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Bad General Topics

Snatch Steal

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did you really have to bump this just to point out the title


I hope no one decides to reignite any passion they found in posting here

I agree with you now TBH. General needs to split into General and Debates so the "bad" topics tou described have a home they belong instead of shoe horned here.


People are afraid to come into general even to read a post about a heroic officer. That's not good. You're onto something. I just don't agree with the branding "bad"

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I agree with you now TBH. General needs to split into General and Debates so the "bad" topics tou described have a home they belong instead of shoe horned here.


People are afraid to come into general even to read a post about a heroic officer. That's not good. You're onto something. I just don't agree with the branding "bad"


Perhaps you don't even realize this, but General did have a Debates sub-forum, way back in the day. Hilariously, I'm pretty sure it was closed down due to a lack of activity. And what activity there was, consisted mostly of hateful arguing. Quite thrilling, really.


And now, just taking a cursory glance every now and again, I notice that General is now about 90% current events news stories. Then again, the other alternative we used to have was just topic upon topic of utter nonsense.


On an unrelated note, all y'all funkers got my marriage with tea.leaf annulled and then proceeded to add a marriage system anyway. I demand justice!

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Guys I really have to agree with Winter here. 


Snatch Steal while you maybe right in saying nobody's going to look an article like "Woman Stoned in Iran for not wearing hijab" "Highschool Teen killed for being Gay" "12 year old girl gunned down while playing in her backyard" and say oh those people deserved it. However it does generate discourse and allow people to really learn things. People assume just because everyone agrees there isn't anything to be shared or learned. I'd say just the opposite is true that people are more receptive to learning and accepting new ideas when they're not arguing over who they think is right.


If the issue is that people don't want to see sad topics, or politically charged one, then I don't know what to tell you guys. sheet happens and people want to talk about it.

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I'm personally more annoyed with the tendency of these talks to spread all over the place. Granted, personally I'd rather for people to not just talk about some stuff with as much vigor as they do it here because this is still a Yugioh site and seeing its atmosphere getting more and more unnecessarily tense for what supposed to be a recreational site sucks, but I guess it's still important to have people talk about things like this as long as it doesn't spread literally everywhere.

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