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[LOCK]Yu-gi-oh 5D's: Salvation of the Virtual World[LOCK]

Sunshine Jesse

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Meanwhile, on the cliff near them, a mysterious cloaked individual was smirking at the battle.

"Zarkus has made me proud. Hopefully he will continue the trend."

The dust cleared. Zarkus and Godwin were both standing, and both of their Gods were gone.

"Let us continue this later, Godwin. Neither of us is stronger then the other."

Godwin turned his back on Zarkus and started vanishing.

"Mark my words Zarkus. I will defeat you."

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OOC: Back.

IC: ANU was still pouring over the data that her scans got from Carly, or an advanced AI that was under the impression that it was Carly. This AI had very standard programming, but had a few quirks.

The first was that she seemed to have an unusually large personality matrix, which gave her the ability to have 20 years worth of memories.

The second was that she seemed to be missing her data uplink, the piece of an AI that allows them to surf the 'Net.

The third was that she was running at a little faster than normal human speeds, which was the equivalent to hooking a human up to the system itself.

The fourth was that there is some sort of discrepancy in her auxilary programming, like a virus encoded into her very core.

That classified "Carly" as a "Carrier" AI, a malevolent type of AI used to disperse viruses, but ANU didn't notice any of the usual personality adjustments that Carriers usually had in them to give them the need to disperse their payload.

So ANU resolved to keep an eye on this peculiar player.

"Let's go see what's going on in the plaza!" she smiled as she tugged on Carly's arm, forcing the young woman to comply and head back in the direction she was just fleeing from.

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OOC: Introducing a new character.

Name: ???

Deck: ???

appearance: A cloaked individual, he has dark blue eyes, and staring into them is like staring into an abyss, and red shoulder length hair, although its almost always covered by a hood.

background: Has the powers of a GM, but isn't classified as one, and isn't an AI. An unknown factor to the game. Resistant to all forms of booting, banning, infection, etc. Has powers equal to that of the AI Director, perhaps even more.

Game Master/Neo Dark Signer/Other (Specify or reveal later on): Has GM-esque powers, but isn't classified as one


When I control him, I will be using a colored font

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"First I summon Demon's Imp from my hand, then activate Double Summon, releasing my Blackout Demon and that worthless Kuriboh to Advance Summon Shadow Demon" Drake's Spirit Partner jumped onto the field from its usual spot behind his left shoulder "Next I pay 1000 life points to increase my Shadow Demon's level by one and Dark Tune it and my Demon's Imp!" Drake's secondary ace card appeared in his hand "Dark Synchro! Demon's Warlord!" Drake then drew one card and entered his Battle Phase


OOC: Demon's Imp: Level 1/0 ATK/0 DEF/Fiend-type/Dark-attribute

Shadow Demon: Level 8/100 ATK/200 DEF/Fiend-type/Dark-attribute

Demon's Knight: Level -8/3500 ATK/2800 DEF/Fiend-type/Dark-attribute

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