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Crap, the feels are spilling out

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But it's late and you know what that means. Plus I'm feeling nostalgic cause I was going over past stuff and have been talking more with a certain close friend that I used to talk to a lot more often and haven't as much lately and you know who you are I hope.


Anyway. I f***ing love you guys. Not every single one of you but a large chunk. That's really all i need to say but I'll elaborate. You people are freaking frustrating and stupid and weird and...wait I said love right? Oh, right, I'm getting to that.

So many of you I really like. And I can't say that about a ton of people in my life outside of the internet. And while plenty of you are all of those things I just said, you're also interesting, fun, and have moments of pure kindness that are wonderful.

And you guys (and girls) make me feel...special, like I actually matter. Despite my insistence that I don't. I care about so many of you as if you were family. And even more than family in many cases.

Even those of you I don't talk with a ton but interact with a bit just in threads I feel this about. Some more than others, obviously, but most of you contribute to it. And that's wonderful.

So once more, CowCow is feelsing and wants to say thanks, love y'all.

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Thanks Giga, I think. XD
AND IKR BIRDIE? I dunno what magic this is that causes me to feel instead of sad but I'll try to pass it around to more people.


Also slightly related. Looking at old stuff and I used to make a lot of "jokes" about not being straight. Apparently I always knew but didn't know I knew for a while. XD

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