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cards on the home stretch... some final touches


actually... they are done...



Lore- This monster can not be attacked as long as there is another Machine type monster on the field. Once per turn you can special summon one "Machina Token" (Dark/Machine/Level 1/0 ATK/0 DEF).



Lore- During your Battle Phase you can select up to 3 monsters on your side of the field to remove from play, When those monsters are removed from play you can special summon a Machine type monster, from your deck, whos level is equal to or less than the ammount sacraficed.



Lore- This card prevents you from being attacked (from spells, traps, or monsters) for turns that equal to the ammount of stars the equpied monster has.



Lore- At a cost of 1000 LP take all, Aqua and Earth monsters on the opponets side of the field and equip them to the equiped monster of this card.Increase the equiped monsters ATK and DEF 10x the numer of stars for the monsters equiped to it. The monsters affected by this card are then under your control.


Did i follow the instructions well?


ok well there was an image posting issue... ill try and fix that later

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My cards are done. Surprised?


[spoiler=Part 1]



When this card is Normal Summoned, add 1 "Toy Factory" from your Hand to your Deck. As long as this card remains on your side of the field, your opponent cannot declare an attack on any other Machine-Type monsters you control.




[spoiler=Part 2]



Tribute 1 face-up Machine-Type monster you control. Special Summon 2 monsters from your Hand whose Levels are the same as the tributed monster's. Until the End Phase, monsters summoned by this card's effect can not be removed from the field.




[spoiler=Part 3]



This card can only be equipped to a Machine-Type monster. The equpped monster is the only target your opponent can attack. At the end of the Battle Phase, destroy any Fiend-Type monster that attacks the equipped monster.




[spoiler=Part 4]



This card can be equipped to any card on the field. If the equipped monster is a WATER or EARTH Attribute monster, it is controlled by this card's user for the remainder of the Duel. If this card is removed from the field, remove from play the equipped monster and take damage to your Life Points equal to that monsters ATK.



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the deadline is over!


congrats to the black team for making it in first and winning the gold rench. the brown team you guys win the reward and you can expect it soon.


i would like the red team and the green team to step forward.


green team you finished second to last. red team you finished last.


red team do you have a shield to protect yourselves from elimination?


red team: "no"


well you guys completed 4 experiences and did a great job, but you journey ends here. Hades, hado, youve both been eliminated from the competition.

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[spoiler=current task]



well for the first part of this challenge you must make a robot to lend you a hand with your other inventions (make a machine type ritual monster that can let you draw one extra card from your hand)


how do you make your robot? with your tools of course! (make a card that ritual summons your robot by destroying at least 1 monster)


well before you set your robot to face the world you will have to make a security system to stop people from reprogramming your robot. (make an equip card to stop machine type monsters effects from working)


it might be bad for your robot to go out in the world if its dangerous! just to be safe you should see what it will do with your dummy. you do have one right? (make a token card for your card to destroy which will give him the ability to attack twice).


the people with the golden rench will make an equip card that boosts the robots attack power instead of making the token.












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