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Blind Eyes season 1 [Trimester 1 has started][Accepting][Pg-16]


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Aeklyn felt like her skin was burning, to which she winced, Her eyes turned from blue to a deep scarlet with pupils slit the instant the burning started. She said to herself [i][color=#800080]"What the hell is going on with me!?"[/color][/i], she looked back and saw a large wave of demons bursting out of the roof of a house, and below, she saw a scarlet rift, She looked at then let go of Mike... She looked at her Bullets and They were all Black. The Burning feeling was too much and she passed out, canceling out her Mask of the Mist...

[i]Aeklyn woke up in a dark blue plane-scape and wondered about her location, She asked herself [color=#800080]"Where Am I!? How did I Get here!? Am I Dead?"[/color]. She heard voices around her, She explored her surroundings and found 5 Energy Beings, 2 Blue, human-like ones, 2 Black Demon-like ones, 1 with a shape she recognized, and one Red one that had the exact same shape as herself, Wings and Tail Included, That exact time that the Red one was poisoned by the stinger, The Black Familiar Demon Stabbed it's tail into the Red one, Creating a Wave of Scarlet as a result...[/i]

Outside of Aeklyn's body, It was Evident that her wounds were healing very quickly when she had passed out, the skin on her face returned to a pristine condition as if it was never touched by the Acid in the first place, Then her gut was being healed, It was evident that only the skin was healing itself, as it was never healing the Guts themselves, Returning the skin to it's Pristine condition, almost as if it was like she never fought Beelzebub, Then her Arm and leg...

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Mike looked toward where he felt Lucifer. He saw a huge amount of demons coming towards where he and Aeklyn were. They needed to get out of there but Aeklyn wasn't able to go. The demons were moving to fast for him to carry Aeklyn. [i]Sh*t Lucifer opened a Hell Gate. Demons will be all around.[/i] He thought as he picked Aeklyn up to try to get her out the area. Demons were getting closer. Mike started to run while carrying Aeklyn . Demons were coming at him from in front of him. He kicked one of them and hit him into two other ones. The demons were getting closer. He had to hid Aeklyn so he can fight. "An alley" Mike said out loud. He ran in it and placed Aeklyn. He could fight them now. He was cornered. Two demons came at him and he grabbed one and smashed him into the other.

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[color=#8B4513]"It's no problem, classes still hadn't begun so I was just curious."[/color] Emilia responded to the thank you Alex gave. [color=#8B4513]"Well if you really are better in the little amount of time I guess I'll take my leave as well."[/color] Emilia started walking out the door and as soon as she was side to side with Alex she slammed his shoulder down, the one that was right above the foot with the injury. She made it look like a pat though. [color=#8B4513]"You'll be fine, right?"[/color] Emilia said with a mischievous smile one her face. She knew that it would hurt Alex, she just wanted to show that he needed to rest more.

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John was jumping up in down in both fear and excitement. Demons were flooding the house and he was right beside his worst enemy, Lucifer. "Ooooh so that's where demons come from." He said trying to lighten the mood when really he felt like P*ssing his pants. He began to panic and hurled infernal fireballs at demons, trying to pick them off.

Rafael was shifting back to his Demon form. "Odd, Beelzebub left but my Demon Impulse is only raising." He muttered to himself. He had skyrocketed levels. Aura that could only be brought by Satan. So then he realized. [i]Satan is near.[/i]

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Before Reimu's eyes, two men died horribly. It wasn't even as if they had a chance to fight back- they were just there, and then... they weren't. And [i]this thing [/i]was.

When in periods of trouble came, Reimu activated her Hunter Eyes automatically- they gave her a better spacial awareness, allowed sharpened her reaction senses, and allowed her a greater understanding of everything that happened. Slight physical changes, like colours or specific details, tended to blend away in favor of a tangle of magical lines, everywhere. Everything had a certain sameness that allowed Reimu to relax, if slightly- no matter where she went, the underlying magic for it was roughly the same. There were hills and troughs, of course, but they were the exceptions rather than the rules.

Staring at the magic possessing the dead man nearly blinded her.

The tangle of magic was so bright, so tightly wound, so [i]simply wrong [/i]that it offended her on every level, made her soul feel violated; her eyes were focused sharp on it for a full three seconds, too stunned to close her eyelids. The pain was intense, a clawing sensation like a blender being taken to the back of her brain- she felt like crying, crumpling into a ball, anything to make the pain [i]stop, [b]stop[/b]. [/i]

Eventually she managed to stumble backwards, her eyes automatically retracting into themselves. She covered her head with her arm, wiping wetness away from them- she couldn't tell if it was tears or blood. She didn't manage to hear what the others were saying, but as she glanced upwards, she saw a horrific mass of death- a bloody fetish of some dark god in the form of the gate. And he had the girl- or would in a moment, as she was drawn while in terror to the monstrosity.

She didn't even think.

Salamander was in her hands before the idea to reach for it even crossed her mind. She didn't even have to take aim- she simply pulled a trigger to sink a bullet into the forehead of the possessed man. A crackle of thunder sounded in the distance.

She pulled the trigger again. And again. And again.

Salamander didn't need ammo, and Reimu wasn't stopping. A drop of tear or blood trickled down her cheek onto her hand. "[i]Die. [/i]You. Need. To. [b]DIE," [/b]she hissed, granting Salamander power and releasing a Dragonbreath Shot at the king of all demons, directly into his heart.


Susanoo sniffed the air.

He didn't say a word, but from behind him, there was a flash of lightning and a boom of thunder. Dark clouds roiled above him, twisting in on eachother and fighting for dominance.

"[i]That power... [/i]

Could be nothing but Lucifer... himself..." he muttered. Then he grinned- wickedly.

Beelzebub had escaped him- slithered away into whatever slimy hole he had escaped from. A pity, but not a great one- killing a Demon King was merely treating the symptoms, however. The disease would fester on, even without a fly to pick at the wound.

[i]Lucifer, however... [/i]Lucifer was a god.

Susanoo's grip tightened on his fabled God-Killing Blade. He said a prayer to his dead father and youngest brother, both of whose' blood had fed the sword's thirst for life.

"Izanagi... Kagutsuchi... Protect me."

Susanoo leaped into the vortex of the storm, and became one with the one- and blew towards his destiny.

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[i]After the memory of where the Black Energy Stabbed at the Red Energy, Representing Beelzebub and Herself, Respectively, She saw another 3 Energies, One Purple, another Blue and another Black, All Human-like, The Black Energy beat the crap out of the Purple energy and took the blue Energy... [color=#800080][b]"ENOUGH!" [/b][/color]She clawed at the black Energy, Dispelling it and returning the Blue Energy Child to the Purple Energy...[/i]

Aeklyn Woke up, Her Eyes Still Red with slit pupils and her skin still Burning, She got up and saw Mike being Beaten by a lot of Demons, Her Pupils Widened as she let off this Terrifying Hiss that Startled The Demons that were fighting Mike, and Likely, Mike himself. Before Mike could Fight the Demons again, Aeklyn Flew in front of Mike, At that Moment The Demons Backed off...

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By now, Lucifer was over pissed. Lady Akatsuki's yari sank deeper into his chest with every head shot, and when Reimu's Dragon Breath struck the heart of the man, it was over. He may have been a god, but the human body he had taken could only take so much abuse. Just as the man before him had died, so too was this man. But for Lien it was too late. She was already sinking beneath the Hell Gates barrier. Soon nothing would be able to save her, and nobody ine this room could. Even Marta, for all her vanity and power had lost. If Lucifer didn't kill Jin, the demons that were flooding Osaka would. But he didn't plan to leave the hag woman alive. Using the last of the dead humans power, he grabbed lady Akatsuki, still burning, by the throat and allowed himself to fall backwards into the Hell Gate. Lady Akatsuki then spoke, something she knew only her children would hear. "Jin... Lien... I love you... be safe..." And with that, the noble lady Akatsuki perished.

As Lucifer fell, his gaze turned to Reimu. "[b][color=red]You mean to become a target to save these strangers? You astonish and impress me, damned Sniper... However, the Hell Gate has already taken the girl... and it will never give her back... You've lost.[/color][/b]" His piercing laugh filled the air once again, then slowly, the black aura and that wretched evil laugh faded.

Jin's heart felt like lead. [i]So much death... all because of me...[/i] It was inexcusable. Now, he had lost the only parent he ever knew, and had done nothing but watch helplessly. Soon, he would lose his sister too. The his fists tightened as sorrow built inside. Tears spilled from his eyes. Then the same voice as before spoke to him. [color=blue][i]Save your sister. Don't let the people who tried to save you have saved a coward. Draw the blade.[/i][/color] He didn't know who they were, but as his hand tightened around the blade, he realized that the voice wss right. He pulled himself to his feet. The same feeling of power broiling throughout his body. "You already killed both my mothers..." he said moving to the base of the Hell Gate "I will NOT let you take my sister too!" He wrapped his fingers around the hilt and pulled the blade from its scabbard.

As the blade left, an explosion of power was released from Jin. It was greater than anything he'd ever felt, and continued to flow, like a hose that's been blocked for too long then suddenly broke free. It was scary at first, but the thought that Jin contained all this power, and could have been using it all this time, but the feeling was soon replaced by a soft, warm comfort. The black aura had filled the room with this feeling. Jin could tell, but his focus was not on others. He could feel the power, growing at first, was rapidly beginning to decrease. He raised Kagutsuchi high above his head, then brought it down forcing it into the pupil of the eye at the base of the gate. He wasn't sure how he'd done it, but somehow he channeled the aura filling the room into the sword. The gate shook violently, then began to fade, sucking in most of the demons that had escaped with it, but expelling Lien. Jin sheathed the sword and ran to his sisters side. He didn't bother going for his mother. If the gate expelled her, it'd be nothing more than a pile of ash...

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Reimu shielded her eyes as the Power of Darkness filled the room and annihilated the Gate that Lucifer had created- fortunately, the avatar the King of All Demons had possessed had still been fragile as a mortal man, regardless of the power he commanded. That would be a factoid to store away from later, especially since she had apparently made enemies with the most powerful demon alive by taking that shot. Those shots. That would probably come back to haunt her at some point.

Well, nothing to think about for now. She sank to her knees and took the moment to breathe- Jin was checking up on his sister. She doubted she was in too bad a condition, unless the gate was more dangerous that it appeared- Lucifer seemed to want to take her alive, in any case. She decided not to question why Jin apparently had enough power to banish something of that magnitude at will, just by drawing a sword -or was that his Caladbolg? She'd have to ask. According to her father, manifesting a Caladbolg was something that other Half Demons probably wouldn't have done until they reached the school- it was a bit of an advanced technique. Still, he admitted he wasn't very knowledgeable about Half-Demon customs in the first place, so there was that.

She let Salamander fade away into sparks of fire- she didn't want to touch a weapon at the moment. She tried not to think about the man whose' life she had unfortunately cut short- but then again, that was Lucifer's fault more than her own. She recognized that, at least- no use blaming herself.

"How's Lien?" she managed to ask after collecting herself again, standing up and brushing herself off.

- - -

Susanoo tasted the air as he flew. Lucifer was gone- that was obvious enough. Whatever he had done to manifest, his business was concluded- or the gate had been shut closed. Disappointing to say the least.

But there was still a taste on the air. A power not unlike Lucifer's- familiar, in more ways than one. A power Susanoo thought he would never feel again. The Power of Darkness.

He redoubled his speed, walking across the tumulus dark winds.

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[i][color=#800080]"Mother!? Speak to me Mom!" [/color]Aeklyn was shaking the Purple Energy, trying to wake it up from what seemed to be a deep sleep. Suddenly, An Evil Laughter came from Behind Aeklyn, and the next thing she saw was that Black Energy again, She opened her fist and Slashed several times with her sharp claws, Causing 3, not so clean, Scrapes across the Black Energy, but It regenerated, She tried to Slash again, but this time, She was stopped by a Black Cuff, Then the Next thing she knew, She was tied to a post, Bound and Gagged, The Black Energy Reaching out with the seeming intent to Violate her, She closed her Eyes...[/i]

Aeklyn Grabbed Mike by the Chest as the other demons remained scared of her, She started licking Mike in the Neck as a Taunt towards the other Demons, Many of them disappeared due to the Dispelling of the Hellgate, When the rest of the Demons decided to leave her alone, She took off with Mike, Heading towards Where the Hellgate Was, She closed her eyes as she flew...

[i]No Feelings, she felt nothing, No grip of the Cuffs, No Hands, Nothing, She opened her eyes and found that she was free from the bindings and saw a passage of light ahead, curious, Aeklyn walked toward the Light and suddenly...[/i]

When she opened her eyes, Her Eyes had returned to normal, Blue with a Regular Pupil, She finally heard a voice [color=#4B0082]"Thank goodness Aeklyn, I had thought I lost you..." [/color][color=#800080]"What The heck happened While I was out" [/color][color=#4B0082]"I Don't think you'd want to know..."[/color]...

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"She's alive." Jin said watching Lien breathe. "She's unconcious, and burning up where the Hell Gate touched her, but alive." This at least was good. Jin wiped his eyes. Tears were still flowing from them, but he didn't want anybody to notice. [i]At least Lien is alive...[/i] he thought. He didn't want to think of what would've happened to her if the gate had been destroyed any later. But why did Lucifer want Lien?

He shook his head. He'd focus on that later. He sighed, releasing a good amount of stress as he did, then turned to Reimu and Cole. "Thanks... Both of you put your lives on the line so that you could protect me and Lien. I... I can't even begin to express how grateful I am." He smiled at them both and swore to himself that he'd find a way to make it up to them.

Marta was dragging herself towards Lien and Jin as he spoke. She then focused her aura to her palm and began to heal Lien. Jin stood, and thought. "This isn't over is it..." he said softly. Fear was enveloping him, the he remembered thepower that had faded away moments ago. It felt as if it were equal to the monster that had taken his mother and almost his sister. Now it felt as if it had greatly faded. Now it felt like roughly a tenth of what it was when he drew the blade. "Marta. You said you taught people how to fight things like that right?" Marta smiled at him and nodded. "That and better."
"Could you train me to be as strong as I was before?"
Marta's smile faded. "Yes. We can, but you're sadly mistaken if you think that'll be enough to stop Lucifer." Jin's grip tightened around Kagutsuchi. She had to be kidding. He was almost as powerful as him when he drew it. Now that he thought, why had the power he had decreased so much. "I wasn't far off before, and I just need to find out how to get that power again. Then I'll be able to beat him right?" At that Marta laughed. "You really think that could beat him? He was holding back by a lot! If he hadn't been, if he released his True Demonic Form, everyone in this room would be dead. The reason your power was so high when you drew that blade was because you released all the power that you should have been getting over the past 16 years. It built up and was released at the second you drew that blade. You won't get that power back for a long time." Jin looked at Lien. She had already been through so much. Right now she appeared to just be sleeping, but when she woke up, reality would slash though her life again. [i]You can never live a normal life again.[/i] The words of his foster mother echoed through his head. Now, Lien was stuck in the same situation. He tightened his grip again. "I don't care how long it takes... I'm not gonna let this happen again... I'm not gonna let anyone die again!" Jin felt a strange feeling as he spoke. Something he'd felt before, but not in this great an amount. "Even if it takes 1000 years... I'll become a Demon Slayer... And destroy Lucifer!" Not just to destroyLucifer, but also to protect Lien, and everyone in the room at this moment.

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Aeklyn looked down as she flew above the Akatsuki Residence and saw Marta and several people she did not know. She held on to Mike as she flew down on the roof and sat on the edge of where the Roof blew off, She looked at the girl that was unconscious and being healed by Marta, which reminded her of that dream she had when she went crazy. Aeklyn Smiled and giggled, She placed Mike to the side and flew down near the the group, but it turns out that her Mask of the Mist was Unconsciously turned on, as she escaped most of other people's Perception.

Aeklyn looked down to check herself, She had been so riled up by everything, she forgot to check if anything was wrong with her, She was shocked and uttered [color=#800080]"WHAT THE!?". [/color]Her injury to her gut was gone, She checked her Right hand, Her Legs, and her face where Beelzebub had drooled all over her, No Injuries were present at all, She thought [color=#800080][i]"Could it be!? No. I woke up Alone, And the closest person I knew had no healing abilities that I knew of. The Regeneration of Skin to the point that It remains permanently pristine... I'm No Half-Succubus like Mom told Me... What Am I!?"[/i][/color][i]...[/i]

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Reimu chuckled a little and crossed her arms.

"Don't thank me [i]too [/i]much. That was Lucifer after all- I had to at [i]least [/i]take a few potshots at him. Still, it's pretty impressive he didn't get away with your sister- you know this means we've defied the strongest demon out there, right?"

She grinned.

"We [i]literally [/i]can't get in over our heads now at this point. Everything's downhill from here on in," she said with a thoughtful rub of her chin. Now that the adrenalin and terror had a moment to settle, it was actually pretty cool. She just shot the biggest demon of them all. That'd make a story to tell her grandchildren, at the very least.

But then again, a better story would be when she [i]killed [/i]Lucifer...

She gripped the air, and it sparked into flame before shaping into the dark metal of Salamander- this time, the Caladbolg had taken the shape of a fairly massive anti-personnel gun, the type of thing that would typically be mounted on aircraft or turrets. It certainly didn't look light enough for a single person to carry, though Reimu didn't seem particularly weighed down.

"Psht, a thousand years? I'll do it in five hundred, [i]maximum,[/i]" she grinned. "Sure, you've got a prophecy, but I've got a big gun. Give me enough time, and I'll have a bigger gun. I'll take that over the words of some creaky old fortune teller, at the very least."

She was chuckling, though she was only half-boasting with her words. She was already familiar with some aspects of Half-Demon life, but there were some things she still didn't quite grasp- prophecy was one of them. Reimu was a firm believer that the future was what you made of it, and that there was nothing certain in life- to her, a prophecy flew in the face of all that. Sure, she didn't doubt that Jin would be able to kill Lucifer- but that would be because of his own power, not some silly prediction.

And if she trained to kill Lucifer too, he'd have to train even [i]harder [/i]to kill the demon. She grinned. That's what classmates were for, after all.

Then the wall exploded.

Wood was ripped away from the building into a twisting, dark vortex of wind, slashed in to sawdust seconds after leaving. The winds raged like a hurricane, tearing asphalt from the street, mangling trees, annihilating everything in its path like a finger of god- a tornado had personally sauntered over to the household, utterly unmaking everything in its path. A swath of dead demons littered the ground, the remnants of what Lucifer had pulled out of his gate shredded into a fine red mist of meat-

The tornado twisted twice, its dark core throbbing like a heart... then, abruptly, it stopped. The wind slowed; airborn planks of wood, dirt, mangled segments of metal that might have been cars and a variety of other shredded items fell to the ground, momentum failing to keep them airborn.

A man in a delicate blue kimono stepped out from the whistling winds into the house, his bearded face blank and focused. A gargantuan sword, serrated cruelly, sat unused on his back.

"Which of you is it?" Susanoo said in a surprisingly quiet voice.

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Aeklyn had a smug look on her face with Reimu saying that she'll kill Lucifer with a big freaking gun, She said to herself, obviously aiming at Reimu with her Caladbolg with a Brown Bullet loaded [color=#800080]"You Idiot, You do realize that the Ammo you have could also count, And not to mention, Bigger isn't always be-" [/color]She was interrupted by Susano'o breaking in and looking behind her, She saw him within a few inches away from her, Her face paled and she Ran Blindly, Accidentally tackling Reimu, a big case of Karmic Retribution for all the bragging she had said recently, Which turned off her Mask of the Mist, Revealing herself to everyone in the room...

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Jin had smiled at Reimu. In a way, he appreciated her bragging and optimistic attitude. Still, he didn't exactly like the way she had said 'We literally can't get in over our heads now'. It filled him with a strange feeling of defiance. Then all at once, he felt like holding her. [i]Wait, what the hell? Why am I?[/i] His thoughts were halted by Aeklyn's words. "Hey! Who the he-" he too was interrupted by Susanoo entrance, which blasted him back. Marta laughed. "Well, hello Susanoo-sama." Jin dragged himself to his feet. "Susanoo? Like, the lord of wind Susanoo?" Jin stared at him in shock. Although after what happened, he was surprised at his surprise upon learning Susanoo existed. Then he noticed Reimu and Aeklyn on the floor. Without anything else, he rushed over to help Reimu and another mysterious demon-like girl. He held his hand out for Reimu, then noticed the loli goth girl. She had a large bust, pristine skin, nice figure, and scarlet eyes. She was beautiful. Far more beautiful than anyone Jin had ever seen. Then Reimu caught his eyes once again, and Jin felt another sensation. This new girl was attractive, there was no denying it, but there was more to it. Something else about her seemed to automatically pull the attention. [i]What is she?[/i] he wondered offering his hand to Reimu.
Marta glanced over. [i]An Alice, is it? I see so Ashley's here.[/i] Then she turned to Susanoo. "The one with the Power of Darkness. It's the boy there. Jin, he's... I don't know. He's nowhere near ready for him though."

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Aeklyn waved her tail around as Jin and Marta took notice of her, She had wondered about what Marta was talking about to Susano'o, Then suddenly, She recognized Susano'o, and thought to herself and Smiled at him [i][color=#800080]"Thank you... Without you, I would have fallen prey to my own recklessness, I need to figure out how to repay you someday...".[/color][/i] Suddenly her eyes were drawn to Jin and Reimu, with her Tail waving around left and right, as if both of them piqued an interest, She giggled as she spoke to the both of them [color=#800080]"Well, It seems that you two look promising..." [/color]but after those words, She glared at Reimu and said [color=#800080]"...although this little girl could work on not being so arrogant..."[/color] She regained her composure and cleared her throat and said [color=#800080]"Oh... Where are my manners? Call me Ashley, 3rd year..."[/color] She bowed as she introduced herself...

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"Hmm..." Susanoo paused when seeing Marta. His eyebrows pointed downward in a fierce scowl, though the elder demon didn't seem particularly displeased.

"[i]You [/i]again. I should have expected," his eyes rolled over to notice Jin scrambling up from the ground. His face cracked for a second in an expression of mirth as the human recognized him- well, almost, anyway.

"I am indeed the god of Storms," he mused aloud, "So I don't think introductions are necessary. But who are [i]you[/i], boy?" he barked before giving a sidelong glance to Marta. "I'd stopped putting stock in that old prophecy a while ago, I admit. It's surprising to see Azrazel's spawn alive, no matter how disappointing the result. He looks like a twig."

He crossed his arms and stared Jin down for a second, until he noticed the blade in the boy's hand.

"Ah... and that would be...?" he said, glancing at Marta and nodding. "Kagutsuchi. Hm. Well, if that Caladbolg chose him, I suppose there's little debate in the matter," he muttered to himself. "How long will he take to train? Lucifer's not stupid. Even if I chose to defend the boy myself, I can't kill every demon in hell that'll be climbing up here to take a swing at him, especially since your little school doesn't have nearly enough sake for my tastes."

He glanced over at Ashley and grunted. "And Half-Demons rarely make entertaining lovers. I had plenty enough succubi in Hell, a half-mongrel doesn't arouse me, if [i]that's [/i]a good example of what you have to offer."


Reimu recovered from the shock of the explosion quick enough, having trained for such an occasion- but the collision with the other girl confused her a fair bit, especially with her Hunter's Eyes active. The glowing spools of the third-year student's internal magic appeared almost identical to a demon's, and when she felt the tail swish across her legs she almost shot whatever had climbed on top of her purely out of instinct-

Fortunately, the brief glimpse she'd gotten of the girl before the room had detonated and the teacher's lack of a reaction helped consider that was not so great an idea. Salamander had, fortunately, de-summoned itself upon tumbling to the ground, helpfully depriving herself of a weapon with which to kill someone anyway.

After the second of confusion had passed, she turned off her Hunter's Eyes and was rewarded with a close-up view of a rather shapely girl- maybe a few years older than her, though the wings and tail tended to muddle things a bit- and rather attractive from what she could see, (that being a fair bit). She cancelled that line of thought pretty quickly, given scenario they were in, and figured she'd pass off the reddening of her face to stress.

She distangled herself from what she realized was an Alice, a hybrid between a demon of lust and a human, and gracefully accepted Jin's hand when he pulled her up. She dusted off her clothing a bit, while still focusing an ear on Susanoo and Marta's conversation, picking up key elements as she went on[i]- [/i]from what it seemed, the invading demon was an ally of some sort. Reimu didn't need much to believe that- she knew first hand that not all demons were perhaps so vile, after all. Her father's quiet gaze came to mind, but she banished the issue.

Ashley introduced herself and bowed, though Reimu still frowned a bit. "It's not arrogance, it's confidence. If you don't believe in yourself, why bother doing anything?" she bit back with a slight hint of defensiveness.

Her eyes flicked to Jin- if what the two were saying was true anyway, it was obvious she was just empty bluster anyway. From the looks of it, Jin had picked the jackpot of Demon powers. Or, from another point of view, he'd picked the worst of the lot- Lucifer's ire. She wasn't sure if she was jealous yet, but she sure as hell wasn't going to allow him to do all the work, not when there was glory to be found and revenge to be taken. She didn't know anyone [i]personally [/i]who was killed by the King of All Demons, but she figured you didn't need to have a specific reason to go after the Elder Evil.

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Aeklyn looked at Reimu and said to her [color=#800080]"But Believing too much in yourself can get you killed... You may interest me, but you're so boring to speak to... I'm going to see what I need in terms of Ammunition" [/color]She Checked her Ammunition bag, then Summoned her Caladbolg and read on the left side, She was running low of Wind Lance Bullets, So she decided to make some, She poured out 5 Plain Sniper Rifle Bullets out of her Ammo Bag, She sung to herself, Albeit loud enough for Reimu and Jin to Hear [color=#800080]"The key to winning is never getting a Bigger Gun, It's having the Right Tools and Muscle for the Situation at hand~..." [/color]She Summoned a Ball of Aethr and allowed it to Orbit around her to Gather Wind.

While the Ball of Aethr was gathering wind around Aeklyn, She had heard Susano'o's comment about Halfas not making Decent Lovers, She Facepalmed, She was not thinking of being a Concubine, She had her Duties at Blind Eyes, She again Thought to herself while looking at Susano'o [color=#800080][i]"Hmmm, What can I Do!?"[/i][/color]. Suddenly, The Ball of Aethr stopped Moving, Indicating it had gathered enough Wind, She focused her attention on her Plain Bullets that She had set out to Enchant as the Ball of Aethr hovered on top of them, Which then Split into 5 smaller balls, which merged to each of the Bullets, Turning the Tip and the Primer Light Green, She bagged those Separately cause she needed to test one to see if it worked...

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Marta thought for a moment, then smiled and winked at Susanoo. "Well what about me? Am I good enough?" She Smirked mischievously at him, joking about it of course, but also curious about his answer. Still, now wasn't the best time for jokes. "If I'm not good enough, then what about the opportunity to take on a Demon King?" She finished healing Lien, then leapt to her feet in such a way that her chest bounced around upon getting to her feet. "As you said, hordes of demons will be coming for him. His sister too. I'm sure a Demon King or two will pop up as well. Besides, if it's sake you want, I'm sure we can acquire it." She shot him another mischievous smile, then looked at Jin. How long would it take to train him? He had a great deal of room to grow, but he already seemed powerful. "As for the boy, if we're lucky it'll take 3 years will be the half way mark."


[i]I'm not about to see a cat fight am I?[/i] Jin thought. He admitted a cat fight between the two girls would be... entertaining, but now seemed a very poor time. "Umm, soo we're all going to this school?" he asked trying to divert their attention away from each other. "Sounds interesting." Then he spoke to Ashley, but tried not to look at her, so as not to be entranced. "You're 3rd year, what's it like?"

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"Are you offering?" Susanoo responded, relatively seriously, though he did have a sort of thoughtful look in his face- he didn't pace, but he crossed his arms enough so that it gave off the same impression. After a second, a blade of wind cut through a piece of the wall to the right, and the god nodded to himself.

"Here's what I'm willing to offer," he said gruffly. "I'll protect your little school from the invaders to the best of my ability- and I'm sure you're aware of my abilities- for six years. If, at the end of those six years, the kid still isn't ready, tough. I'll throw him into Hell myself if I have to- he might make enough of a distraction that I can off Lucifer myself. Given that he's already bleeding into this world, I highly doubt he'll be kept back for any longer than that, [i]if that [/i]in the first place."

He stroked his beard. "In return, I expect a bar stocked with plenty of sake. The [i]good stuff, [/i]like they used to make it, none of this modern swill. Make sure the servers are pretty girls, too. Speaking of which, I'll need at [i]least [/i]one concubine to attend to my needs as they come. I don't expect you have many full-blooded humans around that place, but she should be pretty on her own merits, without any demonic heritage augmenting her beauty. You'd do, if you're offering yourself," he said fairly casually, pulling a bottle of sake from his belt and sipping it casually.

Reimu glared a little at Ashley- her condescending attitude got on her nerves quickly. "Yeah, and being a coward can get [i]other [/i]people killed, what of it?" she responded with annoyance, only growing when the girl appeared to use her power for little to no reason. She wasn't entirely sure if she was showing off, or if it was just a physical tick, like how she always like to be touching her Caladbolg.

She tore her attention away from the third year when Jin spoke. "Hm? Well, yeah, of course," she muttered, "why else would we be here? I was told that finding the school was my last test. Finding the headmistress should be just as good."

She glanced over where Marta and Susanoo were still talking, and a thought occurred to her.

"Hey, uh, Susanoo-"

"-sama." Susanoo corrected quickly.

"-sama, are you going to be teaching us at the school?" She asked. It seemed odd that a demon would teach a Half-Demon school, but... no it didn't. Her father taught her everything she knew, after all, and he was as demon as they come.

Susanoo blinked, then chuckled deeply. "Sure, I could teach you a thing or two. Like how not to be a wimp. Why should I, though? What's in it for me?" he said with a smirk.

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Aeklyn was asked a very prominent question about her experiences with the school, She then said [color=#800080]"I'm not sure about How I would exactly put my case, I sorta Stood out from all the other Students, Not only Charming, but Very Smart and Strong..." [/color]She Frowned as Jin Looked away from her, but then understood why, She had that problem during her last 2 years but people got used to her charms. She then continued [color=#800080]"Essentially, Blind Eyes is such a nice place to go to school at, the Teachers are Rather Understanding of others, but a few of the teachers are pretty strict. Nice, Well Behaved Students, although when I first came here, There was remnants of bullying, and plenty of students don't really take kindly to any 'extra body parts' you got like wings and stuff..."[/color]

Aeklyn Scowled when Reimu when she made a remark about Cowardice getting other people killed, but then Laughed, Saying [color=#800080]"Are you Implying I am a coward? I did not say anything that would encourage such a horrible Trait! All I'm saying is-" [/color]She was interrupted by a voice coming from her Caladbolg [color=#4B0082]"Aeklyn, I suggest that you Discuss this on the Academy ground, Away from any sort of teachers, I'm not sure if this particular Subject that you're about to speak to her about would get you into trouble..."[/color] Aeklyn Nodded and said [color=#800080]"Excuse me, I would like to take my leave now to the academy, I sorta Anticipate my Next Class..." [/color]to which Aeklyn Left the house out of sight from everyone, Used her Mask of the Mist and took off, On her way to the Blind Eyes Academy...

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At Susanoo's words, an evil grin crept across Marta's face. There actually were some full humans that were attending her school. Some of the prettier ones had gotten on her bad side just last year too. The best part was, they were all 18, rather perky, known for there 'willingness to apply', and in need of jobs. If she so wanted, she could make all of them his concubines and serve him sake. Why she might even be able to have them prepare the sake for him. Her grin widened. Why whore herself out when there were others who'd be more that willing to, and especially when they were his type. "Which race do you want?" she asked the god jokingly "All humans, and I assume you want Asian women too. I think we can arrange that, though I'm afraid I'll have to pass you up on your offer for me. I just wouldn't have the time." She winked at Susanoo again, feeling as if she'd won

Jin was a bit irritated that he hadn't managed to pull Reimu's attention towards him for a while, but that soon faded. She was her own person for one, and two they'd just recently met. [i]Wait, why am I even upset?[/i] he thought quickly. [i] Why does it matter what she thinks of me?[/i] Right now all that mattered to him was keeping Lien safe. He looked at her. Still unconcious. How would he explain things to her when she came to? Nevermind. He'd deal with that when it came. A small frown crossed his face. Nothing would be easy from here. He'd live in hiding until he 'danced with the devil'. He shook his head again. [i]Hell no! I'm not gonna be like this.[/i] He looked at Marta. "Nice that we all got to know each other and all. It really, it is, but I think we should head off." he said. Lien made a small groan, and Jin walked over and picked her up. Seeing the look Susanoo was giving him though, he backed up to where he previously was. He didn't hear much of Marta and the legendary god were talking about, but he had a bad feeling that it had something to do with him. He leaned in towards Reimu. "You know, for what it's worth, I think you're more likely to beat Lucifer than me or Ashley."

Marta heard this and giggled. Well it seemed Jin did know one thing most women liked. He still had a ways to go however, but she could school him on that later. He was right. "Well, I think we've spent enough time at the Akatsuki's, or what's left of it. Off to Blind Eyes Academy!"

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Aeklyn was looking around while flying toward the Academy, Not an hour and a half away from the Akatsuki's, She found an opportunity to try to use her new wind Bullets, An Empty Space on the Roof with Several Boards and Some Paper. She Set up a Target, Which was a Piece of Paper, Representing a Weapon that a Person is Holding, and 2 boards, Representing Clothes and Skin. She took Aim at the Target and Fired one of her New Wind Bullets. The Results were Priceless, The Entire Piece of paper was shredded into Confetti, Representing that These Bullets will Disarm the Victim and throw whatever they were holding at least 20-40 yards away, The First Board had a small Hole in it, Representing a Direct hit causes some clothing damage, but not enough to make a person Nude, with the second board being Untouched, Representing No actual Damage, Exactly what her Wind Bullets were designed to do. She added the rest of the Wind Bullets to her other Ammo Bag and Continued towards the Academy, Again using her Mask of the Mist...

About an hour, 50 Minutes later, She reached the Academy, It was good to be Back, But she had some Changing to do, because people coming in and out of the academy were giving her Weird Looks because of her Wings and Tail, So she went into her house nearby, and changed into her School Uniform, Rolling up her Tail and Hiding her Wings, She actually looked like most of the other Half-Demons that came to and from school while wearing that Uniform, She said to herself as she was walking into the Academy [color=#800080]"A day in school Seems like a lot to most, but to me, It is all a joy, as I get to learn a lot of things, Some may be useful..." [/color]She sat at a Bench, looking around, Waiting for the Headmaster to Return...

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Susanoo harrumphed and crossed his arms. Something told him that the woman thought she had won. He'd given no indication that it had ever been a competition of some sort- but somehow, he couldn't help but agree with her.

"Race is not an important factor, so long as they're attractive," he muttered after polishing the last of his sake. He glanced at the inside of the bottle to make sure he hadn't left a single drop left -he hadn't- before putting it back into the folds of his kimono.

"Very well. We have a deal, in that case. I give my word that I'll avoid damaging your school, or your students -as long as they don't start anything in the first place, of course. I'll take my leave, now. I presume you'll have accommodations waiting for me," he muttered, leaving through the hole that he had entered- surprisingly normally, in fact. The Storm god leaped from the hole, and in a few moments, had escaped eyesight. Whether he had transformed into the wind once more or had simply continued to leap into the distance, one couldn't very well tell.

Reimu chuckled a little at Jin's words. "Well, that's not saying much," she said, though smiling. "But that goes without saying. We have a lot of work to do in the next half a decade or so- but then we'll be ready to kick ass," she said with a smirk. After meeting two different Half-Demon students, both with radically different abilities to her, she was interested now- who else would be at the school? If they were just three of the evidentially large number, her prospects for killing Lucifer were that much greater!

Marta mentioned that they should leave immediately, and Reimu concurred. For the first time in a while, she felt pumped- it was time to cut loose!

Besides, she could finally put that schoolgirl outfit her mother had gave her to use. She'd been wondering about that.

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A few days later.....

"You're sure these are the classes that you wish to take?" Lien nodded hastily. It had been almost a week ago when she had woken up in the infirmary of a strange school with Jin explaining about how he had went with Marta and the others to this strange school. She wasn't sure of the whole thing. She hoped that the incident that transpired a few days ago had all been a dream, but her wounds were very real, and the memories, they were too real. Jin had told her about what happened to her mom as well. He told her how she had been burned alive, nothing left but ashes. When he told her, she didn't believe it, but later that same day, after she'd cut herself while trying to cut her food, she channeled her aura and healed herself. It didn't take long for her to learn how to control it. Marta had told her that medical aura had been the easiest to control, but the hardest to master. She wasn't sure why, but hearing that relieved her. "You know, most 1st years are required only to take 5 classes." the thin old woman said. Lien nodded. She wouldn't be much use in fights, but she felt like she needed to know how to repair the wounds of her allies.


The halls that Jin had been walking down still greatly impressed him. [i]How can something this friggin' huge be a school?[/i] he thought. The walls were marble, and Marta told him, that even she who had created the school 12 years ago, still hasn't seen every wing of the school. It seemed like the place was a retirement home for the overly wealthy. Of course, the classes hadn't been started yet. Marta had told him that the first week of school the students took the time simply to meet each other. Partly because Demon Slaying required a great deal of teamwork, and partly because, well, the students needed time to arrive. The general idea, was if they hadn't made it to the school, they either decided against coming or were killed in the process. Even given how many students had failed to make it alive, there was still a great deal of students here. Many, to Jin's surprise, were female too. When he thought of Demon Slayers, he thought large muscular men who could break a mans neck no problem, or quick moving men with SMG's like the one who'd been at his house the night of the incident. Either way, he didn't think young, busty, attractive girls with weapons larger than they were, aside from Ashley and Reimu, but the school seemed full of them. The thing he loved most though, was that very few people looked at him funny or threateningly. Yes, he had the occasional punk kid out to make a name for himself, but for the most part, he was ignored. He turned the corner down another seemingly endless hall, and had a realization. His first classes were to start later today. He pulled out his phone and glanced at the time. 4:59. He had one hour till the class, started. Already he could tell other students were headed to their classes. He wasn't sure of the mechanics of it, but somehow, he could sense some of them. Small pressures coming from some, large ones from others. Still others, like Ashley, seemed capable of reducing the pressure that was given off. He wondered if perhaps the school would teach this. Then other times wondered if he too gave off these pressures. He'd have to find out with time.

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Aeklyn had gotten up to a new day, She smiled and with such and such, She checked her Calender and Squee'd, Today, She would get to learn about more about her Father, and possibly a little more about herself, not to mention it was her first day as a Tutor, She got ready for School, Changed into her typical School Uniform, Rolled up her Tail and hid her wings, Even in her Uniform, She maintained her Pristine Beauty as she walked in the hallway, Then Suddenly, She saw a Bully, A Bigger Half-Demon, Pick on and was trying to beat up a more defenseless and weaker Half-Demon. She sighed and walked up to this bully, Grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up, The Bully would have needed his Brown pants if it wasn't for Aeklyn's beauty, but it was still quite scary to him, She said [color=#800080]"You do realize that Although I may be a Simple Student here, That does not mean that I can't Forbid you from threatening people Physically or Mentally" [/color]The Bully was just as scared of her as the Bullied kid was scared of the Bully. Aeklyn threw down the bully and said [color=#800080]"Scat!"[/color] Which the Bully Ran away in fear of her. She then took her attention to the kid that was bullied, who was cowering from Aeklyn, She smiled and retained a passive face, Indicating to him that She wasn't gonna hurt him[color=#800080] "Now now mister, I'm not gonna hurt you, just go get to class, He's not gonna bother you..."[/color] The kid Nodded and ran to class...

She had arrived at her First Class, Demonology XI, at about 5:02, Which she nodded and decided to look around for some of her friends, She went down into the First Year Hall, then She saw Jin, but she did not realize that she had her Mask of the Mist on, She ran towards Jin as if she had reunited with a long lost friend Yelling [color=#800080]"JIN~ <3"[/color], subsequently tackle-hugging him...

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