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Why do you ship Dae and Thar? 


Was that directed at Caeda or me?


I'm not shipping it, cause shipping yourself with someone just doesn't work. But honestly it's the only ship involving me that actually works.

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Is your signature/avatar from that Orange Overdirve/whatever game?


I believe you're thinking of Sunset Overdrive. ;)


No, the game is way less zany than that, probably the opposite, actually. It's from a game called Life is Strange. It's an episodic narrative-based game with alternate endings based on your decisions, and you have the power to turn back time. If you're familiar with the Telltale games, you'd have a good idea, though I've heard from others that it's actually much better.


The girl in the avi and the right of my sig is Chloe, my favorite character.

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Favorite song album of 2015 so far?


I'm not much of an album person, but the only albums I can think of are from last year, which doesn't apply to the question. :P


I can say that my favorite album of 2014 is Sun Eater by Job for a Cowboy.

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