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Post and I'll ask you a question

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Depends. If you manage to get them when their nice and soft then they are brilliant, then again I'm not as keen on biscuits that are crunchy so I'm not as keen on hard biscuits.

Do you eat them with anything else? Like chocolate, syrup, or jam?

I live in Texas so it won't be snowtime until like January, if at all.

When it snows, is it a sheet of snow, or a blanket of snowfall?
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It starts as rain and then suddenly we have a blanket of snow overnight. And because Texans are dumb and do not know how to prepare for snow, the rain that we started with turns into ice too.

Do the roads ever get caked with snow?

Nope, not keen on syrups and jam belongs in doughnuts.

Has it snowed yet?


What is your favorite sound?

Even including the champions it'd be Phoebe.

What are some traits you like about Phoebe?


What if said you had to?

Why do you feel the need to dodge the question?

People here are nice, and full of creativity XD

How long do you intend to stay?

Yes. Like last year, I'll be giving points away on Christmas.

Are you sure you have enough for the people on your list?
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There was a bit a couple of weeks ago but didn't stay that long.

What is your least favorite season and why?

Nah, I think it was Dog King who took over Crab Helmet.

So what is it you did prior to the name change?


i would be lying if i said i ever really thought about it.

probably like the sound of hotdogs grilling.

Fair enough. What is your favorite smell?


Do you have any warm drinks when it gets cold?

That's a weird question. I mean people don't usually register to a forum and "plan" to be there for only a predetermined / pre-planned time right?

Some users just pop by and then suddenly disappear. Anywho:


What is your favorite animal?

Why do you feel the need to force the question upon me?

Tea or coffee?

Oh I will. Lotta naughties this year.

What about for points?

well yes

Which is better: Garchomp or Salamence?
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Summer. It is hot and generally if it is above 25°C I honestly can't cope that well outside without something cold like ice cream. Upside is I have plenty of free time.

What's your favorite thing to drink?

Nah, I just do what I do best and stay indoors pretty much all the time.

What is your least favorite pokemon and why?

just made angel's food cake. sheet smells like pure sugar.

How is angel's food cake?

If you mean about its distribution, I'm giving them away in varying amounts based on the kindess of the ycm member.

Are you sure you have enough?
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