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sorreh =(


I guess your forgetting the fact that he did a lot to the site and he's not the only one.

My 2 cents: I love the bold and especially italics above' date=' you are quite right about it in fact. Draco did indeed do quite a lot to the site, and none of it good. However, that doesn't really help your argument, so I dunno why you said it.


[b']Yes, your forgetting the debate section for starters. I'd go on quite a bit but I really don't give a sheet. Anyway tell me what did he do wrong please, I seem to have mislead by the forces of evil and am blinded from the truth.[/b]


And, for the love of all things good, lrn2grammar: "you're a mod" not "your mod", he doesn't own a mod that you can refer to >_<


OH NOEZ!!!! Look at the foreign guy who just messed up. Let's go beat him.


[/2 cents]


Anyway, I already said I wanted avatars bigger again, so nothing more to say here :P

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