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[SOI] Spoilers - Mar 11

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Lands are pretty mediocre but we have very few Enemy Dual Lands after Tarkir block rotates, so they'll work.

Pious Evangelical/Wayward Disciple is a more expensive, bulkier Zulaport Cutthroat. Not sure if the Black Side is worth it if you can already do black, but White side is neat and maybe as a whole itz worth it in dual/triple color decks that have white but no black. Unsure.

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'glances at the Foul Orchard and its flavor text' ...welp, and we shall most-likely see Miss Vess somewhere in either Shadows over Innistrad or Eldritch Moon. Letthesexualmanipulationsbegin.

I mean, she was on the poster thing in the Eldritch Moon announcement, so we knew that for a while.


I am really glad the Manlands exist, so I won't need to use these in standard.

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I really like Evangel, Wish I could use it in Prossh, but Teysa will suffice.


Also, my OCD is quite happy to see the cycle of these (terrible) taplands completed. Now if only we could get the Battle lands too...


wow how did i not even think about teysa. guess i need eight now


the only problem i would have with enemy battle lands would be that i couldn't get a expedition version of the BG one for my jund commander deck, but that's a silly qualm.

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...well, I feel a wee on the small side now. How in blazes did I miss the banner...


But yeah, do you think it's possible that Liliana's acting on behalf of another, possibly to get aid in dealing with the Chain Veil's 'issues'? (Don't remember the negatives of the Chain Veil in an in-universe sense.) She has acted on behalf of another before to try to deal with her own issues before, such as working for Nicol Bolas during Agents of Artifice (while f*cking poor Jace up further in the process) before finding the Chain Veil.

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