name: Shizuka Kuroi

黒い 静香

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Shizuka is sometimes seen as a bit eccentric.  Stoic in demeanor, she is very difficult to faze, and even if one were to faze her, the signs wouldn't be very obvious.  She seldom speaks outside a duel, and conversations with her tend to not last very long.  It can come off as kind of creepy sometimes, but Shizuka's intent isn't to creep others out so much as to just stay the hell away from them if they're not somebody she's dueling.  Some say that Shizuka's cold-as-death personality is just an exterior layer, and that there's more to her than meets the eye.  However, nobody who knows her has really been able to confirm these things.

Biography: Opting to not fill this in

Year: 2nd

Sec: Pro

Course Path: Synchro Summon

Archetype/Deck: Zombie

Deck Description: Mass zombie abuse
Utilize the effects of Zombie-Type monsters to gain and keep field advantage, then use those zombies to synchro summon.[/spoiler]


I have wide screen so I only see four lines of personality...yeah I'm that picky (well you don't have to do a bio).

Not sure if i have time to contribute, but noting interest i guess. Reserve.... not Junk because FF beat me to it. :P


Reserving blackwings




Username: JamesMuddy

Name: Takara Oshiro

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: tGoXbiY.jpgfwWH2vb.jpg

Personality: She is a somewhat stubborn character who can easily get annoyed when people aren't listening. She tries to make as many friends as possible by being friendly, but even her friends get embarrassed when she is shouting. She can get easily stressed out when things don't go her way. She is very disorganized and often turns up to class late. When she is attracted to a boy, she will become a stalker and will try to hunt the person down and constantly duel them.

Year: 3rd

Sec. Pro

Course Path: Xyz!

Archetype/Deck: I will use my Flame Brother Archetype, but since it isn't finished yet, I will also include some random high ATK effect and vanilla monsters. It will also have a fair amount of Spells/ Traps (Including Rank-Up Magic, but I think I will get it later on).
Deck Description: The Flame Brothers attempt to swarm the field and Xyz Summon their powerful Xyz monsters, then use Rank-Up Magic to upgrade them.

Custom Cards: Flame Brothers http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/324540-flame-brother-archetype/ (Flame Bro #1 is sorta broken, but I can't fix it at school)


Yep fix Number 1 and you realize that choosing Xyz means you cannot have access to Pyro Leader correct?

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Username: Draconus297

Name: Orpheus Galahad

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall, at 6'2", without much real bulk (155 lbs.), except in some lean muscle. Cropped short red hair, excepting a thin ponytail in the back. Eyes are brown, flecked with green. Constantly dressed in an emerald-green trench coat [think Seto Kaiba], with a black shirt emblazoned with the Pitch-Black Power Stone's insignia underneath. Prefers dark jeans. The edge of a tattoo peeks out from under the right sleeve.

Personality: Generally warm and genial under most circumstances, Orpheus rarely ever cracks his bright smile. He's easygoing for the most part, with very little that actually gets his interest. However, there are two things that command his attention- his pride as a Duelist, and girls. He's an unrepentant pervert, but can easily conceal his nature behind "accidents"- most people would believe he was an absolute klutz until they see him rollerskate on power lines (his favorite "shortcut"). This does translate to a protective nature where pretty girls are concerned, and he has taken quite unbelievable amounts of punishment to protect his favorites.

Biography: ----I will probably do this later----

Year: 4th

Sec. Pro

Course Path: Pendulum

Archetype/Deck: Magician

Deck Description: Heavy amounts of Spell Cards, with more Spell Cards to retrieve other Spell Cards. Oh, and Spell Counters.

Custom Cards:
Clock Beginning Magician
LIGHT - Level 4 - Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect - 1500/1800
Scale 1
Spell Effect: When you Pendulum Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster, you can pay 400 Life Points to add 1 non-Normal Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand.
Monster Effect: During each Main Phase, increase your Life Points by 300.

Clock End Magician
DARK - Level 4 - Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect - 1800/1500
Scale 8
Spell Effect: When you Pendulum Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster, increase your Life Points by 400.
Monster Effect: Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a Spellcaster-Type monster enters the Graveyard, you can add 1 non-Normal Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.

United Magic Field
Field Spell Card
Increase the ATK and DEF of all monsters with "Magician" in their name by 100 times the number of Spell and Trap Cards on the field. During your Draw Phase, you can add 1 Trap or non-Normal Spell Card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand instead of drawing normally.

[Oh, and I added the hiragana to Yuruko's app. As an aside.]

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Username: Draconus297

Name: Orpheus Galahad

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall, at 6'2", without much real bulk (155 lbs.), except in some lean muscle. Cropped short red hair, excepting a thin ponytail in the back. Eyes are brown, flecked with green. Constantly dressed in an emerald-green trench coat [think Seto Kaiba], with a black shirt emblazoned with the Pitch-Black Power Stone's insignia underneath. Prefers dark jeans. The edge of a tattoo peeks out from under the right sleeve.

Personality: Generally warm and genial under most circumstances, Orpheus rarely ever cracks his bright smile. He's easygoing for the most part, with very little that actually gets his interest. However, there are two things that command his attention- his pride as a Duelist, and girls. He's an unrepentant pervert, but can easily conceal his nature behind "accidents"- most people would believe he was an absolute klutz until they see him rollerskate on power lines (his favorite "shortcut"). This does translate to a protective nature where pretty girls are concerned, and he has taken quite unbelievable amounts of punishment to protect his favorites.

Biography: ----I will probably do this later----

Year: 4th

Sec. Pro

Course Path: Pendulum

Archetype/Deck: Magician

Deck Description: Heavy amounts of Spell Cards, with more Spell Cards to retrieve other Spell Cards. Oh, and Spell Counters.

Custom Cards:
Clock Beginning Magician
LIGHT - Level 4 - Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect - 1500/1800
Scale 1
Spell Effect: When you Pendulum Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster, you can pay 400 Life Points to add 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand.
Monster Effect: During each Main Phase, increase your Life Points by 300.

Clock End Magician
DARK - Level 4 - Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect - 1800/1500
Scale 8
Spell Effect: When you Pendulum Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster, increase your Life Points by 400.
Monster Effect: Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a Spellcaster-Type monster enters the Graveyard, you can add 1 Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.

United Magic Field
Field Spell Card
Increase the ATK and DEF of all monsters with "Magician" in their name by 100 times the number of Spell and Trap Cards on the field. During your Draw Phase, you can add 1 Spell or Trap Card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand instead of drawing normally.

[Oh, and I added the hiragana to Yuruko's app. As an aside.]


Yeah so all three customs are broken...Think of it this way. Would you like if your opponent could ALWAYS have access to Raigeki or Dark Hole? You literally have no limit on what spell cards can be searched. And the fact that you can even search other pendulums is just...yeah no to this. There has to be some kind of restraint like maybe only getting a certain kind of spell or trap.

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What restrictions should I place on the Spell searching? I won't even be using Dark Hole or Raigeki, but searching Normal Spells (Graceful Charity, Dian Keto, and Ookazi) and Quick-Play Spells (mostly Magical Dimension) is pretty much a must.
Especially Normal Spells, for Rapid-Fire's effect.

The Trap searching is almost exclusively going to be Hidden Book, Pitch-Black, and Dust Tornado.

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What restrictions should I place on the Spell searching? I won't even be using Dark Hole or Raigeki, but searching Normal Spells (Graceful Charity, Dian Keto, and Ookazi) and Quick-Play Spells (mostly Magical Dimension) is pretty much a must.
Especially Normal Spells, for Rapid-Fire's effect.

The Trap searching is almost exclusively going to be Hidden Book, Pitch-Black, and Dust Tornado.


Graceful Charity is banned...


And Just because you intend to use them in non-broken ways (sub-par actually) doesn't make them less broken. Also...burn decks...I tend to frown upon those from a personal stand point. I would say that you make them search non-Normal Spells. 

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Graceful Charity is banned...


And Just because you intend to use them in non-broken ways (sub-par actually) doesn't make them less broken. Also...burn decks...I tend to frown upon those from a personal stand point. I would say that you make them search non-Normal Spells. 

Lance and MST and other stuff though....



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