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Welche the crab

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First yu-gi-oh i ever join , so you can use all cards you want except sef made and banned ones?


User Name:jonny250

Role Play Name:Kura

Picture or Description: http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/1268/aguybywindship.jpg


Deck Name: Fire Destruction and Destroyia

What Your Deck Tries To Do: Aggresive and targeting the LP of the oppenent


Bio-Optional: / (know more about him in the rp)

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OOC: Ah the heck with it



Chortes eventually became overpowered by something in the man he was dueling's eyes. Those eyes, how can they be human?. He then said "I guess you guys are strong after all, well I'm of to my dorm. I wish that there were more people there though." He said as his monsters faded and he began to walk towards the card shop.

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OoC: Sorry ^^ I thougth ... well... lets say i havent ask... please


IC: "You..." (selene got murder-look) "If anyone of my family would have heard this, they are going to catch you, torture you, and SEAL AWAY YOUR SOUL ON THE DARKEST SPOT EVER!!!

You would beg for a quick death, but they wont give you..."

Selene hit his face and run away into her room.

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Zonixs starts to laugh, then starts looking at Hiita."You guys are something else. Oh and my bad I guess I need to introduce myself. I am Zonixs Truchen, and well that's all I'm going to tell you for now! Haha!"


Zonixs runs over to Selene and says,"Hey hey! We dont' need to do all that. I mean why fight when you can just duel? Show him what it means for cards to have value. And show him what it means for to insult your family too."

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Leo picked himself up, rubbing his burn. Burn? He looked at the girl. She wasn't human. He would test that at a later date. He watched her run off the the dorm room. What did he do? Was his feelings acting up? If so, what feeling was he experenceing right now. He sighed, and began to do calulations in his head. If that girl was not human, she would probably lay him to rest on a barbie, and cook him up like a roo.

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Leo got up, and looked around. He saw a flash behind a person...It looked alike to a card, King Pyron. As soon as he thought it, it vanished, and, telling himself he was going insane and needed to go apoligize. He walked along the path to her dormitory, taking out a pen, paper, and an envelope he happened to have leftover in his backpack, from writing letters to his friends, as he traveled alot. "I'm sorry." He wrote. He couldn't think of anything else...

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First crying now really shocked Selene jumpes out of the bed and walk away from Hiita...

"Oh my..." she whispers. "But how, where? WHAT!?"

Completely clueless Selene sits down on floor

"Yeah... but somehow it makes sense to me. If we had a Ryu-Kokki in our Cellar, why shouldnt there be any other mon... cards in the world?"

Looking at Hiita still shocked.

"But, okay. just give me a second to realize... You are Hiita... "

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Leo just left the words "I'm sorry." On the paper, without signing it, and walked past her window. He saw inside Hiita makeing a ball of fire. He shook his head, telling himself he should throw himself off a cliff for being too insane. He slipped the note under her door, and left to find a nice cliff.


OoC: I am serious about this! ^.^ hehehehe

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Zonixs was on his way to the vending machine when he saw that kid that didn't know about the heart of the cards. "Hey you!! What's your name he said?" rushing over to him "I have some questions for you!"


OOC: I don't even get so choose my own duel spirit huh....sike...i have 3 lol!

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OoC: SUre! But...tell what?


IC: Leo shook his head. He had these visons...SOme mystics he saw called him a "Seer." He predicted his grades on the math tests, as well as his brothers, as well as other things. Like when an uncle died. He knew them before it happened. He tryed to not have them, developing a no-nonsence personality, resisting all emotions. But that had all vanished when he met her...he didn't even know her name! He couldn't find one, a cliff. He kept looking. He looked back at her dormitory. He could barely see their outlines. He resisted the urge to wave. He turned to him. "Hello, I'm Leo. I need to be alone." He said bluntly.

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OOC: i hope you know that 1 leo, Zonixs Ain't a girl and 2. I WAS CALLING YOU!

AND THE other two DUEL SPIRITS ARE Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon & Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord

And what's the deal with Selene, not Hiita...god now im gunna have to read every page....


IC: "Sorry, but your stuck now!" Zonixs said happily. He bagan to walk over to Leo.

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OOC: Okay so now this Roleplay is just about Duel Spirits....perfect.



Chortes was angry for some reason he had just realized that he was most likely the weakest person in this school. He needed to improve, he headed towards Stealtory and turned on his labtop brought from home. He had most of the database of cards there, he would be able to check every single one of them and find their weakness, yes he began his research.

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OOC: Iedited my post too, so don't get confused like me. here it is


IC: Zonixs was in front of Leo when he said, "I've noticed that you guys are all special. But what you did today, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's not how you usually are. Can I show you something?" Zonixs said as he grabbed Leo's arm. Zonixs went into his two back pockets and pulled out two cards."You see these cards these are my 2 favorite cards from my decks." They were Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon & Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord. "My dragon is old, wise and powerful while my Exodi is kind & powerful while at the same time being fierce and has, excuse the pun, a 'Forbidden Heart'. So may I ask do you have any favorite cards in your deck?"

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