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Unofficial Prerequisites of a YCM Moderator


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  1. Have a good track record and is active on the site....... Alternatively, you could just be popular.
  2. Use standard font and size in posts.
  4. There is no number 4.
  5. Be professional.
  6. Act condescending to anyone who disagrees with you.
  7. Swear. A fucking lot.
  8. Be part of Showcase.
  9. Have a skull as your avatar. Alternatively, some anime chick or have "ai" in your name.
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1: But I never joined the track team! And everyone knows nobody here actually likes me, so popularity won't cut it.

2: Oh f*ck.

3: All of my cards are the worst-designed things CC has ever seen! F*ck!

4: Well sh*t, I failed.

5: Nothx.

6: Condescending is practically my middle name, so I might still have a chance.

7: F*ck that. I'll swear as much as I want to.

8: Brb, opening Paint, drawing literally just one line, and posting it in a thread in Showcase.

9: Fun fact: I have never used the letter 'i' in my username apparently. Also, skull/anime girl avis are not my style.


1/9 :'D

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