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Umbral Horror Spam

Aman Indra

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Just a casual and fun spam deck.


Monsters : 18

Umbral Horror Unform X 2 (Best card of umbral, ram damage is worth it for the spam)

Umbral Horror Ghoul X 2 (1 card Synchro, great spam combo with unform)

Mystic Tomato X 3 (Great promotion of plays)

Armageddon Knight X 2 (Dump umbrals for combo)

Summoner Monk X 2 (Another 1 card Xyz)

Kagetokage X 2 (Great card in generic spam, pretty standard)

Secret Sect Druid Dru X 2 (Many targets, great Xyz maker)

Masked Chameleon X 3 (Imparts Xyz plays and opens up more plays)




Spells : 12 Cards

Raigeki X 1 (Standard)

Soul Charge X 1 (Bring back stuff)

Allure Of Darkness X 1 (Draw power)

Recurring Nightmare X 2 (Great mileage with umbrals)

Twin Twister X 2 (Double Pop, good removal)

Instant Fusion X 2 (Norden......nuff said)

Supply Squad X 3 (Deck thin, gets combo cards quicker)



Traps : 10 Cards

Solemn Warning X 1 (standard)

Solemn Notice X 2 (Great stun + removal)

Bottomless Trap Hole X 1 (Great card, banishing is a good perk)

Mistake X 3 (Ultimate stun against top decks)

Void Trap Hole X 1 (Again, good trap, stops many plays)

Fiendish Chain X 2 (Monster stun, hilarious combo with key beetle)


Extra Deck : 15 Cards

Elder Entity Norden X 2 (Best spam card, 1 card Xyz)

Number 80 : Rhapsody In Berserk X 1 (Nice grave eff + Xyz boost)

Castel X 1 (Standard rank 4, very sweet)

Abyss Dweller X 1 (Grave Stun)

King Of The Feral Imps X 1 (Kagetokage search)

Number 66 : Master Key Beetle X 1 (Great floater, good combo with other cards)

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon X 1 (Great beater)

Utopia X 1 (Good Xyz)

Daigusto Emeral X 1 (Useful Recycle)

Gagaga Cowboy X 1 (Get the job done)

Number 101 : Silent Honor Ark X 1 (Standard, snatch steal and floater)

Stardust Dragon X 1 (Great Synchro, great protection)

Utopia The Lightning X 1 (Great card, 5000 prophet)

Red Dragon Archfiend Scar-Light x 1 (Well, we cant get enough nuke now can we ? )



Thats it. CNC will be appreciated to improve the deck furthur.

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Hokay, where to begin?


-1 Ghoul

-1 Unform

-2 O'Wisp


Umbrals are cute but pretty inefficient as playmakers, and are much better suited towards being combo pieces instead. Too many of them clog and eat advantage like candy. O'Wisp is also highly gimmicky, and not even worth running for that battle effect.


-1 Kagetokage


Guy can get pretty cloggy at times, and 2 is a fairly optimal number for the likes of him.


-3 Juggler

-2 Hat Tricker


By focusing less on using the battle effects, except in desperate situations, you won't need these as much. Hat is good for plays yeah, but again, hand advantage.


+1 Masked Chameleon (You have 6 targets for him, making him an ideal playmaker)

+3 Mystic Tomato (Summons half your deck, and can be deceptively useful at times)

+2 Armageddon Knight (Mills Umbrals for Dru/Masked to revive, or creating fodder for Recurring Nightmare. Can be SSed via Tomato)

+2 Summoner Monk (SS any of your monsters from your deck at the cost of a spell)


These changes alter your deck to be more grave focused. This way, your monster line-up is more focused on 1-card Xyzs generated by Masked Chameleon and Dru, thereby reducing the strain on your hand by always having a card ready to make your next Xyz. This way, it won't cost you too much to make your plays by using your graveyard instead of expending your hand for a play that could very easily fail.


-1 Pot of Dichotomy

-1 One Day of Peace


The former is insanely slow, and its just can just as easily be achieved by Emeral or Jar of Avarice. However, you won't be needing it since you want certain monsters in the grave. One Day of Peace benefits your opponent too much honestly.


+2 Recurring Nightmare


With Dru, and both Umbrals being targets, this card gets a lot of mileage. It can grab both your Drus, or, in a pinch, a Ghoul and an Unform for a quick Xyz play. This card pretty much does what Pot of Dichotomy does without costing you a Battle Phase.


You can also ditch Delteros and Hot Red for Utopia and Utopia the Lightning if you want.

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Hokay, where to begin?


-1 Ghoul

-1 Unform

-2 O'Wisp


Umbrals are cute but pretty inefficient as playmakers, and are much better suited towards being combo pieces instead. Too many of them clog and eat advantage like candy. O'Wisp is also highly gimmicky, and not even worth running for that battle effect.


-1 Kagetokage


Guy can get pretty cloggy at times, and 2 is a fairly optimal number for the likes of him.


-3 Juggler

-2 Hat Tricker


By focusing less on using the battle effects, except in desperate situations, you won't need these as much. Hat is good for plays yeah, but again, hand advantage.


+1 Masked Chameleon (You have 6 targets for him, making him an ideal playmaker)

+3 Mystic Tomato (Summons half your deck, and can be deceptively useful at times)

+2 Armageddon Knight (Mills Umbrals for Dru/Masked to revive, or creating fodder for Recurring Nightmare. Can be SSed via Tomato)

+2 Summoner Monk (SS any of your monsters from your deck at the cost of a spell)


These changes alter your deck to be more grave focused. This way, your monster line-up is more focused on 1-card Xyzs generated by Masked Chameleon and Dru, thereby reducing the strain on your hand by always having a card ready to make your next Xyz. This way, it won't cost you too much to make your plays by using your graveyard instead of expending your hand for a play that could very easily fail.


-1 Pot of Dichotomy

-1 One Day of Peace


The former is insanely slow, and its just can just as easily be achieved by Emeral or Jar of Avarice. However, you won't be needing it since you want certain monsters in the grave. One Day of Peace benefits your opponent too much honestly.


+2 Recurring Nightmare


With Dru, and both Umbrals being targets, this card gets a lot of mileage. It can grab both your Drus, or, in a pinch, a Ghoul and an Unform for a quick Xyz play. This card pretty much does what Pot of Dichotomy does without costing you a Battle Phase.


You can also ditch Delteros and Hot Red for Utopia and Utopia the Lightning if you want.

Yeah, these changes are nice, how could i forget about the 5000 atk prophet xd

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He meant something to ruin Ariadne, not to run Ariadne in the deck. Coincidentally, shouldn't Mistake do exactly that by preventing the opponent from searching for Counter Traps?


Anyway, I'm curious on the Tomatoes and Supply Squads in the deck. Have you already made any tests with the deck including them? How effective were they?

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He meant something to ruin Ariadne, not to run Ariadne in the deck. Coincidentally, shouldn't Mistake do exactly that by preventing the opponent from searching for Counter Traps?


Anyway, I'm curious on the Tomatoes and Supply Squads in the deck. Have you already made any tests with the deck including them? How effective were they?

Well Broke. N was very right about the tomato, they are never a dead draw since you can always set them and they promote furthur plays. I am in a bit of turmoil regarding Squad, its a bit slow sometimes but it is a solid alternative. Tomato definitely adds value to the deck.

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