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Hello, my name is Devvick, but long ago I registered on this forum as 'iceape'.

I like anime, and YGO has been one of my favorites since I saw it on TV a long time ago (Sadly, only the first season of first series :7594_key:

I registered to this website for the sole purpose of creating cards and because I'm shy, I've never gotten to showing them to anyone.

Recently my interest in the first series of the anime re-sparked. I never watched it all - I'm making up for it now and because of that I decided to make an introduction here, as I want to show everyone here what my twisted mind has come up with.


I look forward to your reactions and opinions and I hope I don't break rules hearts :)

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Well, welcome to YCM! I hope you enjoy your time here, and I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with. If you need any help with Custom Cards, feel free to message me or one of the Custom Cards Moderators. Good luck!

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Welcome back to YCM. it's alright f you don't have much much interest in socializing at the moment. you'll get past it eventually. just remember the guidelines and try not to make anything too powerful if you plan to post in the advanced design forums. I'm not in the created cards section all that often since my cards are never good enough for me, but if you ever need a review on your cards just send me a message and i'll be glad to give some constructive feedback.

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Hello, and welcome again.


I am Gadjiltron, one of the moderators of the Custom Cards section. That's the place where you post your custom cards up for critique.


Advanced Cards is where cards are held to higher standards of judgment as we look at them from the point of view of current state of the game, which has changed drastically since the first season of the anime. Casual Cards doesn't have that high a standard, and is a good place to start unless you're on the ball about tournament-tier Decks.


Read the rules, a few card design guides, stay out of trouble, etc. I look forward to seeing what cards you come up with.

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Thank you all for the warm welcome!


Forgot to tell, that most of the cards I came up with back when I first registered (2008-2009) are quite broken, definitely not metagame-compliant and mostly "all over the place", since I just wrote whatever came to my mind, although I tried my best to keep them balanced.

I completed my first "thematic" set in 2015, and that's the first set I'd like to present. It has a pop-cultural theme, and I think I have to present it in Casual Section, as it includes 1 Divine-Beast (not overpowered..... I think).

The idea originated back in 2008, when I was just making cards left and right, but I never got to properly do it until last year.


My heart is is still with the first-series anime and as such, I have only a moderate understanding of Synchro, XYZ and very basic of Pendulum monsters.

I've dueled on YGOPro in the past up to XYZ, and now I've yet to play Pendulum monsters (although I've won against them in a recent duel :D  )

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from what i know of custom section, they don't respond well to Divine attribute monsters. past that though, take a bit of time to look over your cards, just to make sure you haven't missed any glaring issues, maybe even looking up some similar cards to reference how to word it. past that though, you should be fine.

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We don't permit DIVINE or Divine-Beast monsters in Advanced, although cards that do support that Attribute and Type (think Ra's Disciple) are fair game.


DIVINE or Divine-Beasts are permitted in Casual, but unless there's a really good reason they're given that treatment they will be shifted into Experimental.


Experimental has the most design leeway because that's where you're permitted to design entirely new game mechanics or card types.

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As Gadjiltron already mentioned, DIVINE / Divine-Beast monsters (or even Creator God) monsters are barred in Advanced Cards due to the general lack of support for them. Now, it doesn't mean that we're giving Yugi / DM generation preferential treatment (as 5Ds certainly had their own class of Divine-Beasts for anime reasons), but just lack of support to really play with them. You don't necessarily have to know the meta (though you should have a general idea), but do realize that your cards will be graded on a higher standard. 


For Casual purposes, they are allowed there but it's not something that should be be slapped on any card of your choosing without prior thinking. So yeah, if it's based on an actual deity from whatever religion or a divine character from some other media, then you're fine. 


Everything else is already said, so...


I'll just give you a basic breakdown of the CC forum in general (Custom Cards is commonly abbreviated as CC, just so you know)


[spoiler=Long notes]

Casual, as already mentioned, is for general card design. This means that you don't have to worry about whether or not your card can function in whatever metagame that exists now (given the lists). There may be some references to certain meta cards (I'll need to emphasize the fact to certain users that meta comments remain in Advanced), but for the most part, standards are slightly easier. 


Experimental lets you experiment with new subtypes, summoning methods and so forth. As you can probably tell, the general card forums abide by the current standards that Konami already has out. 


Joke & OP cards is somewhat self-explanatory.




Advanced is for cards that are intended to work in the metagame (or otherwise designed to higher standards). Here, you WILL hear things related to certain Decks that are trending in the competitive world. As mentioned above, you should have a general idea of the format (especially since we are LONG past the era of original Yugioh), but you don't have to know everything about it. 


Other TCG is for card games that aren't Yugioh. So, if you design cards for other games, they can go here. 


YGOPro is basically a card release area so you can release your customs for other members to play with (and download stuff too). You seem to have experience with the program, so hopefully this comes off fine. 


As for the Multiples forums, if you have 2 or more cards; thread goes in Multiples instead of the general area. However, there are exceptions in Ritual Monsters (with their corresponding Spells) and paired Pendulum Monsters; this only applies if there is one set. Any more than that and cards go to the Multiples areas as normal. You can read the section rules for the explanation; should have the same thing written.




Duel Portal is a program that one of our members made for the purpose of testing your cards out in actual duels. The 2099 subforum is a side format that most users of the program are engaged in nowadays; any questions on that can be asked in there. The organization is kinda awkward, so don't hesitate to ask if you have questions about stuff.




Card contests / 1v1 do exactly what they say on the box. Either you host contests of your own, or participate in someone else's. 


1v1s are basically single fights with other members. Leaderboard is an award thing that Striker made to promote activity (albeit it's still relatively dead).





Anyway, welcome to YCM.

I'm Sakura, the other active CC moderator (and for general purposes, the lead one); there is a third one (Zextra), but you will rarely see him nowadays. 


If you need help around, don't hesitate to PM me or one of the other mods. 



Have fun :)

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