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For starters, don't use attachments to post cards.

Just open card in the generator, left click for IMG code + c/p that into post.


Right now, you have a single card so it stays here.

If you add more, it gets moved to Multiples.


That, and if you have picture-less cards, just write it out.



As for the card itself, it is essentially monster removal; though it is still a Reckless Summon target.

I'd advise putting a hard OPT on it (make it so you can only do this once per turn, regardless if you have duplicate copies).



EDIT: Reupload the card properly, so I'll have to lock this.


For reference, it was a Level 2 Fairy Tuner monster with 900/400 stats and LIGHT.

Effect is "You can Tribute this card: Destroy 1 face-up monster your opponent controls."

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You still uploaded them as attachments.

We tell you not to do that because eventually they will disappear, and I'm forced to lock it because cardless thread.


Follow the directions in this post, and post them properly.

Or in your case, just write out everything like this:

Card Name
Level | Attribute | Type | Subtype

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