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El Shaddoll Construct

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1 "Shaddoll" monster + 1 LIGHT monster


Must first be Fusion Summoned. If this card is Special Summoned: You can send 1 "Shaddoll" card from your Deck to the Graveyard. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles a Special Summoned monster: Destroy that monster. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 "Shaddoll" Spell/Trap Card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.


Was an awful ban when OCG did it




WHAT THE funk.


Limit the fusions, unban construct

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maybe I'm just bad at theory-oh, but this hit made the least sense to me. 3 to 0? What does this do at 1 though? It sets up pretty good advantage, but it's pretty easy to get rid of, especially with El-Shad getting the limit

1 wouldve been fine, honestly, especially with 3 fate roaming around amongst other things

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maybe I'm just bad at theory-oh, but this hit made the least sense to me. 3 to 0? What does this do at 1 though? It sets up pretty good advantage, but it's pretty easy to get rid of, especially with El-Shad getting the limit

Limiting Shaddoll Fusion (Regular) and El makes more sense


Then you have to tech the hero engine to get fusions, which cuts down on space


I'm sad they literally copied the worse hit of OCG


I mean OCG's excuse was 


BLS banish, Construct swing, Felgrand


OR Construct Swing, CED, Swing, nuke or construct


or DMoC grab spells, overlay to stop banish, get DMoC back with Renewal, but TCG literally had non of that to worry about


If it was unjustified over there, it sure as hell is here

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maybe I'm just bad at theory-oh, but this hit made the least sense to me. 3 to 0? What does this do at 1 though? It sets up pretty good advantage, but it's pretty easy to get rid of, especially with El-Shad getting the limit

It's an extra deck card so you don't have to draw it.


It triggers on special summons so you can just revive and dump over and over.


Its on field and floating effects are really good.


No OPT anywhere.

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It's an extra deck card so you don't have to draw it.


It triggers on special summons so you can just revive and dump over and over.


Its on field and floating effects are really good.


No OPT anywhere.

Limiting it basically stops the OPT problem.


Shaddolls Fusion limit hits the deck just as hard


No DMoC for the "broken" Felgrand Play

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I don't think this should be banned (my gripe is the +2/3 plays with fusion) but I was trying to find some reasons that might explain it.


THere's also the fact that shekinaga and especially grystal weren't used much at all because construct was better the majority of the time.

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I don't think this should be banned (my gripe is the +2/3 plays with fusion) but I was trying to find some reasons that might explain it.


THere's also the fact that shekinaga and especially grystal weren't used much at all because construct was better the majority of the time.

Well limiting math sure didn't promote shekinaga

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I could understand putting it to 1, but they went from 3-0 on this and multiple other cards in a single list. this thing (among others) getting hit wasn't about balancing the game, it was about murdering the top decks. construct was by far the best card shaddolls had going for them ED wise, but it was nowhere near good enough to warrant getting banhammered.


yes i'm a massive fan of shaddolls

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yeah they should limit the fusions instead of banning this, this to 1 or even 2 is fine, 0 is overkill,  even better move is to just ban the shaddoll fusion and keep the el shaddoll at 3 since the original shaddoll fusion is the one create crazy plusses, el shaddoll is fine, it has opt and use hand/field mat, so you still have to get the material (especially the non shaddolls)

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yeah they should limit the fusions instead of banning this, this to 1 or even 2 is fine, 0 is overkill, even better move is to just ban the shaddoll fusion and keep the el shaddoll at 3 since the original shaddoll fusion is the one create crazy plusses, el shaddoll is fine, it has opt and use hand/field mat, so you still have to get the material (especially the non shaddolls)

El Fusion is the OTK enabler.


Man, y'know, I really wanted to like this banlist, but it just comes off as railroading to make people run Kozmo and EminEM. It's the Tengu Plant list all over again.

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El Fusion is the OTK enabler.


Man, y'know, I really wanted to like this banlist, but it just comes off as railroading to make people run Kozmo and EminEM. It's the Tengu Plant list all over again.

Shaddoll Fusion is basically future fusion in a world with pendulums. Why that's not more of a problem than construct is beyond me


I would limit El and Regular. Would say put Construct at three, but 1 seems safer because some kid might run Neph Fusion.


Oh, limit super poly too while you're at it. It has no business being banned anymore

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