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Organization XIII

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You never finished Final Fantasy Tactics?


Dorter Slums will murder you if you haven't prepared your party and become very familiar with the combat system. It is one of the hardest parts of the game and catches you off guard due to how early and nondescript it is.



Also, when you get to Riovanes Castle, save before you go there. After the first battle there's a save point, and the boss after the save point is That One Boss (like, The Most Triumphant Example imo). There is no way to go back from that save if you overwrite your main save and you might even have to restart the whole game if you do that and aren't properly setup.



One skill I'd recommend is the dual wielding one you can learn as a Ninja. It's ridiculous, especially on monks who will do two punches.




Oh, and be sure to stop at the taverns and read the rumors etc. There's like, entire important plotlines entirely self-contained within that section, and they really help you understand what's going on.

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Revolver has it down to a T, it took me a few tries to get past Dorter, but once I did I made sure I was consistantly prepared.


Also, you should always play cautious over reckless, because unlike other games, PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY GET DEFEATED!


Only if you take nine thousand years before you get around to reviving them. Ending the battle before their counter is up also stops them from being Lost Forever. And if for whatever reason you don't think you can revive them or win in time, I guess you could cast petrify on them if they're at critical health and you know they're going to die. Petrify has no timer but they're dead for all purposes until you remove the status effect (I forget if petrify hits multiple tiles, but if it does you can probably hit the thing that's killing them too).


Healing isn't too hard though. White Mages/Priests are always useful, and one of my personal preferences is to make Mustadio (and later Balthier if you're playing the PSP version) a Chemist with their special class' abilities in the second slot. Then they can throw items and stuff while being excellent range fighters. All three of Mustadio's special abilities are useful (Seal Evil is fantastic when you get things like the 9 Ghost battle), and Balthier has all of those plus the full suite of thief skills (with a higher chance of success) and the ability to essentially attack twice (Barrage is 4 attacks at half damage).


Balthier would be apeshit bananas if Orlandu didn't already have a monopoly on awesome.

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Early on in the game though, if your not careful you can lose some people, and that sucks when you lose like your best Black Mage and stuff, sure they can be replaced, but that doesn't mean you want to.


Point is, don't go running in thinking that "hey my guy will just get back up if I leave him there!"

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Eh, my style leans towards one of aggression.


Dead things don't fight back :3




In dorter, you pretty much have to race up the big rooftop to get that gog damn archer.


Otherwise, I think it's good to let the Mages and Archers come to you a little if you're using a melee centric setup.



Oh, and one thing that people often overlook is which direction you leave your character facing. You get to choose at the end of your turn, so try and put your back to the wall.

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Dorter Slums is actually the very place I got stuck, which is why I restarted the game.


So, I'm going to go trade-in Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker X Ninja (Because it has annoying characters, a boring story, and poor localization), Dissidia Final Fantasy (Because I have Duodecim), and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009 (Because I have 2011), and I'll use the money to reserve XIII-2.

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Revolver has it down to a T, it took me a few tries to get past Dorter, but once I did I made sure I was consistantly prepared.


Also, you should always play cautious over reckless, because unlike other games, PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY GET DEFEATED!


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My favorite villian has to be.... actually that's a good question....


I'll say doc scratch, he pretty much tortured an entire civilization into becoming warmongering monsters and pretty much has manipulated everyone into their own demise including your own.

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I wouldn't say Doc Scratch is a villain; tbh he's just some bloke who's doing his job, nothing necessarily villainous; it may not be the right thing but it isn't completely wrong... besides keeping a young girl imprisoned in a room.


He works for English who causes infinite amounts of pain and suffering, he is a villian.


He may not be an antagonist but that doesn't make him any less evil.

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That is correct. Bombing a building is amoral, but nonetheless he is just doing his job.


Good and evil are vague terms in a ways; people slap them on anywhere really. But, sometimes, the actions of some that others call evil may not be to those performing the actions, mainly because they are doing it with the best of intentions in mind.


For instance, take the teacher who got possessed by Terabyte in Zexal; he messed up the city's systems unintentionally, but all he wanted to do was make the people of the city happy by fixing the missing part of the Bugman matrix.

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