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Shradow last won the day on December 23 2018

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About Shradow

  • Birthday 10/29/1994

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    TN, 'Merica
  • Interests
    Anime/Manga, Vidja Games, Books, Fantasy

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  1. Bye YCM. It's been a neat 10 years.

  2. Oh sheet we're back boys.

  3. The Dark Tournament from Yu Yu Hakusho is the best tournament arc out of any anime/manga, change my mind.

  4. Thought about it for awhile and I think I'm going to main Isabelle.

  5. Ridley is lighter than Samus in Ultimate hahaha.

    1. mido9


      must be because of samus's huge thicc booty

  6. Man, Salem digging his own grave in the Smash community is funking funny. We got Melee and Ultimate players banding together to tell this to guy shut the hell up, lol.

    1. (GigaDrillBreaker)
    2. Shradow


      Well it all started with SonicFox asking about stuff since he wants to get into Smash next, then Salem and Leffen got into an argument which devolved into what actually constitutes the "Smash community" and now Salem's gone off the deep end insulting and arguing with everyone who disagrees with him. Like, Leffen is sometimes abrasive and up for trash talking, but Salem's been going off on some of the nicest (and most skilled, notably more so than he is) Smash players like Armada and Axe.


      Here's a link to a sizable portion of it: https://twitter.com/LiquidSalem/status/1077342101304762369

    3. Shradow


      Like, Salem freaking lives with Mew2King and I'm half expecting the next twitter outburst to be against him.

  7. Ness can do some crazy stuff in Ultimate, PSI Magnet gaining a hitbox and no longer halting air momentum makes for some neat combos and mix-ups:

  8. Watching all the 2B in Soul Calibur reminds me I need to actually play more NieR: Automata. Maybe when I finish Dad of Boy.

  9. Seeing Seven Samurai again makes me want to give Samurai 7 another shot, I'd seen the first few episodes years ago but irl stuff made me put it aside and I never got back to it.

    1. Spinny


      on a different note have you seen Arthur in smite? Absolute mad lad

    2. Shradow


      Looks fuckin' sick, but if he doesn't end up OP as sheet I'll be astonished. But at least it's better for a god to come out OP because then it means lots of people play them and TF gets lots of data to give better nerfs.

    3. Spinny


      I mean, Gods that do far too much for their own good usually end up being meta almost permanently, which will be the case for Arthur like Baron and Artio

  10. Rewatching Seven Samurai and it's occurred to me that A Bug's Life is totally a kid's version of it.

    1. Phelphor, of the Deep

      Phelphor, of the Deep

      Yes it is. Disney totally stole it

  11. Haikyuu Season 4, woohoo!

    1. mido9


      This read 5 a minute ago im sure

    2. Shradow
  12. 2B can lose her clothes in SCVI, all is right with the world.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shradow


      Apparently that's one of her Critical Edge moves or something.

    3. Thar


      I was gonna say, that'd be a very appropriate super-move for her.

    4. Shradow


      Among her POD attacks she even has a fishing command grab, she leans back on those hologram chair legs (or whatever they are) and everything.

  13. mfw there's a song in Smash from the freaking Style Savvy series that sounds like a high school anime OP and it's actually really good:

  14. mfw there's a song in Smash from the freaking Style Savvy series that sounds like a high school anime OP and it's actually really good:

  15. The Valkyrie fights in God of War are super fun, they give the same sort of satisfaction for beating them as Soulsborne bosses.

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