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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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well, since you had to ask, i shall do so. but i used just the one character in our fight, chaos zero. actually, it started with several, but then they fused into one again. also, they all have the power of chaos control. but yeah, i'll post them.

chaos zero: i usually start out with this guy. just think of him having all of 3rd form omega's powers, plus the ability of chaos control.

primus: basically chaos zero except more powerful and with zero nightmare armor.

ultimos: basically a combination of the first and second state of omega. he works in tandem with primus.

nightmare zero: he appears only when primus and ultimos fuse themselves together. he is the final form of omega, but his armor is purple and black, the last remaining proof of his former existence, aside from his power.

primus and ultimos come into being by themselves only when shadow king of darkness is activated.

luminous: the light of Zero. he has hte ability to merge with the light and heal all of his wounds when this is done, but at a high energy cost. the energy can only be regained by allowing the wounds to reappear.

necros: the darknes of Zero. he can merge with the darkness and stop anything in its tracks with his entangler blast.

luminous and necros can appear by themselves only with the invocation of shadow king of the abyss.

Zero: the final form of zero. he is the second most powerful and commands complete control over chaos.

chaos: the demon that lies within. he usually comes out only when any of the previous forms is about to die with no chance of survival. he is the embodiment of all chaos, and as such his control over it is absolute.

if chaos dies, then they can all appear for a few posts to try and end it in a combined assault, but they each only get one move in this state, and i have yet to be pushed to it.

if someone tries to interfere with my prey, there is a spontaneous summoning of some of the other ones to put down the one that would interfere with my fight.

and finally, each time i take a new form, some of my wounds can be healed. when a fusion occurs, i am returned to full fighting fitness. also, they all have the power of chaos control, and the 2 most powerful ones can temporarily stop time for everyone except themselves with the move called chaos bind. it only works for literally a few seconds though.


edit@820: what did i do? i get that the first one was me spontaneously attaching gaara, but what was the second one? i don't think there was one after that was there? i mean, i was fighting gaara, so what did i do in that that would constitute me being inconsiderate yet again?

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*dashes over to phantom and slides to a stop in front of him, causing a bit of energy to discharge from under his feet. facing the dueling phantom he says*"you look like you would be a challenge. how about fighting me? oh, and just because i joined only recently, don't be underestimating my abilities."*places a hand on the hilt of one of his shadow sabers over his right shoulder.*"i am a very strong fighter, i assure you...."

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*chaos zero's head was blasted backward enough to be facing the sky, as he was caught off guard, but he retained his position and looked at ??? with a very serious look on his face. determined that he should win this fight he raises his arm in front of him with it bent at the elbow, his hand facing to the sky.*"a most impertinent way of starting a duel."*he said as he snapped his fingers.*"chaos magic!"*snapping his fingers caused a bust of chaotic energy to appear, blasting ??? back a bit while chaos zero teleported 20 feet behind him. charging at him, he teleported a short distance yet again and appeared directly behind ??? and came to a sudden stop causing a huge amount of energy to emanate from underneath his feet.*"chaos burner!"*he said as the energy emanating from underneath him blasted ??? forward to just a little past his starting position.* having struck 2 blows chaos zero turns to face his opponent.*"and might i ask the name of the one that i fight?"

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