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Jappio's Sprites, Splices and Fakemon


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I do not Funky. Making animations is something that I like to keep reserved for only special occasions.


Thanks Hioco. It's always been a great honor to have this sticky. To have my thread and sprites to be considered of a qualety worthy of such a position is really something. It also means a lot that you've followed my stuff for so long and have enjoyed it. I'm happy that my improvement has been noticeble in the last 4+ years in the very least!

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I know I haven't been posting anything, but that's because my spriting has been mostly involved with a contest. Now that it's done, I'll post the stuff I'd been entering:



A flan recolor. Was first round, and I just thought this would be silly. I have a Ditto I nicknamed pudding, so that's kind of where the idea came from.



A 3rd gen style trainer sprite of Lina Inverse from the anime Slayers.



A remake of my Spinda evo.



Remake of my ice cube Fakemon.



A remake of my fire spiny lizard Fakemon.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I know I've been like super slow with updates lately. Not sure why, I just haven't been spriting very often. I've done a little poking around, but no results to show yet. I was working with Poke World, but editing the Koopalings has thus far been obnoxious. I'd link to a video of the work I did on it, but it's pretty bad and I'm usually against showing off work that the maker knows is bad. I'll try and tweak it to the best I can do when I'm more ready to tackle that.


Yet I finally finished up the over worlds for that RPG I'm working on. Next up will be battle sprites.




All 8 protagonists are now done. Ryu is the main character, dual swords and wind magic. Raizou is my usual big buff axe and lightning wield Asgardian. Shun-Yu is the wacky Chinese Hopping Vampire. Moonblade is a mystic sword user type. Ray is a mixture of black and white magic. Shroomette is a blatant visual rip off and healer. Vargas is the team mimic, he copies spells and what not. Ira is a black mage. The columns sort of represent the character owners.

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  • 2 months later...


I didn't show it here, but I did make a video showing previous work on Arbok. It was really bad though and I uploaded it more as a "I suck" type deal, and didn't feel that it was something I had to go showing off. Yet I've made some improvements I like so I can finally move on from there. Weezing and Meowth are next probably.

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  • 1 month later...

The following is nothing serious. Just a set of stuff that I end up making when I'm bored and sitting around with an open MS Paint window. I really need to learn to better use my time.


Some of these are I think a couple of years old too, but figured I'd grab whatever has been saved and drop it on a page. Trust me, this page would be like 5 times larger if over half the time I didn't just close the window without saving. These are so non-purposeful, and I only save them on a whim.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything along these lines. These were all made for a contest, and since it's over, time to gather them together and post them.

Here are a set of some Fakemon. Some you may have seen already, but I have done a bit of tuning up and made a new one.

One of those Trainer+Pokemon sprites.

For a retyping round.

Overshading round.

I forget the theme, but I think it was some type of editing round.

A baby Pokemon round, so I skipped ahead on my remake list to get to this little guy.

A trainer sprite round.

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You always seem to get into contests Jappio; but it's still some really cool stuff. I like that you are continuing to work on Super Pokeworld. It's very often somebody takes on a project that large and actually folllows through with it, so I'm fairly impressed. If you plan on releasing the ROM or whatever; I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to try it out.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here's just a little something I ended up making by mistake. Sometimes I'll open paint, draw a few lines, make some dumb pattern, and close it off without saving. This time I ended up drawing something that looked like an upper torso, then I drew some lines to make the dress shape, and then I realized it looked a lot like that humanoid Toadette I always make.

So yeah, that's why this exists. I took my doodle and went with it since it wasn't looking too bad for once.


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  • 5 weeks later...

So, some of you might remember that there was a little rabbit Fakemon I did that had a hat that was on fire. Well I ditched the idea for a poison rabbit instead. Ironically, after deciding on that, I ended up having a good reason to give it a similar hat. No evolution anymore, but this little plague rabbit may be a single piece to a set I have an idea for.


Also here is a video of me spriting it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Some more Fakemon work.

I took the bush dragon concept and extended it an extra evolution since I'm dropping the pine-tree Fakemon I made.


I also again figured I'd start up my recording software while I was making the last form for those of you who like seeing the creation process:

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Well, I decided I wanted to practice poses, animations, and stuff, so I did some practice.

Ugg, this is a nightmare. I'm usually against posting stuff I know is bad, but this is a case of me not being sure where I went wrong, and I spent too many hours on this otherwise. Not sure if it's the general anatomy I'm messing up, what frames I ended up using, or where I have the sprite itself positioned. Any comments or critique welcomed.

I also have a bunch of the different stages of work I did. Here they are, in order of their creation.







I didn't know who to use for the longest time, but I eventually settled on Anna from Fire Emblem. If I had ended up doing better than I ended up with, I might have put in more detail and shading.

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In that case, beggars can definitely be choosers. I adore comments on my sprites, be them positive remarks or criticism. Perhaps you may or may not have the skill to do better, but regardless you are able to judge if something looks right or not. Having more skill than me would just mean you'd be better able to articulate what is wrong better, but even someone who doesn't do any sort of spriting is capable of saying stuff like "It doesn't look good," or "the arm is messed up," or even, "it needs better shading," etc.


So feel free to speak your mind whenever when it comes to my sprites =)


Of course a bit of constructive criticism is nice, and I'd love to know more about where they are 'rough' as it's a bit too vague to know what you're talking about =P


In other news:



Ok, still practicing things like animation. After a tutorial in animating, I'm starting with the very basics now:


I know it' super simple, but basics are important from what I hear.


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Ok, so moving on:

For the RPG I'm helping make, I figured I'd use my next step of practice on it. Battle sprites of course need to be made, so I decided to take the protagonist and make him an attack animation.

So obviously, I'm not done. However I'm at a crucial stage right now. Obviously I need to actually sprite the character, and not just his skeleton. Beyond the obvious lack of details though, I need to decide where to speed things up, slow things down, and add frames. This is all a very rough 'WIP' and I'm just sort of looking for some second opinions.

I know I need a frame for bridging between the last and first frames. I'm not sure where to go for the slices though. More frames might slow it down too much. I know animation wise, more would be nice, but on a sprite/game level you don't typically want too many frames in a movement like that, right?

I'm also unsure on things like the poses through them. I did my best to act out these actions, and those are what I felt I was doing, but I'm also not an official sword/axeman.

Oh well, that's why I'm taking a moment to stop an get some thoughts if possible, or in the very least let my head clear and come back to it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

to improve this I would say to do separate sprites for each weapon until you have some confidence doing them and then attempt to combine to sword + axe. because right now it looks like you need some practice with the sword swings, axe looks pretty good so far. keep up the good work man! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I've finally got some work done.


Not fully complete yet, however I wanted to get another gauge of how I was doing. Below, I have a comparison of all the different frames I have.


I plan to probably add frame 2 back in. However for the rest... I'm not sure. I've gotten a mix of suggestions of what to do. I think what I have so far technically is passable (I'll have to do this and more for all the characters, so on the laziness side of things, I'd like if things weren't more complex than this). I mean more than 4 frames for a simple RPG attack animation is a bit much.

In general I'm still bad at setting the speed for the actual frames. I think I have something like:  1 - 3 - 3 - 5 - 5b - 7 - 7b - 1.

I don't know if I'm being lazy by not wanting to add more frames. I see where maybe I could add some, but I'm wondering if it's necessary for something as simple as a 16-bit style RPG.

I've missed a few small details on the sprite too I've realized. A tail, the ends of his belt that hang off the front, but I have the basic gist of it all here so far. Also that frame 2 I wanted to re-add.

Comments, critique, or whatever is all welcome of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, finally done for the most part with it.

Frames have been added, little details I was missing.

Thankfully I realized the other sprites might not be as bad, since they won't involve a dual wielder, and I won't have to do as many frames for everyone.


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Well, I've finally got some work done.




Not fully complete yet, however I wanted to get another gauge of how I was doing. Below, I have a comparison of all the different frames I have.




I plan to probably add frame 2 back in. However for the rest... I'm not sure. I've gotten a mix of suggestions of what to do. I think what I have so far technically is passable (I'll have to do this and more for all the characters, so on the laziness side of things, I'd like if things weren't more complex than this). I mean more than 4 frames for a simple RPG attack animation is a bit much.


In general I'm still bad at setting the speed for the actual frames. I think I have something like:  1 - 3 - 3 - 5 - 5b - 7 - 7b - 1.


I don't know if I'm being lazy by not wanting to add more frames. I see where maybe I could add some, but I'm wondering if it's necessary for something as simple as a 16-bit style RPG.


I've missed a few small details on the sprite too I've realized. A tail, the ends of his belt that hang off the front, but I have the basic gist of it all here so far. Also that frame 2 I wanted to re-add.


Comments, critique, or whatever is all welcome of course.

okay, the only thing about the .gif is that it's too slow. I think you need to speed it up. although I don't make gifs, so I don't know how to do that. but man, I shouldn't be critiquing you, you should be critiquing me. I mean, I'm only as good as I am 'cause of you.

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