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[Finished]Summer 2015 Postseason Leaderboard Tournament

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Well, it appears Striker will be waiting in the final for whoever gets out alive from the loser bracket.

So yeah, take a nice long break, Striker.


So far, Gadjiltron's made it to Round 3 (and Dragon Sage will be on standby until the semifinals for that bracket).

Once Garland submits a card, we can begin Queen/his match to determine who faces Gadjiltron. (He still has a day to get a card in; Queen sent hers a while ago).



You probably know this by now, but the next couple matches will be loser bracket stuff.

As to what those themes are, I don't know yet, so it will be a surprise.


Maybe it'll be a rather simplistic theme, or something a lot more complicated; we shall see.

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Aside from waiting on Garland to hurry up and submit a card, nothing much.

If nothing happens within the next 23 hours, I'm going to just end the loser bracket match with him in it.


(Come to think of it, Garland actually hasn't had his cards in any 1v1s this tournament; either he got forced withdraw or opponent never showed up.)


Although he did submit an entry last round, so might as well use that one for this round (even if theme is different).

Wouldn't be fair on Queen for submitting a card, and her opponent either withdraws or fails to show up.



I've not forgotten about the tournament, but waiting on submissions is a pain. 

I do have the Round 3 loser theme up, but that'll wait until Queen/Garland fight it out.

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Well, Queen got the L2 victory, so she and Gadjiltron will face off in the Round 3 loser match.

This time, let's see how you two deal with the theme.


Make a card that supports and/or is themed similarly to Saffira, Queen of Dragons (Sapphy).


You have until this Sunday, September 20th @ 11:00 pm HST (GMT/UTC -10:00).



I did not choose this theme because of current relationship status.

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Queen took the match 1-0 and now faces Dragon Sage in the semifinals of the loser bracket.

Whoever wins this one takes on Striker in the final.


Now for the theme for the last match of the loser bracket.


Design a support card for the Majespecter Archetype.

(You have until September 24th @ 11:00 pm HST [GMT -10:00])



Keep in mind that I have the final theme already planned out, although you'll find out what it is after the semifinal here.

It will be more difficult and require a bit more thinking.


However, I will need a theme in case we go into that extra fight, however it won't be up/devised unless needed.

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Well, I had to tiebreak the match myself, and ultimately voted for Queen's card to move on.

Again, I liked both cards but chose more on the lines of its usability overall.


Now then, I believe it's time for Striker and Queen to have their final bout.

Like I mentioned, this theme will be much more difficult to attend to.



Design a monster card based on Latias from Pokémon with the following constraints.

  • Must be at the power level of common bosses.
  • Have no lower than 2500 ATK and DEF.
  • At least 1 effect that reflects her abilities.




I would implore that you think about the design carefully when doing so, because it is indeed Pop Culture related.


Card is due by September 28th @ 11:59 pm HST

(It's 11:13 pm HST 9/26 at the time of writing)

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Well, as you probably noticed, there were a few changes here related to how the final happened, given stuff.

And the overall winner of this tournament is...Striker.


If Sage had won the final, we'd be going with another round (but that isn't the case).


Overall, I'd say the tournament went relatively well, save for a few forfeitures and stuff.

(Out of fairness, we didn't have a R1 loser bracket because of withdraws)


But yeah, the tournament is over and the winners are thus.

(Keep in mind that Queen is technically DQ'd due to certain reasons, which you should know by now)


Therefore, the top three is thus.


1st - Striker

2nd - Dragon Sage

3rd - Gadjiltron



I'll award points/reps later on.


Thanks to all of you for bearing with me while hosting the Postseason.

This is a job normally reserved for Striker, but because things happened, I had to do it.


Anyway, I will assume Striker will get the Fall preseason underway now.

(We are technically in Fall now, so a bit late on that)

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