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Legend Zero

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Many ways I've changed:


1.) My grammar is so much better. ^_^

2.) I make much better cards. ^_^

3.) I went from -reps to +reps. ^_^

4.) More members respect me. ^_^

5.) I have many more friends. ^_^

6.) I've changed my name a couple of times :P (KingOfFrogs ---> King of Dogs ---> Tiger ---> Tabby Cat)

7.) When I joined I was 10, and I'm currently 11 years old. ^_^

8.) I like Yugioh so much more. ^_^

9.) I'm a lot nicer. ^_^

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I joined about ½year ago and since then i have become better at quite a few things.


1. I have learned OCG and better grammar.

2. I now have lots of friends (Chaotix® and Kale, to mention a few).

3. I type alot quiker on my keyboard so it takes shorter time to make posts.

4. My cardmaking skills overall have improved.

5. My skills at GFX have improved alot.


I think i have covered it all now.

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