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Reversal of Fear [season 2] Episode 25 - Enter the Darkness (Part 1)


Previously on Reversal of Fear:


The long awaited duel between Pesticidine and Andrix has finally blown to a start and both have token the lead at least once but it's always been very tight. This match will indeed be the best one this seaon and of course we'll see some new cards emerging and some cards never seen before but this duel includes 2 twists: Both players start with not 4000 but 8000 Life Points and the duel is consisted of 3 Duels, a Match Duel.


Why a Match Duel? Well it's simple. Pesticidine's cards relate to attacking the opponent directly and winning the whole Match even if there are still 1 or 2 Duels left. With these odds, Andrix must stay strong ti'll the end and fight with more strength than ever before in order to fulfill the Completion of Sandoval's Deck.


The Duel (Match) continues now. It's time to Enter the Darkness!
















(Staring at each other, Andrix and Pesticidine are both in a great position and hope to win)


Pesticidine 6150

Andrix 4600


Andrix: I must win. It's the onl way to complete the Samurai Deck. I hope your with me Sandoval! We're going to win this together! It's my move Pesticidine and my cards were prepared for this Duel a long time ago so don't think I'll be too surprised! I summon Moonlight Cottontree (1300/900) and then I'll spring out his ability! He can tribute himself in order to Special Summon 1 monster from my Graveyard! I'll choose none other than Arsenic Magnolia (2750/1800). Next, I'll equip Magnolia with this Spell Card called Blossom Sunshine to raise her ATK by 300 --> (3050/1800). But Blossom Sunshine doesn't only raise her ATK! Once per turn I'm allowed to pick 1 card at random from your hand and discard it at the cost of my Main Phase 2 which is a small price to pay! Now discard 1 card!


(Arsenic Magnolia reaches for Pesticidine's hand with a long branch)


(Chimaera, Master of Beasts goes to the Graveyard)


Pesticidine: URGH...NO! He's one of my strongest creatures!


Andrix: And he's gone! Now Arsenic Magnolia's own effect activates taking 400 Life Points away from you for every monster face-up on your side of the field! Eternia is face-up so...Obviously you lose 400 Points! and I also gain 500 Life Points from Spell Absorption since I activated Blossom Sunshine!


Pesticidine: OH GEEZ!!




Pesticidine 5750

Andrix 5100


Pesticidine: That didn't even hurt one bit! It's just a shame I have to waste such a valuable card! I discard Trap Disorder to add 1 Trap Card to my hand and activate it whenever I want this turn.


Andrix: That could work...So now, Arsenic Magnolia will attack your Queen of Fate with Poison Shooter!!


Pesticidine: Not so fast Andrix! If you remember correctly, I discarded Trap Disorder to add a Trap Card to my hand and I am so lucky to have the Privilege to activate it from my hand whenever I want! I choose now so now I actviate Enchanted Javelin! This card increases my Life Points by the ATK of an attacking monster! You can guess that the only monster attacking right now is Arsenic Magnolia therefore I gain 3050 Life Points! Not bad for a card!


Andrix: URGH...Now you've got more life Points than we started with!


Pesticidine 8800

Andrix 5100


Pesticidine: HAHAHA!!! I'm unbeatable!


Andrix: Don't count on it! Arsenic Magnolia wasn't destroyed so she can still attack Eternia!! GO!! Poison Shooter!!




Pesticidine 8150

Andrix 5100


Pesticidine: HAHAHA!! You know what I'm going to do! I'm just going to summon another one of my Forbidden cards to take its place! And since Arsenic Magnolia used his equipped effect this turn, you automatically have to end your turn right now! So I draw for my turn! I play the Spell card Pot of Greed which lets me draw 2 cards from my Deck!


(He draws his 2 cards and looks very proudly)


Pesticidine: Well what do you know! I drew 2 more Pot of Greeds!! So I'll play them and draw 4 new cards and since Pot of Greed was a Spell card, I gain 500 Life Points for each one for a Total of 1500 Life Points!


Pesticidine 9650

Andrix 5100


Pesticidine: Next I play 2 Copies of Double Summon! I can now Normal Summon 3 times this turn! I summon 3 Mega Thunderballs (750/600) (750/600) (750/600)...Next, I play the Spell card Conditionnal Offering! I can tribute monsters of the same type as the one in my hand and Special Summon the Monster...I tribute all 3 Mega Thunderballs to call forth Emperor of Lightning (2600/2600). Gaze upon his Armoury of Thunder!! But I'm not quite done yet! I play the spell card Electric Hangar to increase the ATK of a Thunder-Type monster on my side of the field by 500 points! So now Emperor's strength raises to 3100! But there is also the fact that Electric Hangar is a Spell card!


Andrix: NOO!! That's just enough to beat Arsenic Magnolia!


Pesticidine: You've got that right! My Deck is filled with cool Strategies to make you lose all 3 of these Duels! Now feast on this! I attack your helpless tree with Emperor of Lightning!! Destroy Arsenic Magnolia with Conjuring Force!!




Pesticidine 10150

Andrix 5050


Andrix: URGH!! Now you have twice as many Life Points as I do...But that won't stop me from playing this game!!


Pesticidine: I hope not because I'm just getting warmed up! I play 1 face-down card and then I end my turn...


Andrix: Here comes mine! I draw! HMM...You're not the only one with this card! I play Double Summon! First, I play Shield Plant (250/2300)...Then I tribute him so that I can summon the monster known as Gigaplant (2400/1200) and next I play the card called Card of Sanctity which lets us draw until we have 6 cards in our hand...Now I play Super Double Summon to Normal Summon Gigaplant once again to activate her effect! Once per turn, I can Special Summon either a Plant or Insect-Type monster from my Graveyard! I choose Arsenic Magnolia (2750/1800)...Since I played 3 Spells, looks like I gain 1500 Life Points too!!


Pesticidine 10150

Andrix 6550


Andrix: Next, I play a Face-down and then end my turn...


Pesticidine: Now Gigaplant goes back to your hand but it was a Valiant Effort indeed...I draw now! I play the Tricky Spell card known as Draw Advantage! We both pick up 5 cards from our hands and we must Play all Spell cards we drew and then we gain 2000 Life Points for each one...And for that, we must skip our next 3 Draw Phases. so let's have at it!


(They pick up their cards)


Andrix: I drew 1 Spell card...


Pesticidine: And all mine were Spells so I gain 10000 Life Points and you gain only 2000...


Pesticidine 20150

Andrix 8550




Andrix: Dude, you have WAY too many Life Points!!


Pesticidine:It's basically to show my Power Level compared to yours!!


Andrix: Now that's just low Pesticidine...Nobody insults me like that!


Pesticidine: I wasn't trying to insult you...I wanted to feel powerful! I play 1 face-down and then end my turn.


Andrix: Deep down there is some good in you. It wants to break out but your Dark Side is more powerful and even though it dominates, I'm going to set your true self free!! Now it's my move!! I summon Cubacshot Wildflower (1400/900) and then I play Defense Curse. So I choose a Monster on my side of the field and it switches to Defense Position. Next, I play 1 face-down and then activate my other face-down card; Water Source! It lets me add 1 Field Spell to my hand. I choose to add Field of Corrosion!!


Pesticidine: WAIT!! That's the card I gave you!! I thought you locked it away!


Andrix: Nope...I knew this field spell could bring me victory when I needed it so now is the time to activate it!!


(A field full of Red Magma and Poison forms under the Pillars)


(Suddenly, Andrix is surrounded by a layer of Darkness and his pillar transforms into Dark)


Andrix: I feel empowered!! HEHEHE...It's time to take you down!!


Pesticidine: I've got to stop this...It could take him over and I won't have enough of his energy to Take over the Earth! I may be a creature of Darkness as well but I won't Duel another person to get energy...Andrix is the one and only person on Earth who has the correct amount of energy in order to fulfill the plan to bring eternal Darkness to the world...I can't believe I'm saying this but I have to descend into the Light in order to eliminate the Darkness inside Andrix before it's too late!


Andrix: HEHEHE...I activate the 5th ability of Field of Corrosion! I can destroy all monsters on my side of the Field and gain 400 Life Points for each one destroyed. So goodbye and farewell to Cubacshot Wildflower and Arsenic Magnolia and hello Power Greediness! And also, you can't forget the a Field Spell is still a Spell!!


Pesticidine 20150

Andrix 9850


Pesticidine: Why would you destroy your own monsters??


Andrix: When these monsters are destroyed, I can Special Summon a number of DARK monsters from my hand, Deck or Graveyard equal to the number of monsters I destroyed! I summon the Darkness versions of the monsters I destroyed! I summon Aybssal Shooter Wildflower (1400/900) as well as Dark Arsenic Magnolia (2750/1800)...Feast your eyes on their abilities Pesticidine!! Once per turn, I can gain 1000 Life Points for each monster on the field! There are 3 so 3000 Life Points are given to me!!


Pesticidine 20150

Andrix 12850


Andrix: HEHEHE!!! Now I'm unbeatable!!


Pesticidine: I've gotta stop this insanity!! I can't handle the Darkness! The Light does not accept me!! What do I do now!?!













To be continued...


Next Episode: Episode 26 - Enter the Darkness (Part 2)

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  • 2 months later...

Yu-Gi-Oh Reversal of Fear [season 2] Episode 26: Enter the Darkness (Part 2)



A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.




Previously on Reversal of Fear:


Pesticidine and Andrix were having the fight of their lives. Pesticidine, aspiring to power, raised his Life points very high leaving Andrix in a tough situation. Not thinking before acting, Andrix decides to do the worst possible strategy to increase the odds of winning: he descended into Darkness for one last time, except the Darkness is being picky this time. Pesticidine must free Andrix from the inner Darkness before his chances of ruling the world get too low. For this, he must become the "good guy" and fight the Darkness inside Andrix with Light. This will be a bit of a challenge but Pesticidine is ready to overcome it and pay a visit to the good side for once.


As this duel continues, both must try and maintain their extremely high Life Point status in order to both survive what will come next...













(In a dream/hallucination-like surrounding, Pesticidine is trying to free himself from the Darkness by stepping into the Light. But the Darkness won't let him go that easily...)


(A layer of light surrounds Pesticidine who seems to be squirming)


Darkness (Figuratively): Pesticidine!! What are you doing?!?! I thought you were eternally loyal to me!!


Pesticidine: I am... I just need to break into Andrix's mind in order to free HIM from the Darkness in order for me to be able to rule the world!


Darkness: I can't have that!! I need more minions to serve me forever. Looks like Andrix is a part of the Darkness until the end of T...


Pesticidine (interrupting): En so... I may be a part of you now, but I do NOT SERVE YOU!! I WORK ON MY OWN TERMS AND I DO IT ALONE!!


Darkness (angrily): Nobody runs from me!!!!!!


(A shadow bounces Pesticidine back into the Darkness which is pulling him in very slowly)


Pesticidine: NO!!! I HAVE TO FREE ANDRIX NOW!!!


Darkness: It's too late for that now! Once you join me, there's no turning back!!


Pesticidine: Oh yeah?? Just watch me!!! I'm not controlled by you!! I...am...more powerful than YOU!!!


(Darkness lets go of Pesticidine who falls instantly)


Darkness: HOW DARE YOU SPEAK THOSE WORDS!!!! Don't make me angry!! Bad things will happen!!


Pesticidine: Ooh! I'm shaking!!




(Pesticidine hurries to the light and jumps in, leving the Darkness behind and blinded)














(Pesticidine, having entered the light [blinded a bit], sees Andrix in the distance decomposing into small chunks)


Pesticidine: There you are!


(Andrix looks at him with a sadish face)


Pesticidine: I'll get you out of here and save your other half before it's too lAAAHHHHH....


(The Darkness manages to go through the Light and grab Pesticidine)




Andrix: What's that in the distance??


(Both Darkness and Pesticidine look where Andrix points. In the distance is a shining white energy figure that chants some sort of ritual to keep away the Darkness)




(Darkness goes back through to the dark side letting Pesticidine out of his grasp)


Light: Go ahead and save your friend. Your safe now.


Pesticidine: Who are you??


Light: I am the Light; the opposite and counter-element of darkness. I have slain him enough to know where he is weak.


Andrix: In his ears??


Light: Precisely. The Darkness simply hates loud noises unless they are from burning buildings or from explosions. I happen to have the chant on a piece of paper since i knew you were coming.


(She gives the paper to Pesticidine)


Andrix: Go save my other half Pesticidine! We're all counting on you...Even if you want to take over the world.


Light: I know a passage back to the place where your duel is...But for that passage to be revealed, we must go through the Dark kingdom where the Darkness rules.


Pesticidine: NO!!! Please!! Don't make me go back there!


Light: Unfortunately, we must. But I have the power to become invisible. I can cover you while you journey through to Outer Space where the passage lies. But we must be careful. The Dark minions' ears are very sharp and can hear noises from far away. But if they do hear us, we can always create loud noises to distract them. We must hurry now.


(Light envelopes around Pesticidine as he starts walking through to the Dark Side with a loudly beating heart)


(They cruise through the Dark Side avoiding being caught several times. They finally arrive to a doorway to Outer Space and open it. The Light then gives him the chant.)


Light: Good luck Pesticidine.


(Pesticidine turns around and jumps through the portal, leading him back to where he was dueling Andrix.)


(He arrives and the place looks different)


Andrix: Took you long enough! Where were you?? I've been waiting to beat you for almost 30 minutes and you were just staring blankly into the sky!!


Pesticidine: I was busy doing something very useful for the next hour.


(He looks into his hand and there, is the chant to make Andrix leave the darkness for good).


Pesticidine: I hope this works!


(He opens the paper and reads the text out loud [VERY LOUDLY REMEMBER!!])




Through the flames and the torrents

meets the raving winds,

Through the storms and the deserts

meets the rabid winds,

Through the Light and the Darkness

meets ultimate power to behold,

Set yon mighty Darkness free

and leave his body out cold!!


(Rays of light shoots out of Pesticidine' body and Andrix falls on the ground with the Darkness starting to come out of his mouth)




If the shadows wish not to be slain,

leave all those who have suffered your pain,

If villany is your only default,

leave this young boy out from your assault,

In the name of the Light,

Leave this body or we will once again be forced to fight!!!


(The word "fight" echoes in the distance and Andrix stands up)


(The light around Pesticidine disappears and reforms in the shape of Light)


Light: Well done! I think it's over now...


Darkness: Not quite!!


(Light and Pesticidine are both shocked as the Darkness is still living inside Andrix.)


Darkness: NOT LOUD ENOUGH!!!


Light: What are you doing still doing inside that young boy's body, Darkness??


Darkness: I'm not going down without a fight!! If you want to defeat me, you'll have to beat me in this duel!


Light: But that's not fair!! Pesticidine sang the chant!! How could you have survived??


Darkness: Allow me to wipe away that confusion for you, Light. You see, Light, when the battle between Light and Darkness in the Neutral Dimension began 500,000 years ago, your side had developed a chant enabling you to defeat us without effort. But, recently, the darkness has developed a way to become immune to such chants. Our great ancestors have created a way of stopping the rituals from affecting us. You may have discovered that we can't stand loud noises, but, if we have token over more than half of a human's body, we are protected against your chants and they do not affect us one bit. And, when you saw Andrix squirming on the ground, that was me trying to fool you!! IT WORKED!!


Light: It looks like we're going to have to fight stronger. We don't have much time left before Andrix's body is completely token over by Darkness!


(The Darkness returns inside Andrix and continues the duel)


Pesticidine 20150

Andrix 12850


Andrix: I believe it was my move! First off, I play Raigeki! The card that destroys all monsters on your side of the field!




Andrix:Now I'm going to attack you directly with my 3 monsters! So go!! Dark Arsenic Magnolia!! Attack him with Abyssal Glow!!




Pesticidine 17400

Andrix 12850


Andrix: Next, Abyssal Shooter Wildflower with attack you with Raving Grinder Petals!!




Pesticidine 16000

Andrix 12850


Andrix: I'll just go ahead and play a face-down card. Only one turn left before you lose!!


Pesticidine: What makes you say that!! One draw can change everything!


Andrix: Not from where I stand!! Remember?? You activated Draw advantage which forces both of us to skip our 3 Draw Phases after the card was activated! It's only our 3 Draw Phases! I've just passed mine and it looks like you still have your last one to pass!


Pesticidine (thinking): He's right!! I can't draw next turn!! I'll just have to make the best of what I have now...Okay then. I have my face-up Emperor of Lightning (3100/2600) and if I play spell cards, I'll gain 500 Life Points thanks to Spell Absorption. In my hand, I've got a Pot of Greed, a Rescue Light and a...wait WHAT'S THIS??


(Suddenly, Light comes standing right beside Pesticidine)


Light: Since you were greatful to the Light, I've granted you these cards to say thanks!


Pesticidine: Looks like I have no choice...I play Pot of Greed which let's me obviously draw another 2 from my Deck. Next, I play Lightlord Summoner Luminous (1000/1000). Now for some Special Effect action! But first, I play Lightlord Sleeper!] which lets me discard 1 "Lightlord" to the Graveyard.


(The Lightlord waves her wand)


Pesticidine: Once per turn, I can discard one card from my hand to Special Summon 1 of my Lightlords in the Graveyard. For example, Lightlord Paladin Jean (1800/1200)!


Andrix: HUH?? Where did you acquire these cards?? I've never even heard of them!!


Pesticidine: That's because you were too busy being possessed by Darkness just like me! Now, my eyes are open to the Light!! At first, I thought it would be difficult to advance into something different, but, after a Figurative Angel showed me how much of a benefit it is to be good, I decided to hang up the Darkness cape for good!


(A tear flows down the Light's cheeks)


Pesticidine: On with the duel! Lightlord Paladin Jean, come forth!!


(A shining knight surrounded by Light enters the field)


Pesticidine: "Enlighten" him with Sword of Justice!! Attack his Abyssal Shooter Wildflower!!




Pesticidine 16000

Andrix 12150


Andrix: I've still got a lot of Life Points left!! You won't take me down that easily!


Pesticidine: You just watch!! I end my turn...But next turn, I'll be able to draw and have another chance to defeat you, Lightlord style!!!


Andrix: Oh well, I guess you'll just have to face the consequences of great power!!


Pesticidine: Which ones?


Andrix: It seems as though you don't know much about your new cards Pesticidine! Whenever a turn ends and a Lightlord is still on the field, you must discard cards from the top of Deck to the Graveyard according to the number on the card! That all totals up to 5 cards! Now your Deck only has 1 card in it! That'll be the last one you draw!!


Pesticidine: URGH...You're right!


(5 cards from the top of Pesticidine's Deck go to the Graveyard)


Pesticidine: I can still beat you Andrix!!


Andrix: Yeah but not for now!! It's my move now and I finally get to draw 1 card, but, unlike you, I still have 4 cards in my Deck which can give me an advantage!! Plus, you forgot all about you Emperor of Lightning! You could've attacked me with it!!


Pesticidine: HMM...Maybe I did that on purpose...


Andrix: Shut your mouth!! Now I play the spell card Fiend Invasion! I get to take a Fiend-Type monster from my hand with 2500 ATK or more and discard it in order to distribute "Corrosion Tokens" to fill up the empty spaces in my card zones! I discard Man-Eating Lotus. That means I can summon up to 3 of them!! (500/500) (500/500) (500/500). Next, I attack your Lightlord Paladin with Dark Arsenic Magnolia!! Go!! Abyssal Glow!!




Pesiticidine 15050

Andrix 12150


Andrix: I guess I'll end my turn now!


Pesticidine: Okay...My last card!!


(He draws with a slow-motion pattern)


(He looks at the card smiling)


Pesticidine: Do you want to know who I met while I was dreaming away?


Andrix: Um...no.


Pesticidine: Well I''l tell you anyway!! I defeated the darkness inside me and it feels great!!


Andrix: YAWN!!


Pesticidine: The best part is coming up!! Then an angel gave me a chant to sing to you in order to free you from the Darkness within. of course, you weren't there, but let me tell you, it was INTENSE!!


Andrix: I still don't see what's so intersting about it.


Pesticidine: Well, you're about to find out!! MEET THE ALL POWERFUL BEING OF LIGHT!!! LIGHTLORD ANGEL CHERUBIM (2300/200)


(The angel rises onto the playing field holding a spear)


Pesticidine: Now I play a Spell card. Reverse Draw! I can take 5 cards from my Graveyard, add 1 of them to my hand and the other 4 to my Deck as long as there is one face-up "Lightlord" monster on the field! Next, I activate my face-down card Gift of the Martyr which lets me take the full ATK of Emperor of Lightning and transfer it to my Lightlord Angel Cherubim making her new stats (5400/200).


Andrix: But wait!! That's too much!! She'll destroy my Dark Arsenic Magnolia!!


Pesticidine: Next, I play another Spell card Fairy Meteor Destruction! All I have to do is remove from play the Fairy Meteor Crush in my Graveyard to give 2 new effects to my Lightlord Angel Cherubim! First, she gains the original effect of Fairy Meteor Crush which allows her to inflict the extra damage of a Defense Position monster attack from her, plus, she gets to attack every single one of your monsters in one Battle Phase!!


Andrix: Oh SNAP!!




(Lightlord Angel Cherubim unleashes a huge blast which destroys all of Andrix's monsters and taking his Life Points down to 0.)




Pesticidine 15050

Andrix 0






(Suddenly, both Andrix and Pesticidine levitate off the ground and start screaming. Andrix has a layer of Darkness around his body which turns to a layer of Light and Pesticidine's layer of Light turns into Darkness.)


Pesticidine: HEHEHEHEHE!!!! I feel invigorated!! It's almost as though I have more power now that we've switched bodies!!


(The Light is beside Andrix whose eyes are completely free of any trace of Darkness)


Light: What happened?? Pesticidine was such a Pure Soul!!


(Andrix steps in)


Andrix: I think the Shockwave from his attack switched both of your spirits into different bodies.


Light: NO!! I spent so much time making Pesticidine a Pure Hearted creature!! Now it's all gone!!


Andrix: Don't worry Cherubim. Deep down, Pesticidine was always a Pure Hearted creature, but with the Darkness by his side, we have a limited time before he becomes Dark for good.


Light: What are you suggesting Andrix??


Andrix: You and I must team up and defeat the Darkness together. Pesticidine said this was a Match Duel which consists of 3 Duels. I think that if we can defeat Pesticidine during the next 2 duels, the Darkness will dissappear for good.


Light: You're right!! *Thinking* It's almost as though we are reliving the Battle between Light and Dark! OH it would be a catastrophe if that happened!!!















To be continued...


Next Episode: Episode 27 - Enter the Darkness (Part 3)

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  • 1 month later...

Reversal of Fear [season 2] Episode 27 - Enter the Darkness (Part 3)


Previously on Reversal of Fear:


Pesticidine has confronted the Darkness inside of him. Yet Darkness will not stand for such an act. Darkness continued to try and lead Pesticidine back to the Darkness but he had to save Andrix to help him on his way to rule the world.


Pesticidine manages to cross to the Light and sees, in the distance, what is left of Andrix's good side. Attempting to save it from being completely wiped out, Darkness comes in and grips Pesticidine to force him back to the Dark Side. Suddenly, a light pierces through and blinds Darkness, sending him back where he came from. The Light is actually a Guardian Angel that offered to help free Andrix from the Darkness named Celestia, Lightsworn Angel. She helped Pesticidine defeat Andrix and take 1 win during this Match Duel. But, during the massive blow caused by Celestia's attack, Darkness and Light switched dominating bodies. Pesticidine is now, once again, descended into Darkness and it's now up to Andrix and Celestia to save him now!















(An explosion disappears and Celestia is shown behind Andrix as a ghostly form and Darkness, behind Pesticidine)


Pesticidine: By the power of Darkness!! I use the Illegal Deck, with all of its power and might, to extinguish the Light and conquer this entire planet!!


(He prepares his Duel Disk)


Andrix: Oh boy...


Celestia: Andrix. It's up to us to free Pesticidine from the Darkness now. I don't know what happened, but, somehow, Darkness and I have switched bodies and the peril your good side was in, now transfered to Pesticidine!


Andrix: Right you are. I'll do my best! I have to win this Duel so that he doesn't rule the world and shroud it in eternal Darkness!


Celestia: Well then, take this.


(She gives him a Deck with a layer of Light surrounding it.)


Celestia: This Deck should help you win. After all, the best way to fight Darkness is with its complete opposite. Light.


Andrix: Thanks! I'll do my best.






Andrix 8000

Pesticidine 8000


Pesticidine: Darkness always goes first! I play Illegal Summoning! This Trap card can be played from my hand ignoring the Summoning Conditions when there are no cards on my field. I can summon 1 Level 5 or higher monster from my hand. I summon Armament of the Lethal Lords (2500/2500) then I play my Reinforcement of the Army spell card. It adds 1 Warrior-Type monster from my Deck to my hand. I choose Sky Captain. And when Sky Captain is directly added from my Deck to my hand by the effect of a Spell or Trap card, I can discard him to draw 1 card. Next, I play a face-down card and end my turn.


Andrix: I draw!! I summon Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner (1000/1000) then I play Solar Recharge! I can discard Jain, the Lightsworn Paladin to draw 2 cards and send the top 2 cards from my Deck to the Graveyard. Next, I play 1 face-down and end my turn.


Pesticidine: I play Monster Reincarnation! I can discard 1 card from my hand to bring back Sky Captain to my hand. Now I can activate the effect of Ghostly Fiend. When it's sent to the Graveyard by a card effect, I can Special Summon him (300/1700) and then I also summon up my Sky Captain (1300/900). Next, I'll attack that filthy little Lumina with Armament of the Lethal Lords!! Go Quatro Katana!!


Andrix: I'll activate my Trap card, Vanquishing Light! I can activate this card when you declare an attack. I can send the top 2 cards from my Deck to the Graveyard to negate the attack an destroy your Lethal Lord!!


Pesticidine: NO!!


Andrix: Go Vanquishing Light!!


(The card explodes)


Pesticidine (in rage): Urgh! I activate Power Pulsation!! It lets me destroy the highest level monster on your side of the field if I pay 500 Life Points!




Andrix 8000

Pesticidine 7500


Andrix: Well now, there's no need to get mad here. I play Replicate Effect. It lets me take the most recent card played and activate its effect once again while using it as my own.


Pesticidine: NO!!! you're going to use my Power Pulsation!


Andrix: That's right!! Now to destroy your Sky Captain!




Andrix 7500

Pesticidine 7500


Pesticidine: I still have one attack left!! Go Ghostly Fiend!! Attack him directly!




Andrix 7200

Pesticidine 7500


Andrix: That wasn't even an attack...You'll have to do better than that to defeat me!


Celestia: Well done Andrix! Enrage him to make him want to leave Pesticidine as soon as possible.


Andrix: I end my turn.


Pesticidine: My turn! I play Token Exchange! This Spell card allows me to tribute my Ghostly Fiend so I can summon 3 "Sky Tokens" (0/0) x3. Next, I tribute these 3 tokens to summon my Queen of Fate - Eternia (2400/2000)! Now she'll attack you directly with Light Blade!




Andrix 4800

Pesticidine 7500


Pesticidine: I play a face-down. I end my turn.


Andrix: I go now! I play Foolish Burial! I send Wulf, Lightsworn Beast to the Graveyard.


Pesticidine: Why on earth would you do that??


Andrix: To activate its effect! If it's sent from my Deck to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon it! So here's Wulf (2100/300) next, I play Axe of Despair to boost the ATK of Wulf all the way up to 3100! Now he'll attack and destroy your Eternia!


Pesticidine: She's not going anywhere! I activate Dimensional Imprisonnement! If you attack me with a monster, I can negate the battle and remove your Wulf from play!


(Wulf goes through a Dimensional Passage)


Andrix: Urgh... Well, it doesn't stop me! I activate Lightsworn Backfire! this continuous Spell Card lets me return 1 of your monsters to the top of your Deck and inflict 500 points of damage to your Life Points! Then, each of my Standby Phases, I can return 1 card in my Graveyard to my Deck. So now I return your Eternia to your Deck and end my turn.


Pesticidine: Time for action! I play Triple Token! With this card, I can place 3 "Innocent Doggy Tokens" in my Spell and Trap card Zones and I can use them to Tribute Summon 1 Beast-Warrior monster. So that's what I'll do! I tribute these 3 Tokens to summon the almighty Meteo the Matchless (2400/2000) and since Wulf's gone back to the pound, I can attack you directly with my new monster! Go Meteo the Matchless!! Strike him down with your Rabid Punch!




Andrix 2400

Pesticidine 7000


Pesticidine: I end my turn.


Andrix: Urgh...If I get attacked one more time by that creature, I'm done for! But, I can still change that! I play Double Summon! I can summon twice this turn! So first, I play Jain, Lightsworn Paladin (1800/1200) then, I tribute him to summon the Goddess of the Lightsworn monsters! I summon Celestia, Lightsworn Angel (2300/200). I'll activate her effect now! Since she was Tribute Summoned by tributing one of my Lightsworn monsters, I can send the top 4 cards from my Deck to my Graveyard to destroy up to 2 of your cards! The perfect start would be your Meteo the Matchless card! Go Celestia! Luminescent Wave!




Andrix: Now, since you're defenceless, I can attack you directly with her! Darkness! Feel the power of the Lightsworn army!!


Celestia: AAAH!!! Feel the power of my Sun Catcher Swipe!!




Andrix 2400

Pesticidine 4700




(He draws swiftly and a tornado swipes across the field)


Pesticidine: My Darkness Pillar is growing darker and darker by the minute! Soon I'll have enough power and Life Energy to dominate this duel and win!! I summon Trade Specialist (900/200). If I activate 2 or more Spell cards this turn, I can use the Spell cards as tributes for a Tribute Summon if the number of Spell cards used is equal to the number of Tributes needed to perform the Tribute Summon! And I can also ignore the Summoning Conditions the monster may have! So I activate Pot of Greed which lets me draw 2 cards! Next, I activate the Field Spell card known as The Darkness Land!


(An immense field of Dark Fog surrounds Andrix and Persticidine)


Pesticidine: The Darkness Land increases a DARK monster's ATK by 1000 points during Battle! Next, the final Spell card, Darkness Spread! It will increase a monster's ATK by 600 during Battle! So I tribute the 3 Spell cards I used this turn to Summon the most vicious and strongest of my Illegal cards, King of Destruction - Xexex (3000/3000). So now that I enter my Battle Phase, his ATK goes up by 1000 because of The Darkness Land and it's further increased by 600 because of Darkness Spread making his stats (4600/3000)!!


Andrix: That's a whole lot of ATK there!!


Pesticidine: Yeah!! And it's more than enough to take your puny little Lightsworn Angel out for good!!


Celestia: UGH!! I'm in trouble!


Pesticidine; Yes you are little so called Lightsworn Angel! Goodbye! Now Xexex, attack Celestia, Lightsworn Angel with Ultimate Dark Sword!!




Andrix 100

Pesticidine 4700


Andrix: Oh no!! I'm down to 100 Life Points! There's no way I can beat him now!!


Celestia: Don't worry Andrix!! Even though I was destroyed, my Spirit can now bond with your new Deck to guide you through to defeat the darkness!! Just listen to the voice inside your heart! It will tell you what to do and give you hope! Now make your move wisely Andrix!


(He thinks for a bit, then draws a card)


Andrix: Ah! A new card!


Celestia: Listen to your inside voice Andrix!!


Andrix: Hmm...I will Celestia!! Pesticidine!! Prepare to see what the Lightsworn monsters can really do!! First, I play the Spell card known as Lightsworn Conjurer! I can send Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress from my hand to the Graveyard to inflict her original ATK as damage to your Life points! That's a total of 1700 points of damage!!


Pesticidine: Oh my!!


(A giant Hammer rains onto Pesticidine knocking him down for a bit)


Andrix 100

Pesticidine 3000


Pesticidine: I still have 30 times as many Life Points as you do! You don't stand a chance in this duel!! YOU'LL LOSE!!!


Andrix: That's what you're saying now, but just you watch!! Since there are more than 4 Lightsworn cards in my Graveyard, I can summon MY all-powerful creature!! Only this one will bring Light into your world!! I summon Judgment Dragon!!! (3000/2600)... Next, I activate Dian Keto the Cure Master which will boost my Life Points by 1000!! But I'll use those Life Points to activate my Judgment Dragon's effect! I can sacrifice 1000 of my Life Points to destroy EVERY SINGLE card on the field except for himself!! So I pay 1000 Life Points to rid the Field of all your Darkness cards and make you feel the Power of Light!! Go Judgment Dragon!! Light Supernova!


(All cards except for Judgment Dragon are destroyed)


Pesticidine: NO! Not my King of Destruction!!


Andrix: That's right!! With no kore cards Pesticidine, you're Wide open for an attack by Judgment Dragon, who has just enough ATK points to drop you down to 0!! Go Judgment Dragon! SOLAR CRY!!!


(Judgment Dragon launches an immense blow which knocks Pesticidine over and making him lose the Duel)




Andrix 100

Pesticidine 0






(Andrix walks up to Pesticidine)


Andrix: You've played well Pesticidine. but, in the end, it couldn't stand up to the Light!


Pesticidine: HEHEHE!! Excuse me, but we've still got another duel!! And I haven't shown you my best card yet!!


Andrix: Oh is that right? Well, I think I should inform you that you defeated me with the same Light Deck I defeated you with, giving my Deck an advantage!!


Pesticidine *thinking*: Oh, well let's see how he fares, against the greatest Darkness card of existence!!!! MUAH HAHAHAHA!!!!
















To be continued...


Next Episode: Episode 28 - Enter the Darkness (Part 4)

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Reversal of Fear [season 2] Episode 28 - enter the Darkness (Part 4)


Previously on Reversal of Fear:


The second duel between Pesticidine and Andrix began with Pesticidine leading with an advantage. He had already won the first duel which put Andrix in a tough situation. But, with the help of Celestia, Andrix was able to defeat Pesticidine using new tactics with the Lightsworn cards and winning him the second duel of the Match.


Pesticidine is now more evil than ever. If nothing is done soon or if Andrix does not defeat Pesticidine at all, the chances of saving the world from certain destruction will become minimal. Andrix must fight to his full extent or else it will be too late to do anything to survive on Earth.


En... Oh you know it by now!!

















(Celestia is behind Andrix while he's looking at Pesticidine on the ground)


Celestia: I hope Pesticidine is okay! Look! The pillar he's standing on is almost fully crushed and he will soon fall into eternal Darkness!


Andrix: We've got to hurry. He could be fully token over in a couple of minutes if nothing is done!


Celestia: In that case, I shall help him up for the next Duel.


(Celestia makes her way to Pesticidine's pillar but is deflected back to Andrix's side)


Andrix: Are you okay Celestia?


Celestia: Yes... But... What happened?


Darkness: Nobody, NOBODY, comes near Pesticidine as long as I say so! Nobody shall prevent the Darkness from taking him over!


Celestia: Why are you doing this Darkness?


Darkness: I think you already know Miss Celestia. Pesticidine is the only one who can be controlled by the Darkness. When I took over Andrix, there wasn't at all enough room for the Darkness to take him over. Pesticidine is a better armour for it! At least he's tall enough to actually have a heart of Darkness! Yes... Much more so than Andrix. Andrix's pure heart can simply not be controlled by Darkness at all, let alone the fact that he has a small body...


Andrix: Don't make fun of me being short!


(Darkness turns his attention to Andrix)


Darkness: The only way I can go away is by defeating me in the next Duel. Even though the Lightsworn Deck has had 2 consecutive wins against the Forbidden Deck, I added a card that will be sure to crush your pathetic Lightsworn cards! You'll see..., a SECOND SIDE OF MY DECK!!


Andrix: SECOND SIDE???


Celestia: Hmm, I guess we'll just have to prove to you that the Light always prevails!


Darkness: This time, I really doubt it!








Andrix 8000

Pesticidine 8000


Pesticidine: I shall make the first move! So I draw a card... I guess I'll play 1 face-down card, then I'll play Armageddon Knight (1400/1200). And now, I'll activate Armageddon Knight's effect to send The Dark Creator to my Graveyard. Now, I end my turn.


Andrix: I don't even think that should be counted as a Turn! My move! I play the Spell Card Realm of Light!


(A huge Castle of Light surrounds the playing field and little angels are flying around it)


Andrix: This Field Spell will come in handy during this duel! Next, I play Jain, Light sworn Paladin (1800/1200) and he'll go and attack your Armageddon Knight with Sword of Bravery!




Andrix 8000

Pesticidine 8000 7100


Pesticidine: HEY!! Why did I lose 900 Life Points?


Andrix: Simple... The ability of my Lightsworn Paladin increases his ATK by 500 during the Battle Phase only which made his ATK 2300.


Pesticidine: You Punk!


Andrix: Next, I play 2 face-downs and then I end my turn. Now for another boring move by Pesticidine!


Pesticidine: WHY YOU!! It's my turn and I summon the same monster I did last turn! I summon a second Armageddon Knight (1400/1200) and then I activate his effect once again! I send Necro Gardna to the Graveyard just to be safe from your next attack!


Andrix: He's right, he can block my next attack with that card now! I've got to be careful!


Pesticidine: Next, I activate my face-down Laser Blade which increases the ATK of Armageddon Knight by 1000 for this turn! So even though your Jain's ATK will increase to 2300 as soon as I attack you, my Armageddon Knight will have more ATK! Now attack him with Infernal Flash!




Andrix 8000 7900

Pesticidine 7100


Pesticidine: Now I end my turn.


Andrix: So I can go now and play my Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress (1700/1200) and then, I activate 1 of my face-down cards, Glorious Illusion to Special Summon back my Lightsworn Paladin (1800/1200). But it's not done yet I play Pot of Greed. Next, I activate Solar Recharge. So I discard my Wulf, Lightsworn Beast to draw 2 cards and then send 2 more from the top of my Deck to the Graveyard. Next, I play Monster Reborn to ressurect Wulf from the Graveyard (2100/300). Then, I play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Dark Halberd and open my passage to make an attack! So now, Jain will attack Armageddon Knight! But don't forget his ability! His ATK goes all the way up to 2300 when he attacks a monster! So go attack his Armageddon Knight with Sword of Bravery!!




Andrix 7900

Pesticidine 7100 6200


Andrix: Next, Lyla shall attack you directly with Spell of Light Purity!!




Andrix 7900

Pesticidine 6200 4500


Andrix: Now wulf will do the same thing the others just did! Go Wulf! Scratch Fist!!


Pesticidine: Now's the time to activate my Necro Gardna's effect. I'll stop your Wulf's attack by removing him from play! So much for a powerful monster!


Andrix: I end my turn. So now I send the top 5 cards from my Deck to my Grave due to Jain and Lyla's effects.


Pesticidine: My move!!


(He looks at the card with a smirk)


Pesticidine: Here goes something good! I play Foolish Burial to send, from my Deck directly to my Graveyard, my Dark Nephthys! Now for some REAL action! Since there are 3 DARK monsters in my Graveyard, I can now Special Summon Dark Armed Dragon from my hand (2800/1000)!!! And now for some fun! Dark Armed Dragon's effect allows me to remove 1 of my DARK monsters in the Graveyard from play in order to destroy 1 card on your side of the field! Since I have 3 DARK monsters in my Graveyard, I'll remove them ALL from play to destroy ALL your monsters! GO DARK ARMED DRAGON!! Twister Fister!!


(All monsters on Andrix's field are destroyed in an immense blow)


Pesticidine: This leaves Dark Armed Dragon open for a Direct Attack on you!! So how about it Dark Armed Dragon!! Let's destroy Andrix!




Andrix 7900 5100

Pesticidine 4500


Andrix: AHHH!! Not my Lightsworn monsters!!


Pesticidine: This is only the beginning Andrix!! Only the beginning of your destruction!!


(Celestia looks surprised)


Celestia: OH NO!! He's almost fully conquered by Darkness!! If we don't act now then It will be too late!


Andrix: I'm working on it!


(He turns his attention back to Pesticidine)


Andrix: Since you've done just about everything you could, I'm assuming you're done! So now it's my move! I play the Spell card called Spell Resurrection! I give up 500 Life Points to re-use the effect of Pot of Greed in my Graveyard to draw 2 cards!


Andrix 5100 4600

Pesticidine 4500


Andrix: Now, I play the Spell card known as Normal Count! It treats every monster in my hand like a Normal Monster! So now, I play the Spell Card Ancient Rules to summon my Celestia, Lightsworn Angel (2300/200).


Celestia: Glad to be at your service Andrix! Now, show him the real power of Lightsworns!!


Andrix: I send the top 4 cards to my Graveyard to destroy your Dark Armed Dragon!


(Celestia throws a surge of Light towards Dark Armed Dragon which hits him very hard)


Celestia: Now we've got him....HUH??


(The Light vanished, but DAD is still there)


Pesticidine: HMHM.... Just before you activated your Celestia's effect, I activated a Spell Card, Dark Negater. It stops your monster's Special Ability and destroys the monster!


Andrix: OH NO!!


Celestia: AHH!!! Avenge me Andrix!


Andrix: No problem! Now, I activate the Spell Card Set Barrier. First of all, I can choose a Trap Card on my side of the field and activate it right now. I choose to activate my face-down Light Spiral card. Next, none of my spell or Trap cards can be destroyed as long as Light Spiral remains face-up. But, my turn still isn't done. I haven't Normal Summoned a monster yet.


Pesticidine: That's right! You activated Ancient Rules which allowed you to Special Summon a monster to the field. You still haven't performed your Normal Summon yet!


Andrix: That's all about to change right now! I summon Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner (1000/1000). So now, I can discard 1 card from my hand to Special Summon Wulf from my Graveyard (2100/300). Next, I play the spell card Lightsworn Combination which lets me tribute these two monster in order to destroy 1 of yours!


Pesticidine: Not going to happen! I discard my Stop Spell card to negate the activation of your Spell card! But I have to give up 500 Life Points to use it.


Andrix 4600

Pesticidine 4500 4000


Andrix: I'll end my turn now.


Pesticidine: Time for me to go! So for my turn, I play 1 face-down card and then Dark Armed Dragon will attack you directly again!!




Andrix 4600 1800

Pesticidine 4000


Pesticidine: That's all I need! Now you go!


Andrix: Thanks for stating the obvious... I draw...


(He smiles)


Andrix: Guess what I just drew!


Pesticidine: No clue... no wait, did you... draw... what I think you did?


Andrix: Yes. Go Judgment Dragon (3000/2600). Now, you remember his effect don't you? I can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy each card on the field other than him! But, Realm of Light remains on the field due to the 2 Shine Counters on it! But, since Light Spiral will be destroyed, all of my other Spell and Traps are going to leave the field too. Next, time for me to pay the Life Points to destroy Dark Armed Dragon!




Pesticidine: NOO!!! He's the rarest monster I have!!


Andrix: Well you can forget about him soon enough!! Now Judgment Dragon will attack you directly with Judgment Talon!!


Pesticidine: MOMMY!!




Andrix 1800 800

Pesticidine 4000 1000


Pesticidine: URGH!! I'm almost out of Life Points! At this rate, I won't be able to rule this world!


(Darkness sheds his skin [Pesticidine] and throws him off the pillar)


Darkness: Ahhh... That's much better! I feel... EMPOWERED!!


Andrix: Uh oh! That isn't a good sign!!


Darkness: Indeed not, for you at least!! But for me, I've only just begun with your torture!! Pretty soon, you will feel the wrath of my Deck, and then, I WILL DEFEAT YOU!!


Andrix: We'll just have to wait and see!! I'm not going down that easily you know!


Darkness: Yes... You've been a very tough cookie this duel, but no problem. no problem as in, I had no problem extinguishing half the Light's army in our war millenniums ago, isn't that right Celestia?


(Celestia looks at Darkness very weirdly)


Darkness: It's time for me to reveal my true identity!


(He takes off the Dark Mask on his face)


Darkness: I am Pesticidine's Evil side... I am Gorz, Emissary of Darkness and leader of the Light and Darkness War of 3000 B.C.!! I'm back and I seek revenge to my fallen army!


Celestia: Just as I predicted, it's happening again... Only this time, it will probably be the Light that vanishes and Darkness will take over the world!!















To be continued...


Next Episode: Episode 29 - Light and Darkness Duel (Part 1)

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[align=center]Reversal of Fear [season 2] Episode 29 - Light and Darkness Duel (Part 1)


Previously on Reversal of Fear:


Another Duel between Andrix and Pesticidine has gone underway with Andrix at an advantage. The Lightsworns have already won 2 duels and the Third one will be a piece of cake. However, Pesticidine has added new cards to his Deck and increasing his Power Level by a lot. Andrix will really have to stay in the Game to be able to fight what shall come next for he is in for a big Surprise...


En...Same concept!














(Gorz throws away Pesticidine's body off the pillar and he falls into Darkness)


Gorz: I don't need this useless human shell to live! I've gathered enough of Pesticidine's Dark Energy to become the Ultimate Emissary of Darkness! I can now become the ruler of this World and plunge the World into Darkness just like it was 5008 years ago!


(Andrix disagrees)


Andrix: What's up with you?


Gorz: HMM??


Andrix: Just because you have enough Darkness to defeat me and rule the world, doesn't mean you will! I'll fight with honour like I always do and I will prevail in the end!


Gorz: But you're just a useless kid!


Andrix: But I'm 19 years old...


Gorz: It doesn't matter. I've trained myself in dueling ever since I've lost that battle and my army along with it. I've always been trying to figure out what made us lose? What did we do wrong? Well... Let me tell you a little story Andrix, about the war.


It was Spring, in 3000 B.C., all was calm in the World we lived in. Everybody was peaceful and they enjoyed life how it should've been. But, nobody knew exactly what was going wrong one day. Creatures of Light and Darkness began to fight one another due to the rage of the King of Darkness and the Queen of Light. To think they used to be married... They have always despised each other and never got along except for when they were happy together. One day, the King had enough of seeing the Queen and ordered her to a Battle of her army and his army. They both fought the next day and several of the villagers went to fight as well. There were murders like you could never see before. Children watched their parents as they were stabbed in the heart and killed on the spot. Even some of the children perished that day as well. But, in the end, the Light used the power of "Unison" to defeat the Dark army and they ended up turning the entire Dark Army to dust. But, the King, after seeing his entire army dying at the hands of the Light, marched up to the Queen's castle, which was opposing his, and murdered the Queen. The king declared it a Draw since the leader of the opposing army was killed and his entire army was gone. And the world, from then on, lived without balance and humanity continued to hate itself. In this last century, wars have been declared in the Middle-East which were all due to people hating one another and ending up fighting in some drastic and unnecessary way.


Andrix: Who were the King and Queen?


Gorz: Believe it or not, I was the King. I am known as the Emissary of Darkness and I am indeed very well known and the King! But the Queen, on the other hand, cannot be resurrected unless you play her card.


Gorz: Yes, Celestia was once my wife. I was angry when I lost the war, so I killed her. Now Andrix, the reason she's only a Spirit, is because she is not of this World anymore.


(Celestia starts to cry)


Andrix: So this is what happened.


Celestia: Yes. I am but a Spirit in this World trying to spread the goodness upon our people. people are not meant to be hurt in this world. God created this world but I'm sure he wouldn't want us fighting or to kill ourselves.


Andrix: Very true.


(Gorz draws a card)


Gorz: So I believe it was my turn. I play the Spell Card Dimensional Fissure. Next, I play Card Destruction to discard all cards in our hands to the Graveyard and make us draw the same number of cards we had. You had 1 so you pick up 1, and I had 4, so I pick up 4 and send 1 to the Graveyard. Next, I play Field Relief to gain 100 Life Points for each Spell and Trap cards on my side of the field. Since I only have Dimensional Fissure, I gain 100 Life Points. Next, I activate Emergency Provisions to destroy Dimensional Fissure to gain 1000 Life Points.


Andrix 800

Gorz 2100


Gorz: Next, I activate the Spell Card Dimension Fusion! So by paying 2000 Life Points of mine, I get to Special Summon all monsters I just discarded! So I summon Dark Grepher (1700/1600), Belial, Marquis of Darkness (2800/2400) and finally, Darklord Zerato (2800/2300). Yes, 3 very Powerful DARK monsters! I would activate both Grepher and Zerato's effects, however, I don't have anymore cards in my hand. So you're safe for 1 turn.


Andrix: Me, safe? I'm the one who has the stronger monster!


Gorz: Well, my Darklord Zerato has a similar effect to your Judgment Dragon, by discarding 1 card, I can destroy all monsters on your field. But, if you try and attack it during your turn, my Belial, Marquis of Darkness will redirect your attack to him instead.


Andrix: Oops, didn't see that one coming!


Gorz: There's a lot more where these came from! I end my turn.


Andrix: I draw now! ... I guess the only thing I can do now is place 1 face-down card and attack your Belial!


Gorz: You would've won, but, after I activated Card Destruction, I discarded 1 card after I picked up my 4 cards. And, that card was Life Sparer which prevents me from losing any Life Points from an attack which the target was a DARK monster. So too bad. I guess it was my destiny to win this duel!


Andrix 800

Gorz 2100 100


Andrix: I really hope not... I end my turn.


Gorz: Now for me. Since I have a card in my hand, I guess I'll discard it to destroy your precious Judgment Dragon!! And next, Darklord will attack you directly! Silver Glitter Sword!


(Andrix stands down)


Gorz: Looks like I win!


(Andrix is in the same position, but there is a face-up Trap Card on his side of the field)


Andrix: Just before the attack hit me, I activated my face-down Negate Attack to intercept your attack and to block all other monsters on your side of the field from attacking as well.


Gorz: HRR... You're just putting a delay on your inevitable defeat! But just you wait, you won't be getting out of the next one.


Andrix: My turn! I play Pot of Avarice! So now, Judgment Dragon and a few other Lightsworn monster return to my Deck! Next, I draw 2 cards! First, I play 1 face-down and then I end my turn.


Gorz: How about a real move for a change! I play Dark Antidote! I can remove from play any number of DARK monsters on my field from play to gain 1000 Life Points for each. So I remove Dark Grepher, Darklord Zerato and Belial, Marquis of Darkness to gain 3000 extra Life Points!


Andrix 800

Gorz 100 3100


Gorz: I end my turn.


Andrix: I draw! I play Ehren, Lightsworn Monk (1600/1000) next, I attack with her! Enforcer Foot!




Andrix 800

Gorz 3100 1500


Gorz: Okay! I draw! I play Allure of Darkness so that I can draw 2 cards. I remove Doomsday Horror from play to keep the other card. Next, I summon Shadowpriestess of Ohm (1700/1600). Next, I'll simply tribute her to inflict 800 Points of Damage to you!


Andrix: OH NO!! But it's too bad I saw that coming! I activate my face-down card called Deus Spell Setting! I can activate this card when you activate an effect that deals damage to me! I can pay 300 Life Points to negate it and I can Set 2 new Spell or Trap cards from my Deck. but I can't use then this turn.


Gorz: Looks like you've saved yourself, but no problem! Shadowpriestess of Ohm, attack his Ehren with Resistance Blast!




Andrix 800 400

Gorz 1500


Gorz: I end...


Andrix: Okay! I draw! I summon Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior (1850/1300). He'll destroy your Shadowpriestess with Luminescent Crescent!




Andrix 400

Gorz 1500 1350


Andrix: This concludes my turn!


Gorz: Nice play...


(He looks at his drawn card)


Gorz: Unfortunately, not nice enough! I play Draw to Darkness! I play Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards. Next, I play Chain Tragedy. This Spell Card comes in handy when it comes to DARK monsters, it randomly sends 5 DARK monsters to the Graveyard from my Deck. So now Dark Horus, Dark Crusader, Dark General Freed, Dark Simorgh and Obsidian Dragon all go to the Graveyard.


Andrix: What was the point of that?


Gorz: You'll see soon enough... In fact, why wait? I activate the Spell Card The Beginning of the End! Since there are 7 DARK monsters in my Graveyard, I can draw 3 cards from my Deck! Next, I summon another Dark Crusader (1600/200) and I'll activate his handy Special ability! I can discard my Darkus Reliever to have him gain 400 ATK making it 2000. Now attack his Garoth with Twilight Skull Sword!




Andrix 400 250

Gorz 1400


Gorz: Soon Andrix, you'll see that the Darkness is the one that belongs the ruler of hearts! I end my turn...


Andrix: I really have to step it up! I draw! I play 1 of my face-down cards! Lightsworn Script! I pay 200 Life Points and discard the top 5 cards from my hand to the Graveyard to send ALL Lightsworn monsters from my Deck to my hand and also Special Summon any monster from my hand! I choose Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon (2000/1600).


Gorz: I really don't get it! He has the same strength as my Dark Crusader!


Andrix: That's what you think now, but, I'll share with you his vicious Special Effect! He gains 300 ATK for every Lightsworn monster in my Graveyard.


Gorz: WHAT?!?! OH NO!!


Andrix: Yup! there are 22 Lightsworn monsters in my Graveyard, making Gragonith's ATK a breath-taking 8600 ATK!!!!


(Gragonith rises from the ground and his wing size increases)




(The blast goes straight for Gorz)


Gorz: I have to think of something quick before I lose the duel!


Andrix: It's too late for that now... It was the Light's destiny to win the war!


Celestia *thinking*: No! Andrix feels my pain and is getting revenge on Gorz for me. I don't want that! He has to know how I feel! I can't let Andrix win...















To be continued...


Next Episode: Episode 30 - Light and Darkness Duel (Part 2)[/align]

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Guest Star

I think you made a mistake with the effect of Lightsworn Script. I was confused.


Also, I wanted to use Gorz. >_>




Awesome episode!

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