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Jappio's Sprites, Splices and Fakemon


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I really dont have much to say about this, do I? It's another set of Fakemon I guess.


I'm taking a risk with the lack of a border on the wind there. No Pokemon in 3rd gen really had just wind going about them, so there wasn't really a standard to go by there. Everything seems to almost always have some form of border, but the attack gfx for wind doesn't use borders, and some things like Ghastly's gas don't use a border, so hopefully my lack of it doesn't break too far away from the usual style GameFreak uses.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Some are blue. Problem is, since there are different colored Koopas, there will be different colored Squirtles. I've yet to get to a point where I can force them all to be the same. Also them being different colors is important in Mario World since different shell colors=different powers.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Today marks the end of my 3rd year of splicing. 3 years ago today was when I first posted my splices, and ever since I've looked to improve. Although this is a bit of a small batch, I wanted to post something today to celebrate. I hope you enjoy them.



congratulations, Jappio. i haven't even got a year under my wing.
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Thanks guys, glad you like.


Well I heard how a bunch of threads were going to be unstickied, and I was thinking that would include mine, but I guess not? I suppose I won't complain, I do appreciate the honor.


Well I'm loving W/B a lot. Now that I've been able to pull myself away from it I can work on some splices. Oh and I officially am working with 5th gen guys now that I know what they all are. Their sprites are cool and have some cool potential, but the different shading style is going to take awhile to get use to. Mixing 5th gen with anything else before it will be difficult probably thanks to that.



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I think I pinned or as it used to be known "Stickied" this topic about what, a year ago?


I have to say since then your work has improved a lot, you have high standards to hit every time you make a new sheet, and you never seem to go below the "Standard barrier".


I really do look forward to your work, I may not post often, but I do always check. Nice work bro. :D

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OMG I love 'em.

Couldya do Houndoom + Espeon and Houndour + Espeon (Base is Houndoom/Houndour). I've had it done before, but not as well as I'd have liked. And you capture the way I imagine them usually perfectly =D. Oh and a Psychic/Fire or Psychic/Dark retype of Houndoom and Houndour. I just have a fanfic idea and you can help me work it out =D


I decided since your thread was well so legendary, I could never unpin after I did a little trimming after the April Fool's Pin joke.

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Here are some over-worlds I'm working on for a friend's RPGmaker game. Although I suppose that isn't all too important.


The little fox boy is a character of my friend, Red Ryu. The big guy is of course my usual Raizou guy.


The sprites are based/styled after some of the generic sprites from RPG maker.




Oh and Yin about the retype, it usually isn't the type of thing I do on request.

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Ok, but which ones didn't you? I know I didn't like a few myself, like Slaking/Roserade/Spinda (my first and only triple) and Charizard/Blastoise. Both of which though were ones my bro wanted me to do.

These are amazing splices im gonna give you 1 plus rep!

By the way can I use some of your splices in a game im making? I'll give you credit if you want or something decent to pay you by.

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Sorry man, too many projects don't get done for me to say yes. I get asked a lot for my sprites, and to this day I've yet to see one game actually end up being made.


Also a reply to comment from years ago, a comment that I wish were sort of gone? I mean I in noway agree with. Being requests from my brother and one of them being a triple splice are no excuse for how bad they were =/

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This sounds more like a gift/fan art actually if I don't actually have to do anything for this honor. I would love if you made some of my creations in another format. There practically is no higher honor for a spriter like me outside of Nintendo coming to my doorstep and complimenting me =P


What of mine did you want to do out of curiosity? Or is this something where I have to wait because it's a surprise?

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