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YCM Modern Theme Release


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The theme looks great, but the "Connect through Twitter" button is gone. It pretty much took me an hour to figure out what my username and password is since I never got the "forgot my password" email.


Thought of making a new account to be able to log in to tell you the issue I was experiencing, but I couldn't figure out what the hell I was supposed to do with the "registration question", and then after a few tries it just told me "Forbidden. You submitted too quickly."


None of this was an issue until today. Fortunately, now that I know all my info, I have access to my cards even though my evening evaporated. Hope you're all doing well.


The "connect through Twitter" (and I guess FB for those of you who use it) button is unavailable on the default skin (which you are likely seeing right now). I think it should still exist on the older one we had until recently.


One thing you may want to do is change your email to a non-Hotmail/Live one, as this site no longer can send emails to Hotmail accounts (least since late 2016). We don't know why, but that's a matter saved for the other support threads.



As for the skin itself, Modern Thin might be better (or just adjust the guest message so it doesn't stretch past the display of the main page). Or it could just be like this on Chromebook. 


yeah but can we get a summa crossroads theme


If Tormey can find one close enough to it, maybe. 


Show of hands, how many of you are going to use it if added?

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Idk man, from a design stand point, that's a bit too dark. Needs some lighter accents here and there. Maybe not 0 value black. Try something a bit lighter, I'd go for a value 2 and accent it with a value 3, highlight it with a 4. I had to switch back to the classic. Not for me.


It is slightly too dark I would agree but it's not quite as simple as just changing the colours, I'll be releasing alternative themes over time which will hopefully pique your interest.



Thank you


I'm the king of shiny. 

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