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Apology to Winter

Phantom Roxas

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This apology was by no means sincere. It was a cruel ultimatum forced on me by Black, demanding that I apologize to someone who has harassed me, and has never shown any regrets. By Black's own admission, he believes that I deserve any harassment that Winter throws at me, and threatened my position as a moderator if I did not apologize to my abuser. Not that it made a difference.

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Quite frankly, I don't think you can accept much responsibility for the hostility toward him. The vast majority of antagonizing toward him is done for users' own grievances, rather than rallying to your cry.


Rather than a war of "winter loyalists" and "roxas loyalists", it is just a lot of individual conflicts, with the vast majority of users tired of it all. I find myself at odds with winter quite often, but I have no real desire to "win" over him, and the people who do annoy me just as much as he does, to be perfectly honest. I can only assume that the majority of users side with me in that respect, because petty conflicts are petty.


That said, such an apology is good. Not sure why it is in general rather than misc (presumably the result of some behind the scenes go-ahead), but good nonetheless. Hopefully it is a sign of things to be.

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That said, such an apology is good. Not sure why it is in general rather than misc (presumably the result of some behind the scenes go-ahead), but good nonetheless. Hopefully it is a sign of things to be.

I consider Misc. too much of a joke section, so I felt that it would have undermined the purpose of this apology.

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