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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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What other site is there really to go to that a lot of people here would go to? Other than cardfight. If I actually had Adobe CS3 or something I'd probably be active on Fluidanims although I think that's combining with Stick Page. :/


I think I'd stop when I run out of people to talk to >.>

The clubs I'm in are still sorta-around, so I might be one of the last to leave if this turns for the worse.


Wait, what other site? Anger Level's?


That's still around? I didn't even think people wenht to his when he made it. :/

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Fusion, if you're talking about the movies...ew...no.


From what I gathered in the way the third movie ended, I lost all interest in the guy.


As for the comics..dunno. Was never a regular for comics.


My opinion:

1st-Pretty good, could've been better, but was fun

2nd-Amazing, this movie introduced me to the world of Spider-Man and has stayed with me for 8 years

3rd-Awesome at the time, realized it was horrible in retrospect

Reboot-It better blow my fugging socks off


The comics are solid. Spidey has the best villains for the most part in the Marvel Universe, has universal appeal and can be badass/not badass at the same time.

Thar they didn't do a good job on the third movie. Everyone agrees on that.


Fusion I've seen that before and even wanted to use it. But why May?


My thing now is I stick with an avi/sig theme for one month and then switch to a new one for every 1st.

So for next month, I'll be "wearing" Pokemon stuff.

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