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is there another f***ing ama [ama]

Lunar Origins

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*insert obligatory opinion of me question here*


I see you as a regular member of the community now as opposed to the absolute butt of all jokes you used to be.  The evolution of Striker was an interesting one, from asshole to fool to pretty cool guy.  You're alright.


How bad of an idea would it be to try coming out to my mother again?


I've been really wanting to lately but I'm kind of unsure. It obviously sounds incredibly stupid but still. 


If she was a little shit about it before, I doubt a second time would bring about any change whatsoever.  Since I was in the same position as you, well, sort of, I just did things in secret.  Then again, I had another house to live in at the time that was a safe zone, and you don't.  Be wary.


How are things?


i did a lot of drugs over the weekend

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