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The Spriters' Club™ (Accepting ALL Kinds Of Splices, Fakemon, Ect.!)


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[align=center]at The Splicer's splice (lol) it looks unnatural how the legs are just slapped on. They need an "outline" where the connect in certain spots. Right now it looks like it has paper for legs... Also, the shading is really bad on the legs... The wings are uncentered. One is in a natural spot, the other one is coming out of it's ribs... The fire is distracting and bad...


Other than that, it's a pretty creative splice. It just needs work.[/align]

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because last i checked it was locked, that's why genius (not impplying that, just saying your name)


ok bobo, i amke fun of youre splices!


first, the evolution of dorio. the last two are normal, i believe, the first though, the head is too large for the body, especially around where the chin would be, it just sort of sticks out there like it belongs to chuck noris... bad joke. the body is also shrunk... would have been better if you had just studyed the body of dodrio and made a smaller version of it. the legs, they small too. dispite all of these things, i would have never thought to try and make a baby form of these two, with just the second one. 8/10 for creativity.


the second, were you going for that cheer leader since? because that's what you got. vbery floral, that's for sure, the skirt is a bit off on the right side, and the body could have been amde a bit longer, other than that, it's good. 8/10


on teh last one, you should have edited it's foot so as it looked like the top was headed for your face, not the bottom, and it should have been put at a different angle, as Word said, also, seeing as the base is upside down, i would have made it so as the fists were upside down as well. i give 7/10 for this one.


decent, was this the thing for the contest?

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