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[MtG] Full Kaladesh Spoiler


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The cards that are most interesting to me:

  • Gearseeker Serpent: Pauper cries out in excitement. Never would've expected that we'd get a creature with affinity again, and being a 5/6 means that it eats Gurmag Anglers for days. Somber Hoverguard can say goodbye now.
  • Revolutionary Rebuff: We get Mana Leak in Standard again! Yes, it doesn't hit artifacts, and yes, it taxes for 1 less... but Mana Leak!
  • Sage of Shaila's Claim: Less excitement than disappointment. C'mon, Wizards, why do you put all the good energy enablers at common but none of the payoff? I wanted to brew a Pauper energy deck so badly.
  • Take Down: Absolutely wrecks Pauper Delver, and thus will be a sideboard staple for the coming future.
  • Veteran Motorist: I like that Wizards is pushing the RW vehicle/equipment deck for Standard so hard. Hoping that this guy sees play in it if the deck becomes actually playable.

Finally, I just love how much we're seeing of Magali Villenueve's art. She's become my favorite Magic artist as of late - her works are just so shiny and vibrant. Perfect for a plane like Kaladesh.


EDIT: Cards to grab for EDH decks:

  • Ayli: Authority of the Consuls, Morbid Curiosity, Kambal, Restoration Gearsmith, Aetherflux Reservoir, Concealed Courtyard
  • Rashmi: Torrential Gearhulk, Rashmi herself, Botanical Sanctum, Woodland Stream (with the new art)
  • Pauper Toolbox: Aviary Mechanic, Fragmentize, Gearseeker Serpent, Fortuitous Find, Cathartic Reunion, Reckless Fireweaver, Larger than Life, Take Down, Metalspinner's Puzzleknot, Prophetic Prism (dat new art)
  • For future inspiration: Demon of Dark Schemes, Eliminate the Competition, Oviya Pashiri, Panharmonicon, all of the fastlands (before prices go up)
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Energy seems like a really sweet mechanic. I just wish it was easier to put the cards into existing decks. Most of the cards still work just fine without friends, but they still don't feel that exiting unless they have them. Between that and all the cards that care about artifacts my commons/uncommons cube sadly isn't getting a ton of cards.


Side from that, cards I'm considering for various commanders.

Animar: Panharmonicon, Rashmi

Karador: Panharmonicon

Sedris: Combustible Gearhulk

Gahiji: Nissa

Sharuum: Panharmonicon, Cataclysmic Gearhulk, Refurbish, Padeem

Freyalise: Nissa

Grenzo: Panharmonicon

Gitrog: Nissa, Ghirapur Orrery

Ezuri: Panharmonicon, Cultivator of Blades


Don't think Hanna, Iroas, or Slivers will get anything



Overall, set looks really sweet, and I'm super pumped for the limited environment.

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