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[MtG] [SOI] Daily Spoilers 18/03


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Moar spoilers for the spoiler god! And I'm sad this first one isn't a GW uncommon to complete the cycle from Dark Ascension.



Thalia's general is some nice WW support and a sweet card for human tribal.


Welcome to the fold is interesting. It's not quite threads of disloyalty but an instant speed control magic is nothing to over look, even if it is quite pricy in the mana cost.

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Second Harvest seems fun. Might try that in my Naya tokens edh.


The delirium cards all seem solid.


The new 1 drop werewolf seems like it will be good enough for constructed.


The counter spell seems like trash.


A 3/1 for 2 with double upside seems insane. Vampires look VERY power.


Lieutenant seems really good. As Sam spelled out in his article, its like Champion, only its not a total dead draw late game.


Welcome to the Fold is cute.



Also, might just be the cards they are spoiling so far, but the set seems a fair bit more tribal then either Innistrad or Dark Ascension. This makes me happy.

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I have an Animar EDH build that is notorious for how cruel it is in comparison to the rest of my playgroup. One of the most infamous comboes it has done (I've known about this since the deck's creation, and it has won the game when it actually occurred) is Progenitor Mimic and Master of Waves. Second Harvest occurring during the middle of Mimic copying Master of Waves would be a total nightmare.


EDIT: Anyway, that aside, I'm just loving almost all of the cards we have seen. So today we get the rest of the Tooth Collector and Topplegeist's cycle from the Duel Decks, and a one drop haste werewolf. Nice. The Vampires seem to be really going deep with being the main supporters of Madness in this set.

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Shame it doesn't work off of a fetchland. Still a nice card, but I wish it wasn't a rare.

Eh, modern design philosophy makes it pretty clear that Wizards doesn't want turn 2 mana rocks to produce colored mana the same turn, exception that proves the rule being Fellwar Stone. However, seeing as getting the needed mana color off of this guy is conditional, I don't see why this couldn't enter untapped. As of now, it's a bleh Star Compass. :/

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