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WWE Legacy™ Presented in HD! [New Raw - Rocky Road] Posted!


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sweet episode

the RR is going to be sweet


i submited a charictar on the other page and heres another


Age: 28

Height: 5,8

Weight: 300

Theme Song: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ehzJABqq5YU

Finishing Move(s): Shock Treatment (get them on my shoulders and drop them down)

Poison Chaos (Power bomb from the top rope or ladder or hell in a cell)

Show: Smackdown

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Heres a couple of new superstars for you to toy with ( I know it's like stupidly late to submit superstars but aye)


Name: Scott "The Superbeast" Slaughter (sgt. Slaughter's son)

Age: 20

Height: 6 '9

Weight: 273lb

Theme Song: Superbeast by Rob Zombie

Finishing Move(s): Bigshow's Cobra Cluch Backbreaker

Show: Raw

Please, make him a heel if you use him




Name: Fitz Kriegor (German)

Age: 23

Height: 5 '10

Weight: 188lbs

Theme Song: I'll find one soon

Finishers: Spring-board Overcastle (look up overcastle if you dont know what I mean) and a hard to explain move [spoiler=move] Starts in awakening neckbreaker position (that's the neckbreaker in the Miz's reality check, if you dont know) from there, he flips over, still holding the neck, delivering a dropkick to the knee, and a DDT at the same time.


Show: Smackdown



Name: Drake Lionheart

Age: 25

Height: 6 '5

Weight: 250lbs

Theme Song: Last Man Standing - Hammerfall

Finishers: Top-rope unprettier, standard unprettier (renamed "the Grim Sedative" and "The Goodnight Driver" respectivly)

Show: ECW

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As many of you, well, more like seventeen of you, know, I sent PMs out yesterday asking people what they wanted to see in the WWE Fan-Fic. Keeping some of their suggestions in mind, I'm going to post some things that you can expect to see in the Fan-Fic.


-More Superstars will make their WWE Debut.

-There will be a new match type called the "Random Chance" Match.

-Paul Heyman will make a return to ECW to try and improve the brand.

-Improvements to the Tag Team Division as a whole.

-The Return of some former WWE Superstars.

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[spoiler=ECW - December 30, 2008]


ECW Opening


A stream of fireworks explode onto the stage as the fans stand on their feet and cheer, excited for the show to begin.


"Welcome one and all to ECW! I'm Todd Grisham alongside Matt Striker, and I guarantee that tonight's show is gonna blow the roof off of this place!"


"Hello everyone, and Todd, why's that?"


"I'm glad you asked! You see, tonight, Chris Jericho goes one-on-one with John Bradshaw Layfield in a Non-Title Match!"


A Chris Jericho vs. John Bradshaw Layfield Match Card appears on the TitanTron.


"Wow! That is gonna be great! I'm a little disappointed that I wasn't told about that match earlier, though."


"Maybe it's because I'm liked more than you are."


"You're hilarious. Maybe you should quit announcing and do stand-up."


"I'm sure you'd miss me eventually."


"I strongly doubt it."



Sam Brushfire walks onto the stage, raises his arms in the air, and two streams of fireworks shoot up into the air. Brushfire walks toward the ring, taking some time to high-five some fans.


"Alright! Talk about a great way to start the show!"


"Sam Brushfire is nothing short of impressive. I noticed he has a new theme song some fireworks now too. He's really establishing himself as an ECW Superstar."


"Don't forget that he hasn't lost a match yet."


The Brian Kendrick theme


The fans "change gears" and begin to boo as Kendrick was arrogantly to the ring.


"This guy right here is going to be Brushfire's biggest challenge yet. The Brian Kendrick is one of ECW's most talented superstars."


"I can't help but agree with you there. Kendrick was close to winning the ECW Championship last week, but Dustin Delta ended up winning."


"And don't worry, we're gonna show you that later on tonight."


"You know, joining The Faction was a good choice by Dustin Delta. I mean, he completely turned his career around. He went from losing every match he wrestled to winning the ECW Championship."


First Match: Sam Brushfire vs. The Brian Kendrick


Match: Both athletes lock up in the center of the ring. Brushfire overpowers Kendrick and kicks him in the chest. Brushfire hits Kendrick with three consecutive Backhand Chops. Kendrick leans against the ropes for balance. Brushfire hits Kendrick with a Running Clothesline taking both himself and Kendrick out of the ring. Brushfire gets to his feet first, and walks toward Kendrick, who is on the ground near the steel steps. Brushfire goes to pick Kendrick up, but Kendrick trips him and sends him head-first into the steel steps, causing a loud thud.


"Did you hear that?! Kendrick just practically drove Brushfire's head into those steel steps."


"Very strategic move by Kendrick. That's one of the reason's he's as good as he is. He knows how to wrestle in and outside of the ring."


Kendrick gets to his feet and throws Brushfire in the ring. Kendrick slides quickly into the ring and goes for the cover, but Brushfire kicks out at two. Brushfire starts to get to his feet, but Kendrick kicks him in the back. Kendrick applies a Camel Clutch. Brushfire gets to his feet while Kendrick still has the move applied, and throws Kendrick over his shoulders, sending him crashing into the mat below.


"Would you look at that power!"


"I'll admit it was very impressive. Brushfire may be a new guy, but he definitely knows how to hold his own in the ring."


Kendrick gets to his feet first and attempts to kick Brushfire in the back of the head. Brushfire ducks, though, and puts Kendrick on his shoulders as if he was going to hit him with an FU. He moves Kendrick over his head and sits down, dropping Kendrick onto his knees. Brushfire pins Kendrick and wins the match.


Winner: Sam Brushfire


"What a great match and a great finisher!"


"Brushfire continues to make a name for himself here on ECW."


Jack Swagger theme


Brushfire stops celebrating in the ring and stares at The All-American American, Jack Swagger, who is making his way to the ring.


"Jack Swagger has been pinned by Sam Brushfire three times in the past few weeks, and we know for a fact that he's not happy about it."


"As a matter of fact, I talked to Swagger earlier today, and he said that Brushfire just got lucky, and that he wasn't going to beat him again."


Swagger enters the ring and gets a microphone.


"I bet you think you're all big and bad because you're undefeated. Well I have some news for you, kid; you're not. I am The All-American American, Jack Swagger, and I am the best athlete on ECW."


Brushfire gets himself a microphone.


"Wait a sec. If you're the best athlete on ECW, how come I've kicked your a*s three times, and you haven't beaten me once?"


Swagger stops smiling and an angry look forms on his face.


"That's what I was getting to. You see, you just got lucky. I don't need luck to beat people. I use skill. And after talking to Theodore Long earlier tonight, I got myself a match against you next week."


"That's so nice of you. You want to help me continue my undefeated streak."


"Not exactly. You see, this match will be an Extreme Rules Match. You've never competed in an Extreme Rules Match, and I have, so I easily have the advantage."


"Swagger does have a point. When it comes to experience, Brushfire and Swagger are on different levels."


Swagger and Brushfire get in each other's faces. Swagger hits Brushfire with the microphone before picking him up and hitting him with a Swagger Bomb.


"Come on! That wasn't needed. Swagger had to be a sore loser, so to speak, and attack Brushfire."


"I think he wanted to send a message, and there's no doubt in my mind that Brushfire got that message."


"We'll be right back, and when we are, John Morrison will battle Finlay!"


Commercial break


"Welcome back, and during the commercial break, we learned that Jack Swagger will team up with Shelton Benjamin to take on Chris Jericho and Sam Brushfire this Friday on Smackdown!"


"Brushfire and Swagger have an Extreme Rules Match next week, but before that, they're going to get a chance to tear each other apart in Tag Team Action."


"Still to come tonight, Chris Jericho goes one-on-one with the so-called ECW Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield."




"Personally, I can't wait for this match to start either! It's been a little while since we've seen Finlay in action on ECW!"


"Fit Finlay and his son Hornswoggle are a Dynamic Duo, and there's always bringing fun to Tuesday Nights!"


The fighting Irishman entered the ECW arena. The fans went wild, and Hornswoggle was with him. They threw their hats and blown-up shillelaghs into the crowd before sliding into the ring. They taunted, and Hornswoggle left the ring and sat at ringside, eating a chocolate bar.


John Morrison


"And here comes the Tuesday Night Delight. John Morrison has been looking for a Tag Team Partner, and he hasn't been able to find one yet. Mark Henry refused to be his Tag Team Partner, as did Vladimir Kozlov. Will Morrison be able to find a partner by Friday Night?"


"Don't underestimate Morrison. I'm sure he'll find a Tag Team Partner."


The fans booed as the self-proclaimed Shaman of Sexy entered the Land of Extreme. He taunted on-stage and went down the ramp. He walked over to ringside and took Hornswoggle’s chocolate. He took a bite and spit it in his face. He grinned and laughed before stepping into the ring. Finlay glared at the Tuesday Night Delight as the bell rang.


"That's just unneeded. Morrison just spit that chocolate in Hornswoggle's face. The arrogance of this guy just annoys me."


"While it may be annoying to you, it seems to only help him further his career. Plus, you're one to talk about being annoying. You annoy the crap out of me."


"Yeah well you're not exactly a delight to talk to all the time yourself."


Second Match: Finlay vs. John Morrison


Finlay started, punching Morrison in the stomach twice. He continued with a back elbow to the chest of John Morrison. Morrison shook it off and hit a DDT on the Irishman. He taunted before hitting an elbow drop on Finlay. Morrison walked around the ring. Finlay stood and kicked Morrison in the knee, causing him to fall. Hornswoggle nodded, and Finlay untied a turnbuckle cover. The ref went to put it back on, and Hornswoggle slid into the ring and spit a green mist at Morrison’s face. He walked around the ring, not being able to see. He grabbed Finlay and hit a Moonlight Drive. The referee turned, and counted the pin. “1…2…3!”


Winner: John Morrison


"And Morrison picks up the win with the Moonlight Drive!"


"It wasn't easy, though. Finlay's no pushover."


Evan Bourne Return Promo


"I can't wait for Evan Bourne to return to ECW."


"Same here. We learned last night on Raw that Evan Bourne will return in three weeks."


Commercial break


Jericho walks out of his locker room, closes the door, and begins walking through the back. He is approached by Theodore Long.


"How's it goin', playa?"


"It's goin' pretty good, thank you."


"I just wanted to say thank you for being willing to take on John Bradshaw Layfield tonight. I know you're not involved all this Faction stuff, and quite frankly, I'm glad. I'm tired of The Faction running around causing trouble in the WWE Universe. So I'm attempting to take the focus off of The Faction, at least when it comes to ECW."


"I understand and respect that, but I have a small favor to ask of you."


"What's that, playa?"


"Well, I want a shot at the ECW Championship. Now, I don't want you to just give it to me, I want to earn it."


"I feel ya playa, and this is what I'm gonna do. If you defeat JBL tonight, you will get a shot at the ECW Championship next week on ECW."


The fans can be heard cheering in the background as Theodore Long talks to Chris Jericho."


"Fair enough. Oh, just one more thing. Who is the ECW Champion? I mean, Dustin Delta won the title, but he gave it to JBL. Who will I be facing next week after I kick JBL's a*s?"


"Well, unfortunately, The Board of Directors has decided that JBL is the official ECW Champion."


The fans begin to boo.


"I'm not happy about it playa, but there's nothing I can do about it."


"Don't worry about it. Next week, Y2J will win the ECW Championship for the first time ever! Because ECW....is....Jerichooooooooo!"


"Y2J" chants begin to fill the arena. Jericho shakes Long's hand and walks away.


Dolph Ziggler theme


The ECW superstar was booed as he took his first steps into the arena. He grinned and walked down the ramp. He shook hands with some fans, introducing himself to them. He walked up the steel steps and duck through the ropes and entered the ring. He walked around, grinning.


"Dolph Ziggler is undefeated since making his debut. As a matter of fact, he's one of few individuals that are undefeated. The only others are Sam Brushfire and Sammy Lee, but Lee's only wrestled one match."


"Ziggler is a good athlete, but it gets annoying when he tries to introduce himself to me every week. It's not like I forget who he is."


"Dolph Ziggler is going to go one-on-one with Ricky Ortiz, when we return!"


Match: Ricky Ortiz vs. Dolph Ziggler


Ricky started, kneeing Ziggler. He punched him twice, but Ziggler came back with a side kick. He followed it up with a roundhouse kick. He attempted a superkick, but Ricky lifted him up and slammed him into the mat. Dolph stood, and Ortiz came running. He countered the running extremist by using a hip toss. Ricky stood and hit a chop block on Dolph. He hit a bionic elbow, and pulled Dolph up. Dolph hit Ricky twice with his forearm. He tossed him to the ropes and ran over, but Ricky punched straight forward. It hit Ziggler in the groin and he fell down. The referee signaled for the bell to be rang.


Winner: Dolph Ziggler [by Disqualification]


”Ricky Ortiz lost due to a DQ!”


”I don’t think Ortiz meant to do that!”


Ortiz went complaining to the referee, explaining his case. The referee couldn’t make an exception, and Dolph managed to flee the ring.


"A bit of an unfortunate situation for Ortiz."


"Ziggler wasn't so fortunate either. I mean, sure, he won, but I don't think he feels very comfortable right now."


"Speaking of comfortable, Chris Jericho is going to battle JBL in a few minutes. The question is, will he feel comfortable with the entire Faction at ringside?"


"My answer is no. I don't think anyone would feel comfortable with five men that want to attack you surrounding the ring."


"Good point."


Commercial break


Chris Jericho theme


The fans cheer as Jericho walks onto the stage and flexes. He turns around and his fireworks explode. The fans chant "Y2J" as he makes his way to the squared circle.


"This guy is so exciting, so energetic, and a force to be reckoned with in the ring."


"That's true. Jericho is a great athlete. I wouldn't mind seeing him as the ECW Champion."


Jericho enters the ring, taunts for the fans, and gets a microphone.


"Welcome....to ECW....is....Jerichooooooo!!!!!!!! Now, I'm sure you've noticed these a*s clowns running around that call themselves The Faction. Quite honestly, they're annoying. No, you know what. I'll do you one better. They just plain suck."


The fans stand on their feet and cheer.


"Do not worry, because I will save you again! You see, after I defeat JBL tonight, I'm going to win the ECW Championship next week. I will be the new face of ECW! So come on, JBL, why don't you get out here, and we'll get this thing started!"


John Bradshaw Layfield theme


The fans boo as JBL's limo pulls into the arena. JBL's driver opens the door for JBL so he can get out of the limo. JBL takes off his hat and raises his hand in the air, receiving boos from the fans.


JBL makes his way to the ring, smiling. He enters the ring and the referee calls for the bell.


Main Event: John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL) vs. Chris Jericho




Red lights appear in the arena and the arena begins to fill with smoke.


"What in the world is going on?!"


JBL's eyes widen in surprise as The Boogeyman crawls out from underneath the ring. The Boogeyman dances for a moment before entering the ring. He walks up to JBL and gets in his face, but doesn't hit him. JBL runs out of the ring, frightened, and The Boogeyman follows him. JBL gets in his limo and the limo drives out of the arena. The referee counts to ten, and Jericho wins the match by count out. JBL's driver is driving the limo, trying to get out of the arena, when a blue car, a Dodge Charger, crashes right into the middle of the limo, sending it crashing into a wall.


Winner [by Count Out]: Chris Jericho


"Holy crap! JBL's limo just crashed into a wall!"


"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm basically speechless. I mean, Jericho has won the match, but JBL could be seriously injured. Good night everyone."



Written by Swift and I. Swift and I will pretty much be writing all of the episodes together, so we won't be crediting each other anymore. Just know that most of the episodes will include stuff from both of us.

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Wow, awsome episode, just awsome. But, I did spot one error

JBL's eyes widen in surprise as The Boogeyman crawls out from underneath the ring. The Boogeyman dances for a moment before entering the ring. He walks up to JBL and gets in his face, but doesn't hit him. JBL runs out of the ring, frightened, and The Boogeyman follows him. JBL gets in his limo and the limo drives out of the arena. The referee counts to ten, and JBL wins the match by count out. JBL's driver is driving the limo, trying to get out of the arena, when a blue car, a Dodge Charger, crashes right into the middle of the limo, sending it crashing into a wall.
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Name:Saruto:The Demon (Canadian)

Age: (Must be at least 18; character that is)20



Theme Song: (provide link please)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7Ig2JJRpdo&feature=related - Mad World

Finishing Move(s): (up to 2)1.)Demon Horns:2 punchs to the the body the pick up and do 2 powerbombs and there.

2.)Dark Slam


please make him a tweener(good and bad) if you use him

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