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.:Supernatural Hunters:. [PG-16][Part 2!][Not Accepting][Started]


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joey smiled as jecht lunged for him. joey kicked his foot into the ground and it rose up and wraped itself around jecht giving him no chance to get away.

"Dont you get it yet jecht the only reason valire was able to bite me was because i refused to fight. I dont want to use my powers to kill you nor hurt you. You remeber when i said i didnt hate humans i was telling the truth i dont hate humans i dispise them i want them to die i want them all to just drop dead." joey said in his 5 layerd voice. joey walked up to jecht and looked him in the eyes.

"Tell me Why do you hate me when I've never tryed once to hurt you untill now? even when i lost control i still never tryed to harm you. so why do you hate me the way you do." joey asked power flooding through his voices. he now sounded almost as if he were possesed with the way he had 5 voices.

(not making it easy to avoid a fight her man. and sorry i figured that you'd do something like that.)

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"Stop!" Valarie cried out, her bloodstained teeth glinting. She looked between the Supernatural Hunter and the vampire. "You can't kill eachother. Not today." Valarie said, her face shining where rivers of tears had flooded. "I... have to choose betweeen you two, as I am guessing?" Valarie said, her voice quiet. She didn't know what she would do, everything she had said had been quite impromptu, and she still was confused. She pushed her bangs out of her face, her eyes still wet. "If... if either of you are upset about my decision, please, please don't start a fight." Valarie said, glancing at Joey and Jecht. She looked down at her feet. "Jecht," Valarie said, looking up at him, "I have chosen you." She turned to Joey, as her heart broke in her chest. "I'm sorry, Joey... I could never have a normal life with yo, and you know that. You're a Supernatural Hunter, I'm a Vampire." Valarie stepped closer to Jecht, and looked away from Joey, simply saying, "I'm sorry." And that was it, and she left him.

((Hope I didn't over dramatize it too much...))

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ooc: I break the dramatic moment. Goz me!

Jason was left alone at the house of vampires. He felt some eyes watch him as he stood there, blankly. There was silence for awhile, then Jaosn turned around to the others. "So...Uh...this feels akward..." What else could he say? Sure as heck he didn't feel good, he could be attacked any second. He stood at all of them with a weak smile, trying to show a possible sign of happiness.

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joey colsaped to the ground in tears his control over the elements stoped there. he watched as valire turned from him and felt his heart clench in pain.

"please valire dont do this please. i have nobody left." he said in tears bearly able to speak. "I've lost everthing in life even my humanity please cant you reconsider." he asked trying his best not to remeber the last time and only other time his heart had been ripped from him like this. he looked at her his eyes starting to turn gray.

"If you cant reconsider can you please be the one to kill me then?" he said as he felt his heart lerch agian.

he couldnt stop it the memory resurfaced and unfotually both vampires were able to see it.


it was snowing and joey was 15 years old standing on a bridge that stood over a large river. out of no where a girl appared she was gorgous with eyes like emralds and long red hair.

"Hey rebecca." joey said as he ran over to great her with a hug. but rebecca simply pushed him away with tears in her eyes.

"joey im sorry but this cant be. your not normal like me. i cant see you anymore." she said quietly.

"Becca why."


"Becca please im sorry i lost control. i promise i can change i'll find a way to get rid of my powers." he said in tears his voice quiet.

"no joey good bye." she said as she pushed him away and ran.

"BECCA" he yelled in pain as the snow cyrcled around him. joey fell into the snow in tears. becca had been the only one who had even cared for him and she was gone. "please dont leave me dont leave me all alone."


"Please valire i can change. I'll do anything but please dont do this to me." he said with his heart in his throght.

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Jecht couldn't believe what he was hearing. Valarie "choose" him and Joey wants her to kill him. "I'm sorry but even she had "choosen" you, the vampiric council wouldn't be happy about it. If it happened to "escalate"." He said released from his stony prison, he was never good at comforting people. He might lose control. Jecht told Dante and felt his presense come closer along with Aylssa a bit behind his. Keep her away He told him.

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"I dont care just kill me please." joey said still in tears he couldnt even feel a drop of his power. "What would have been the problem anyway I'm not even human i dont even know what i am. all i know is what they did to me turned me into a monster i dont even show my true form to anyone because of it." joey said as his body started to change. his hair turned a dark blue gray and grew longer. his teeth sharpned and looked like fangs. his body grew more muscler and his face became very handsome. he tore off his shirt to revel to large angelic wings on his back and on his chest 5 symbols glowed one for each of the elements he controled.

"You now see I'm a monster not human not supernatural creature. please just kill me if i cant be with her for theres no reason for me to live otherwise." he said.

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Jecht watched in stunned silence as Joey showed what he really was. He took a deep breath. His anger was gone now. He's never seen a sucidal hunter before. Nor has he seen a a hunter in love with a vampire before, or any supernatural creature for that matter. "I have no reason to kill you. I have no reason to harm you. I see that the only fit thing is for Valarie to decide, if you desire her to kill you so very much." He said finally and looked to Valarie to see what she would say. Joey's life was in her hands now.

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joey looked at valire in his body in its true form now. tears still streamed from his solom gray eyes.

"Please valire give me a chance. I may not be human anymore nor am i a vampire but i can be what ever you want. I'll live the same amout of time as a vampire because of what they did and i can find a way to surpress my powers but please dont leave me alone." joey said as the symbols on his chest glowed brightly and his wings moved gentaly into a folded position on his back. As joey talked another memory resurfaced and played into the minds of the vampires



screams ecohed and explosions were heard.

"TAKE HIM DOWN MEN BEFORE HE DESTROYS THE WHOLE LAB!" one of the gaurds yelled as they rushed at a younger looking joey in his true form.

"NANO COTO MASSIVE RA SUVIE" joey said. except now it translated for them.

You tryed to use me and now you'll pay."

a large flash of brown light appared and staligmites shot through the gaurds killing them on the spot.

"HOSO CO MENO RASU" he said in his demonice voice.

How dare you do this to me!


I'll destroy you all!

with that 5 lights flashed and an explosion followed destorying the whole lab. when it subsided there joey sat ontop of a beam of metal perched like a predtor frowning with tears rolling down his face.

"I'm a monster and im all alone now" he said in his quiet childs voice. as he contuined to cry.

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Valarie looked at Joey in this fragile state, shocked, as she watched the memory in her mind. He was different, but she couldn't... "Joey..." Valarie walked over to him, and knelt on the ground, her black eyes filled with sympathy. "... We... we can still be friends..." Valarie said, touching his hand. She looked up at him, begging him silently for forgiveness. "Please, Joey... I'm sorry. I had to pick one of you guys, and... I'm sorry. Please, please, will you still be my friend? We can still hang out... Sort of..." Valarie said, and she waited for him to answer her.

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joey looked at valire he was hurt his gray eyes were filled with pain and fear. like a scared little kid he hugged her and held her close to him crying. he didnt know how else to react even if she was just his friend it was more then anyone else had ever done for him.

he reached out and touched her mind just so only she could hear him.

promise me you wont leave me please. he said quietly in her mind. i dont mind being friends and maybe one day it can be more but i want to be friends.

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((Gosh let's get this love scene over with! Let's move onto the action XD))

Valarie smiled at Joey, and shook her head. "It won't ever be more then friends, Joey. But I can promise that I won't ever abandon you like this 'Rebecca' chick. But I'll always be with Jecht, but you'll still be by my side, and I'll be by yours." It was a truthfully touching moment for Valarie- on that she knew she wouldn't ever forget in her whole life as a vampire. "So now... Uh, what's next?" Valarie said, brushing her bangs out of her face. She was a little uncomfortable with the whole romantic-thing.

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(thank God i can only stand so much of this stuff.)

joey didnt care if valire told him no to being more then just friends he now had a friend which was more then he had ever had. he let go of valire and stood up giving her a little bit of room. as he stood everyone could tell he was now taller actually about a good half foot taller. his wings moved in and out for a second with the urge to take off and joeys hands twiched ready to fight.

"So jecht tell me when are you guys going to fight back for once agianst the hunters cause when you do i'm in. its time for some pay back." joey said his voice back to normal. he wiped his arm across his eyes wiping off the rest of the tears and his smile was one of pure happyness.

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((You guys. >.>. I love a good romance scene. ))


Jecht smiled at Joey. He new the time for thevampires to rise up was coming soon. "Well, it'll take a lot of time, planning, and negoation. Its not as simple as calling some people and attacking." Then before he knew it Aylssa was beside him along with Dante.

"Fight. Fight. Fight." Aylssa chanted softly and Jecht smiled at her.

"Its time then." Dante said, a smile on his lips also but dread on his mind. All the lives that would be lost.

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"This will be interesting. I mean, how many Vampires do you think we can actually get to side with us on this? Sure, we all hate the humans, but some of the Vampires are wimps and wouldn't help. Even so, the humans have technology. And they have population. We'll have to get more people to side with us, and as much as I hate to say it, we..." Valarie stopped for a second, tasting the acid of the words already on her tounge. "We need to get the Werewolves and the Chnaglings to help us." Valarie spat, the words tasted like vinger.

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Jecht frowned at what she had said. "Of course but, if they help us or not is up to them really. They hate the Hunters as much as we do but the Werewolves also hate us as much. As I said time, planning, and negotating." He put his hand on her shoulder. "But there is nothing to worry about. "I'll make sure that nothing goes wrong." He said not believing his own words. "We'll definatly need to make a visit to the Elysian((Vampiric)) Council. I also know there are groups also planning to rebel."

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"not realy on the techonlgy valire." joey said smiling the symbols on his chest glowing brightly. "i wiped out their reaserch lab they only have what they have right now. besides they only had one new weopen left anyway and i'm standing right infront of you." joey said happly. "With me gone they've lost a good weopen and as for the changlings and werewolfs the hunters have been ready to attack them for years so the enemy of my enemy is my friend as the saying goes." joey clenched his hand as he said this and a bit of earth rose up and hovered around it. "I can give you any and every bit of infromation you need on the hunter as long as i get to help take them down."

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"I hope you can. I have a feeling that this is going to be a very bloody battle..." Valarie sighed. Of course it would be a bloody battle- they were rebelling against the humans, fighting the puppetmasters. "Jecht... what would happen if any of us were to die? You, me, Joey, Alyssa, or Dante...?" Valarie couldn't imagine what she would do if they were to die. If any of them were to die, she just hoped it would be her- she wouldn't be able to live if any of them died, she wouldn't be able to bear it...

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"Valire no one will die not if i can help it" joey said looking at her his eyes now returning to their sappire blue state.

he looked and saw how scared she was and decided he needed to reassure her. he put his hand on the ground then mumbled something under his breath. slowly he stood up with a ball of glowing glass in his hand. he handed it to valire and smiled.

"Say the name of a flower into that orb while thinking of someone you know and that flower will bloom. As long as that flower is alive in that orb then that person is alive. you can do that as many times as you want and each time a diffrent flower will bloom." joey said smiling. he shook his head for a second letting the weryness float off.

"Think of it as a gift for being my friend." joey said still smiling. he knew that on the outside he was hppy but on the inside he knew that people were gonna die. but he would protect his new friends with his life if nessary now. he had a reson to fight for and he wouldnt let them down

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Jecht knew that someone was bound to die. Who? He did know but someone would. He had no response but he watched what Joey was doing. He nodded from behind Valarie smiling. Thank you. He mouthed to him.

Then Aylssa stepped in, to ruin the moment. "Someone's gonna die. One of us no doubt. Flowers won't help anybody in this fight. Skill, technique, speed, strength. That's what'll win. Not dandilions, or lilies."

Jecht glared glared at her but she didn't seem to notice.

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joey glared at alyssa then smiled a very wolfish smile.

"you know if skill,technique, speed and strenght is all that counts on the battle feild then tell me why i was able to send your ass flying yesterday." joey said with a sneer in his voice. "And let me say flowers tell more then you'd ever know but then agian i would never expect someone as closed minded as you to understand the completitys of the elements." joey said.

your welcome joey said in jechts mind privitaly. and i hope you reliseze you can talk to me in privite like this. he said.

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"You bi-" SHe said as she lunged at him but was tackled and pinned Jecht.

"Control Youself!" He hissed at her and she growled in response her eyes attached to Joey. He got up and released her and she followed. Aylssa made a small attempt at it again but Dante adopted a firm grip on her shoulder and shook his head.

"Sorry." Jecht said to the others. "Joey keep yourself in check. I may not be able to stop her next time." He said jokingly.

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"Sorry couldnt help it i dont like it when people joke on the elements considering that their a part of me." he said trying not to laugh. he raised his hand up my his side and some water and dirt followed. he looked down at it concerned then looked at jecht.

"I dont suppose you'd have my ipod with you i kinda ditcheted it back at your house when i was trying to control myself and without it in this form the elemnts are gonna keep folowing my movements till i listen to some music." joey said in all serisouness.

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Jason looked at the vampires, who seemed like they were all intently focused on something else. "Ah, leave the wolf out? Can't blame ya, our racism has been going on for awhile." Jason walked over to the steps of the vampire's house. "But, if it isn't super secret, I would be really awesome if you told me what is going on." Jason stared at the vampires, hoping they would tell him what was going on.

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Jecht turned around to look at the werewolf. "But its a natural racism." He glanced back at Valarie and the others, before turning back to Jason. "The time has come." He said stepping forward towards his natural enemy. "The time to finally come out of our hiding spots. The time to show that the Supernatural Hunters the Supernatural have been holding back and now its time to show them the power of the Supernatural when we aren't holding back!" He said very dramaticly.

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Jason was a little surprised at what Jecht said. He didn't think Jecht to be one to step out for others, at least of what he had seen of him. Last couple days he had treated him like dirt, but now he making a new rise of a generation. After a little pause Jason looked over at Jecht with eye of determination. "I will join you, Jecht. May the next generation start." And that was the first time Jason had called any vampire by their first name. Jecht is one that stuck out.

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